
Joseph Trials

Apr 3rd, 2020
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  1. Courage: the sith that killed his family and burned his village to try and turn him is doing it again to a new kid. He has to face his past and take out the Sith that has plagued him since his childhood. He needs to be able to face down the sith and redeem them without letting his fear control his actions by leading him to either flee from them or give in to anger to assist in his battle with them.
  3. Flesh: he is too focused on saving Euvyin. I am going to stage a situation where it seems she is going to die but he has to be able to leave her and complete the mission, I am thinking on Nar Shadda where a sniper shot knocks her off the platform and (seemingly) to her death, and then Joey needs to finish tracking and dealing with the target himself.
  5. Spirit: he focuses too much on being a hero, trying to save everyone. He is going to be faced with what he could become after years of failing to be a “true hero” and the pit of despair he can fall into, and then understand this and escape the vision without letting it consume him.
  7. Skill: he is going to have to solve a crime using all of his investigator skills all by himself, a murder committed by someone who fooled him and escaped the sentinels early on in his career.
  9. Insight: he is going to teach a class on the four stages to prove his understanding of the dark side, how to avoid it, and how to deal with it
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