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- #!/bin/bash
- # Use --dry-run as third argument to pass to rclone
- for f in 'd' 'dry' 'dry-run' 'echo'; do
- if [ "${1}" == "--${f}" ]; then
- Z_DRY=1
- shift && break;
- fi
- done
- # set flag to sync FROM bucket instead of TO
- for f in 'rev' 'reverse' 'down' 'r'; do
- if [ "${1}" == "--${f}" ]; then
- Z_REV=1
- shift && break;
- fi
- done
- # set share
- Z_SHR="${1}"
- shift
- # set path
- Z_PTH="${1}"
- shift
- # rcloud bucket profile
- Z_HST="midnight"
- # local src directory
- Z_SRC="/media/local"
- # local dir = local src + share
- Z_SRD="${Z_SRC}/${Z_SHR}"
- # share name to lowercase = bucket name
- Z_BUK="$(echo "${Z_SHR}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
- # allow no path properly
- if [ "${Z_PTH}" == "/" ]; then
- Z_PTH=""
- Z_NOP=1
- fi
- # bucket path = share path (without source dir)
- Z_LPT="${Z_PTH}"
- Z_OLP="${Z_LPT}"
- # rclone (defined so we can echo instead when --echo used)
- Z_CMD="rclone"
- # rcloud command
- Z_RCC="sync"
- # default rclone options
- Z_OPT=(
- '-P'
- '--delete-before'
- '--delete-excluded'
- );
- # echo only
- if [ ! -z "${Z_DRY}" ]; then
- Z_CMD="echo ${Z_CMD}"
- fi
- # convenience handler to add option
- function opt_add() {
- Z_OPT+=("${@}")
- }
- # convenience handler to remove option (by name)
- function opt_remove() {
- delete=("${@}")
- for target in "${delete[@]}"; do
- for i in "${!Z_OPT[@]}"; do
- if [[ ${Z_OPT[i]} = "${delete[0]}" ]]; then
- unset 'Z_OPT[i]'
- fi
- done
- done
- }
- # not really needed but keeping with the functions, sets rclone command
- function opt_set_command() {
- Z_RCC = "${1}"
- }
- # convenience wrapper to use convenience handler to remove multiple options
- function opt_set_no_delete() {
- opt_remove '--delete-before'
- opt_remove '--delete-after'
- opt_remove '--delete-during'
- opt_remove '--delete-excluded'
- opt_add '--max-delete 0'
- }
- # convenience wrapper to use convenience hander add an exclude option
- function opt_add_exclude() {
- # dont quote the argument or it wont work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- opt_add "--exclude ${1}"
- }
- # convenience wrapper to use another convenience wrapper to use convenience handler to exclude a directory ;)
- function opt_add_exclude_directory() {
- opt_add_exclude "/${1}/**"
- }
- # check if original path starts with ${1}
- function check_path() {
- echo -n "${Z_OLP}" | grep -Pc "^${1}"
- }
- function set_custom_path() {
- # redirect structure to another bucket
- # /media/local/Console -> midnight:software/Console
- if [ "${Z_SHR}" == "Console" ]; then
- # override bucket name
- Z_BUK="software"
- # override source directory
- Z_SRD="${Z_SRC}/Console"
- # override local path
- Z_LPT="${Z_PTH}"
- # override bucket-side path
- Z_PTH="Console/${Z_PTH}"
- # /media/local/Console/PS3/archive -> midnight:software/Console/PS3
- if [ $(check_path "PS3") -eq 1 ]; then
- Z_LPT="PS3/archive"
- if [ $(check_path "PS3/ISO") -eq 1 ]; then
- # don't delete
- opt_set_no_delete
- opt_set_command 'copyto'
- # lower system stress by limiting to 1 transfer/hasher
- opt_add '--transfers 1' '--checkers 1'
- fi
- if [ $(check_path 'PS3(/)?$') -eq 1 ]; then
- # root, so exclude ISO (see above)
- opt_add_exclude_directory "ISO"
- # don't delete excluded files
- opt_remove '--delete-excluded'
- else
- # override local path, retaining extra path info
- Z_TMP=$(echo "${Z_OLP}" | cut -d'/' -f2-)
- if [ ! -z "${Z_TMP}" ]; then
- Z_LPT="${Z_LPT}/${Z_TMP}"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [ "${Z_SHR}" == "Backups" ] && [ $(check_path 'Videos') -eq 1 ]; then
- # override bucket name
- Z_BUK="backups"
- # override source directory
- Z_SRD="${Z_SRC}"
- # override local path
- Z_LPT="${Z_PTH}"
- # override bucket-side path
- Z_PTH="Media/${Z_PTH}"
- fi
- if [ "${Z_SHR}" == "Backups" ] && [ $(check_path 'Hosting') -eq 1 ]; then
- # lower system stress by limiting to 4 transfers, 2 hashers
- opt_add '--transfers 4' '--checkers 2'
- fi
- if [ "${Z_SHR}" == "YouTube" ]; then
- opt_add_exclude_directory '.tmp'
- opt_add_exclude_directory 'Web/cache'
- fi
- }
- function do_bsync() {
- if [ -z "${Z_PTH}" ] && [ -z "${Z_NOP}" ] || [ -z "${Z_BUK}" ]; then
- # fail if arguements not provided
- echo "Usage: ${0} [bucket] [path]"
- else
- # process path overrides (see function above)
- set_custom_path
- # make directory on bucket (doesn't fail if exists)
- ${Z_CMD} mkdir "${Z_HST}:${Z_BUK}/${Z_PTH}"
- Z_RES=$?
- if [ ! -d "${Z_SRD}/${Z_LPT}" ]; then
- echo "Could not find source directory: ${Z_SRD}/${Z_LPT}";
- exit 1;
- fi
- if [ ${Z_RES} -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Could not create directory ${Z_HST}:${Z_BUK}/${Z_PTH}. Does the bucket exist?"
- exit ${Z_RES};
- fi
- # do the magic sync
- if [ -z ${Z_REV} ]; then
- # to bucket
- ${Z_CMD} "${Z_RCC}" "${Z_SRD}/${Z_LPT}" "${Z_HST}:${Z_BUK}/${Z_PTH}" "${Z_OPT[@]}" "${@}"
- else
- # from bucket
- ${Z_CMD} "${Z_RCC}" "${Z_HST}:${Z_BUK}/${Z_PTH}" "${Z_SRD}/${Z_LPT}" "${Z_OPT[@]}" "${@}"
- fi
- fi
- }
- if [ -z "${Z_INCLUDED}" ]; then
- # if Z_INCLUDED is not defined, assume we are not included for our functions
- do_bsync "${@}"
- fi
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