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- #!/bin/bash
- # I have a bunch of tools in a separate file
- # Essentially you will only need this function:
- #
- # _send_data
- # $1 = query
- # $2 = URL
- # _send_data() {
- # curl -X POST \
- # -H "Accept: application/json" \
- # -H "Authorization: Bearer $APITOKEN" \
- # -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
- # -d "$1" \
- # $2
- # }
- #
- # Load the tools
- source /config/shell/
- # I stored my shell-secrets in "/config/shell_secrets.txt"
- # These are the needed secrets:
- #
- # API_STATES_PATH="api/states"
- # BASE_URL="http://YOUR_HA_IP:8123/"
- # TEMP_PATH="temp"
- #
- # Load the secrets
- source /config/shell_secrets.txt
- # Have we provided a "Days in advance"?
- # No, then 0
- if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- else
- fi
- # Initial cleanup
- rm -f $TEMP_PATH/tmp_file $TEMP_PATH/combined_file
- # Fecth the HTML page
- curl -o $TEMP_PATH/tmp_file
- # Extract the Year
- YEAR=$(grep "<h1>Officielle flagdage 2020</h1>" $TEMP_PATH/tmp_file | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d'<' -f1)
- # Extract the data - combine the 2 columns on 1 line - store in a file
- grep '<td style="text-align: left;" valign="top" width="102">\|<td style="text-align: left;" valign="top" width="550">' $TEMP_PATH/tmp_file | cut -d'>' -f2 | cut -d'<' -f1 | awk 'NF' | sed '{N; s/\n/|/}' > $TEMP_PATH/combined_file
- # Prepare the placeholders
- STATE=-1
- QUERY=""
- ATTR="\"events\": [ "
- CNT=0
- NOW=$(date +"%s")
- while read line; do
- # Extract the day
- DAY=$(echo "$line" | cut -d'.' -f1)
- # Extract the month and convert it to number
- MONTH=$(case $(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'|' -f1) in
- januar) echo 1;;
- februar) echo 2;;
- marts) echo 3;;
- april) echo 4;;
- maj) echo 5;;
- juni) echo 6;;
- juli) echo 7;;
- august) echo 8;;
- september) echo 9;;
- oktober) echo 10;;
- november) echo 11;;
- december) echo 12;;
- esac)
- # Calculate the timestamp
- TIMESTAMP=$(date -d "$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY" +"%s")
- # Format date in proper manner
- DATE=$(date -d "$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY" +"%d-%m-%Y")
- # Extract the description of the event
- EVENT=$(echo "$line" | cut -d'|' -f2)
- # Check events until we have found the first event in the future
- if [[ $STATE -lt 0 ]]; then
- # Calculate days to the next event
- NEW_STATE=$(( ($TIMESTAMP - $NOW)/(60*60*24) ))
- # Is the new event today or in the future
- if [[ $NEW_STATE -ge 0 ]]; then
- # Set the state of the next event
- # Prepare the main part of the query
- # ( substract days in advsnce )
- QUERY="{ \"state\": \"$(($NEW_STATE - $DAYS_IN_ADVANCE))\", \"attributes\": { \"next_date\": \"$DATE\", \"next_event\": \"$EVENT\", \"next_timestamp\": \"$TIMESTAMP\", \"days_in_advance\": \"$DAYS_IN_ADVANCE\", \"icon\": \"mdi:flag\""
- fi
- fi
- # Load all events
- # Have been here before....? Add ","
- CNT=$((CNT+1))
- if [[ $CNT -gt 1 ]]; then
- ATTR="$ATTR, "
- fi
- # Append the data of the event
- ATTR="$ATTR{ \"date\": \"$DATE\", \"event\": \"$EVENT\", \"timestamp\": \"$TIMESTAMP\" }"
- done < $TEMP_PATH/combined_file
- # Finish the query
- QUERY="$QUERY, $ATTR ] } }"
- # Send the query to the API
- _send_data $QUERY $BASE_URL$API_STATES_PATH/sensor.flagday_dk
- # Cleanup on exit
- rm -f $TEMP_PATH/tmp_file $TEMP_PATH/combined_file
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