

Jul 29th, 2018
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  9. #
  11. Kernel: 4.10.12 #1 SMP Wed Jul 18 06:07:45 CEST 2018 @armv7l
  12. Date: Sunday, 29 July 2018, 22:43:13
  14. hd51.NI-102C61 login: root
  15. Password:
  16. [hd51] /var/root # xn
  17. [hd51] /var/root # sn
  18. [neutrino] armbox framebuffer Instance created
  19. [ca_ci] -> GetInstance
  20. [ca_ci] -> cCA 1
  21. set input0 to tuner A
  22. set input1 to tuner B
  23. set input2 to tuner C
  24. set input3 to tuner D
  25. libstb-hal debug options can be set by exporting HAL_DEBUG.
  26. The following values (or bitwise OR combinations) are valid:
  27. component: audio 0x01
  28. component: video 0x02
  29. component: demux 0x04
  30. component: play 0x08
  31. component: power 0x10
  32. component: init 0x20
  33. component: ca 0x40
  34. component: record 0x80
  35. all components: 0xff
  36. [LT:00000000:init ] init_td_api begin, initialized=0, debug=0x00
  37. [LT:bef20c8c:power ] SetCpuFreq(0) => set standby = false
  38. [LT:00000000:init ] init_td_api end
  39. [fb_generic] [bcmfb] framebuffer 24300k video mem
  40. [fb_accel_arm] SetMode: 32bits, red 8:16 green 8:8 blue 8:0 transp 8:24
  41. [fb_accel_arm] 1920x1080x32 line length 7680. using bcmfb graphics accelerator.
  42. [neutrino] executing /var/tuxbox/config/neutrino.start.
  43. /var/tuxbox/config/neutrino.start failed: No such file or directory
  44. [LT:00000000:init ] init_td_api begin, initialized=1, debug=0x00
  45. [LT:00000000:init ] init_td_api end
  46. [english.locale] superfluous entry: menu.hint_key_standby_add
  47. [english.locale] missing entry: menu.hint_key_standbyoff_add
  48. [neutrino.cpp] executing /var/tuxbox/config/
  49. [neutrino] recording dir: /media/sda1/movies
  50. [neutrino] timeshift dir: /media/sda1/movies/.timeshift
  51. [CWebTVSetup] loading: /share/tuxbox/neutrino/webtv/filmon.xml
  52. [CWebTVSetup] loading: /share/tuxbox/neutrino/webtv/yt_live.xml
  53. [neutrino] [CNeutrinoFonts] [SetupNeutrinoFonts - 156] font file: /var/tuxbox/fonts/OpenSans-Light.ttf
  54. [neutrino] [CNeutrinoFonts] [SetupNeutrinoFonts - 178] standard font family: Open Sans
  55. [neutrino] [CNeutrinoFonts] [SetupDynamicFonts - 138] dynamic font family: Open Sans
  56. CLCD::setlcdparameter(dimm 15 power 1)
  57. ShowText ''
  58. ShowText ' '
  59. ShowText 'NI \o/'
  60. CLCD::setScrollMode scroll_repeats:1
  61. [fe0/0] frontend fd 8 type 1
  62. [femanager.cpp:Init:100] add fe 0
  63. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend1: No such file or directory
  64. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend2: No such file or directory
  65. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend3: No such file or directory
  66. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend0: No such file or directory
  67. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend1: No such file or directory
  68. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend2: No such file or directory
  69. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend3: No such file or directory
  70. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter2/frontend0: No such file or directory
  71. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter2/frontend1: No such file or directory
  72. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter2/frontend2: No such file or directory
  73. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter2/frontend3: No such file or directory
  74. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend0: No such file or directory
  75. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend1: No such file or directory
  76. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend2: No such file or directory
  77. [frontend.cpp:Open:284] /dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend3: No such file or directory
  78. [femanager.cpp:Init:116] found 1 frontends, 4 demuxes
  79. [LT:005e0e48:video ] #1: openDevice cannot open /dev/dvb/adapter0/video1: No such file or directory, retries 0
  80. [zapit] Loading services, channel size 456 ..
  81. [getservices.cpp:LoadServices:959] Loading cables...
  82. [getservices.cpp:LoadServices:964] Loading terrestrial...
  83. [getservices.cpp:FindTransponder:613] going to parse dvb-c provider Göltzschtalbrücke
  84. [zapit] 534 services loaded (534)...
  85. [zapit] service loading took: 24 msec
  86. [zapit.cpp:PrepareChannels:1067] LoadServices: success
  87. [bouquets.cpp:parseBouquetsXml:400] reading bouquets from /var/tuxbox/config/zapit/bouquets.xml
  88. [bouquets.cpp:parseBouquetsXml:493] total: 72 bouquets
  89. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:830] Loading webtv from /var/tuxbox/config/webtv_usr.xml ...
  90. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:830] Loading webtv from /share/tuxbox/neutrino/webtv/filmon.xml ...
  91. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:865] * auto epg_id found for Die neue Zeit TV: 659e03f700011269
  92. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:865] * auto epg_id found for Sophia TV: 3d9e041d00015278
  93. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:830] Loading webtv from /share/tuxbox/neutrino/webtv/yt_live.xml ...
  94. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:830] Loading webradio from /var/tuxbox/config/webradio_usr.xml ...
  95. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:865] * auto epg_id found for DLF: 4dde043700016d6c
  96. [bouquets.cpp:parseBouquetsXml:400] reading bouquets from /var/tuxbox/config/zapit/ubouquets.xml
  97. [bouquets.cpp:parseBouquetsXml:493] total: 144 bouquets
  98. ############## CBouquetManager::makeRemainingChannelsBouquet: numbers start at: tv 1 radio 1 ############
  99. [zapit] bouquet loading took: 88 msec
  100. [zapit.cpp:Start:2569] channels have been loaded succesfully
  101. [zapit.cpp] diseqc type = 0
  102. [femanager.cpp:loadSettings:245] load config for fe0
  103. [femanager.cpp:linkFrontends:422] linking..
  104. [femanager.cpp:linkFrontends:473] Frontend #0: is independent
  105. [frontend.cpp:setDiseqcType:1510] fe0: NO_DISEQC
  106. [femanager.cpp:linkFrontends:490] pip demux: 2
  107. [ca_ci] -> SetInitMask param:2
  108. [ca_ci] -> SetTSClock to: high
  109. [ca_ci] -> Start
  110. [zapit] GetConfig...
  111. [zapit] starting... tid 14500
  112. [zapit] sdt monitor started
  113. [neutrino VideoSettings] setupVideoSystem setup videosystem...
  114. >>>>>[changeOsdResolution:78] osd mode: OSDMODE_1080 => OSDMODE_1080, automode: true, forceOsdReset: false
  115. [fb_accel_arm] SetMode: 32bits, red 8:16 green 8:8 blue 8:0 transp 8:24
  116. [fb_accel_arm] 1920x1080x32 line length 7680. using bcmfb graphics accelerator.
  117. [neutrino VideoSettings] setVideoSettings init video settings...
  118. [swscaler @ 0x7fb510] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
  119. [rcinput:checkdev] /dev/input mtime changed
  120. [rcinput:open] opened /dev/input/event3 (fd 18) ev 0x100013
  121. [rcinput:open] opened /dev/input/event2 (fd 19) ev 0x3
  122. [rcinput:open] opened /dev/input/event1 (fd 20) ev 0x100003
  123. [rcinput:open] opened /dev/input/event0 (fd 21) ev 0x100003
  124. [zapit.cpp:leaveStandby:2402] standby 1 recording 0
  125. [timerd] wakeup from standby: no
  126. [neutrino.cpp] executing /var/tuxbox/config/
  127. /var/tuxbox/config/ failed: No such file or directory
  128. [neutrino CEC Settings] setCECSettings init CEC settings...
  129. [LT:006a8e20:power ] SetCpuFreq(0) => set standby = false
  130. [LT:b0700470:demux ] timerd startup, tid 14505
  131. Stop #0: not open!
  132. CStreamManager::Listen: on 31339, fd 17
  133. [yhttpd] Webserver nhttpd/3.4.1 (yhttpd_core/1.3.2) tid 14508
  134. 22:51:41.078 [sectionsd] start
  135. Starting STREAM thread keeper, tid 14509
  136. [sectionsd] Caching: 7 days, 168 hours Extended Text, max 30000 events, Events are old 1 hours after end time
  137. [sectionsd] NTP: enabled, command /sbin/ntpdate
  138. 22:51:41.080 [sectionsd] starting
  139. SIevent size: 92
  140. ====> USING SLOW ADDEVENT. export 'NO_SLOW_ADDEVENT=1' to avoid <===
  141. 22:51:41.086 timeThread::run:: starting, pid 14489 (2926572624)
  142. 22:51:41.086 eitThread::run:: starting, pid 14489 (2918184016)
  143. [LT:007b47b0:demux ] _open: setting /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 to source 0
  144. 22:51:41.088 cnThread::run:: starting, pid 14489 (2909795408)
  145. 22:51:41.091 freeSatThread::run:: starting, pid 14489 (2901406800)
  146. [yhttpd] Webserver starting...
  147. CInfoIcons::Init() reports 5 entries
  148. [ca_ci] -> GetNumberCISlots
  149. CI: CAM not found
  150. [ca_ci] -> GetNumberCISlots
  151. CI: CAM not found
  152. [neutrino] menue setup
  153. [neutrino] init menus...
  154. [neutrino] mediaplayer menu instance created
  155. [ca_ci] -> GetNumberCISlots
  156. [network config] Instance created
  157. [neutrino] [CNetworkSetup] [getInstance - 91], Instance created
  158. [neutrino] ScanSetup Instance created
  159. [LT:008186f0:play ] cPlayback
  160. [mb]->refreshBrowserList
  161. [mb]->refreshFilterList 23
  162. [ConfigFile] Unable to open file /var/tuxbox/config/bookmarks for reading.
  163. [neutrino CMoviePlayerGui] Instance created...
  164. [neutrino] integratePlugins: add STB-StartUp Einstellung
  165. [neutrino] integratePlugins: add NI - Indola
  166. [neutrino] integratePlugins: add Favoriten sichern
  167. [neutrino] integratePlugins: add Benutzer-Bouquets
  168. [neutrino] registering as event client
  169. [neutrino] had to wait 0 ms for timerd start...
  170. CLCD::setMuted 0
  171. ShowText ''
  172. ShowText '========'
  173. [ca_ci] -> GetNumberCISlots
  174. CI: CAM not found
  175. [neutrino] Creating channels lists...
  176. [neutrino] got 1532 TV and 115 RADIO channels
  177. [neutrino] all channels took: 1 msec
  178. [neutrino] created Göltzschtalbrücke (3854) bouquet with 416 TV and 103 RADIO channels
  179. [neutrino] sat took: 2 msec
  180. 22:51:44.213 [sectionsd] Reading Information from file /media/sda1/epg/index.xml:
  181. [neutrino] got 1116 WebTV channels
  182. [neutrino] got 12 WebRadio channels
  183. [neutrino] got 12 new TV channels
  184. [neutrino] got 15 removed TV channels
  185. [neutrino] sats took: 8 msec
  186. [neutrino] got 89 TV and 24 RADIO bouquets
  187. [neutrino] took: 9 msec
  188. CNeutrinoApp::SetChannelMode 0 [tv]
  189. [neutrino.cpp:SetChannelMode:2074] newmode 0 sort old -1 new 0
  190. [neutrino.cpp:tvMode:4298] rezap 1 current mode 1
  191. ShowText ''
  192. CRemoteControl::tvMode
  193. CNeutrinoApp::SetChannelMode 0 [tv]
  194. [neutrino.cpp:SetChannelMode:2074] newmode 0 sort old -1 new 0
  195. **************************** CChannelList::zapTo_ChannelID 339e03fb0001283d
  196. **************************** CChannelList::zapToChannel me 0x813ea0 Alle Kanäle tuned 268435455 new Das Erste HD -> 339e03fb0001283d
  197. 22:51:44.248 [sectionsd] commandserviceStopped
  198. 22:51:44.248 cnThread: stop eit update filter (not active)
  199. 22:51:44.248 [sectionsd] commandserviceStopped done
  200. stopPlayBack: stopping...
  201. stopPlayBack: stopped
  202. [zapit.cpp:ZapIt:517] [zapit] zap to Das Erste HD (339e03fb0001283d tp 9240f0e03fb0001)
  203. [femanager.cpp:allocateFE:704] pip demux: 2
  204. [zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2326] standby 0 playing 0 forced 0 send_pmt 1
  205. [fe0/0] tune to 234000 DVB-C(Annex A) QAM_256 0 H/L srate 6900000 pli 0 plc 0 plm 0 (tuner 234000000 offset 0 timeout 4000)
  206. CChannelList::adjustToChannelID me 0x813ea0 [Alle Kanäle] list size 1532 channel_id 339e03fb0001283d
  207. 22:51:44.271 [sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: Service change to 339e03fb0001283d demux #0
  208. changeDMX: for 0x4e not ignored! even though real_pauseCounter> 0 (1)
  209. CHDDDestExec: noise 254 sleep 60 /dev/sda
  210. changeDMX: for 0x50 not ignored! even though real_pauseCounter> 0 (1)
  211. changeDMX: for 0x60 not ignored! even though real_pauseCounter> 0 (1)
  213. /dev/sda:
  214. setting acoustic management to 254
  215. SG_IO: bad/missing sense data, sb[]: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  216. setting standby to 60 (5 minutes)
  217. SG_IO: bad/missing sense data, sb[]: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  218. SG_IO: bad/missing sense data, sb[]: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  219. acoustic = not supported
  220. [ca_ci] -> Ready param:1
  221. [CLCD4l] StartLCD4l: starting thread
  222. ################################## after all ##################################: 4351 msec
  223. [neutrino] initialized everything
  224. [CPlugins] could not find startup
  225. [ca_ci] -> GetNumberCISlots
  226. CI: CAM not found
  227. [frontend.cpp:getEvent:823] [fe0/0] ******** FE_HAS_LOCK: freq 234000000
  228. [fe0/0] tuning took: 193 msec (min 193 max 193)
  229. CRemoteControl::handleMsg: EVT_TUNE_COMPLETE (339e03fb0001283d)
  230. 22:51:44.453 [sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: Service change to 339e03fb0001283d demux #0
  231. [zapit] parsing pmt pid 0x13EC (Das Erste HD)
  232. [subtitles] DVBSub: PID=0x13f1, lang=deu, cpageid=0001, apageid=0001
  233. [zapit] channel found, audio pid 13f2, subtitle pid 0 mode 0 volume 55
  234. [zapit.cpp:StartPlayBack:2232] standby 0 playing 0 forced 0
  235. [zapit] vpid 13ED apid 13F2 pcr 13ED
  236. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:254] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
  237. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:285] channel 339e03fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 START src 0 mask 0 -> 1 update 0 rmode 0 mp 0
  238. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:308] socket only
  239. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:439] (oldmask != newmask) || force_update) - no CI needed
  240. [ca_ci] -> SendCAPMT
  241. TP: 339E03FB0001
  242. SID: 283D
  243. SOURCE: 0
  244. CA_MASK: 1
  245. CALEN: 65
  246. Scrambled: 0
  247. Mode: 0
  248. Enabled: START
  249. [ca_ci] -> FindFreeSlot
  250. No free ci-slot
  251. CaMap Empty
  252. [pmt] set update filter, sid 0x283d pid 0x13ec version 5
  253. ShowText 'Das Erste HD'
  254. 22:51:47.390 [sectionsd] Reading Information finished after 3183 milliseconds (30000 events)
  255. 29 Jul 22:51:48 ntpdate[14518]: adjust time server offset -0.004413 sec
  256. 22:51:48.219 22:51:48.219 eitThread::run:: time set: Sun Jul 29 22:51:48 2018
  257. timeThread: Time set via NTP, going to sleep for 1800 seconds.
  258. 22:51:48.220 cnThread::run:: time set: Sun Jul 29 22:51:48 2018
  259. 22:51:48.220 freeSatThread::run:: time set: Sun Jul 29 22:51:48 2018
  260. 22:51:48.485 addEvent: ch 03fb0001283d running 1 (next) got_CN 0
  261. [neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_GOT_CN_EPG
  262. 22:51:49.227 addEvent: ch 03fb0001283d running 4 (curr) got_CN 2
  263. [neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_GOT_CN_EPG
  264. [ca_ci] -> GetNumberCISlots
  265. [ca_ci] -> GetNumberCISlots
  266. [ConfigFile] saving /var/tuxbox/config/timerd.conf
  267. ShowText 'Das Erste HD'
  268. 22:51:51.249 cnThread: eit update filter, ch 0x03fb0001283d, current ver 0x02 got events 3 (not active)
  269. key: 0080 value 1, translate: 0080 -stop-
  270. key: 0080 value 0, translate: 0080 -stop-
  271. ShowText 'Starte Aufnahme'
  272. key: 006c value 1, translate: 006c -cursor down-
  273. ShowText 'Starte Timeshift'
  274. key: 006c value 0, translate: 006c -cursor down-
  275. key: 0160 value 1, translate: 0160 -ok-
  276. StartAutoRecord: starting to /media/sda1/movies/.timeshift
  277. Record channel_id 339e03fb0001283d epg: 3fb0001283d992e, apidmode 0x0
  278. CRecordManager::RunStartScript: wakeup hdd...
  279. Jul 29 22:52:01 hd51[14580]: try to wake up "/media/sda1/movies" ...
  280. [hdd] file [/media/sda1/movies] -> dev [/dev/sda1]
  281. [hdd] active
  282. [neutrino.cpp] executing /var/tuxbox/config/recording.start.
  283. CutBackNeutrino channel_id 339e03fb0001283d mode 1
  284. CutBackNeutrino channel_id 339e03fb0001283d mode 1 : result OK
  285. Record: channel 339e03fb0001283d recording_id 0
  286. fsk:0, Genre:16, Dauer: 115
  287. [zapit] recording mode: 1
  288. Start: file /media/sda1/movies/.timeshift/Das_Erste_HD_Mord_auf_Shetland___Tote_Wasser_20180729_225201_temp.ts vpid 13ed apid 6998
  289. [LT:00bab238:record] cRecord 1
  290. [LT:00bab238:record] Open
  291. [LT:00bab238:record] Start: fd 43, vpid 0x13ed
  292. CRecordInstance::Start: fe 0 demux 1
  293. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:260] RECORD/STREAM(1): fe_num 0 rec_dmx 1
  294. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:285] channel 339e03fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 1 START src 0 mask 1 -> 1 update 0 rmode 0 mp 0
  295. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:316] (oldmask == newmask)
  296. [LT:00bab238:record] RecordThread: begin
  297. [ca_ci] -> SendCAPMT
  298. TP: 339E03FB0001
  299. SID: 283D
  300. SOURCE: 0
  301. CA_MASK: 1
  302. CALEN: 65
  303. Scrambled: 0
  304. Mode: 1
  305. Enabled: START
  306. [ca_ci] -> FindFreeSlot
  307. No free ci-slot
  308. CaMap Empty
  309. [LT:00bab238:record] BUFSIZE=0x400000 READSIZE=0x40000
  310. Record: channel 339e03fb0001283d -> timer eventID 1
  311. [movieplayer] actionKey=timeshift
  312. [movieplayer.cpp] executing /var/tuxbox/config/movieplayer.start.
  313. CMoviePlayerGui::SelectFile: isBookmark 0 timeshift 1 isMovieBrowser 0 is_audio_playing 0
  314. CMoviePlayerGui::makeFilename: file_name [/media/sda1/movies/.timeshift/Das_Erste_HD_Mord_auf_Shetland___Tote_Wasser_20180729_225201_temp.ts] pretty_name [Das Erste HD Mord auf Shetland Tote Wasser 20180729 225201 temp.ts]
  315. PlayFileStart: starting...
  316. stopPlayBack: stopping...
  317. stopPlayBack: stopped
  318. Startplay at 0 seconds
  319. CMoviePlayerGui::handleMovieBrowser: reset vars
  320. cutNeutrino: playing 0 isUPNP 0
  321. [zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2326] standby 1 playing 1 forced 0 send_pmt 1
  322. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:254] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
  323. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:285] channel 339e03fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 STOP src 0 mask 1 -> 1 update 0 rmode 0 mp 0
  324. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:316] (oldmask == newmask)
  325. [ca_ci] -> SendCAPMT
  326. TP: 339E03FB0001
  327. SID: 283D
  328. SOURCE: 0
  329. CA_MASK: 1
  330. CALEN: 0
  331. Scrambled: 0
  332. Mode: 0
  333. Enabled: STOP
  334. TuxTxt stopping subtitle thread ...
  335. [dvb-sub] paused
  336. cutNeutrino: old mode 1
  337. cutNeutrino: new mode 7
  338. cutNeutrino: save mode 1
  339. CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: CHANGEMODE to 7 rezap 0
  340. IS FILE PLAYER: false
  341. [LT:008186f0:play ] Open - player output name: Output PlayMode: PLAYMODE_TS
  342. [LT:008186f0:play ] Start - filename=/media/sda1/movies/.timeshift/Das_Erste_HD_Mord_auf_Shetland___Tote_Wasser_20180729_225201_temp.ts vpid=5101 vtype=1 apid=5106 ac3=1
  343. minimal Probe: 1
  344. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFile: waiting for data: i=195 position 0 duration 5000 (4), start 5000
  345. ******************* Timeshift 1, position 0, seek to 0 seconds
  346. [LT:008186f0:play ] SetPosition 0
  347. ShowText '1x|> Das Erste HD Mord auf Shetland Tote Wasser 20180729 225201 temp.ts'
  348. [ca_ci] -> GetNumberCISlots
  349. CI: CAM not found
  350. loop:1239 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 00000004
  351. CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 0/5000 (5000, 0%)
  352. NeutrinoMessages::EVT_RECORDMODE: on
  353. key: 0160 value 0, translate: 0160 -ok-
  354. loop:1239 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 00000004
  355. CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 0/5000 (5000, 0%)
  356. loop:1239 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 00000004
  357. CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 0/5000 (5000, 0%)
  358. loop:1239 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 00000004
  359. CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 0/7000 (7000, 0%)
  360. loop:1239 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 00000004
  361. CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 0/9000 (9000, 0%)
  362. loop:1239 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 00000004
  363. CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 0/9000 (9000, 0%)
  364. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/11000 (11000, 0%)
  365. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/11000 (11000, 0%)
  366. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/12000 (12000, 0%)
  367. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/12000 (12000, 0%)
  368. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/14000 (14000, 0%)
  369. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/16000 (16000, 0%)
  370. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/16000 (16000, 0%)
  371. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/18000 (18000, 0%)
  372. [ConfigFile] saving /var/tuxbox/config/timerd.conf
  373. [neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_EIT_COMPLETE
  374. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/18000 (18000, 0%)
  375. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/18000 (18000, 0%)
  376. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/19000 (19000, 0%)
  377. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/20000 (20000, 0%)
  378. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/21000 (21000, 0%)
  379. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/22000 (22000, 0%)
  380. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/24000 (24000, 0%)
  381. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/24000 (24000, 0%)
  382. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/25000 (25000, 0%)
  383. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/26000 (26000, 0%)
  384. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/28000 (28000, 0%)
  385. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/29000 (29000, 0%)
  386. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/29000 (29000, 0%)
  387. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/31000 (31000, 0%)
  388. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/31000 (31000, 0%)
  389. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/33000 (33000, 0%)
  390. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/34000 (34000, 0%)
  391. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/34000 (34000, 0%)
  392. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/36000 (36000, 0%)
  393. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/36000 (36000, 0%)
  394. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/37000 (37000, 0%)
  395. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/38000 (38000, 0%)
  396. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/40000 (40000, 0%)
  397. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/40000 (40000, 0%)
  398. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/41000 (41000, 0%)
  399. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/43000 (43000, 0%)
  400. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/43000 (43000, 0%)
  401. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/45000 (45000, 0%)
  402. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/45000 (45000, 0%)
  403. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/47000 (47000, 0%)
  404. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/47000 (47000, 0%)
  405. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/49000 (49000, 0%)
  406. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/49000 (49000, 0%)
  407. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/51000 (51000, 0%)
  408. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/51000 (51000, 0%)
  409. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/52000 (52000, 0%)
  410. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/53000 (53000, 0%)
  411. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/54000 (54000, 0%)
  412. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/55000 (55000, 0%)
  413. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/57000 (57000, 0%)
  414. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/57000 (57000, 0%)
  415. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/59000 (59000, 0%)
  416. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/60000 (60000, 0%)
  417. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/60000 (60000, 0%)
  418. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/62000 (62000, 0%)
  419. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/63000 (63000, 0%)
  420. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/64000 (64000, 0%)
  421. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/65000 (65000, 0%)
  422. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/65000 (65000, 0%)
  423. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/67000 (67000, 0%)
  424. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/68000 (68000, 0%)
  425. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/68000 (68000, 0%)
  426. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/70000 (70000, 0%)
  427. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/71000 (71000, 0%)
  428. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/71000 (71000, 0%)
  429. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/72000 (72000, 0%)
  430. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/73000 (73000, 0%)
  431. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/75000 (75000, 0%)
  432. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/75000 (75000, 0%)
  433. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/77000 (77000, 0%)
  434. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/78000 (78000, 0%)
  435. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/78000 (78000, 0%)
  436. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/80000 (80000, 0%)
  437. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/81000 (81000, 0%)
  438. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/81000 (81000, 0%)
  439. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/82000 (82000, 0%)
  440. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/83000 (83000, 0%)
  441. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/84000 (84000, 0%)
  442. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/85000 (85000, 0%)
  443. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/87000 (87000, 0%)
  444. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/88000 (88000, 0%)
  445. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/88000 (88000, 0%)
  446. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/90000 (90000, 0%)
  447. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/90000 (90000, 0%)
  448. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/92000 (92000, 0%)
  449. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/93000 (93000, 0%)
  450. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/93000 (93000, 0%)
  451. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/95000 (95000, 0%)
  452. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/95000 (95000, 0%)
  453. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/96000 (96000, 0%)
  454. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/97000 (97000, 0%)
  455. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/99000 (99000, 0%)
  456. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/99000 (99000, 0%)
  457. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/101000 (101000, 0%)
  458. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/102000 (102000, 0%)
  459. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/102000 (102000, 0%)
  460. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/104000 (104000, 0%)
  461. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/104000 (104000, 0%)
  462. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/106000 (106000, 0%)
  463. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/106000 (106000, 0%)
  464. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/107000 (107000, 0%)
  465. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/108000 (108000, 0%)
  466. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/110000 (110000, 0%)
  467. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/111000 (111000, 0%)
  468. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/112000 (112000, 0%)
  469. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/113000 (113000, 0%)
  470. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/114000 (114000, 0%)
  471. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/115000 (115000, 0%)
  472. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/116000 (116000, 0%)
  473. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/117000 (117000, 0%)
  474. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/117000 (117000, 0%)
  475. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/118000 (118000, 0%)
  476. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/119000 (119000, 0%)
  477. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/121000 (121000, 0%)
  478. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/121000 (121000, 0%)
  479. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/123000 (123000, 0%)
  480. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/124000 (124000, 0%)
  481. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/124000 (124000, 0%)
  482. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/126000 (126000, 0%)
  483. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/127000 (127000, 0%)
  484. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/127000 (127000, 0%)
  485. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/129000 (129000, 0%)
  486. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/130000 (130000, 0%)
  487. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/130000 (130000, 0%)
  488. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/132000 (132000, 0%)
  489. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/133000 (133000, 0%)
  490. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/133000 (133000, 0%)
  491. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/135000 (135000, 0%)
  492. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/135000 (135000, 0%)
  493. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/137000 (137000, 0%)
  494. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/137000 (137000, 0%)
  495. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/139000 (139000, 0%)
  496. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/140000 (140000, 0%)
  497. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/140000 (140000, 0%)
  498. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/142000 (142000, 0%)
  499. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/143000 (143000, 0%)
  500. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/143000 (143000, 0%)
  501. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/145000 (145000, 0%)
  502. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/146000 (146000, 0%)
  503. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/146000 (146000, 0%)
  504. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/148000 (148000, 0%)
  505. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/148000 (148000, 0%)
  506. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/150000 (150000, 0%)
  507. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/151000 (151000, 0%)
  508. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/151000 (151000, 0%)
  509. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/152000 (152000, 0%)
  510. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/153000 (153000, 0%)
  511. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/155000 (155000, 0%)
  512. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/156000 (156000, 0%)
  513. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/157000 (157000, 0%)
  514. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/158000 (158000, 0%)
  515. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/158000 (158000, 0%)
  516. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/159000 (159000, 0%)
  517. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/160000 (160000, 0%)
  518. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/162000 (162000, 0%)
  519. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/163000 (163000, 0%)
  520. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/164000 (164000, 0%)
  521. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/165000 (165000, 0%)
  522. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/165000 (165000, 0%)
  523. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/167000 (167000, 0%)
  524. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/167000 (167000, 0%)
  525. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/169000 (169000, 0%)
  526. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/169000 (169000, 0%)
  527. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/170000 (170000, 0%)
  528. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/171000 (171000, 0%)
  529. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/172000 (172000, 0%)
  530. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/173000 (173000, 0%)
  531. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/174000 (174000, 0%)
  532. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/175000 (175000, 0%)
  533. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/177000 (177000, 0%)
  534. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/177000 (177000, 0%)
  535. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/179000 (179000, 0%)
  536. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/180000 (180000, 0%)
  537. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/180000 (180000, 0%)
  538. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/182000 (182000, 0%)
  539. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/183000 (183000, 0%)
  540. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/183000 (183000, 0%)
  541. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/185000 (185000, 0%)
  542. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/186000 (186000, 0%)
  543. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/187000 (187000, 0%)
  544. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/187000 (187000, 0%)
  545. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/189000 (189000, 0%)
  546. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/190000 (190000, 0%)
  547. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/190000 (190000, 0%)
  548. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/192000 (192000, 0%)
  549. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/192000 (192000, 0%)
  550. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/194000 (194000, 0%)
  551. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/194000 (194000, 0%)
  552. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/196000 (196000, 0%)
  553. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/197000 (197000, 0%)
  554. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/197000 (197000, 0%)
  555. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/199000 (199000, 0%)
  556. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/200000 (200000, 0%)
  557. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/200000 (200000, 0%)
  558. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/202000 (202000, 0%)
  559. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/202000 (202000, 0%)
  560. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/204000 (204000, 0%)
  561. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/205000 (205000, 0%)
  562. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/205000 (205000, 0%)
  563. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/207000 (207000, 0%)
  564. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/208000 (208000, 0%)
  565. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/208000 (208000, 0%)
  566. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/210000 (210000, 0%)
  567. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/211000 (211000, 0%)
  568. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/212000 (212000, 0%)
  569. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/213000 (213000, 0%)
  570. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/214000 (214000, 0%)
  571. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/214000 (214000, 0%)
  572. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/216000 (216000, 0%)
  573. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/216000 (216000, 0%)
  574. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/218000 (218000, 0%)
  575. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/219000 (219000, 0%)
  576. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/220000 (220000, 0%)
  577. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/221000 (221000, 0%)
  578. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/221000 (221000, 0%)
  579. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/223000 (223000, 0%)
  580. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/224000 (224000, 0%)
  581. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/225000 (225000, 0%)
  582. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/226000 (226000, 0%)
  583. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/226000 (226000, 0%)
  584. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/228000 (228000, 0%)
  585. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/229000 (229000, 0%)
  586. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/230000 (230000, 0%)
  587. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/231000 (231000, 0%)
  588. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/231000 (231000, 0%)
  589. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/233000 (233000, 0%)
  590. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/234000 (234000, 0%)
  591. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/235000 (235000, 0%)
  592. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/236000 (236000, 0%)
  593. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/237000 (237000, 0%)
  594. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/237000 (237000, 0%)
  595. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/239000 (239000, 0%)
  596. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/240000 (240000, 0%)
  597. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/240000 (240000, 0%)
  598. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/242000 (242000, 0%)
  599. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/243000 (243000, 0%)
  600. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/243000 (243000, 0%)
  601. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/245000 (245000, 0%)
  602. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/245000 (245000, 0%)
  603. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/247000 (247000, 0%)
  604. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/248000 (248000, 0%)
  605. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/248000 (248000, 0%)
  606. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/250000 (250000, 0%)
  607. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/250000 (250000, 0%)
  608. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/251000 (251000, 0%)
  609. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/252000 (252000, 0%)
  610. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/254000 (254000, 0%)
  611. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/254000 (254000, 0%)
  612. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/256000 (256000, 0%)
  613. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/257000 (257000, 0%)
  614. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/258000 (258000, 0%)
  615. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/259000 (259000, 0%)
  616. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/259000 (259000, 0%)
  617. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/261000 (261000, 0%)
  618. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/262000 (262000, 0%)
  619. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/262000 (262000, 0%)
  620. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/264000 (264000, 0%)
  621. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/265000 (265000, 0%)
  622. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/265000 (265000, 0%)
  623. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/267000 (267000, 0%)
  624. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/268000 (268000, 0%)
  625. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/269000 (269000, 0%)
  626. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/270000 (270000, 0%)
  627. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/271000 (271000, 0%)
  628. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/271000 (271000, 0%)
  629. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/273000 (273000, 0%)
  630. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/274000 (274000, 0%)
  631. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/274000 (274000, 0%)
  632. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/276000 (276000, 0%)
  633. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/277000 (277000, 0%)
  634. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/278000 (278000, 0%)
  635. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/278000 (278000, 0%)
  636. 22:56:41.153 [sectionsd] Removed 1442 old events (28558 left), zap detected 0.
  637. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/280000 (280000, 0%)
  638. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/281000 (281000, 0%)
  639. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/281000 (281000, 0%)
  640. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/283000 (283000, 0%)
  641. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/284000 (284000, 0%)
  642. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/285000 (285000, 0%)
  643. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/285000 (285000, 0%)
  644. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/287000 (287000, 0%)
  645. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/288000 (288000, 0%)
  646. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/289000 (289000, 0%)
  647. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/290000 (290000, 0%)
  648. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/290000 (290000, 0%)
  649. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/292000 (292000, 0%)
  650. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/293000 (293000, 0%)
  651. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/294000 (294000, 0%)
  652. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/295000 (295000, 0%)
  653. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/296000 (296000, 0%)
  654. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/297000 (297000, 0%)
  655. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/297000 (297000, 0%)
  656. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/299000 (299000, 0%)
  657. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/300000 (300000, 0%)
  658. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/301000 (301000, 0%)
  659. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/302000 (302000, 0%)
  660. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/303000 (303000, 0%)
  661. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/303000 (303000, 0%)
  662. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/305000 (305000, 0%)
  663. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/306000 (306000, 0%)
  664. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/307000 (307000, 0%)
  665. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/307000 (307000, 0%)
  666. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/309000 (309000, 0%)
  667. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/310000 (310000, 0%)
  668. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/311000 (311000, 0%)
  669. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/312000 (312000, 0%)
  670. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/313000 (313000, 0%)
  671. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/313000 (313000, 0%)
  672. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/315000 (315000, 0%)
  673. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/316000 (316000, 0%)
  674. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/317000 (317000, 0%)
  675. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/318000 (318000, 0%)
  676. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 0 pos 0/318000 (318000, 0%)
  677. [ConfigFile] saving /var/tuxbox/config/timerd.conf
  678. NeutrinoMessages::RECORD_STOP: eventID 1 channel_id 339e03fb0001283d
  679. Stop: eventID 1 channel_id 339e03fb0001283d
  680. Stop: channel 339e03fb0001283d recording_id 1
  681. Stop: file /media/sda1/movies/.timeshift/Das_Erste_HD_Mord_auf_Shetland___Tote_Wasser_20180729_225201_temp.ts
  682. [LT:00bab238:record] Stop
  683. [LT:00bab238:record] RecordThread: end
  684. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:260] RECORD/STREAM(1): fe_num 0 rec_dmx 1
  685. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:285] channel 339e03fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 1 STOP src 0 mask 1 -> 0 update 0 rmode 0 mp 0
  686. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:338] (newmask == 0)
  687. [ca_ci] -> SendCAPMT
  688. TP: 339E03FB0001
  689. SID: 283D
  690. SOURCE: 0
  691. CA_MASK: 0
  692. CALEN: 0
  693. Scrambled: 0
  694. Mode: 1
  695. Enabled: STOP
  696. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:368] (mode && !start) do we really need this?
  697. [LT:00bab238:record] ~cRecord: calling ::Stop()
  698. [LT:00bab238:record] Stop
  699. [LT:00bab238:record] Stop: status not RUNNING? (1)
  700. [LT:00bab238:record] Stop: dmx == NULL?
  701. [LT:00bab238:record] Stop: file_fd not open??
  702. [LT:00bab238:record] ~cRecord: end
  703. StartNextRecording: pending count 0
  704. [neutrino.cpp] executing /var/tuxbox/config/recording.end.
  705. [zapit] recording mode: 0
  706. CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFile: exit, isMovieBrowser 0 p_movie_info 0x819558
  707. CMoviePlayerGui::handleMovieBrowser: stop, isMovieBrowser 0 p_movie_info 0x819558
  708. PlayFileEnd: stopping, this 0x818b60 thread 0xd6ec8
  709. [LT:008186f0:play ] SetSpeed playing 0 speed 1
  710. returning false
  711. [LT:008186f0:play ] Close
  712. [LT:008186f0:play ] Stop playing 1
  713. restoreNeutrino: playing 1 isUPNP 0
  714. [zapit.cpp:StartPlayBack:2232] standby 0 playing 0 forced 0
  715. [zapit] vpid 13ED apid 13F2 pcr 13ED
  716. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:254] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
  717. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:285] channel 339e03fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 START src 0 mask 0 -> 1 update 0 rmode 0 mp 1
  718. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:308] socket only
  719. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:439] (oldmask != newmask) || force_update) - no CI needed
  720. [ca_ci] -> SendCAPMT
  721. TP: 339E03FB0001
  722. SID: 283D
  723. SOURCE: 0
  724. CA_MASK: 1
  725. CALEN: 65
  726. Scrambled: 0
  727. Mode: 0
  728. Enabled: START
  729. [ca_ci] -> FindFreeSlot
  730. No free ci-slot
  731. CaMap Empty
  732. restoreNeutrino: restore mode 1
  733. CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: CHANGEMODE to 1 rezap 1
  734. [neutrino.cpp:tvMode:4298] rezap 1 current mode 7
  735. ShowText 'Das Erste HD'
  736. CRemoteControl::tvMode
  737. CNeutrinoApp::SetChannelMode 0 [tv]
  738. [neutrino.cpp:SetChannelMode:2074] newmode 0 sort old -1 new 0
  739. **************************** CChannelList::zapTo_ChannelID 339e03fb0001283d
  740. **************************** CChannelList::zapToChannel me 0x813ea0 Alle Kanäle tuned 0 new Das Erste HD -> 339e03fb0001283d
  741. 22:57:21.538 [sectionsd] commandserviceStopped
  742. 22:57:21.538 cnThread: stop eit update filter (active)
  743. 22:57:21.538 [sectionsd] commandserviceStopped done
  744. stopPlayBack: stopping...
  745. stopPlayBack: stopped
  746. CChannelList::adjustToChannelID me 0x813ea0 [Alle Kanäle] list size 1532 channel_id 339e03fb0001283d
  747. restoreNeutrino: restoring done.
  748. PlayFileEnd: stopped
  749. [movieplayer.cpp] executing /var/tuxbox/config/movieplayer.end.
  750. [zapit.cpp:ZapIt:517] [zapit] zap to Das Erste HD (339e03fb0001283d tp 9240f0e03fb0001)
  751. [zapit] saving channel, apid 13f2 sub pid 0 mode 0 volume 55
  752. [femanager.cpp:allocateFE:704] pip demux: 2
  753. [zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2326] standby 0 playing 1 forced 0 send_pmt 1
  754. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:254] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
  755. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:285] channel 339e03fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 STOP src 0 mask 1 -> 0 update 0 rmode 0 mp 1
  756. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:338] (newmask == 0)
  757. [ca_ci] -> SendCAPMT
  758. TP: 339E03FB0001
  759. SID: 283D
  760. SOURCE: 0
  761. CA_MASK: 0
  762. CALEN: 0
  763. Scrambled: 0
  764. Mode: 0
  765. Enabled: STOP
  766. TuxTxt stopping subtitle thread ...
  767. [dvb-sub] paused
  768. ShowText 'Das Erste HD'
  769. [ca_ci] -> GetNumberCISlots
  770. CI: CAM not found
  771. [zapit] parsing pmt pid 0x13EC (Das Erste HD)
  772. NeutrinoMessages::EVT_RECORDMODE: off
  773. [scanepg.cpp:AddFavorites:123] allfav_done: 0
  774. [scanepg.cpp:AddFavorites:133] scan map size: 0 -> 35
  776. [scanepg.cpp:AddTimer:326] rescan timer id 8
  777. [scanepg.cpp:AddTimer:327] rescan time is 24*60*60
  778. CRemoteControl::handleMsg: EVT_TUNE_COMPLETE (339e03fb0001283d)
  779. 22:57:21.641 [sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: Service change to 339e03fb0001283d demux #0
  780. 22:57:21.642 cnThread: stop eit update filter (not active)
  781. [subtitles] DVBSub: PID=0x13f1, lang=deu, cpageid=0001, apageid=0001
  782. [zapit] channel found, audio pid 13f2, subtitle pid 0 mode 0 volume 55
  783. [zapit.cpp:StartPlayBack:2232] standby 0 playing 0 forced 0
  784. [zapit] vpid 13ED apid 13F2 pcr 13ED
  785. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:254] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
  786. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:285] channel 339e03fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 START src 0 mask 0 -> 1 update 0 rmode 0 mp 0
  787. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:308] socket only
  788. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:439] (oldmask != newmask) || force_update) - no CI needed
  789. [ca_ci] -> SendCAPMT
  790. TP: 339E03FB0001
  791. SID: 283D
  792. SOURCE: 0
  793. CA_MASK: 1
  794. CALEN: 65
  795. Scrambled: 0
  796. Mode: 0
  797. Enabled: START
  798. [ca_ci] -> FindFreeSlot
  799. No free ci-slot
  800. CaMap Empty
  801. [pmt] set update filter, sid 0x283d pid 0x13ec version 5
  802. 22:57:22.147 addEvent: ch 03fb0001283d running 4 (curr) got_CN 0
  803. [neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_GOT_CN_EPG
  804. ShowText 'Das Erste HD'
  805. 22:57:22.858 addEvent: ch 03fb0001283d running 1 (next) got_CN 1
  806. [neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_GOT_CN_EPG
  807. 22:57:24.659 cnThread: eit update filter, ch 0x03fb0001283d, current ver 0x02 got events 3 (not active)
  808. [neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_EIT_COMPLETE
  809. ^C[CLCD4l] StopLCD4l: stopping thread
  810. stopPlayBack: stopping...
  811. stopPlayBack: stopped
  812. [dvb-sub] paused
  813. [LT:b0700470:demux ] Stop #0: not open!
  814. [LT:b0700470:demux ] Close #0: not open!
  815. [dvb-sub] stopped
  816. streaming shutdown
  817. streaming shutdown done
  818. timerd shutdown
  819. [timerd] stopping timermanager thread ...
  820. [timerd] Waiting for timermanager thread to terminate ...
  821. [timerd] Timermanager thread terminated
  822. [timerd] shutdown: timeset: 1 timer_minutes 0
  823. timerd shutdown complete
  824. timerd shutdown done
  825. sectionsd shutdown
  826. [sectionsd] stopping...
  827. 22:59:22.877 eitThread::StopRun: to lock
  828. 22:59:22.877 eitThread::StopRun: to closefd
  829. 22:59:22.878 eitThread::StopRun: to unlock
  830. 22:59:22.878 cnThread::StopRun: to lock
  831. 22:59:22.878 cnThread::StopRun: to closefd
  832. 22:59:22.878 cnThread::StopRun: to unlock
  833. 22:59:22.878 timeThread::StopRun: to lock
  834. 22:59:22.878 timeThread::StopRun: to closefd
  835. 22:59:22.878 timeThread::StopRun: to unlock
  836. 22:59:22.878 freeSatThread::StopRun: to lock
  837. 22:59:22.878 freeSatThread::StopRun: to closefd
  838. 22:59:22.878 freeSatThread::StopRun: to unlock
  839. 22:59:22.878 broadcasting...
  840. 22:59:22.878 pausing...
  841. 22:59:22.878 join Housekeeping
  842. 22:59:22.878 join TOT
  843. 22:59:22.878 timeThread::Stop: to broadcast
  844. 22:59:22.878 timeThread::Stop: to join
  845. [sectionsd] timeThread stopped
  846. 22:59:22.878 timeThread::Stop: to close
  847. 22:59:22.878 join EIT
  848. 22:59:22.878 eitThread::Stop: to broadcast
  849. 22:59:22.878 eitThread::Stop: to join
  850. [sectionsd] eitThread stopped
  851. 22:59:22.878 eitThread::Stop: to close
  852. 22:59:22.878 join CN
  853. 22:59:22.878 cnThread::Stop: to broadcast
  854. 22:59:22.878 cnThread::Stop: to join
  855. 22:59:22.878 cnThread: stop eit update filter (active)
  856. [LT:0054e020:demux ] Close #0: not open!
  857. [sectionsd] cnThread stopped
  858. 22:59:22.879 cnThread::Stop: to close
  859. 22:59:22.879 join FSEIT
  860. 22:59:22.879 freeSatThread::Stop: to broadcast
  861. 22:59:22.879 freeSatThread::Stop: to join
  862. [sectionsd] freeSatThread stopped
  863. 22:59:22.879 freeSatThread::Stop: to close
  864. 22:59:22.879 [sectionsd] stopped
  865. sectionsd shutdown done
  866. TuxTxt stopping subtitle thread ...
  867. zapit shutdown
  868. stopPlayBack: stopping...
  869. stopPlayBack: stopped
  870. [LT:008186f0:play ] ~cPlayback
  871. [zapit] saving channel, apid 13f2 sub pid 0 mode 0 volume 55
  872. [zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2326] standby 0 playing 1 forced 0 send_pmt 1
  873. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:254] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
  874. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:285] channel 339e03fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 STOP src 0 mask 1 -> 0 update 0 rmode 0 mp 0
  875. [capmt.cpp:SetMode:338] (newmask == 0)
  876. [ca_ci] -> SendCAPMT
  877. TP: 339E03FB0001
  878. SID: 283D
  879. SOURCE: 0
  880. CA_MASK: 0
  881. CALEN: 0
  882. Scrambled: 0
  883. Mode: 0
  884. Enabled: STOP
  885. TuxTxt stopping subtitle thread ...
  886. [femanager.cpp:saveSettings:350] fe0
  887. [ConfigFile] saving /var/tuxbox/config/zapit/frontend.conf
  888. [zapit.cpp:run:2764] shutdown started
  889. [LT:005e0dc0:demux ] Close #1: not open!
  890. [zapit.cpp:run:2778] demuxes/decoders deleted
  891. [frontend.cpp:Close:435] [fe0/0] close frontend fd 8
  892. [zapit.cpp:run:2788] frontend(s) deleted
  893. [zapit.cpp:run:2790] stopping CA
  894. [ca_ci] -> Stop
  895. [ca_ci] -> ~cCA
  896. [zapit.cpp:run:2794] shutdown complete
  897. zapit shutdown done
  898. ShowText ' '
  899. [LT:006a8e20:power ] SetCpuFreq(0) => set standby = false
  900. CLCD::setlcdparameter(dimm 5 power 1)
  901. ShowText ' '
  902. [LT:00000000:init ] shutdown_td_api, initialized = 1
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