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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- local( $word_pattern, $output_file );
- local( %pat_codes );
- local( $CHAR_SETS ) = 0;
- $| = 1;
- print ("\n\t**************************************************");
- print ("\n\t* Wordlist Generator *");
- print ("\n\t* written By : Cyb3r_h4ck3r *");
- print ("\n\t* Shouts out to : Team IHC & Indian hackers *");
- print ("\n\t* Website :- *");
- print ("\n\t**************************************************");
- if ( $ARGV[ 0 ] eq "--?" ) { $CHAR_SETS = 1; }
- ###
- push( @{ $pat_codes{ 'X' }}, 65, 90 );
- push( @{ $pat_codes{ 'x' }}, 97, 122 );
- push( @{ $pat_codes{ '!' }}, 0, 47 );
- push( @{ $pat_codes{ '@' }}, 58, 64 );
- push( @{ $pat_codes{ '$' }}, 91, 96 );
- push( @{ $pat_codes{ '^' }}, 123, 256 );
- push( @{ $pat_codes{ '#' }}, 48, 57 );
- print "\nPattern codes : \n";
- if ( $CHAR_SETS ) {
- print "Many characters avaiable cannot be rendered with ascii,\n";
- print " so you may not see values within your [ ]'s for all of\n";
- print " the characterset. ex. 184 [ ]\n";
- }
- print "X : Upper case characters\n";
- if ( $CHAR_SETS ) { disp_range( @{ $pat_codes{ 'X' } } ); }
- print "x : Lower case characters\n";
- if ( $CHAR_SETS ) { disp_range( @{ $pat_codes{ 'x' } } ); }
- print "! : Special chars 1\n";
- if ( $CHAR_SETS ) { disp_range( @{ $pat_codes{ '!' } } ); }
- print "\@ : Special chars 2\n";
- if ( $CHAR_SETS ) { disp_range( @{ $pat_codes{ '@' } } ); }
- print "\$ : Special chars 3\n";
- if ( $CHAR_SETS ) { disp_range( @{ $pat_codes{ '$' } } ); }
- print "^ : Special chars 4\n";
- if ( $CHAR_SETS ) { disp_range( @{ $pat_codes{ '^' } } ); }
- print "# : Numeric chars\n";
- if ( $CHAR_SETS ) { disp_range( @{ $pat_codes{ '#' } } ); }
- print "Rerun this program with --? if you would like output\n";
- print " of the character sets.\n";
- print " WARNING : It may mess up your terminal session\n";
- local( $good_params ) = 'no';
- while( $good_params eq 'no' ) {
- $word_pattern = get_line( 'Enter the word pattern you would like'
- );
- $output_file = get_line( 'Enter the name of the output file' );
- print "The values I have are : \n";
- print " Word Pattern : $word_pattern\n";
- print " Output File : $output_file\n";
- local $temp = 'y';
- $temp = get_line( 'Are these correct [y]', 1 );
- if ( $temp =~ /y/i || $temp eq '' ) { $good_params = 'yes'; }
- }
- print "Building code : ";
- # Meat and potatoe time ....
- local $eval_code = '';
- local $eval_code = <<"EVAL_HEAD";
- open( OUT_FILE, "> $output_file" ) || die "Could not open output file :
- \$!\\n\\n";
- local \$smash_me = '';
- local $open_loops = 0;
- for( $i = 0; $i < length( $word_pattern ); $i++ ) {
- local $cur_letter = '';
- local $bat_letter = '';
- $cur_letter = substr( $word_pattern, $i, 1 );
- foreach $pat_letter ( keys %pat_codes ) {
- if ( $pat_letter eq $cur_letter ) {
- $bat_letter = $pat_letter;
- }
- }
- if ( $bat_letter eq '' ) {
- $eval_code .= '$smash_me_' . $i . ' = "' . $cur_letter . '";' .
- "\n";
- } else {
- $open_loops++;
- @temp = @{ $pat_codes{ $cur_letter } };
- $low_value = $temp[ 0 ];
- $high_value = $temp[ 1 ];
- $eval_code .= <<"EVAL_LOOP";
- for( \$xx_$open_loops = $low_value; \$xx_$open_loops <= $high_value;
- \$xx_$open_loops++ ) {
- \$smash_me_$i = pack( 'c', \$xx_$open_loops );
- }
- }
- $eval_code .= 'print OUT_FILE ';
- for( $i = 0; $i < length( $word_pattern ); $i++ ) {
- $eval_code .= '$smash_me_' . $i . ' . ' . "\n";
- }
- $eval_code .= '"\n";';
- for( $i = 0; $i < $open_loops; $i ++ ) {
- $eval_code .= '}' . "\n";
- }
- $eval_code .= 'close( OUT_FILE );';
- print "Done!\n";
- #print $eval_code;
- print "Running word create, this may take some time : ";
- eval( $eval_code );
- print "Done!\n";
- # Gets a line of input from the user
- sub get_line {
- local $prompt, $can_be_empty, $temp;
- local $input_ok = 'no';
- $prompt = shift;
- $can_be_empty = shift;
- while( $input_ok eq 'no' ) {
- print $prompt . ' : ';
- $temp = <STDIN>; $temp =~ s/\n//g; $temp =~ s/\r//g;
- if ( $temp eq "" && $can_be_empty != 1) {
- print "I'm sorry but i require input for this value,";
- print " please try again.\n";
- } else {
- $input_ok = 'yes';
- }
- }
- return $temp;
- }
- # Display a range of character values
- sub disp_range {
- local ( $start_val, $end_val ) = @_;
- print "Characters in set ( $start_val -> $end_val ) : \n";
- $line_break = 0;
- for( $i = $start_val; $i <= $end_val; $i++ ) {
- $line_break++;
- print $i . ' [ ' . pack( 'c', $i ) . ' ] ';
- if ( $line_break == 5 ) {
- $line_break = 0;
- print "\n";
- }
- }
- print "\n\n";
- }
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