
A0 Coordinate System

Sep 16th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. The A0 Coordinate System is a System for defining the location of a point in 2D, 3D, or 4D space.
  2. The System assumes a basal starting location of (0,0,0,0).
  3. Points are defined by a series of Directions, #,N,S,E,W,U,D,I,O
  4. A coefficient (#), the cardinal directions (NSEW), up and down (UD), in and out (IO). The dimension of the coordinate is determined by the use of some vs other Directions.
  5. A point is built of directions; the fist direction moves away from (0,0,0,0) by # units. The second by #/2, the third by #/4, etc.
  6. A series of repeated directions is denoted by a line over the letter(s) that are repeated (1SĒ approaches (-1 , 1)).
  7. An A0 coordinate is read left to right, which is crucial since reversing the order does not maintain the same coordinate location.
  8. Examples:
  9. 1N -> (0,1)
  10. 1E -> (1,0)
  11. 1S -> (0,-1)
  12. 1W -> (-1,0)
  13. 1U -> (0,0,1)
  14. 1D -> (0,0,-1)
  15. 1I -> (0,0,0,1)
  16. 1O -> (0,0,0,-1)
  18. 1NESW -> (0.375, 0.75)
  19. 1WSEN -> (-0.75, -0.375)
  20. 100NESW -> (375, 750)
  21. 100WSEN -> (-750, -375)
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