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- type: custom:apexcharts-card
- apex_config:
- chart:
- height: 300px
- xaxis:
- tickAmount: 24
- labels:
- format: HH
- plotOptions:
- bar:
- dataLabels:
- position: bottom
- maxItems: 100
- hideOverflowingLabels: true
- orientation: vertical
- columnWidth: 90%
- dataLabels:
- enabled: true
- style:
- colors:
- - '#fff'
- fontSize: 10px
- distributed: true
- background:
- enabled: false
- graph_span: 1day
- yaxis:
- - id: kwh
- min: 0
- max: '|+0.5|'
- decimals: 1
- apex_config:
- tickAmount: 6
- title:
- text: Forbrug i kWh
- rotate: '-90'
- axisBorder:
- show: true
- color: '#fff'
- - id: hidden
- opposite: true
- show: false
- span:
- start: day
- show:
- last_updated: false
- header:
- show: true
- title: Dagens elforbrug
- standard_format: true
- show_states: true
- colorize_states: true
- experimental:
- color_threshold: true
- series:
- - entity: sensor.kamstrup_total_import_filter
- name: Forbrug
- type: column
- unit: kWh
- float_precision: 2
- yaxis_id: kwh
- group_by:
- func: diff
- duration: 1hour
- extend_to: now
- color_threshold:
- - value: 0
- color: green
- - value: 0.5
- color: orange
- - value: 1
- color: red
- - value: 1.5
- color: darkred
- show:
- datalabels: true
- legend_value: true
- in_header: false
- extremas: time
- - entity: sensor.kamstrup_total_import_filter
- name: Total
- type: column
- yaxis_id: hidden
- unit: kWh
- group_by:
- func: diff
- duration: 1day
- show:
- in_chart: false
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