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- @echo off
- cls
- title Batchopolis
- goto ichk
- :ichk
- if not exist batchopolisdata goto install
- if exist batchopolisdata goto lsmisc
- :install
- md batchopolisdata
- cd batchopolisdata
- (
- echo e100
- echo 0F B6 0E 80 00 E3 2D BF 81 00 B0 20 FC F3 AE 74
- echo e110
- echo 23 E3 21 8D 75 FF E8 45 00 3C 20 75 3B 86 F2 E8
- echo e120
- echo 3C 00 86 F2 3C 20 74 04 3C 0D 75 2C 32 FF B4 02
- echo e130
- echo CD 10 EB 24 32 FF B4 03 CD 10 8A C6 8A CA E8 38
- echo e140
- echo 00 B2 20 B4 02 CD 21 8A C1 E8 2D 00 B2 0D B4 02
- echo e150
- echo CD 21 B2 0A B4 02 CD 21 32 C0 B4 4C CD 21 32 E4
- echo e160
- echo AC 3C 20 74 FB 3C 30 72 0D 3C 39 77 09 2C 30 D5
- echo e170
- echo 0A 8A E0 AC EB EF 8A F4 C3 D4 0A 05 30 30 8B D0
- echo e180
- echo 80 FC 30 74 08 86 D6 B4 02 CD 21 8A D6 B4 02 CD
- echo e190
- echo 21 C3
- echo rcx
- echo 92
- echo w
- echo q
- ) | debug > nul
- (
- echo e100
- echo 0F B6 0E 80 00 E3 4F BF 81 00 B0 20 FC F3 AE 74
- echo e110
- echo 45 E3 43 8A 45 FF E8 43 00 80 3D 20 74 0E C0 E0
- echo e120
- echo 04 8A E0 8A 05 E8 34 00 0A C4 47 49 E3 28 32 E4
- echo e130
- echo 50 B0 22 F2 AE 75 1F E3 1D 8B F7 8B D1 F2 AE 75
- echo e140
- echo 01 41 2B D1 74 10 8B CA 5B B0 20 B4 09 CD 10 AC
- echo e150
- echo B4 0E CD 10 E2 F9 32 C0 B4 4C CD 21 3C 61 72 02
- echo e160
- echo 2C 20 3C 41 72 02 2C 07 2C 30 C3
- echo rcx
- echo 6b
- echo w
- echo q
- ) | debug > nul
- goto nameinput
- :nameinput
- cls
- cd batchopolisdata
- color 1F
- textpos 0 0 & colormsg 07 "Setup "
- textpos 2 0
- echo Welcome to the Batchopolis setup!
- echo Please enter your name.
- echo.
- echo Name:
- set /p name=
- cls
- textpos 0 0 & colormsg 07 "Setup "
- textpos 2 0
- echo We're getting Batchopolis ready for you.
- echo Please wait...
- echo.
- echo :: Save file automatically generated on %date% %time% >> save.bat
- echo set name=%name% >> save.bat
- echo set /a cash+=10000 >> save.bat
- echo Done!
- echo Press any key to start playing Batchopolis.
- pause >nul
- goto lsmisc
- :lsmisc
- set cash=
- set name=
- goto loaddata
- :loaddata
- cd batchopolisdata
- call save.bat
- goto mainmenu
- :mainmenu
- cls
- color 3F
- textpos 0 0 & colormsg 07 "Main menu "
- textpos 25 0 & colormsg 30 "Batchopolis 3.0 Beta 1 by tcl1 -"
- textpos 2 0
- echo [Vehicle management]=================
- echo 1) Buy cars
- echo [Data management]====================
- echo 2) Save game
- echo 3) Load game
- echo [Misc]===============================
- echo 4) What's New
- echo [Player]=============================
- echo Cash: $%cash%
- echo Name: %name%
- echo =====================================
- choice /c 1234 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto buy_cars
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto savegame
- if %errorlevel%==3 goto loadgame
- if %errorlevel%==4 goto whatsnew
- :whatsnew
- cls
- color 3F
- textpos 0 0 & colormsg 07 "What's new "
- textpos 2 0
- echo - Save file auto-loading
- echo.
- echo Other stuff:
- echo.
- echo - This is beta 1 of version 3.0!
- echo It looks like 2.1.0, but I'm working on a new interface.
- echo - Differences between 1.0.1 and 3.0
- echo * Multiple colors can be displayed
- echo.
- echo Press any key to go to the menu
- pause >nul
- goto mainmenu
- :buy_cars
- cls
- color 3F
- echo [!] Feature currently in development
- echo This feature is under development.
- echo All cars are going to be scrapped, and new
- echo cars will be introduced.
- echo.
- echo Press any key to go back to the main menu.
- pause >nul
- goto mainmenu
- :savegame
- cls
- color 4F
- textpos 0 0 & colormsg 07 "Save game "
- textpos 2 0
- echo 1) Save game
- echo L) Go back to menu
- choice /c 1L /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto savegame_s
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto mainmenu
- :savegame_s
- cls
- color 4F
- textpos 0 0 & colormsg 07 "Save game "
- textpos 2 0
- echo Saving...
- echo.
- echo [1] Adding time comment
- echo :: Saved on %date% %time% >> save.bat
- echo [2] Additional save data
- echo set /a cash+=%cash% >> save.bat
- echo set name=%name% >> save.bat
- echo.
- echo Done.
- echo Press any key to back to the menu.
- pause >nul
- goto mainmenu
- :loadgame
- cls
- color 3F
- textpos 0 0 & colormsg 07 "Load game "
- textpos 2 0
- echo Loading save file...
- call save.bat
- echo Done.
- echo.
- echo Press any key to go to the main menu.
- pause >nul
- goto mainmenu
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