
[Batch] Batchopolis 3.0.0 Beta 1

May 2nd, 2014
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Batch 4.55 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @echo off
  2. cls
  3. title Batchopolis
  4. goto ichk
  5. :ichk
  6. if not exist batchopolisdata goto install
  7. if exist batchopolisdata goto lsmisc
  8. :install
  9. md batchopolisdata
  10. cd batchopolisdata
  11. (
  12. echo e100
  13. echo 0F B6 0E 80 00 E3 2D BF 81 00 B0 20 FC F3 AE 74
  14. echo e110
  15. echo 23 E3 21 8D 75 FF E8 45 00 3C 20 75 3B 86 F2 E8
  16. echo e120
  17. echo 3C 00 86 F2 3C 20 74 04 3C 0D 75 2C 32 FF B4 02
  18. echo e130
  19. echo CD 10 EB 24 32 FF B4 03 CD 10 8A C6 8A CA E8 38
  20. echo e140
  21. echo 00 B2 20 B4 02 CD 21 8A C1 E8 2D 00 B2 0D B4 02
  22. echo e150
  23. echo CD 21 B2 0A B4 02 CD 21 32 C0 B4 4C CD 21 32 E4
  24. echo e160
  25. echo AC 3C 20 74 FB 3C 30 72 0D 3C 39 77 09 2C 30 D5
  26. echo e170
  27. echo 0A 8A E0 AC EB EF 8A F4 C3 D4 0A 05 30 30 8B D0
  28. echo e180
  29. echo 80 FC 30 74 08 86 D6 B4 02 CD 21 8A D6 B4 02 CD
  30. echo e190
  31. echo 21 C3
  32. echo rcx
  33. echo 92
  34. echo w
  35. echo q
  36. ) | debug > nul
  37. (
  38. echo e100
  39. echo 0F B6 0E 80 00 E3 4F BF 81 00 B0 20 FC F3 AE 74
  40. echo e110
  41. echo 45 E3 43 8A 45 FF E8 43 00 80 3D 20 74 0E C0 E0
  42. echo e120
  43. echo 04 8A E0 8A 05 E8 34 00 0A C4 47 49 E3 28 32 E4
  44. echo e130
  45. echo 50 B0 22 F2 AE 75 1F E3 1D 8B F7 8B D1 F2 AE 75
  46. echo e140
  47. echo 01 41 2B D1 74 10 8B CA 5B B0 20 B4 09 CD 10 AC
  48. echo e150
  49. echo B4 0E CD 10 E2 F9 32 C0 B4 4C CD 21 3C 61 72 02
  50. echo e160
  51. echo 2C 20 3C 41 72 02 2C 07 2C 30 C3
  52. echo rcx
  53. echo 6b
  54. echo w
  55. echo q
  56. ) | debug > nul
  57. goto nameinput
  58. :nameinput
  59. cls
  60. cd batchopolisdata
  61. color 1F
  62. textpos 0 0 & colormsg 07 "Setup                                                                           "
  63. textpos 2 0
  64. echo Welcome to the Batchopolis setup!
  65. echo Please enter your name.
  66. echo.
  67. echo Name:
  68. set /p name=
  69. cls
  70. textpos 0 0 & colormsg 07 "Setup                                                                           "
  71. textpos 2 0
  72. echo We're getting Batchopolis ready for you.
  73. echo Please wait...
  74. echo.
  75. echo :: Save file automatically generated on %date% %time% >> save.bat
  76. echo set name=%name% >> save.bat
  77. echo set /a cash+=10000 >> save.bat
  78. echo Done!
  79. echo Press any key to start playing Batchopolis.
  80. pause >nul
  81. goto lsmisc
  82. :lsmisc
  83. set cash=
  84. set name=
  85. goto loaddata
  86. :loaddata
  87. cd batchopolisdata
  88. call save.bat
  89. goto mainmenu
  90. :mainmenu
  91. cls
  92. color 3F
  93. textpos 0 0 & colormsg 07 "Main menu                                                                       "
  94. textpos 25 0 & colormsg 30 "Batchopolis 3.0 Beta 1 by tcl1 -"
  95. textpos 2 0
  96. echo [Vehicle management]=================
  97. echo 1) Buy cars
  98. echo [Data management]====================
  99. echo 2) Save game
  100. echo 3) Load game
  101. echo [Misc]===============================
  102. echo 4) What's New
  103. echo [Player]=============================
  104. echo Cash: $%cash%
  105. echo Name: %name%
  106. echo =====================================
  107. choice /c 1234 /n
  108. if %errorlevel%==1 goto buy_cars
  109. if %errorlevel%==2 goto savegame
  110. if %errorlevel%==3 goto loadgame
  111. if %errorlevel%==4 goto whatsnew
  112. :whatsnew
  113. cls
  114. color 3F
  115. textpos 0 0 & colormsg 07 "What's new                                                                      "
  116. textpos 2 0
  117. echo - Save file auto-loading
  118. echo.
  119. echo Other stuff:
  120. echo.
  121. echo - This is beta 1 of version 3.0!
  122. echo    It looks like 2.1.0, but I'm working on a new interface.
  123. echo - Differences between 1.0.1 and 3.0
  124. echo    * Multiple colors can be displayed
  125. echo.
  126. echo Press any key to go to the menu
  127. pause >nul
  128. goto mainmenu
  129. :buy_cars
  130. cls
  131. color 3F
  132. echo [!] Feature currently in development
  133. echo    This feature is under development.
  134. echo    All cars are going to be scrapped, and new
  135. echo    cars will be introduced.
  136. echo.
  137. echo Press any key to go back to the main menu.
  138. pause >nul
  139. goto mainmenu
  140. :savegame
  141. cls
  142. color 4F
  143. textpos 0 0 & colormsg 07 "Save game                                                                       "
  144. textpos 2 0
  145. echo 1) Save game
  146. echo L) Go back to menu
  147. choice /c 1L /n
  148. if %errorlevel%==1 goto savegame_s
  149. if %errorlevel%==2 goto mainmenu
  150. :savegame_s
  151. cls
  152. color 4F
  153. textpos 0 0 & colormsg 07 "Save game                                                                       "
  154. textpos 2 0
  155. echo Saving...
  156. echo.
  157. echo [1] Adding time comment
  158. echo :: Saved on %date% %time% >> save.bat
  159. echo [2] Additional save data
  160. echo set /a cash+=%cash% >> save.bat
  161. echo set name=%name% >> save.bat
  162. echo.
  163. echo Done.
  164. echo Press any key to back to the menu.
  165. pause >nul
  166. goto mainmenu
  167. :loadgame
  168. cls
  169. color 3F
  170. textpos 0 0 & colormsg 07 "Load game                                                                       "
  171. textpos 2 0
  172. echo Loading save file...
  173. call save.bat
  174. echo Done.
  175. echo.
  176. echo Press any key to go to the main menu.
  177. pause >nul
  178. goto mainmenu
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