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- import("ScarUtil.scar")
- import("WXPScarUtil.scar")
- function OnGameSetup()
- Setup_Player(2, "BERKYT", "tau_race", 1)
- Setup_Player(3, "Drone Tau", "npc_race", 0)
- g_Player2 = World_GetPlayerAt(2)
- Misc_PlayerTeamColor(g_Player2, "default_2")
- g_playerID = 0
- timerWaveKroot = 0
- timerFireWarrior = 0
- timerTank = 0
- timerSuperKroot = 0
- timerSuperTank = 0
- timerReinforcement = 0
- timerResearch = 0
- timerBase = 0
- timerOneMin = 0
- timerWinOrLose = 0
- timerCrysis = 0
- timerGlobal = 0
- timerReinforcementTau = 0
- timerAttackReinforcement = 0
- timerWavesWarriorCount = 0
- timerBaseKroot = 0
- timerFifteenMin = 0
- timerBaseTank = 0
- timerTwelveMin = 0
- timerBaseSuperKroot = 0
- timerTwentyMin = 0
- timerShift = 0
- timer30Min = 0
- g_SluggaLodout = 999
- checkDarkScreen = 1
- checkDarkScreen1 = 1
- checkSeePlayerArray = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}
- checkWinOrLose = false
- Fow_OFF = false -- For off or on fow -- ONLY FOR TEST'S BATTTLES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- g_ObjectiveIssued = nil
- g_ObjectiveEvent = nil
- sg_Bulders1 = "sg_BulderTau1"
- sg_Bulders2 = "sg_BulderTau2"
- end
- function OnInit()
- EGroup_Destroy("eg_DeleteSPNpc")
- --Camera_FocusOnTargetMarker("mkr_Player_HQ", 0)
- Cmd_MoveToMarker(sg_Bulders1, "mkr_DebugArmy1")
- Cmd_MoveToMarker(sg_Bulders2, "mkr_DebugArmy1")
- Fade_Start(2, true)
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Opening )
- --local eg = "eg_All_Sp"
- --Entity_ForceAddOn(eg, "addon_tau_list_post_2)
- --local eg_LPTau = "eg_LP_Tau1"
- --Objective_Exists
- --Objective_ShowScreen ()
- --Player_GrantResearch ( World_GetPlayerAt(2) "BERKYT", String researchName)
- --Player_GrantResearch ( World_GetPlayerAt(2), String researchName)
- --Player_SetMaxPopulationRes( World_GetPlayerAt(0), 100)
- SpawnEthereal()
- --Pick()
- Rule_SetupMusicPlaylist()
- LpTauAddon()
- Cpu_Enable(g_Player2, false)
- Rule_Add(Rule_CheckTrigger1)
- Rule_Add(Rule_CheckTrigger2)
- Rule_Add(Rule_CheckTrigger3)
- Rule_Add(Rule_CheckTrigger4)
- Rule_Add(Rule_CheckTrigger5)
- Rule_Add(Rule_CheckTrigger6)
- Rule_Add(Rule_CheckTrigger7)
- Rule_Add(Rule_CheckTrigger8)
- Rule_Add(WinOrLose)
- Rule_Add(AttackBaseTau)
- Rule_Add(Rule_CheckSeePlayer1)
- Rule_Add(Rule_CheckSeePlayer2)
- Rule_Add(Rule_CheckSeePlayer3)
- Rule_Add(Rule_CheckSeePlayer4)
- Rule_Add(Rule_CheckSeePlayer5)
- Rule_Add(Rule_CheckSeePlayer6)
- Rule_Add(SpawnCrisis)
- Rule_Add(AboutFortress)
- --TEST--------------------
- --SGroup_DestroyAllSquads("sg_AllSquads") -- ONLY FOR TEST'S BATTTLES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "sg_T4554TAU4", "space_marine_squad_assault", "mkr_MainHero1", 9, 9) -- ONLY FOR TEST'S BATTTLES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "sg_T4554TAU41", "space_marine_squad_assault", "mkr_MainHero2", 9, 9) -- ONLY FOR TEST'S BATTTLES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --Rule_AddOneShot(DebugArmy, 5) -- ONLY FOR TEST'S BATTTLES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --Rule_AddOneShot( TEST1, 10)
- --Rule_AddOneShot( TEST2, 10)
- --Rule_AddOneShot( TEST3, 10)
- --Rule_AddOneShot( TEST4, 10)
- --Rule_AddOneShot( TEST5, 10)
- --Rule_AddOneShot( TEST6, 10)
- --TEST--------------------
- Rule_AddOneShot(MainObjective, 40)
- Rule_AddOneShot( Waves, 60 * 5)
- Rule_AddOneShot( StartGame, 45)
- Rule_AddOneShot( Testers, 7)
- Rule_AddOneShot( EnjoyTheGame, 21)
- --Rule_AddOneShot(Rule_FrealLeap, 1)
- Rule_AddIntervalEx( WebMoney, 60, 3)
- Rule_AddInterval(Timer, 1)
- Rule_AddInterval(Reinforcement, 1)
- Rule_AddInterval(TauResearch, 1)
- Rule_AddInterval(BarracudaWaves, 14 * 60)
- Rule_AddInterval(WebMoneyInterval, 15 * 60)
- --g_SkullProbeSgName = "sg_SkullProbeR3r89efidbrgfed"
- --g_EvaSquadSgName = "sg_EvaR3efpdcnbgyuik"
- --g_FinalOrksSgName = "sg_ZelenieParniRrgefdipkrmnedgh"
- --FOW_RevealAll()
- end
- Scar_AddInit(OnInit)
- -- Base functions
- function Testers()
- Util_MissionTitle("Testers: Hensuto and Demer Nkardaz")
- if(Fow_OFF) then
- FOW_RevealAll()
- end
- end
- function EnjoyTheGame()
- Util_MissionTitle("Enjoy the game! :)")
- end
- function WebMoney()
- Util_MissionTitle("WebMoney: RUB: R515364081475; USD: Z262863085617 (Check ReadMe-file)")
- end
- function WebMoneyInterval()
- Util_MissionTitle("WebMoney: RUB: R515364081475; USD: Z262863085617 (Check ReadMe-file)")
- end
- function StartGame()
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_StartGame )
- --FOW_RevealAll()
- --Rule_AddOneShot(Dialog, 5)
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_DialogShasAunroyr )
- --Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Kroot )
- --Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_SuperKroot )
- --Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_FireWarrior )
- --Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Tank )
- --Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_SuperTank )
- --Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Reinforcement )
- end
- function Dialog()
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_DialogShas )
- end
- function TEST1()
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Kroot )
- end
- function TEST2()
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_SuperKroot )
- end
- function TEST3()
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_FireWarrior )
- end
- function TEST4()
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Tank )
- end
- function TEST5()
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_SuperTank )
- end
- function TEST6()
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Reinforcement )
- end
- function Waves()
- timerShift = 0
- Rule_AddInterval(Check_Sp1, 1)
- Rule_AddInterval(Check_Sp2, 1)
- Rule_AddInterval(Check_Sp3, 1)
- Rule_AddInterval(Check_Sp4, 1)
- Rule_AddInterval(Check_Sp5, 1)
- Rule_AddInterval(BaseWaveTau, 90)
- end
- function MainObjective()
- Ping_Marker("mkr_PingMainObjective", false, attack)
- local obj_table = {title_id = 10077899, short_desc_id = 10077900, help_tip_id = 10077901}
- Objective_Add(obj_table, true)
- Ping_Marker("mkr_DebugArmy1", false, attack)
- local obj_table1 = {title_id = 10077902, short_desc_id = 10077903, help_tip_id = 10077904}
- Objective_Add(obj_table1, true)
- end
- function SpawnEthereal()
- local index = World_GetRand(1, 8)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_sdflkwepor3uo", "tau_ethereal_squad", "mkr_Win"..index, 1, 1)
- --Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_sdflkwepor3uo", "tau_ethereal_squad", "mkr_MainHero1", 1, 1)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "usdfoiuwhef", "tau_honor_guard_fire_warrior_squad_advance_sp", "mkr_Win"..index, 2, 9)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "usdfoiuwhef", "tau_pathfinder_squad", "mkr_Win"..index, 2, 9)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "usdfoiuwhef", "tau_hammerhead_gunship_squad", "mkr_Win"..index, 2, 1)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "usdfoiuwhef", "tau_krootox_squad", "mkr_Win"..index, 2, 1)
- Cmd_SetStance("sg_sdflkwepor3uo", STANCE_StandGround)
- Cpu_LockSGroupAcrossPlayers("sg_sdflkwepor3uo")
- end
- function TauResearch()
- if(timerResearch == 5)then
- Player_GrantResearch ( World_GetPlayerAt(2), "tau_feral_leap_research")
- print("tau_feral_leap_research")
- elseif(timerResearch == 60 * 12 + 30) then
- Player_GrantResearch ( World_GetPlayerAt(2), "tau_wargear_upgrade_05_advanced_sensor_array_research")
- print("tau_advanced_pulse_rifle_research")
- elseif(timerResearch == 60 * 16) then
- Player_GrantResearch ( World_GetPlayerAt(2), "tau_improved_metallurgy")
- print("tau_improved_metallurgy_research")
- Player_GrantResearch ( World_GetPlayerAt(2), "tau_targeting_optics")
- print("tau_targeting_optics_research")
- end
- end
- function LpTauAddon()
- local CountArrayLp = {"eg_LP_Tau1","eg_LP_Tau2","eg_LP_Tau3","eg_LP_Tau4","eg_LP_Tau5","eg_LP_Tau6","eg_LP_Tau7","eg_LP_Tau8","eg_LP_Tau9","eg_LP_Tau10","eg_LP_Tau11",
- "eg_LP_Tau12","eg_LP_Tau13","eg_LP_Tau14","eg_LP_Tau15","eg_LP_Tau16","eg_LP_Tau17","eg_LP_Tau18","eg_LP_Tau19"}
- for i = 1, table.getn(CountArrayLp) do
- if(i == 19) then
- --eg_LP_Tau19
- EGroup_ForceAddOn("eg_LP_Tau19", "addon_tau_list_post_1")
- else
- EGroup_ForceAddOn("eg_LP_Tau"..i, "addon_tau_list_post_2")
- end
- end
- -- EGroup_ForceAddOn("eg_LP_Tau19", "addon_tau_list_post_1")
- end
- function CheckEndGame()
- if (SGroup_Count("sg_sdflkwepor3uo") == 0) then
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Win )
- --local title_id_1 = 10077899
- --Objective_SetState ( title_id_1, OS_Complete)
- if(checkDarkScreen1 == 1) then
- checkDarkScreen1 = 0
- Fade_Start(2, false)
- end
- checkWinOrLose = true
- end
- if (SGroup_Count(sg_Bulders1) == 0 and SGroup_Count(sg_Bulders2) == 0) then
- if(checkDarkScreen == 1) then
- checkDarkScreen = 0
- Fade_Start(2, false)
- end
- checkWinOrLose = true
- end
- end
- function WinOrLose()
- if(timerWinOrLose == 3) then
- World_SetGameOver()
- end
- end
- function DebugArmy()
- for i = 1, 7 do
- --Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "sg_o934b65hoi5hnyb6"..i, "space_marine_squad_assault", "mkr_DebugArmy"..i, 9, 9)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "sg_o934b65hoi5hnyb6"..i, "guard_squad_baneblade", "mkr_DebugArmy"..i, 5, 1)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "sg_o934b65hoi5hnyb6"..i, "eldar_squad_fire_prism", "mkr_DebugArmy"..i, 5, 1)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "sg_o934b65hoi5hnyb6"..i, "ork_squad_slugga", "mkr_DebugArmy"..i, 6, 99)
- end
- end
- function AttackBaseTau()
- --Player 1
- if(timerCrysis == 60) then
- if(EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture1", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false)) then
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234234")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234234") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234234", "tau_pathfinder_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_Capture("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234234", "eg_Sp_Capture1")
- end
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444434")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444434") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444434", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444434", "mkr_AttackSp1")
- end
- end
- if(EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture2", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false)) then
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23427734")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23427734") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23427734", "tau_pathfinder_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_Capture("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23427734", "eg_Sp_Capture2")
- end
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342444114434")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342444114434") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342444114434", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342444114434", "mkr_AttackSp2")
- end
- end
- if(EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture3", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false)) then
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23423qw4")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23423qw4") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23423qw4", "tau_pathfinder_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_Capture("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23423qw4", "eg_Sp_Capture3")
- end
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234244f44434")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234244f44434") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234244f44434", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234244f44434", "mkr_AttackSp3")
- end
- end
- if(EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture4", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false)) then
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234qwwqqw234")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234qwwqqw234") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234qwwqqw234", "tau_pathfinder_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_Capture("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234qwwqqw234", "eg_Sp_Capture4")
- end
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234df24444434")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234df24444434") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234df24444434", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234df24444434", "mkr_AttackSp4")
- end
- end
- if(EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture5", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false)) then
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121212az4234")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121212az4234") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121212az4234", "tau_pathfinder_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_Capture("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121212az4234", "eg_Sp_Capture5")
- end
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444werwdf434")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444werwdf434") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444werwdf434", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444werwdf434", "mkr_AttackSp5")
- end
- end
- -- Player 2
- if(EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture1", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) then
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234234")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234234") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234234", "tau_pathfinder_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_Capture("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234234", "eg_Sp_Capture1")
- end
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444434")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444434") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444434", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444434", "mkr_AttackSp1")
- end
- end
- if(EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture2", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) then
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23427734")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23427734") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23427734", "tau_pathfinder_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_Capture("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23427734", "eg_Sp_Capture2")
- end
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342444114434")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342444114434") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342444114434", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342444114434", "mkr_AttackSp2")
- end
- end
- if(EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture3", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) then
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23423qw4")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23423qw4") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23423qw4", "tau_pathfinder_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_Capture("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23423qw4", "eg_Sp_Capture3")
- end
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234244f44434")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234244f44434") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234244f44434", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234244f44434", "mkr_AttackSp3")
- end
- end
- if(EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture4", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) then
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234qwwqqw234")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234qwwqqw234") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234qwwqqw234", "tau_pathfinder_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_Capture("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234qwwqqw234", "eg_Sp_Capture4")
- end
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234df24444434")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234df24444434") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234df24444434", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU234df24444434", "mkr_AttackSp4")
- end
- end
- if(EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture5", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) then
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121212az4234")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121212az4234") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121212az4234", "tau_pathfinder_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_Capture("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121212az4234", "eg_Sp_Capture5")
- end
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444werwdf434")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444werwdf434") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444werwdf434", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU23424444werwdf434", "mkr_AttackSp5")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function BaseWaveTau()
- --if(timerReinforcementTau > 90) then
- --timerReinforcementTau = 0
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434") then
- print("function BaseWaveTau -> if1")
- -- ??????? ?? ??????? x ?? y
- -- math.fmod(x, y)- eta huinya tut ne rabotaet!
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434", "tau_fire_warrior_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 1, 1)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434", "tau_kroot_carnivore_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 1, 5)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434", "tau_pathfinder_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 1, 2)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434", "tau_vespid_auxiliary_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 1, 9)
- print("math.mod(timerBase, 10) ", math.mod(timerBase, 10))
- if(timerFireWarrior > 60) then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434", "tau_stealth_team_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 1, 3)
- end
- if(math.mod(timerBase, 10) == 0 and timerBase > 1) then
- print(math.mod(timerBase, 10))
- print("function BaseWaveTau -> if2")
- local countWarrior = 0
- for i = 1, timerBase / 10 do
- countWarrior = i
- end
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434", "tau_fire_warrior_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", countWarrior + 1, 6)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434", "tau_stealth_team_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", countWarrior + 1, 3)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", countWarrior + 1, 1)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434", "tau_kroot_carnivore_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", countWarrior + 1, 9)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434", "tau_pathfinder_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", countWarrior + 1, 9)
- if(math.mod(countWarrior, 2) == 0) then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434", "tau_skyray_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", countWarrior / 2 + 1, 9)
- end
- end
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434", "mkr_Player_HQ")
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "pweurpowieurpowier2", "tau_stealth_team_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_AttackSGroup("pweurpowieurpowier2", sg_Bulders1)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "pweurpowieurpowier21", "tau_stealth_team_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_AttackSGroup("pweurpowieurpowier21", sg_Bulders2)
- --sg_Bulders1 = "sg_BulderTau1"
- --sg_Bulders2 = "sg_BulderTau2"
- for i = 1, 2 do
- SGroup_AddLeaders ( "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2342wdfgdfh444werwdf434")
- SGroup_AddLeaders ( "pweurpowieurpowier2")
- SGroup_AddLeaders ( "pweurpowieurpowier21")
- end
- if(checkSeePlayerArray[7] == 1) then
- checkSeePlayerArray[7] = 0
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_ReinforcementTau )
- elseif(checkSeePlayerArray[7] == 0) then
- local rand = World_GetRand(1,5)
- if(rand == 1) then
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_ReinforcementTau )
- end
- end
- end
- --end
- end
- function Timer()
- CheckEndGame()
- timerShift = timerShift + 1
- timerAttackReinforcement = timerAttackReinforcement + 1
- timerReinforcementTau = timerReinforcementTau + 1
- timerGlobal = timerGlobal + 1
- --print("timerBase: ", timerBase)
- timerResearch = timerResearch + 1
- timerOneMin = timerOneMin + 1
- if(timerOneMin == 60 * 10) then
- timerBase = timerBase + 10
- timerOneMin = 0
- end
- timerFifteenMin = timerFifteenMin + 1
- if(timerFifteenMin == 60 * 15) then
- timerBaseKroot = timerBaseKroot + 15
- timerFifteenMin = 0
- end
- timerTwelveMin = timerTwelveMin + 1
- if(timerTwelveMin == 60 * 12) then
- timerBaseTank = timerBaseTank + 12
- timerTwelveMin = 0
- end
- timerTwentyMin = timerTwentyMin + 1
- if(timerTwentyMin == 60 * 20) then
- timerBaseSuperKroot = timerBaseSuperKroot + 20
- timerTwentyMin = 0
- end
- if (timerTank == 241) then
- timerTank = 0
- end
- timerTank = timerTank + 1
- if (timerFireWarrior == 301) then
- timerFireWarrior = 0
- end
- timerFireWarrior = timerFireWarrior + 1
- if (timerWaveKroot == 301) then
- timerWaveKroot = 0
- end
- timerWaveKroot = timerWaveKroot + 1
- if (timerSuperKroot == 701) then
- timerSuperKroot = 0
- end
- timerSuperKroot = timerSuperKroot + 1
- if (timerSuperTank == 701) then
- timerSuperTank = 0
- end
- timerSuperTank = timerSuperTank + 1
- if (timerReinforcement == 301) then
- timerReinforcement = 0
- end
- timerReinforcement = timerReinforcement + 1
- if(checkWinOrLose == true) then
- timerWinOrLose = timerWinOrLose + 1
- end
- if(timerCrysis == 61) then
- timerCrysis = 0
- end
- timerCrysis = timerCrysis + 1
- if(timer30Min == 40 * 60) then
- timer30Min = 0
- end
- timer30Min = timer30Min + 1
- end
- --function Pick()
- --for i = 1, 5 do
- --Ping_Marker("mkr_SpawnTauWave"..i, false, attack)
- --end
- --end
- function Rule_SetupMusicPlaylist()
- Util_MissionTitle("By: BERKYT")
- t_music = {"MU_IG_STR_Tau", "MU_IG_RAC_Tau", "MU_IG_STR_Tau_perc", "MU_IG_STR_Tau_perc_str", "MU_IG_STR_Tau_perc_brass"}
- Playlist_Manager( PC_Music, t_music, true, true , {20, 40})
- t_ambient_sound = {"ambient_space"}
- Playlist_Manager( PC_Ambient, t_ambient_sound, true, true , {2, 4})
- end
- function playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(playerId, mkr)
- local sgName = "sg_phasam_17684187"
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound(sgName)
- SGroup_Clear(sgName)
- Player_GetAllSquadsNearMarker(playerId, sgName, mkr)
- if (SGroup_Count(sgName) > 0) then
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- -- Game logic
- --function Rule_FrealLeap()
- --Player_GrantResearch(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "tau_feral_leap_research")
- --end
- function BarracudaWaves()
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_tau_barracuda_squad")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_tau_barracuda_squad") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(2),"sg_tau_barracuda_squad","tau_barracuda_squad","mkr_AttackBaseTau",2,1)
- local rand = World_GetRand(1,3)
- if(checkSeePlayerArray[13] == 1) then
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_BarracudaWaves )
- print("IF1 -BarracudaWaves-")
- checkSeePlayerArray[13] = 0
- elseif(rand == 1) then
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_BarracudaWaves )
- end
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_tau_barracuda_squad", "mkr_Player_HQ")
- end
- end
- function AboutFortress()
- if(check2323 == nil) then
- if(playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_AboutFortress") or playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_AboutFortress")) then
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_AboutFortress )
- check2323 = true
- end
- end
- end
- -- Kroots
- function Rule_CheckSeePlayer1()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created115 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_CheckSeePlayer1") or playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_CheckSeePlayer1")) then
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Kroot )
- Ping_Marker("mkr_SpawnTauWave1", false, attack)
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created115 = true
- --?????? obj_table:
- local obj_table = {title_id = 10077884, short_desc_id = 10077885, help_tip_id = 10077886}
- --???????? ????? ????, ????????? ??????? ?????.
- Objective_Add(obj_table, false)
- --?????????? ???? OS_Complete ??? OS_Failed
- end
- end
- if((EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture1", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false) or EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture1", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) and checkSeePlayerArray[1] == 1) then
- checkSeePlayerArray[1] = 0
- local title_id_1 = 10077884
- Objective_SetState ( title_id_1, OS_Complete)
- end
- end
- --Fire Warrior
- function Rule_CheckSeePlayer2()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created1151 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_CheckSeePlayer2") or playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_CheckSeePlayer2")) then
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_FireWarrior )
- --Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Sector3 )
- Ping_Marker("mkr_SpawnTauWave2", false, attack)
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created1151 = true
- --?????? obj_table:
- local obj_table = {title_id = 10077887, short_desc_id = 10077888, help_tip_id = 10077889}
- --???????? ????? ????, ????????? ??????? ?????.
- Objective_Add(obj_table, false)
- --?????????? ???? OS_Complete ??? OS_Failed
- end
- end
- if((EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture2", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false) or EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture2", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) and checkSeePlayerArray[2] == 1) then
- checkSeePlayerArray[2] = 0
- local title_id_1 = 10077887
- Objective_SetState ( title_id_1, OS_Complete)
- end
- end
- --Tanks
- function Rule_CheckSeePlayer3()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created1152 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_CheckSeePlayer3") or playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_CheckSeePlayer3")) then
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Tank )
- Ping_Marker("mkr_SpawnTauWave3", false, attack)
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created1152 = true
- --?????? obj_table:
- local obj_table = {title_id = 10077890, short_desc_id = 10077891, help_tip_id = 10077892}
- --???????? ????? ????, ????????? ??????? ?????.
- Objective_Add(obj_table, false)
- --?????????? ???? OS_Complete ??? OS_Failed
- end
- end
- if((EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture3", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false) or EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture3", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) and checkSeePlayerArray[3] == 1) then
- checkSeePlayerArray[3] = 0
- local title_id_1 = 10077890
- Objective_SetState ( title_id_1, OS_Complete)
- end
- end
- --Krootox
- function Rule_CheckSeePlayer4()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created1153 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_CheckSeePlayer4") or playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_CheckSeePlayer4")) then
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_SuperKroot )
- Ping_Marker("mkr_SpawnTauWave4", false, attack)
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created1153 = true
- --?????? obj_table:
- local obj_table = {title_id = 10077893, short_desc_id = 10077894, help_tip_id = 10077895}
- --???????? ????? ????, ????????? ??????? ?????.
- Objective_Add(obj_table, false)
- --?????????? ???? OS_Complete ??? OS_Failed
- end
- end
- if((EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture4", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false) or EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture4", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) and checkSeePlayerArray[4] == 1) then
- checkSeePlayerArray[4] = 0
- local title_id_1 = 10077893
- Objective_SetState ( title_id_1, OS_Complete)
- end
- end
- --Riba Molot
- function Rule_CheckSeePlayer5()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created1154 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_CheckSeePlayer5") or playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_CheckSeePlayer5")) then
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_SuperTank )
- Ping_Marker("mkr_SpawnTauWave5", false, attack)
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created1154 = true
- --?????? obj_table:
- local obj_table = {title_id = 10077881, short_desc_id = 10077882, help_tip_id = 10077883}
- --???????? ????? ????, ????????? ??????? ?????.
- Objective_Add(obj_table, false)
- --?????????? ???? OS_Complete ??? OS_Failed
- end
- end
- if((EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture5", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false) or EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture5", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) and checkSeePlayerArray[5] == 1) then
- checkSeePlayerArray[5] = 0
- local title_id_1 = 10077881
- Objective_SetState ( title_id_1, OS_Complete)
- end
- end
- --Reinforcement
- function Rule_CheckSeePlayer6()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created1154756 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_CheckSeePlayerReinforcementBase") or playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_CheckSeePlayerReinforcementBase")) then
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Reinforcement )
- Ping_Marker("mkr_AttackAndDestroy", false, attack)
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created1154756 = true
- --?????? obj_table:
- local obj_table = {title_id = 10077896, short_desc_id = 10077897, help_tip_id = 10077898}
- --???????? ????? ????, ????????? ??????? ?????.
- Objective_Add(obj_table, false)
- --?????????? ???? OS_Complete ??? OS_Failed
- end
- end
- if((EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Reinforcement", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false) or EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Reinforcement", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) and checkSeePlayerArray[6] == 1) then
- checkSeePlayerArray[6] = 0
- local title_id_1 = 10077896
- Objective_SetState ( title_id_1, OS_Complete)
- end
- end
- function Rule_CheckTrigger1()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_JumpToStells1")) then
- Util_StartNIS( EVENTS.NIS_Sector3 )
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created = true
- CreateAndMoveTau1(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_JumpToStells1")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created = true
- CreateAndMoveTau1(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- end
- function CreateAndMoveTau1(playerId)
- local markerToJump = "mkr_JumpToStells1"
- local markerFromSpawn = "mkr_StellsFrom1"
- local sg = "sg_spOrksTriger1"
- local bp = "tau_stealth_team_squad"
- local mkr = ""
- local num = 1
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, bp, markerFromSpawn, num, g_SluggaLodout)
- local rand = World_GetRand(1,5)
- if(rand == 1) then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg,"tau_crisis_suit_squad" , markerFromSpawn, num, 1)
- end
- Cmd_JumpToMarker(sg, markerToJump)
- end
- function Rule_CheckTrigger2()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created1 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_JumpToStells2")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created1 = true
- CreateAndMoveTau2(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created1 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_JumpToStells2")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created1 = true
- CreateAndMoveTau2(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- end
- function CreateAndMoveTau2(playerId)
- local markerToJump = "mkr_JumpToStells2"
- local markerFromSpawn = "mkr_StellsFrom2"
- local sg = "sg_spOrksTriger2"
- local bp = "tau_stealth_team_squad"
- local mkr = ""
- local num = 1
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, bp, markerFromSpawn, num, g_SluggaLodout)
- local rand = World_GetRand(1,5)
- if(rand == 1) then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, "tau_crisis_suit_squad", markerFromSpawn, num, 1)
- end
- Cmd_JumpToMarker(sg, markerToJump)
- end
- function Rule_CheckTrigger3()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created2 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_JumpToStells3")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created2 = true
- CreateAndMoveTau3(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created2 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_JumpToStells3")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created2 = true
- CreateAndMoveTau3(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- end
- function CreateAndMoveTau3(playerId)
- local markerToJump = "mkr_JumpToStells3"
- local markerFromSpawn = "mkr_StellsFrom3"
- local sg = "sg_spOrksTriger3"
- local bp = "tau_stealth_team_squad"
- local mkr = ""
- local num = 1
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, bp, markerFromSpawn, num, g_SluggaLodout)
- local rand = World_GetRand(1,5)
- if(rand == 1) then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, "tau_crisis_suit_squad", markerFromSpawn, num, 1)
- end
- Cmd_JumpToMarker(sg, markerToJump)
- end
- function Rule_CheckTrigger4()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created3 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_JumpToStells4")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created3 = true
- CreateAndMoveTau4(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created3 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_JumpToStells4")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created3 = true
- CreateAndMoveTau4(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- end
- function CreateAndMoveTau4(playerId)
- local markerToJump = "mkr_JumpToStells4"
- local markerFromSpawn = "mkr_StellsFrom4"
- local sg = "sg_spOrksTriger4"
- local bp = "tau_stealth_team_squad"
- local mkr = ""
- local num = 1
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, bp, markerFromSpawn, num, g_SluggaLodout)
- local rand = World_GetRand(1,5)
- if(rand == 1) then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg,"tau_crisis_suit_squad" , markerFromSpawn, num, 1)
- end
- Cmd_JumpToMarker(sg, markerToJump)
- end
- function Rule_CheckTrigger5()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created4 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_JumpToStells5")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created4 = true
- CreateAndMoveTau5(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created4 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_JumpToStells5")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created4 = true
- CreateAndMoveTau5(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- end
- function CreateAndMoveTau5(playerId)
- local markerToJump = "mkr_JumpToStells5"
- local markerFromSpawn = "mkr_StellsFrom5"
- local sg = "sg_spOrksTriger5"
- local bp = "tau_stealth_team_squad"
- local mkr = ""
- local num = 1
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, bp, markerFromSpawn, num, g_SluggaLodout)
- local rand = World_GetRand(1,5)
- if(rand == 1) then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, "tau_crisis_suit_squad", markerFromSpawn, num, 1)
- end
- Cmd_JumpToMarker(sg, markerToJump)
- end
- function Rule_CheckTrigger6()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created5 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_JumpToStells6")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created5 = true
- CreateAndMoveTau6(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created5 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_JumpToStells6")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created5 = true
- CreateAndMoveTau6(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- end
- function CreateAndMoveTau6(playerId)
- local markerToJump = "mkr_JumpToStells6"
- local markerFromSpawn = "mkr_StellsFrom6"
- local sg = "sg_spOrksTriger6"
- local bp = "tau_stealth_team_squad"
- local mkr = ""
- local num = 3
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, bp, markerFromSpawn, num, g_SluggaLodout)
- local rand = World_GetRand(1,5)
- if(rand == 1) then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, "tau_crisis_suit_squad", markerFromSpawn, num, 1)
- end
- Cmd_JumpToMarker(sg, markerToJump)
- end
- function Rule_CheckTrigger7()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created6 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_Surprise")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created6 = true
- CreateAndMoveTau7(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created6 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_Surprise")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created6 = true
- CreateAndMoveTau7(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- end
- function CreateAndMoveTau7(playerId)
- local markerToJump = "mkr_Player_HQ"
- local markerFromSpawn = "mkr_SurpriseWave"
- local sg = "sg_spOrksTriger7"
- local bp = "tau_krootox_squad"
- local mkr = ""
- local num = 3
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, bp, markerFromSpawn, num, g_SluggaLodout)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, "tau_hammerhead_gunship_squad", markerFromSpawn, num, g_SluggaLodout)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, "tau_pathfinder_squad", markerFromSpawn, num, g_SluggaLodout)
- local rand = World_GetRand(1,5)
- if(rand == 1) then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg,"tau_crisis_suit_squad" , markerFromSpawn, num, 1)
- end
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker(sg, markerToJump)
- end
- function SpawnCrisis()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created112 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_CheckCrysis"))then --or playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_CheckCrysis" ) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created112 = true
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "123123123", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_Crysis1", 1, 1)
- Cmd_JumpToMarker("123123123", "mkr_ToCrysis1")
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "1231231231", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_Crysis2", 1, 1)
- Cmd_JumpToMarker("1231231231", "mkr_ToCrysis2")
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "123123123121", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_Crysis3", 1, 1)
- Cmd_JumpToMarker("123123123121", "mkr_ToCrysis3")
- end
- end
- end
- function Rule_CheckTrigger8()
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created7 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "mkr_JumpToStells7")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created7 = true
- CreateAndMoveTau8(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- if (g_orksFromTrigger0Created7 == nil) then
- if (playerHasAnySquadAtMarker(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "mkr_JumpToStells7")) then
- g_orksFromTrigger0Created7 = true
- CreateAndMoveTau8(World_GetPlayerAt(2))
- end
- end
- end
- function CreateAndMoveTau8(playerId)
- local markerToJump = "mkr_JumpToStells7"
- local markerFromSpawn = "mkr_StellsFrom7"
- local sg = "sg_spOrksTriger8"
- local bp = "tau_stealth_team_squad"
- local mkr = ""
- local num = 2
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, bp, markerFromSpawn, num, g_SluggaLodout)
- local rand = World_GetRand(1,15)
- if(rand == 1) then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(playerId, sg, "tau_crisis_suit_squad", markerFromSpawn, num, 1)
- end
- Cmd_JumpToMarker(sg, markerToJump)
- end
- function Check_Sp1()
- if (not EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture1", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false) and not EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture1", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) then
- if(timerShift > 3 * 60) then
- if(checkSeePlayerArray[8] == 1) then
- checkSeePlayerArray[8] = 0
- timerWaveKroot = 0
- elseif(timerWaveKroot == 300) then
- print("WAVE SP1")
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU1")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU1") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU1", "tau_kroot_carnivore_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave1", 3, 5)
- if(math.mod(timerBaseKroot, 15) == 0 and timerBaseKroot > 1) then
- local countWarrior = 0
- for i = 1, timerBaseKroot / 15 do
- countWarrior = i
- end
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU1", "tau_kroot_carnivore_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave1", countWarrior + 1, 5)
- end
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU1", "mkr_Player_HQ")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function Check_Sp2()
- if (not EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture2", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false) and not EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture2", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) then
- if(timerShift > 2 * 60) then
- if(checkSeePlayerArray[9] == 1) then
- checkSeePlayerArray[9] = 0
- timerFireWarrior = 0
- elseif(timerFireWarrior == 300) then
- print("WAVE SP2")
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2", "tau_fire_warrior_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave2", 3, 6)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave2", 1, 1)
- if(math.mod(timerBaseSuperKroot, 20) == 0 and timerBaseSuperKroot > 1) then
- local countWarrior = 0
- for i = 1, timerBaseSuperKroot / 20 do
- countWarrior = i
- end
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2", "tau_fire_warrior_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave2", countWarrior + 1, 6)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2", "tau_crisis_suit_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave2", countWarrior + 1, 1)
- end
- for i = 1, 2 do
- SGroup_AddLeaders ( "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2")
- end
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2", "mkr_Player_HQ")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function Check_Sp3()
- if (not EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture3", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false) and not EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture3", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) then
- if(timerShift > 6 * 60) then
- if(checkSeePlayerArray[10] == 1) then
- checkSeePlayerArray[10] = 0
- timerTank = 0
- elseif(timerTank == 240) then
- print("WAVE SP3")
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU3")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU3") then
- if(timerGlobal > 700) then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU3", "tau_drone_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave3", 2, 5)
- end
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU3", "tau_skyray_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave3", 1, 1)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU3", "tau_drone_harbinger_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave3", 1, 1)
- if(math.mod(timerBaseSuperKroot, 20) == 0 and timerBaseSuperKroot > 1) then
- local countWarrior = 0
- for i = 1, timerBaseSuperKroot / 20 do
- countWarrior = i
- end
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU3", "tau_skyray_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave3", countWarrior + 1, 1)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU3", "tau_drone_harbinger_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave3", countWarrior + 1, 1)
- end
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU3", "mkr_Player_HQ")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function Check_Sp4()
- if (not EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture4", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false) and not EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture4", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) then
- if(timerShift > 7 * 60) then
- if(checkSeePlayerArray[11] == 1) then
- checkSeePlayerArray[11] = 0
- timerSuperKroot = 0
- elseif(timerSuperKroot == 700) then
- print("WAVE SP4")
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU4")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU4") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU4", "tau_krootox_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave4", 2, 2)
- if(math.mod(timer30Min, 40) == 0 and timer30Min > 1) then
- local countWarrior = 0
- for i = 1, timer30Min / 40 do
- countWarrior = i
- end
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU4", "tau_krootox_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave4", countWarrior + 1, 1)
- --Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU4", "tau_drone_harbinger_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave2", countWarrior + 1, 1)
- end
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU4", "mkr_Player_HQ")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function Check_Sp5()
- if (not EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture5", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false) and not EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Capture5", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) then
- if(timerShift > 7 * 60) then
- if(checkSeePlayerArray[12] == 1) then
- checkSeePlayerArray[12] = 0
- timerSuperTank = 0
- elseif(timerSuperTank == 700) then
- print("WAVE SP5")
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU5")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU5") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU5", "tau_hammerhead_gunship_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave5", 2, 5)
- if(math.mod(timer30Min, 40) == 0 and timer30Min > 1) then
- local countWarrior = 0
- for i = 1, timer30Min / 40 do
- countWarrior = i
- end
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU5", "tau_hammerhead_gunship_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave5", countWarrior + 1, 1)
- --Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU4", "tau_drone_harbinger_squad", "mkr_SpawnTauWave2", countWarrior + 1, 1)
- end
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU5", "mkr_Player_HQ")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function Reinforcement()
- if (EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Reinforcement", World_GetPlayerAt(0), false)) then
- --EGroup_SetPlayerOwner("eg_Reinforcement", World_GetPlayerAt(0))
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6")
- if(timerAttackReinforcement > 90) then
- timerAttackReinforcement = 0
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6", "tau_krootox_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 5)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6", "tau_hammerhead_gunship_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 5)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6", "tau_drone_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 5)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6", "tau_skyray_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 1, 1)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6", "tau_drone_harbinger_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 1, 1)
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6", "mkr_AttackAndDestroy")
- end
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121ewew212az4234")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121ewew212az4234") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121ewew212az4234", "tau_stealth_team_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_Capture("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121ewew212az4234", "eg_Sp_Reinforcement")
- end
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU827623489")
- end
- if(timerReinforcement == 300 and SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU827623489")) then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU827623489", "tau_hammerhead_gunship_squad", "mkr_AttackAndDestroy", 4, 1)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(0), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU827623489", "tau_fire_warrior_squad", "mkr_AttackAndDestroy", 4, 6)
- for i = 1, 2 do
- SGroup_AddLeaders ( "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU827623489")
- end
- end
- end
- if (EGroup_IsCapturedByPlayer("eg_Sp_Reinforcement", World_GetPlayerAt(1), false)) then
- --EGroup_SetPlayerOwner("eg_Reinforcement", World_GetPlayerAt(1))
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6", "tau_krootox_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 5)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6", "tau_hammerhead_gunship_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 5)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6", "tau_drone_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 5)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6", "tau_skyray_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 1, 1)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6", "tau_drone_harbinger_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 1, 1)
- Cmd_AttackMoveMarker("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU6", "mkr_AttackAndDestroy")
- end
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121ewew212az4234")
- if SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121ewew212az4234") then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(2), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121ewew212az4234", "tau_stealth_team_squad", "mkr_AttackBaseTau", 2, 3)
- Cmd_Capture("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU2311121ewew212az4234", "eg_Sp_Reinforcement")
- end
- SGroup_CreateIfNotFound("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU827623489")
- if(timerReinforcement == 300 and SGroup_IsEmpty("sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU827623489")) then
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU827623489", "tau_hammerhead_gunship_squad", "mkr_AttackAndDestroy", 4, 1)
- Util_CreateSquadsAtMarkerEx(World_GetPlayerAt(1), "sg_TunnelSaboteurs_TAU827623489", "tau_fire_warrior_squad", "mkr_AttackAndDestroy", 4, 6)
- end
- end
- end
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