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- local verlet = {}
- verlet.step_time = 1 / 50
- verlet.gravity =, -10, 0)
- local char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
- local torso = char:WaitForChild("UpperTorso")
- local parts = {}
- local render = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped
- local part = Transperancy == ".8"
- wait(2)
- local point = {}
- local link = {}
- local rope = {}
- local function ccw(A,B,C)
- return (C.y-A.y) * (B.x-A.x) > (B.y-A.y) * (C.x-A.x)
- end
- local function intersect(A,B,C,D)
- return ccw(A,C,D) ~= ccw(B,C,D) and ccw(A,B,C) ~= ccw(A,B,D)
- end
- local function vec2(v)
- return, v.z)
- end
- function point:step()
- if not self.fixed then
- local derivative = (self.position - self.last_position) * 0.80
- self.last_position = self.position
- self.position = self.position + derivative + (self.velocity * verlet.step_time ^ 2)
- local torsoP = torso.CFrame *, 0, 0.5)
- local torsoE = torso.CFrame *, 0, 0.5)
- local pointE = self.position + torso.CFrame.lookVector * 100
- local doIntersect = intersect(vec2(torsoP.p), vec2(torsoE.p), vec2(self.position), vec2(pointE))
- if not doIntersect then
- self.postition = self.position - torso.CFrame.lookVector * 10
- end
- end
- end
- function link:step()
- for i = 1, 1 do
- local distance = self.point1.position - self.point2.position
- local magnitude = distance.magnitude
- local differance = (self.length - magnitude) / magnitude
- local translation = ((self.point1.fixed or self.point2.fixed) and 1 or 0.6) * distance * differance
- if not self.point1.fixed then
- self.point1.position = self.point1.position + translation
- end
- if not self.point2.fixed then
- self.point2.position = self.point2.position - translation
- end
- end
- end
- function, a, b, c)
- if class == "Point" then
- local new = {}
- setmetatable(new, {__index = point})
- new.class = class
- new.position = a or
- new.last_position = new.position
- new.velocity = verlet.gravity
- new.fixed = false
- return new
- elseif class == "Link" then
- local new = {}
- setmetatable(new, {__index = link})
- new.class = class
- new.point1 = a
- new.point2 = b
- new.length = c or (a.position - b.position).magnitude
- return new
- elseif class == "Rope" then
- local new = {}
- setmetatable(new, {__index = link})
- new.class = class
- new.start_point = a
- new.finish_point = b
- new.points = {}
- new.links = {}
- local inc = (b - a) / 10
- for i = 0, 10 do
- table.insert(new.points,"Point", a + (i * inc)))
- end
- for i = 2, #new.points do
- table.insert(new.links,"Link", new.points[i - 1], new.points[i]))
- end
- return new
- end
- end
- local tris = {}
- local triParts = {}
- local function GetDiscoColor(hue)
- local section = hue % 1 * 3
- local secondary = 0.5 * math.pi * (section % 1)
- if section < 1 then
- return, 1 - math.cos(secondary), 1 - math.sin(secondary))
- elseif section < 2 then
- return - math.sin(secondary), 1, 1 - math.cos(secondary))
- else
- return - math.cos(secondary), 1 - math.sin(secondary), 1)
- end
- end
- local function setupPart(part)
- part.Anchored = true
- part.FormFactor = 3
- part.CanCollide = false
- part.TopSurface = 10
- part.BottomSurface = 10
- part.LeftSurface = 10
- part.RightSurface = 10
- part.FrontSurface = 10
- part.BackSurface = 10
- part.Material = "Glass"
- local m ="SpecialMesh", part)
- m.MeshType = "Wedge"
- m.Scale =, 1, 1)
- return part
- end
- local function CFrameFromTopBack(at, top, back)
- local right = top:Cross(back)
- return, at.y, at.z, right.x, top.x, back.x, right.y, top.y, back.y, right.z, top.z, back.z)
- end
- local function drawTri(parent, a, b, c)
- local this = {}
- local mPart1 = table.remove(triParts, 1) or setupPart("Part"))
- local mPart2 = table.remove(triParts, 1) or setupPart("Part"))
- function this:Set(a, b, c)
- local ab, bc, ca = b-a, c-b, a-c
- local abm, bcm, cam = ab.magnitude, bc.magnitude, ca.magnitude
- local edg1 = math.abs(0.5 + ca:Dot(ab)/(abm*abm))
- local edg2 = math.abs(0.5 + ab:Dot(bc)/(bcm*bcm))
- local edg3 = math.abs(0.5 + bc:Dot(ca)/(cam*cam))
- if edg1 < edg2 then
- if edg1 >= edg3 then
- a, b, c = c, a, b
- ab, bc, ca = ca, ab, bc
- abm = cam
- end
- else
- if edg2 < edg3 then
- a, b, c = b, c, a
- ab, bc, ca = bc, ca, ab
- abm = bcm
- else
- a, b, c = c, a, b
- ab, bc, ca = ca, ab, bc
- abm = cam
- end
- end
- local len1 = -ca:Dot(ab)/abm
- local len2 = abm - len1
- local width = (ca + ab.unit*len1).magnitude
- local maincf = CFrameFromTopBack(a, ab:Cross(bc).unit, -ab.unit)
- if len1 > 0.2 then
- mPart1.Parent = parent
- mPart1.Size =, width, len1)
- mPart1.CFrame = maincf*CFrame.Angles(math.pi,0,math.pi/2)*,width/2,len1/2)
- else
- mPart1.Parent = nil
- end
- if len2 > 0.2 then
- mPart2.Parent = parent
- mPart2.Size =, width, len2)
- mPart2.CFrame = maincf*CFrame.Angles(math.pi,math.pi,-math.pi/2)*,width/2,-len1 - len2/2)
- else
- mPart2.Parent = nil
- end
- end
- function this:SetProperty(prop, value)
- mPart1[prop] = value
- mPart2[prop] = value
- end
- this:Set(a, b, c)
- function this:Destroy()
- mPart1:Destroy()
- mPart2:Destroy()
- end
- this.p1 = mPart1
- this.p2 = mPart2
- this.p1.BrickColor =, 0.5, this.p1.CFrame.Y * 0.5 + time())))
- this.p2.BrickColor =, 0.5, this.p2.CFrame.Y * 0.5 + time())))
- return this
- end
- function verlet.draw(object, id)
- if object.class == "Point" then
- local part = parts[id]
- part.BrickColor =, 1, 1)
- part.Transparency = 1
- part.formFactor = 3
- part.Anchored = true
- part.CanCollide = false
- part.TopSurface = 0
- part.BottomSurface = 0
- part.Size =, 0.35, 0.35)
- part.Material = "Glass"
- part.CFrame =
- part.Parent = torso
- return part
- elseif object.class == "Link" then
- local part = parts[id]
- local dist = (object.point1.position - object.point2.position).magnitude
- part.Size =, 0.2, dist)
- part.CFrame =, object.point2.position) *, 0, dist * -0.5)
- part.Parent = torso
- return part
- end
- end
- function verlet.clear()
- for _, v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name == "Part" then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- local points = {}
- local links = {}
- for x = 0, 2 do
- points[x] = {}
- for y = 0, 3 do
- points[x][y] ="Point", torso.Position + * 0.8 - 2, 2 - y * 0.8, 5 + y * 0.4))
- points[x][y].fixed = y == 0
- end
- end
- for x = 1, 2 do
- for y = 0, 3 do
- links[#links + 1] ="Link", points[x][y], points[x - 1][y], 1 + y * 0.08)
- end
- end
- for x = 0, 2 do
- for y = 1, 3 do
- links[#links + 1] ="Link", points[x][y], points[x][y - 1], 1.2 + y * 0.03)
- end
- end
- render:connect(function()
- for x = 0, 2 do
- for y = 0, 3 do
- if y == 0 then
- points[x][y].position = (torso.CFrame * * 1 - 1, 1, 0.5)).p
- else
- points[x][y]:step()
- end
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #links do
- links[i]:step()
- end
- for i = 1, #tris do
- triParts[#triParts + 1] = tris[i].p1
- triParts[#triParts + 1] = tris[i].p2
- end
- tris = {}
- for x = 1, 2 do
- for y = 1, 3 do
- tris[#tris + 1] = drawTri(torso, points[x - 1][y - 1].position, points[x - 1][y].position, points[x][y - 1].position)
- tris[#tris + 1] = drawTri(torso, points[x][y].position, points[x - 1][y].position, points[x][y - 1].position)
- end
- end
- end)
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