
DarkPlaces / Quake1.5 / config.cfg

Jan 29th, 2019
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  1. bind TAB "+showscores"
  2. bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
  3. bind SPACE "+jump"
  4. bind + "sizeup"
  5. bind - "sizedown"
  6. bind / "impulse 10"
  7. bind 0 "f_shortcutkeys"
  8. bind 1 "impulse 1"
  9. bind 2 "impulse 2"
  10. bind 3 "impulse 3"
  11. bind 4 "impulse 4"
  12. bind 5 "impulse 5"
  13. bind 6 "impulse 6"
  14. bind 7 "impulse 7"
  15. bind 8 "impulse 8"
  16. bind = "sizeup"
  17. bind [ "consizedown"
  18. bind ] "consizeup"
  19. bind BACKQUOTE "toggleconsole"
  20. bind a "+moveleft"
  21. bind c "+movedown"
  22. bind d "+moveright"
  23. bind f "itembar"
  24. bind g "ThrowGrenade"
  25. bind o "chase_active 0"
  26. bind p "chase_active 1"
  27. bind q "impulse 10"
  28. bind s "+back"
  29. bind t "chasecam"
  30. bind w "+forward"
  31. bind x "quickkick"
  32. bind TILDE "toggleconsole"
  33. bind LEFTARROW "+left"
  34. bind RIGHTARROW "+right"
  35. bind CTRL "+movedown"
  36. bind SHIFT "+speed"
  37. bind F1 "addbot"
  38. bind F2 "addbotenemy"
  39. bind F3 "removebot"
  40. bind F4 "menu_options"
  41. bind F5 "echo Quicksaving...; wait; save quick"
  42. bind F6 "echo Quicksaving...; wait; save quick"
  43. bind F9 "echo QuickLoading...;wait;quickload"
  44. bind F10 "restart"
  45. bind F11 "zoom_in"
  46. bind F12 "screenshot"
  47. bind PAUSE "pause"
  48. bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
  49. bind MOUSE3 "flashlight"
  50. bind MWHEELUP "impulse 12"
  51. bind MWHEELDOWN "impulse 10"
  52. "_cl_color" "48"
  53. "_cl_name" "Kills Alone"
  54. "_cl_rate" "95000"
  55. "_snd_mixahead" "0.1"
  56. "bgmvolume" "0"
  57. "chase_active" "1"
  58. "chase_back" "65"
  59. "chase_overhead" "1"
  60. "chase_up" "70"
  61. "cl_beams_instantaimhack" "1"
  62. "cl_beams_lightatend" "1"
  63. "cl_beams_polygons" "0"
  64. "cl_decals_max" "4500"
  65. "cl_followmodel" "1"
  66. "cl_leanmodel" "1"
  67. "cl_maxfps" "250"
  68. "cl_particles_explosions_shell" "1"
  69. "cl_particles_quality" "2"
  70. "cl_stainmaps" "1"
  71. "fov" "105"
  72. "gl_texture_anisotropy" "8"
  73. "r_bloom" "1"
  74. "r_bloom_blur" "6"
  75. "r_bloom_brighten" "1"
  76. "r_bloom_colorsubtract" "0"
  77. "r_bloom_resolution" "1024"
  78. "r_coronas" "1"
  79. "r_framedatasize" "4"
  80. "r_lerplightstyles" "1"
  81. "r_lerpsprites" "1"
  82. "r_lightningbeam_color_blue" "0.7"
  83. "r_lightningbeam_color_green" "0.6"
  84. "r_lightningbeam_color_red" "0.5"
  85. "r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture" "1"
  86. "r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance" "256"
  87. "r_lightningbeam_scroll" "6"
  88. "r_lightningbeam_thickness" "8"
  89. "r_shadow_realtime_world" "1"
  90. "r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps" "0.700000"
  91. "r_texture_dds_load" "1"
  92. "r_water" "1"
  93. "r_wateralpha" "1"
  94. "savedgamecfg" "1"
  95. "sbar_alpha_bg" "0"
  96. "showfps" "1"
  97. "sys_ticrate" "0.01"
  98. "v_color_enable" "1"
  99. "v_hwgamma" "1"
  100. "vid_conheight" "351"
  101. "vid_conwidth" "624"
  102. "vid_height" "1080"
  103. "vid_samples" "2"
  104. "vid_userefreshrate" "1"
  105. "vid_width" "1920"
  106. "viewsize" "112"
  107. "volume" "1"
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