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- local WORLD, SIDE = {}, {{1,0,0},{-1,0,0},{0,0,1},{0,0,-1},{0,1,0},{0,-1,0}}
- local HUGE, UNPK, INSRT, PRS = math.huge, table.unpack, table.insert, pairs
- local function hash(x, y, z)
- x, z = x+134217728, z+134217728
- return y|(x<<8)|(z<<36)
- end
- local function unhash(h)
- return ((h&68719476480)>>8)-134217728, h&255, ((h&-68719476736)>>36)-134217728
- end
- local function delta(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
- return (x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2+(z1-z2)^2
- end
- -- FRONT/MARKED = { {x, y, z, d_total, d_target, parent}, ... }
- local function getPath(sX, sY, sZ, tX, tY, tZ)
- local S, T, d = hash(tX, tY, tZ), hash(sX, sY, sZ), delta(sX, sY, sZ, tX, tY, tZ)
- if not WORLD[S] or not WORLD[T] then return nil end
- local FRONT, MARKED, PATH, DIR = {[S]={tX, tY, tZ, d, d, S}}, {}, {}, 1
- local c, t, cX, cY, cZ, pX, pY, pZ, a, b, ch, N
- while true do
- c, t, d = nil, HUGE, HUGE
- for i, j in PRS(FRONT) do
- if j[4] < t and j[5] < d then
- c, t, d = i, j[4], j[5]
- end
- end
- if c then
- MARKED[c], FRONT[c] = {UNPK(FRONT[c])}, nil
- cX, cY, cZ = MARKED[c][1], MARKED[c][2], MARKED[c][3]
- for s = 1, #SIDE do
- pX, pY, pZ = cX+SIDE[s][1], cY+SIDE[s][2], cZ+SIDE[s][3]
- ch = hash(pX, pY, pZ)
- if WORLD[ch] and not MARKED[ch] and not FRONT[ch] then
- a, b = delta(pX, pY, pZ, sX, sY, sZ), delta(pX, pY, pZ, tX, tY, tZ)
- if (s > 0 and s < 5) and s ~= DIR then
- DIR, a = s, b-a
- end
- FRONT[ch] = {pX, pY, pZ, a, b, c}
- if ch == T then
- N = ch
- for i, j in PRS(FRONT) do
- MARKED[i] = {UNPK(j)}
- end
- FRONT = nil
- while N ~= S do
- INSRT(PATH, {unhash(N)})
- if MARKED[N] then
- N, MARKED[N] = MARKED[N][6], nil
- end
- end
- INSRT(PATH, {tX, tY, tZ})
- return PATH
- end
- end
- end
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- if os.clock() > 0.5 then
- return nil
- end
- end
- --[[
- for x = 1, 10 do
- for y = 1, 10 do
- if math.random(0, 3) ~= 0 then
- WORLD[hash(x, y, 0)] = true
- end
- end
- end
- local g = getPath(1, 1, 0, 10, 10, 0)
- if not g then
- print('PATH NOT FOUND')
- end
- local a,c=''
- for x = 1, 10 do
- for y = 1, 10 do
- for i = 1, #g do
- if g[i][1] == x and g[i][2] == y then
- c=true
- end
- end
- if c then
- a, c = a..'o', nil
- else
- if WORLD[hash(x, y, 0)] then
- a = a..' '
- else
- a = a..'x'
- end
- end
- end
- a = a..'\n'
- end
- print(a)
- ]]
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