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- ;--------------------------------------
- ; Approximation of pi by checking points
- ; in a grid if they are lying within
- ; a quarter of a circle with the radius
- ; of the grid's length and calculating
- ; the ratio of points in the circle and
- ; all points of the grid, known as pi.
- ;--------------------------------------
- !to "test.prg", cbm
- !convtab pet
- !sl "test.labels"
- ; Radius and length of the grid.
- RADIUS = 3000
- ; 32 bit fixed point value with two bit fraction.
- ptr1 = $9e
- ptr2 = $a5
- x = $a7 ; 32 bit fixed point with two bit fractional part.
- hit_count = $b0 ; 24 or 32 bit counter.
- i = $f7 ; 16 bit fixed point with one bit fractional part.
- r16a = $f9
- fac1_print = $aabc
- * = $0801
- basic_header
- !word .next_line
- !word 2014 ; BASIC line number.
- !pet "ti$", $b2, 34, "000000", 34, ":" ; Set clock to 00:00:00.
- !byte $9e ; SYS token.
- !byte "0" + (start / 1000), "0" + ((start / 100) % 10)
- !byte "0" + ((start / 10) % 10), "0" + (start % 10)
- !pet ":", $99, "ti$" ; PRINT clock value.
- !byte 0 ; BASIC line end marker.
- .next_line
- !word 0
- !zone
- start:
- jsr calculate_squares
- jsr count_hits_on_one_side_of_the_diagonal
- asl hit_count ; hit_count *= 2
- rol hit_count+1
- rol hit_count+2
- jsr count_hits_on_the_diagonal
- ;
- ; fac1 = 4 * hit_count / int(HIT_ZONE)
- ;
- asl hit_count ; hit_count *= 4
- rol hit_count+1
- rol hit_count+2
- rol hit_count+3
- asl hit_count
- rol hit_count+1
- rol hit_count+2
- rol hit_count+3
- lda hit_count+3 ; fac1 = hit_count
- sta $62
- lda hit_count+2
- sta $63
- lda hit_count+1
- sta $64
- lda hit_count
- sta $65
- sec
- lda #0
- ldx #$a0
- jsr $bc4f
- ldx #<.temp_flpt ; .temp_flpt = fac1
- ldy #>.temp_flpt
- jsr $bbd4
- ; fac1 = int(HIT_ZONE)
- lda #(HIT_ZONE >> 2) AND $ff
- ldx #((HIT_ZONE >> 2) >> 8) AND $ff
- ldy #((HIT_ZONE >> 2) >> 16) AND $ff
- jsr $af87
- sec
- lda #0
- ldx #$a0
- jsr $bc4f
- lda #<.temp_flpt ; fac1 = .temp_flpt / fac1
- ldy #>.temp_flpt
- jsr $bb0f
- jmp fac1_print
- .temp_flpt
- !fill 5
- ;--------------------------------------
- !align 255, 0, 0
- !zone
- calculate_squares
- lda #<values ; ptr1 = &values
- sta ptr1
- lda #>values
- sta ptr1+1
- ldy #1 ; i = 0.5
- sty i
- dey
- sty i+1
- .loop
- lda i ; r16a = i
- sta r16a
- lda i+1
- sta r16a+1
- lda #0 ; x = i * r16a
- sta x+2
- sta x+3
- ldx #16
- - lsr r16a+1
- ror r16a
- bcc +
- lda x+2
- clc
- adc i
- sta x+2
- lda x+3
- adc i+1
- + ror
- sta x+3
- ror x+2
- ror x+1
- ror x
- dex
- bne -
- ldy #0 ; *ptr1 = x
- lda x
- sta (ptr1),y
- iny
- lda x+1
- sta (ptr1),y
- iny
- lda x+2
- sta (ptr1),y
- iny
- lda x+3
- sta (ptr1),y
- clc ; i += 1.0
- lda i
- adc #2
- sta i
- bcc +
- inc i+1
- +
- clc ; ptr1 += 4
- lda ptr1
- adc #4
- sta ptr1
- bcc +
- inc ptr1+1
- +
- lda ptr1
- cmp #<(RADIUS * 4 + values)
- bne .loop
- lda ptr1+1
- cmp #>(RADIUS * 4 + values)
- bne .loop
- rts
- ;--------------------------------------
- !align 255, 0, 0
- !zone
- count_hits_on_one_side_of_the_diagonal
- lda #0 ; hit_count = 0
- sta hit_count
- sta hit_count+1
- sta hit_count+2
- sta hit_count+3
- lda #<values ; ptr1 = &values
- sta ptr1
- lda #>values
- sta ptr1+1
- .outer_loop
- inc $d020
- lda ptr1
- sta ptr2
- lda ptr1+1
- sta ptr2+1
- jmp .inner_continue
- ; Make sure the inner loop is within one page.
- !align 255, 0, 0
- .inner_loop
- clc ; x = *ptr1 + *ptr2
- ldy #0
- lda (ptr1),y
- adc (ptr2),y
- sta x
- iny
- lda (ptr1),y
- adc (ptr2),y
- sta x+1
- iny
- lda (ptr1),y
- adc (ptr2),y
- sta x+2
- iny
- lda (ptr1),y
- adc (ptr2),y
- ; sta x+3
- ; lda x+3
- cmp #(HIT_ZONE >> 24) AND $ff
- bcc +
- bne .skip
- lda x+2
- cmp #(HIT_ZONE >> 16) AND $ff
- bcc +
- bne .skip
- lda x+1
- cmp #(HIT_ZONE >> 8) AND $ff
- bcc +
- bne .skip
- lda x
- cmp #HIT_ZONE AND $ff
- bcs .skip
- +
- inc hit_count ; ... ++hit_count
- bne +
- inc hit_count+1
- bne +
- inc hit_count+2
- +
- .skip
- .inner_continue
- clc ; ptr2 += 4
- lda ptr2
- adc #4
- sta ptr2
- bcc +
- inc ptr2+1
- +
- lda ptr2
- cmp #<(RADIUS * 4 + values)
- bne .inner_loop
- lda ptr2+1
- cmp #>(RADIUS * 4 + values)
- bne .inner_loop
- .outer_continue
- clc ; ptr1 += 4
- lda ptr1
- adc #4
- sta ptr1
- bcc +
- inc ptr1+1
- +
- lda ptr1
- cmp #<(RADIUS * 4 + values)
- bne .to_outer_loop
- lda ptr1+1
- cmp #>(RADIUS * 4 + values)
- beq +
- .to_outer_loop
- jmp .outer_loop
- +
- rts
- ;--------------------------------------
- !align 255, 0, 0
- !zone
- count_hits_on_the_diagonal
- lda #<values ; ptr1 = &values
- sta ptr1
- lda #>values
- sta ptr1+1
- .loop
- ldy #0 ; x = *ptr1 * 2
- lda (ptr1),y
- asl
- sta x
- iny
- lda (ptr1),y
- rol
- sta x+1
- iny
- lda (ptr1),y
- rol
- sta x+2
- iny
- lda (ptr1),y
- rol
- ; sta x+3
- ; lda x+3
- cmp #(HIT_ZONE >> 24) AND $ff
- bcc +
- bne .skip
- lda x+2
- cmp #(HIT_ZONE >> 16) AND $ff
- bcc +
- bne .skip
- lda x+1
- cmp #(HIT_ZONE >> 8) AND $ff
- bcc +
- bne .skip
- lda x
- cmp #HIT_ZONE AND $ff
- bcs .skip
- +
- inc hit_count ; ... ++hit_count
- bne +
- inc hit_count+1
- bne +
- inc hit_count+2
- +
- .skip
- clc ; ptr1 += 4
- lda ptr1
- adc #4
- sta ptr1
- bcc +
- inc ptr1+1
- +
- lda ptr1+1
- cmp #>(RADIUS * 4 + values)
- bcc .loop
- lda ptr1
- cmp #<(RADIUS * 4 + values)
- bcc .loop
- rts
- ;--------------------------------------
- ; Variables:
- ; Make sure no indexed access to a 32 bit value crosses page boundaries.
- !align 4, 0, 0
- ; 32 bit fixed point values with 2 bits fractional part.
- values
- ; Mind the BASIC ROM.
- !if values + RADIUS * 4 > $9fff {
- !error "`values` array does not fit into memory"
- }
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