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- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- --]] Copyright (C) Nova Corporations [[--|
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- --]] All things under the Authority of the Owner(s) Lewisk3 (Gluuon, Redxone)[[--|
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- --]] Lua buffer map API ideas
- --getMap(w, h) -- Returns map in table format
- -------------]]
- --]] Map Functions -- "FF*", where FF is text color, then back color, and * is the graphic
- -- changePixelGraphic(x,y,to) -- Changes a pixels graphic at an X and Y to a specific string "Text-Back-Str"
- -- setSolid(x,y,tf) -- Sets a pixel at X, Y to be solid or not (map[y][x].solid = tf)
- -- getRegionMap(fx,fy,tx,ty) -- Returns a map of pixels from a specific region
- -- setPixelAttribute(x,y,att) -- Concatenates att table onto the Pixels table at X, Y
- -- setPixelColor(x,y,cb) -- Sets pixel at x and y to color, cb (color byte)
- -- getPixelAttribute(x,y,name)-- Returns Attribute by name
- -- setPixel(x,y,g,s) -- sets pixel at x, y to graphic - g and solid - s
- -- getPixel(x,y) -- returns entire pixel at x and y
- -- drawPixel(x,y) -- draws pixel from map x, y
- -- drawPixelAt(x,y,sx,sy) -- draws pixel from map x, y at screen sx, sy
- ---------------]]
- --createCamera(fx,fy) -- Returns camera table with focal pointed offsets of - fx and fy
- --]] Camera Functions -- store local buffer
- -- render(map,mx,my,ox,oy) -- render map starting ox, oy and ending at mx+ox and my+oy, viewx = ox, viewy = oy, vieww = mx, viewh = my : checks buffer for smart rendering
- -- updateView(map,cx,cy) -- Updates cam view by adding cx and cy to it, renders
- -- clearBuffer() -- Clears the buffer
- -- isOutsideView(x,y) -- Check view variables to see of coord is outside view
- -- setBuffer(buff) -- Sets buffer table to, buff
- ---------------]]
- --Transparent pixel utils -- render used to draw pixels unrelated to the table map
- --]] Transparent pixel functions -- Returns renderer
- -- setProjection(x,y) -- sets starting point for adding offsets too
- -- addProjection(xo,yo) -- adds xo, yo to projection
- -- drawTPixel(x,y,g) -- draws pixel at x, y with g as graphic
- -- moveTPixel(map,xo,yo,g,a) -- takes map and draws map[y][x] at projection then draws g, at projection +xo, +yo boolean a is add offset to projection.
- -- clearTPixel(map,x,y) -- redraws x, y to map[y][x]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --]] API: Start
- function checkUpdate(apiloc)
- if(http)then
- local upd = http.get("")
- if(upd ~= nil)then
- local cont = upd.readAll()
- local f =,"r")
- local pcont = f.readAll()
- f.close()
- if(cont ~= pcont)then
- local f =,"w")
- f.write(cont)
- f.close()
- return "update"
- end
- else
- return "noconnection"
- end
- else
- return "nohttp"
- end
- return "noupdate"
- end
- if(not term.current().setVisible)then
- term.current().setVisible = function(noval)
- return false
- end
- end
- function new(mw,mh,nx,ny,nw,nh)
- local nmap = {}
- for y = 1, math.ceil(mh) do
- nmap[y] = {}
- for x = 1, math.ceil(mw) do
- nmap[y][x] = {}
- end
- end
- local ntmap = {}
- for y = 1, math.ceil(mh) do
- ntmap[y] = {}
- for x = 1, math.ceil(mw) do
- ntmap[y][x] = ""
- end
- end
- local w, h = term.getSize()
- local nbuffer = {}
- for y = 1, h do
- nbuffer[y] = {}
- for x = 1, w do
- nbuffer[y][x] = {}
- end
- end
- local mutils = {
- map = nmap,
- tmap = ntmap,
- player = {},
- buffer = nbuffer,
- huds = {},
- viewx = 0,
- viewy = 0,
- vieww = 0,
- viewh = 0,
- roffx = 0,
- roffy = 0,
- btext = {"", colors.white},
- clock = 0,
- time = 0,
- dialogln = 0,
- entities = {},
- -- Misc map utils
- importMap = function(self,file)
- if(fs.exists(file))then
- local f =,"r")
- local gmap = textutils.unserialize(f.readAll())
- if(type(gmap) == "table")then = gmap else error("importMap: Map invalid or corrupt. ") end
- f.close()
- self:resetTMap()
- self:initBuffer()
- else
- error("importMap: File doesnt exist: " .. file)
- end
- end,
- setRenderOffset = function(self,x,y)
- -- Make sure x and y is a number and that the number is an Integer
- self.roffx = math.ceil(tonumber(x))
- self.roffy = math.ceil(tonumber(y))
- end,
- getWidth = function(self)
- return self.vieww
- end,
- getHeight = function(self)
- return self.viewh
- end,
- getViews = function(self)
- return self.viewx, self.viewy
- end,
- getRenderOffsets = function(self)
- return self.roffx, self.roffy
- end,
- -- Misc camera buffer utils
- initBuffer = function(self)
- self.buffer = {}
- for y = 0, self.viewh do
- self.buffer[y] = {}
- for x = 0, self.vieww do
- self.buffer[y][x] = {}
- end
- end
- end,
- fillBuffer = function(self,pix)
- for y = 1, do
- for x = 1,[y] do
- self:setBuffer(x,y,pix)
- end
- end
- end,
- setBufferPixel = function(self,x,y,pix)
- self.buffer[y][x] = pix
- end,
- isBuffsize = function(self,x,y)
- if(self.buffer[y] ~= nil)then
- if(self.buffer[y][x] ~= nil)then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end,
- checkViews = function(self)
- local nocap = true
- if( self.viewy-self.viewh > )then self.viewy = nocap = false end
- if( self.viewx-self.vieww >[1] )then self.viewx =[1]-self.vieww nocap = false end
- if( self.viewx < 0 )then self.viewx = 0 nocap = false end
- if( self.viewy < 0 )then self.viewy = 0 nocap = false end
- return nocap
- end,
- setBuffer = function(self,buff)
- self.buffer = buff
- end,
- clearBuffer = function(self)
- self.buffer = {}
- end,
- getOutsideViews = function(self,x,y,xd,yd)
- local vox, voy = 0, 0
- if( x-xd <= self.viewx ) then vox = -1 end
- if( x+xd > self.vieww + self.viewx ) then vox = 1 end
- if( y-yd <= self.viewy ) then voy = -1 end
- if( y+yd > self.viewh + self.viewy ) then voy = 1 end
- if(x-xd < 1 or x+xd >[1])then
- vox = 0
- end
- if(y-yd < 1 or y+yd >
- voy = 0
- end
- return tonumber(vox), tonumber(voy)
- end,
- isOutsideView = function(self,x,y)
- return (x <= self.roffx) or ( x > self.vieww+self.roffx ) or (y <= self.roffy) or (y > self.viewh+self.roffy)
- end,
- isOutsideViewRelative = function(self,x,y)
- return (x < self.viewx+1) or ( x > self.vieww+self.viewx ) or (y < self.viewy+1) or (y > self.viewh + self.viewy)
- end,
- -- Misc pixel utils
- newPixel = function(col,g,s)
- return {col .. g, s}
- end,
- -- Color utils
- getColoredByte = function(byte)
- return 2^tonumber(byte:sub(1,1),16), 2^tonumber(byte:sub(2,2),16)
- end,
- setColors = function(tcol, bcol)
- term.setTextColor(tcol)
- term.setBackgroundColor(bcol)
- end,
- -- Map utils
- fillMap = function(self,pix)
- for y = 1, do
- for x = 1,[y] do
- self:setPixel(x,y,pix,s)
- end
- end
- end,
- clearMap = function(self)
- for y = 1, do
- for x = 1,[y] do
-[y][x] = {}
- end
- end
- end,
- setMapRegion = function(self,sx,sy,regiontable)
- for y = sy, #regiontable+sy do
- for x = sx, #regiontable[y-sy]+sx do
-[y][x] = regiontable[y-sy][x-sx]
- end
- end
- end,
- setMap = function(self, map)
- = map
- if(#map > #self.tmap or #map[1] > #self.tmap)then
- for y = 1, do
- self.tmap[y] = {}
- for x = 1,[y] do
- self.tmap[y][x] = {}
- end
- end
- end
- end,
- getMap = function(self)
- return
- end,
- getRegion = function(self,x,y,xx,yy)
- local retmap = {}
- for yr = y, yy do
- for xr = x, xx do
- retmap[yr-y][xr-x] =[yr][xr]
- end
- end
- return retmap
- end,
- -- Pixel utils
- setSolid = function(self,x,y,s)
-[y][x].solid = s
- end,
- isPixelSolid = function(self,x,y)
- return[y][x].solid
- end,
- getPixel = function(self,x,y)
- if([y] == nil)then return {"END", solid=true} end
- if([y][x] == nil)then return {"END", solid=true} end
- return[y][x][1]
- end,
- drawPixel = function(self,x,y,cpix)
- if(cpix:sub(1,1) == "G")then
- term.setTextColor(2^tonumber([y+self.viewy][x+self.viewx][1]:sub(1,1), 16 ) )
- term.setBackgroundColor(2^tonumber( cpix:sub(2,2), 16) )
- elseif(cpix:sub(2,2) == "G")then
- term.setTextColor(2^tonumber( cpix:sub(1,1), 16) )
- term.setBackgroundColor( 2^tonumber([y+self.viewy][x+self.viewx][1]:sub(2,2),16 ) )
- else
- self.setColors(self.getColoredByte(cpix))
- end
- if(self:isBuffsize(x, y))then
- self:setBufferPixel(x, y, cpix)
- end
- term.setCursorPos(x + self.roffx, y + self.roffy)
- write(cpix:sub(3,3))
- self:checkHudRedraw(x + self.roffx,y + self.roffy)
- end,
- getPixelRaw = function(self,x,y)
- if([y] == nil)then return {"END", solid=true} end
- if([y][x] == nil)then return {"END", solid=true} end
- return[y][x]
- end,
- getPixelAttribute = function(self,x,y,attrib)
- return[y][x][attrib]
- end,
- setPixelAttribute = function(self,x,y,attrib,eq)
-[y][x][attrib] = eq
- end,
- drawMapPixel = function(self,x,y,t)
- if(not self:isOutsideViewRelative(x,y))then
- self.setColors(self.getColoredByte([y][x][1]))
- term.setCursorPos( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- write([y][x][1]:sub(3,3))
- if(not t)then
- self:drawTPixel(x,y)
- end
- self:checkHudRedraw( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- end
- end,
- drawMapPixelAt = function(self,x,y,dx,dy)
- self.setColors(self.getColoredByte([y][x][1]))
- term.setCursorPos(dx, dy)
- write([y][x][1]:sub(3,3))
- end,
- setPixel = function(self,x,y,pix)
-[y][x] = {pix[1],solid=pix[2]}
- if(self:isBuffsize(x-self.viewx, y-self.viewy))then
- self:setBufferPixel(x-self.viewx, y-self.viewy, pix[1])
- end
- if(self.player ~= {})then
- if(x == self.player.x and y == self.player.y)then
- self:drawPlayer()
- elseif(not self:isOutsideViewRelative(x,y))then
- self:drawMapPixel(x,y)
- end
- elseif(not self:isOutsideViewRelative(x,y))then
- self:drawMapPixel(x,y)
- end
- self:checkHudRedraw((x - self.viewx) + self.roffx,(y - self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- end,
- checkPixelDistance = function(self, fx, fy, tx, ty)
- -- Again, thanks math teacher xD
- local dist = math.sqrt( (tx - fx)^2 + (ty - fy)^2 )
- return math.floor(dist)
- end,
- setPixelRelative = function(self,x,y,pix)
- self:setPixel(x + self.viewx - self.roffx, y + self.viewy - self.roffy, pix)
- end,
- -- Transparent Pixel utils
- resetTMap = function(self)
- for y = 1, #map do
- ntmap[y] = {}
- for x = 1, #map[y] do
- ntmap[y][x] = ""
- end
- end
- end,
- getTPixel = function(self,x,y)
- return self.tmap[y][x]
- end,
- isTPixelSolid = function(self,x,y)
- if(self.tmap[y][x] == "")then
- return false
- end
- return self.tmap[y][x]:sub(4,4) == "1"
- end,
- setTPixelSolid = function(self,x,y,s)
- if(s == true )then s = 1 elseif(s == false)then s = 0 end
- if(s == nil)then s = 0 end
- self.tmap[y][x] = self.tmap[y][x]:sub(1,3) .. tostring(s)
- end,
- setTPixel = function(self,x,y,pix,s)
- if(s == true )then s = 1 elseif(s == false)then s = 0 end
- if(s == nil)then s = 0 end
- if(#pix == 3)then
- self.tmap[y][x] = pix .. tostring(s)
- elseif(#pix == 4)then
- self.tmap[y][x] = pix
- end
- if(self:isBuffsize(x-self.viewx, y-self.viewy))then
- self:setBufferPixel(x-self.viewx, y-self.viewy, pix)
- end
- if(not self:isOutsideViewRelative(x,y))then
- self:drawTPixel(x,y)
- end
- self:checkHudRedraw((x - self.viewx) + self.roffx,(y - self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- end,
- setTPixelRelative = function(self,x,y,pix,s)
- self:setTPixel(x + self.viewx - self.roffx, y + self.viewy - self.roffy, pix,s)
- end,
- drawTPixel = function(self,x,y)
- local cpix = self:getTPixel(x,y)
- if(cpix ~= "")then
- if(cpix:sub(1,1) == "G")then
- term.setTextColor(2^tonumber([y+self.viewy][x+self.viewx][1]:sub(1,1), 16 ) )
- term.setBackgroundColor(2^tonumber( cpix:sub(2,2), 16) )
- elseif(cpix:sub(2,2) == "G")then
- term.setTextColor(2^tonumber( cpix:sub(1,1), 16) )
- term.setBackgroundColor( 2^tonumber([y+self.viewy][x+self.viewx][1]:sub(2,2),16 ) )
- else
- self.setColors(self.getColoredByte(cpix))
- end
- if(not self:isOutsideViewRelative(x,y))then
- term.setCursorPos( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- write(cpix:sub(3,3))
- self:checkHudRedraw(x + self.roffx,y + self.roffy)
- end
- end
- end,
- clearTPixel = function(self,x,y)
- self.tmap[y][x] = ""
- self:drawMapPixel(x,y,1)
- end,
- moveTPixel = function(self,fx,fy,ax,ay)
- local cpix = self:getTPixel(fx,fy)
- self:clearTPixel(fx,fy)
- self:setTPixel(fx+ax,fy+ay,cpix)
- end,
- setTPixelPos = function(self,fx,fy,tx,ty)
- local cpix = self:getTPixel(fx,fy)
- self:clearTPixel(fx,fy)
- self:setTPixel(tx,ty,cpix)
- end,
- checkCollision = function(self,cx,cy)
- if(self.player ~= {})then
- return (cx == self.player.x and cy == self.player.y ) or (self:isTPixelSolid(cx,cy)) or (self:isPixelSolid(cx,cy)) or (cx >[cy]) or (cy > or (cy < 1) or (cx < 1)
- end
- end,
- ---- Player utils
- drawPlayer = function(self)
- if(self.player == {})then return false end
- local xd = self.player.x-self.viewx
- local yd = self.player.y-self.viewy
- if(xd <= 0)then xd = 1 end
- if(yd <= 0)then yd = 1 end
- if(self.player.x > 0 and self.player.y > 0)then
- self:drawPixel( xd, yd ,self.player.pix)
- end
- end,
- setPlayerGraphic = function(self,col,g)
- self.player.pix = col .. g
- self:drawPlayer()
- end,
- undrawPlayer = function(self)
- if(self.player == {})then return false end
- self:drawMapPixel(self.player.x,self.player.y)
- end,
- drawPlayerAt = function(self,x,y)
- if(self.player == {})then return false end
- self:drawPixel(x,y,self.player.pix)
- end,
- movePlayer = function(self,ox,oy,r)
- if(self.player == {})then return false end
- if(r)then
- self:undrawPlayer()
- end
- if( ( ( self:getPixelRaw( self.player.x + ox, self.player.y + oy ).solid == false and not self:isTPixelSolid( self.player.x + ox, self.player.y + oy ) ) or self.player.scollide == false ) and self.player.mcollide and
- self.player.x+ox >= 1 and self.player.y+oy >= 1 and self.player.y+oy <= and self.player.x+ox <=[1] )then
- self.player.x = self.player.x + ox
- self.player.y = self.player.y + oy
- else
- if(r)then
- self:drawPlayer()
- end
- return false
- end
- if(r)then
- self:drawPlayer()
- end
- end,
- setPlayerPos = function(self,x,y)
- self.player.x = x
- self.player.y = y
- end,
- getPlayerPos = function(self)
- return self.player.x, self.player.y
- end,
- newPlayer = function(self,pcol,pg,px,py,aup,adown,aleft,aright,aact,aspd)
- if(aup == nil or adown == nil or aleft == nil or aright == nil or aact == nil)then
- error("BuffPixel: newPlayer -> missing control!")
- end
- self.player = {scollide=true,mcollide=true,,x=math.ceil(px),y=math.ceil(py),events={},up=aup,down=adown,left=aleft,right=aright,interact=aact,spd=aspd,canmove=true}
- self:drawPlayer()
- end,
- setPlayerControls = function(self,aup,adown,aleft,aright,aact)
- self.player.up = aup
- self.player.down = adown
- self.player.left = aleft
- self.player.right = aright
- self.player.interact = aact
- end,
- setPlayerCollisionType = function(self,colw)
- self.player.mcollide = colw
- end,
- playerSolidCollision = function(self,tf)
- self.player.scollide = tf
- end,
- clearPlayerEvents = function(self)
- = {}
- end,
- addPlayerEvent = function(self,name,evtbl,call)
-[name] = {evs = evtbl,func = call}
- end,
- removePlayerEvent = function(self,name)
- if([name] ~= nil)then
-[name] = nil
- end
- end,
- updatePlayer = function(self,ev,spd)
- -- Compare user specific player events
- for k, v in pairs( do
- if(ev[1] == v.evs[1] and ev[2] == v.evs[2])then
- v:func()
- end
- end
- -- Player Input and movement
- if(ev[1] == "key")then
- local key = ev[2]
- if(self.player.canmove)then
- if(key == self.player.up )then
- self:movePlayer(0,-self.player.spd,true)
- elseif(key == self.player.down )then
- self:movePlayer(0,self.player.spd,true)
- elseif(key == self.player.left )then
- self:movePlayer(-self.player.spd,0,true)
- elseif(key == self.player.right)then
- self:movePlayer(self.player.spd,0,true)
- end
- end
- if(spd ~= nil)then
- sleep(spd)
- end
- end
- for k, v in pairs(self.entities) do
- if(v.alive ~= nil)then
- if(v.alive == false)then
- table.remove(self.entities,k)
- return false
- end
- end
- if(ev[1] == "key" and self.player ~= {})then
- if(ev[2] == self.player.interact and v.interact ~= nil)then
- if(v.getPos == nil)then error("updateEntities -> Must have function getPos return X and Y for an interactable entity. ") end
- if(self:checkPlayerDistance(v:getPos()) <= 1)then
- v:interact(ev)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end,
- checkPlayerDistance = function(self,x,y)
- -- checks players distance to block
- -- Thanks math teacher :)
- local dist = math.sqrt( (x - self.player.x)^2 + (y - self.player.y)^2 )
- return math.floor(dist)
- end,
- -- Entity utils
- addEntity = function(self,entity)
- self.entities[#self.entities] = entity
- end,
- addEntityByName = function(self, name, entity)
- if(self.entities[name] == nil)then
- self.entities[name] = entity
- return true
- end
- return false
- end,
- removeEntity = function(self, name)
- if(self.entities[name] ~= nil)then
- table.remove(self.entities,name)
- return true
- end
- return false
- end,
- updateEntities = function(self, e)
- for k, v in pairs(self.entities) do
- if(v.alive ~= nil)then
- if(v.alive == false)then
- table.remove(self.entities,k)
- return false
- end
- end
- if(v.update ~= nil)then
- v:update(e)
- end
- end
- end,
- -- Hud utils
- renderHuds = function(self)
- for k, v in pairs(self.huds) do
- term.setCursorPos(v.offx, v.offy)
- v.draw()
- end
- end,
- updateHuds = function(self,e)
- for k, v in pairs(self.huds) do
- term.setCursorPos(v.offx, v.offy)
- v.update(e)
- end
- end,
- drawHud = function(self,name)
- if(self.huds[name] ~= nil)then
- self.huds[name].draw()
- end
- end,
- checkHudRedraw = function(self,x,y)
- for k, v in pairs(self.huds) do
- --term.setCursorPos(1,2)
- --write(x .. ">= " .. v.offx .. " " .. x .. "<= " .. v.width + v.offx-1)
- --term.setCursorPos(1,3)
- --write(y .. ">= " .. v.offy .. " " .. y .. "<= " .. v.height + v.offy-1)
- if( x >= v.offx and x <= v.width + v.offx-1 and y >= v.offy and y <= v.height + v.offy -1 )then
- self:drawHud(k)
- end
- end
- end,
- newHud = function(self,name,xo,yo,w,h,drawf,updatef)
- self.huds[name] = {offx=xo,offy=yo,width=w,height=h,draw=drawf,update=updatef}
- self:drawHud(name)
- end,
- removeHud = function(self, name)
- if(self.huds[name] ~= nil)then
- self.huds[name] = nil
- end
- end,
- setHudCursorPos = function(self,name,x,y)
- if(self.huds[name] ~= nil)then
- term.setCursorPos(self.huds[name].offx + x, self.huds[name].offy + y)
- end
- end,
- -- Special event handlers
- getMousePlaceBlock = function(self,e,blockone,blocktwo)
- if(e[1] == "mouse_click" or e[1] == "mouse_drag")then
- if(not self:isOutsideView(e[3],e[4]))then
- if(e[2] == 1 and blockone ~= nil)then
- self:setPixelRelative(e[3],e[4],blockone)
- elseif(blocktwo ~= nil)then
- self:setPixelRelative(e[3],e[4],blocktwo)
- end
- end
- end
- end,
- -- Clock Utils
- setClock = function(self,t)
- self.clock = os.startTimer(t)
- self.time = t
- end,
- updateWithClock = function(self,e)
- if(e[1] == "timer" and e[2] == self.clock)then
- self:updateEntities(e)
- self:updateHuds(e)
- self.clock = os.startTimer(self.time)
- end
- end,
- -- Render utils
- renderSection = function(self,fx,fy,tx,ty)
- term.current().setVisible(false)
- if(#self.buffer ~= self.viewh or #self.buffer[1] ~= self.vieww)then
- self:initBuffer()
- end
- self.buffer[(self.player.y-self.viewy)][(self.player.x-self.viewx)] = {self.player.pix, solid=false}
- for y=fy, ty do
- for x=fx, tx do
- -- Draw the pixel
- self:drawMapPixel(x,y)
- if(opt == true)then
- self.setColors(self.getColoredByte([y][x][1]))
- term.setCursorPos( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- write("R")
- end
- -- Add the pixel to the buffer
- self:setBufferPixel(x-self.viewx, y-self.viewy,[y][x][1])
- self:checkHudRedraw( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- if( self.tmap[y][x] ~= "")then
- -- Draw the player
- self:drawTPixel(x,y)
- if(opt == true)then
- self.setColors(self.getColoredByte(self.tmap[y][x]))
- term.setCursorPos( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- write("R")
- end
- -- Add the pixel to the buffer
- self:setBufferPixel(x-self.viewx, y-self.viewy, self.tmap[y][x])
- self:checkHudRedraw( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- end
- if(self.player ~= {})then
- -- Draw the player
- self:drawPlayer()
- -- Add the pixel to the buffer
- self.buffer[(self.player.y-self.viewy)][(self.player.x-self.viewx)] = {self.player.pix}
- self:checkHudRedraw( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- end
- end
- end
- local success, err = pcall(self.renderHuds,self)
- if( not success )then
- term.current().setVisible(true)
- print("Hud renderer errored with: " .. err)
- end
- term.current().setVisible(true)
- end,
- refreshRender = function(self, vis)
- if( not vis )then term.current().setVisible(false) end
- if(#self.buffer ~= self.viewh or #self.buffer[1] ~= self.vieww)then
- self:initBuffer()
- end
- for y=self.viewy+1, self.viewy + self.viewh do
- for x=self.viewx+1, self.viewx + self.vieww do
- -- If we have a new pixel in view
- -- Draw the pixel
- self:drawMapPixel(x,y)
- -- Add the pixel to the buffer
- self:setBufferPixel(x-self.viewx, y-self.viewy,[y][x][1])
- self:checkHudRedraw( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- if( (self.buffer[(y-self.viewy)][(x-self.viewx)] ~= self.tmap[y][x]) and self.tmap[y][x] ~= "")then
- -- Draw the player
- self:drawTPixel(x,y)
- -- Add the pixel to the buffer
- self:setBufferPixel(x-self.viewx, y-self.viewy, self.tmap[y][x])
- self:checkHudRedraw( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- end
- if(self.buffer[(self.player.y-self.viewy)][(self.player.x-self.viewx)] ~= {self.player.pix})then
- -- Draw the player
- self:drawPlayer()
- -- Add the pixel to the buffer
- self.buffer[(self.player.y-self.viewy)][(self.player.x-self.viewx)] = {self.player.pix}
- self:checkHudRedraw( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- end
- end
- end
- local success, err = pcall(self.renderHuds,self)
- if( not success )then
- term.current().setVisible(true)
- print("Hud renderer errored with: " .. err)
- end
- if( not vis )then term.current().setVisible(true) end
- if(self.player ~= {})then self:drawPlayer() end
- end,
- render = function(self,opt)
- term.current().setVisible(false)
- if(#self.buffer ~= self.viewh or #self.buffer[1] ~= self.vieww)then
- self:initBuffer()
- end
- for y=self.viewy+1, self.viewy + self.viewh do
- for x=self.viewx+1, self.viewx + self.vieww do
- -- If we have a new pixel in view
- if(self.buffer[(y-self.viewy)][(x-self.viewx)] ~=[y][x][1])then
- -- Draw the pixel
- self:drawMapPixel(x,y)
- if(opt == true)then
- self.setColors(self.getColoredByte([y][x][1]))
- term.setCursorPos( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- write("R")
- end
- -- Add the pixel to the buffer
- self:setBufferPixel(x-self.viewx, y-self.viewy,[y][x][1])
- self:checkHudRedraw( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- end
- if( (self.buffer[(y-self.viewy)][(x-self.viewx)] ~= self.tmap[y][x]) and self.tmap[y][x] ~= "")then
- -- Draw the player
- self:drawTPixel(x,y)
- if(opt == true)then
- self.setColors(self.getColoredByte(self.tmap[y][x]))
- term.setCursorPos( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- write("R")
- end
- -- Add the pixel to the buffer
- self:setBufferPixel(x-self.viewx, y-self.viewy, self.tmap[y][x])
- self:checkHudRedraw( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- end
- if(self.buffer[(self.player.y-self.viewy)][(self.player.x-self.viewx)] ~= {self.player.pix})then
- -- Draw the player
- self:drawPlayer()
- -- Add the pixel to the buffer
- self.buffer[(self.player.y-self.viewy)][(self.player.x-self.viewx)] = {self.player.pix}
- self:checkHudRedraw( (x-self.viewx) + self.roffx, (y-self.viewy) + self.roffy)
- end
- end
- end
- local success, err = pcall(self.renderHuds,self)
- if( not success )then
- term.current().setVisible(true)
- print("Hud renderer errored with: " .. err)
- end
- term.current().setVisible(true)
- end,
- setView = function(self,nx,ny,nw,nh)
- local oh, ow = self.viewh, self.vieww
- self.viewx = nx
- self.viewy = ny
- self.vieww = nw
- self.viewh = nh
- if(nw ~= ow or nh ~= oh)then self:initBuffer() end
- if( self:checkViews() )then return self:render() end
- end,
- updateView = function(self,ox,oy,ow,oh)
- local ovx = self.viewx
- local ovy = self.viewy
- local ovh = self.viewh
- local ovw = self.vieww
- self.viewx = self.viewx + ox
- self.viewy = self.viewy + oy
- self.vieww = self.vieww + ow
- self.viewh = self.viewh + oh
- if(ow ~= 0 or oh ~= 0)then self:initBuffer() end
- if( self:checkViews() )then return self:render() end
- end,
- lerpView = function(self,ox,oy,ax,ay,time)
- -- ox, and oy are directional variables
- -- ax, and ay are the amount to move the view
- -- time is how long to wait before moving the view again
- self.player.canmove = false
- if(ox ~= 0 )then
- term.current().setVisible(false)
- self:undrawPlayer()
- for x = 1, ax do
- self:updateView(ox,0,0,0,true)
- if(time ~= nil)then
- sleep(time)
- end
- end
- self.clock = os.startTimer(self.time)
- end
- if(oy ~= 0 )then
- term.current().setVisible(false)
- self:undrawPlayer()
- for y = 1, ay do
- self:updateView(0,oy,0,0,true)
- if(time ~= nil)then
- sleep(time)
- end
- end
- if(self.time ~= 0)then self.clock = os.startTimer(self.time) end
- end
- self.player.canmove = true
- end,
- -- Screen utils
- checkScreenCollision = function(self, x, y, w, h)
- return (x >= self.roffx-1 and x <= self.vieww + self.roffx + 1 and y >= self.roffy-1 and y <= self.viewh + self.roffy + 1)
- end,
- setBorderText = function(self, txt, color)
- self.btext = {txt, color}
- end,
- drawBorder = function(self, color)
- paintutils.drawBox(self.roffx, self.roffy, self.vieww+self.roffx+1, self.viewh+self.roffy+1, color)
- term.setCursorPos(self.roffx , self.roffy)
- --+ (self.vieww /2) - (#self.btext[1] /2) centered text
- term.setTextColor(self.btext[2])
- write(self.btext[1]:sub(1,self.vieww))
- end,
- clearScreen = function(self,color)
- paintutils.drawFilledBox(self.roffx, self.roffy, self.vieww+self.roffx+1, self.viewh+self.roffy+1, color)
- end,
- setScreenPos = function(self,tox,toy, color)
- term.current().setVisible(false)
- self:clearScreen(color)
- self.roffx = tox
- self.roffy = toy
- self:refreshRender()
- term.current().setVisible(true)
- end,
- moveScreen = function(self,tox,toy, color)
- term.current().setVisible(false)
- self:clearScreen(color)
- self.roffx = self.roffx + tox
- self.roffy = self.roffy + toy
- self:refreshRender()
- term.current().setVisible(true)
- end,
- -- Dialog utils
- openDialog = function(self,bcol,tcol)
- self.dialogln = 0
- paintutils.drawBox(self.roffx+1,self.viewh + self.roffy-5,self.vieww+self.roffx,self.viewh + self.roffy,bcol)
- paintutils.drawFilledBox(self.roffx+2,self.viewh + self.roffy-4,self.vieww+self.roffx-1,self.viewh + self.roffy-1,tcol)
- end,
- clearDialog = function(self,tc,bc)
- self.dialogln = 0
- self:openDialog(tc,bc)
- end,
- drawDialog = function(self,text,speed,txcol)
- term.setCursorPos(self.roffx+2,self.roffy+self.viewh- ( 4 - ( self.dialogln ) ) )
- term.setTextColor(txcol)
- local x,y = term.getCursorPos()
- local st = 0
- for i = 1, #text do
- if(i-st > self.vieww-4)then
- text = text:sub(1,i) .. "\n" .. text:sub(i+1,-1)
- st = i
- end
- end
- local ln = 0
- for line in text:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
- term.setCursorPos(x,y+ln)
- textutils.slowPrint(line,speed)
- ln = ln + 1
- end
- if(self.time ~= 0)then self.clock = os.startTimer(self.time) end
- end,
- getDialogYesNo = function(self,YText,NText,ln)
- local sel = 1
- local waiting = true
- local opt = {
- {name=YText};
- {name=NText};
- }
- function waitResult()
- while waiting do
- for i = 1, #opt do
- term.setCursorPos(self.roffx+(self.vieww/2) - #opt[i].name/2,self.roffy + self.viewh- ( 4 - ( (ln+i)-1 ) ) )
- if(sel == i )then
- write("["..opt[i].name.."]")
- else
- write(" "..opt[i].name.." ")
- end
- end
- a = {os.pullEvent("key")}
- if(a[2] == keys.w and sel > 1)then
- sel = sel - 1
- end
- if(a[2] == keys.s and sel < #opt)then
- sel = sel + 1
- end
- if(a[2] ==
- if(sel == 1)then waiting = false return "yes" end
- if(sel == 2)then waiting = false return "no" end
- end
- end
- end
- if(self.time ~= 0)then self.clock = os.startTimer(self.time) end
- return waitResult()
- end,
- closeDialog = function(self)
- os.pullEvent("key")
- self.dialogln = 0
- self:renderSection(1,self.viewh-5,self.vieww+self.viewx,self.viewh+self.viewy)
- end,
- closeDialogRaw = function(self)
- self.dialogln = 0
- self:renderSection(1,self.viewh-5,self.vieww+self.viewx,self.viewh+self.viewy)
- end
- }
- mutils.viewx = nx
- mutils.viewy = ny
- mutils.vieww = nw
- mutils.viewh = nh
- return mutils
- end
- function exportMap(map, file)
- if(fs.exists(file))then
- error("exportMap: File already exists: " .. file)
- else
- local f =,"w")
- map = textutils.serialize(map)
- map = map:gsub("n", "")
- map = map:gsub("%s+", "")
- f.write(map)
- f.close()
- end
- end
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