
Harry vs sekks

Sep 24th, 2022
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  1. Q: …
  2. Assuming that any human being can wield magic, does one’s biology have anything to do with how easily he or she can access magical energies? Storm Front spoke so frequently about how much power Harry possessed, and he clearly was more than a match for Victor Sells; but I wonder if that is a result of the amount of time Harry has been practicing and amassing power, or the amount of potential power he has above Victor’s potential?
  3. A: …
  4. Put it in brawling terms. Victor was a big, mean, strong guy made dangerous by LSD and too much booze. Dresden, by comparison, is a professional heavyweight martial artist/bouncer/bodyguard well versed in real combat. Now, that big mean drunk might, if the professional is stupid or taken off guard, smash his face into the concrete. But part of being a pro means being alert and careful in a potential confrontation. If he can face the drunk on his feet and alert, he’ll beat the drunk most of the time. Probably.
  5. Quote from: NecroKeogh on January 20, 2007, 03:12:31 AM (,1607.msg28966.html#msg28966)
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