

Nov 15th, 2017
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  1. options:
  2. word1: deadbush
  3. word2: tompokorny
  4. word3: sword
  5. word4: skript
  6. word5: skypvp
  7. prefix: &8»
  9. every 1 second:
  10. set {onlineplayers} to amount of players
  12. every 1 minute in "Lobby":
  13. if {onlineplayers} is greater than 1:
  14. stop
  15. set {_rn} to a random integer between 1 and 5
  16. if {_rn} is 1:
  17. broadcast "{@prefix} &7First player to type the word &7&n{@word1} &7wins &7$15!"
  18. set {word1active} to true
  19. if {_rn} is 2:
  20. broadcast "{@prefix} &7First player to type owner's name wins &7$15!"
  21. set {word2active} to true
  22. if {_rn} is 3:
  23. broadcast "{@prefix} &7First player to type the word &7&n{@word3} &7wins &7$15!"
  24. set {word3active} to true
  25. if {_rn} is 4:
  26. broadcast "{@prefix} &7First player to type the word &7&n{@word4} &7wins &7$15!"
  27. set {word3active} to true
  28. if {_rn} is 5:
  29. broadcast "{@prefix} &7First player to type the word &7&n{@word5} &7wins &7$15!"
  30. set {word3active} to true
  32. on chat:
  33. if {word1active} is true:
  34. if chat-message contains "{@word1}":
  35. cancel event
  36. broadcast "{@prefix} &7&n%player%&7 was first and won $15!"
  37. add 15 to player's balance
  38. set {word1active} to false
  39. stop
  40. if {word2active} is true:
  41. if chat-message contains "{@word2}":
  42. cancel event
  43. broadcast "{@prefix} &7&n%player%&7 was first and won $15!"
  44. add 15 to player's balance
  45. set {word2active} to false
  46. stop
  47. if {word3active} is true:
  48. if chat-message contains "{@word3}":
  49. cancel event
  50. broadcast "{@prefix} &7&n%player%&7 was first and won $15!"
  51. add 15 to player's balance
  52. set {word3active} to false
  53. stop
  54. if {word4active} is true:
  55. if chat-message contains "{@word4}":
  56. cancel event
  57. broadcast "{@prefix} &7&n%player%&7 was first and won $15!"
  58. add 15 to player's balance
  59. set {word4active} to false
  60. stop
  61. if {word5active} is true:
  62. if chat-message contains "{@word5}":
  63. cancel event
  64. broadcast "{@prefix} &7&n%player%&7 was first and won $15!"
  65. add 15 to player's balance
  66. set {word5active} to false
  67. stop
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