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- local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
- local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local CoreGui = game:GetService("CoreGui")
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
- local PlayerMouse = Player:GetMouse()
- local redzlib = {
- Themes = {
- Darker = {
- ["Color Hub 1"] ={
-, Color3.fromRGB(25, 25, 25)),
-, Color3.fromRGB(32.5, 32.5, 32.5)),
-, Color3.fromRGB(25, 25, 25))
- }),
- ["Color Hub 2"] = Color3.fromRGB(30, 30, 30),
- ["Color Stroke"] = Color3.fromRGB(40, 40, 40),
- ["Color Theme"] = Color3.fromRGB(88, 101, 242),
- ["Color Text"] = Color3.fromRGB(243, 243, 243),
- ["Color Dark Text"] = Color3.fromRGB(180, 180, 180)
- },
- Dark = {
- ["Color Hub 1"] ={
-, Color3.fromRGB(40, 40, 40)),
-, Color3.fromRGB(47.5, 47.5, 47.5)),
-, Color3.fromRGB(40, 40, 40))
- }),
- ["Color Hub 2"] = Color3.fromRGB(45, 45, 45),
- ["Color Stroke"] = Color3.fromRGB(65, 65, 65),
- ["Color Theme"] = Color3.fromRGB(65, 150, 255),
- ["Color Text"] = Color3.fromRGB(245, 245, 245),
- ["Color Dark Text"] = Color3.fromRGB(190, 190, 190)
- },
- Purple = {
- ["Color Hub 1"] ={
-, Color3.fromRGB(27.5, 25, 30)),
-, Color3.fromRGB(32.5, 32.5, 32.5)),
-, Color3.fromRGB(27.5, 25, 30))
- }),
- ["Color Hub 2"] = Color3.fromRGB(30, 30, 30),
- ["Color Stroke"] = Color3.fromRGB(40, 40, 40),
- ["Color Theme"] = Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 255),
- ["Color Text"] = Color3.fromRGB(240, 240, 240),
- ["Color Dark Text"] = Color3.fromRGB(180, 180, 180)
- }
- },
- Info = {
- Version = "1.1.0"
- },
- Save = {
- UISize = {550, 380},
- TabSize = 160,
- Theme = "Darker"
- },
- Settings = {},
- Connection = {},
- Instances = {},
- Elements = {},
- Options = {},
- Flags = {},
- Tabs = {},
- Icons = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- }
- local ViewportSize = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize
- local UIScale = ViewportSize.Y / 450
- local Settings = redzlib.Settings
- local Flags = redzlib.Flags
- local SetProps, SetChildren, InsertTheme, Create do
- InsertTheme = function(Instance, Type)
- table.insert(redzlib.Instances, {
- Instance = Instance,
- Type = Type
- })
- return Instance
- end
- SetChildren = function(Instance, Children)
- if Children then
- table.foreach(Children, function(_,Child)
- Child.Parent = Instance
- end)
- end
- return Instance
- end
- SetProps = function(Instance, Props)
- if Props then
- table.foreach(Props, function(prop, value)
- Instance[prop] = value
- end)
- end
- return Instance
- end
- Create = function(...)
- local args = {...}
- if type(args) ~= "table" then return end
- local new =[1])
- local Children = {}
- if type(args[2]) == "table" then
- SetProps(new, args[2])
- SetChildren(new, args[3])
- Children = args[3] or {}
- elseif typeof(args[2]) == "Instance" then
- new.Parent = args[2]
- SetProps(new, args[3])
- SetChildren(new, args[4])
- Children = args[4] or {}
- end
- return new
- end
- local function Save(file)
- if readfile and isfile and isfile(file) then
- local decode = HttpService:JSONDecode(readfile(file))
- if type(decode) == "table" then
- if rawget(decode, "UISize") then redzlib.Save["UISize"] = decode["UISize"] end
- if rawget(decode, "TabSize") then redzlib.Save["TabSize"] = decode["TabSize"] end
- if rawget(decode, "Theme") and VerifyTheme(decode["Theme"]) then redzlib.Save["Theme"] = decode["Theme"] end
- end
- end
- end
- pcall(Save, "redz library V5.json")
- end
- local Funcs = {} do
- function Funcs:InsertCallback(tab, func)
- if type(func) == "function" then
- table.insert(tab, func)
- end
- return func
- end
- function Funcs:FireCallback(tab, ...)
- for _,v in ipairs(tab) do
- if type(v) == "function" then
- task.spawn(v, ...)
- end
- end
- end
- function Funcs:ToggleVisible(Obj, Bool)
- Obj.Visible = Bool ~= nil and Bool or Obj.Visible
- end
- function Funcs:ToggleParent(Obj, Parent)
- if Bool ~= nil then
- Obj.Parent = Bool
- else
- Obj.Parent = not Obj.Parent and Parent
- end
- end
- function Funcs:GetConnectionFunctions(ConnectedFuncs, func)
- local Connected = { Function = func, Connected = true }
- function Connected:Disconnect()
- if self.Connected then
- table.remove(ConnectedFuncs, table.find(ConnectedFuncs, self.Function))
- self.Connected = false
- end
- end
- function Connected:Fire(...)
- if self.Connected then
- task.spawn(self.Function, ...)
- end
- end
- return Connected
- end
- function Funcs:GetCallback(Configs, index)
- local func = Configs[index] or Configs.Callback or function()end
- if type(func) == "table" then
- return ({function(Value) func[1][func[2]] = Value end})
- end
- return {func}
- end
- end
- local Connections, Connection = {}, redzlib.Connection do
- local function NewConnectionList(List)
- if type(List) ~= "table" then return end
- for _,CoName in ipairs(List) do
- local ConnectedFuncs, Connect = {}, {}
- Connection[CoName] = Connect
- Connections[CoName] = ConnectedFuncs
- Connect.Name = CoName
- function Connect:Connect(func)
- if type(func) == "function" then
- table.insert(ConnectedFuncs, func)
- return Funcs:GetConnectionFunctions(ConnectedFuncs, func)
- end
- end
- function Connect:Once(func)
- if type(func) == "function" then
- local Connected;
- local _NFunc;_NFunc = function(...)
- task.spawn(func, ...)
- Connected:Disconnect()
- end
- Connected = Funcs:GetConnectionFunctions(ConnectedFuncs, _NFunc)
- return Connected
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function Connection:FireConnection(CoName, ...)
- local Connection = type(CoName) == "string" and Connections[CoName] or Connections[CoName.Name]
- for _,Func in pairs(Connection) do
- task.spawn(Func, ...)
- end
- end
- NewConnectionList({"FlagsChanged", "ThemeChanged", "FileSaved", "ThemeChanging", "OptionAdded"})
- end
- local GetFlag, SetFlag, CheckFlag do
- CheckFlag = function(Name)
- return type(Name) == "string" and Flags[Name] ~= nil
- end
- GetFlag = function(Name)
- return type(Name) == "string" and Flags[Name]
- end
- SetFlag = function(Flag, Value)
- if Flag and (Value ~= Flags[Flag] or type(Value) == "table") then
- Flags[Flag] = Value
- Connection:FireConnection("FlagsChanged", Flag, Value)
- end
- end
- local db
- Connection.FlagsChanged:Connect(function(Flag, Value)
- local ScriptFile = Settings.ScriptFile
- if not db and ScriptFile and writefile then
- db=true;task.wait(0.1);db=false
- local Success, Encoded = pcall(function()
- -- local _Flags = {}
- -- for _,Flag in pairs(Flags) do _Flags[_] = Flag.Value end
- return HttpService:JSONEncode(Flags)
- end)
- if Success then
- local Success = pcall(writefile, ScriptFile, Encoded)
- if Success then
- Connection:FireConnection("FileSaved", "Script-Flags", ScriptFile, Encoded)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- local ScreenGui = Create("ScreenGui", CoreGui, {
- Name = "redz Library V5",
- }, {
- Create("UIScale", {
- Scale = UIScale,
- Name = "Scale"
- })
- })
- local ScreenFind = CoreGui:FindFirstChild(ScreenGui.Name)
- if ScreenFind and ScreenFind ~= ScreenGui then
- ScreenFind:Destroy()
- end
- local function GetStr(val)
- if type(val) == "function" then
- return val()
- end
- return val
- end
- local function ConnectSave(Instance, func)
- Instance.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input)
- if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
- while UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1) do task.wait()
- end
- end
- func()
- end)
- end
- local function CreateTween(Configs)
- local Instance = Configs[1] or Configs.Instance
- local Prop = Configs[2] or Configs.Prop
- local NewVal = Configs[3] or Configs.NewVal
- local Time = Configs[4] or Configs.Time or 0.5
- local TweenWait = Configs[5] or Configs.wait or false
- local TweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint)
- local Tween = TweenService:Create(Instance, TweenInfo, {[Prop] = NewVal})
- Tween:Play()
- if TweenWait then
- Tween.Completed:Wait()
- end
- return Tween
- end
- local function MakeDrag(Instance)
- task.spawn(function()
- SetProps(Instance, {
- Active = true,
- AutoButtonColor = false
- })
- local DragStart, StartPos, InputOn
- local function Update(Input)
- local delta = Input.Position - DragStart
- local Position =, StartPos.X.Offset + delta.X / UIScale, StartPos.Y.Scale, StartPos.Y.Offset + delta.Y / UIScale)
- -- Instance.Position = Position
- CreateTween({Instance, "Position", Position, 0.35})
- end
- Instance.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- InputOn = true
- end)
- Instance.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input)
- if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
- StartPos = Instance.Position
- DragStart = Input.Position
- while UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1) do RunService.Heartbeat:Wait()
- if InputOn then
- Update(Input)
- end
- end
- InputOn = false
- end
- end)
- end)
- return Instance
- end
- local function VerifyTheme(Theme)
- for name,_ in pairs(redzlib.Themes) do
- if name == Theme then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- local function SaveJson(FileName, save)
- if writefile then
- local json = HttpService:JSONEncode(save)
- writefile(FileName, json)
- end
- end
- local Theme = redzlib.Themes[redzlib.Save.Theme]
- local function AddEle(Name, Func)
- redzlib.Elements[Name] = Func
- end
- local function Make(Ele, Instance, props, ...)
- local Element = redzlib.Elements[Ele](Instance, props, ...)
- return Element
- end
- AddEle("Corner", function(parent, CornerRadius)
- local New = SetProps(Create("UICorner", parent, {
- CornerRadius = CornerRadius or, 7)
- }), props)
- return New
- end)
- AddEle("Stroke", function(parent, props, ...)
- local args = {...}
- local New = InsertTheme(SetProps(Create("UIStroke", parent, {
- Color = args[1] or Theme["Color Stroke"],
- Thickness = args[2] or 1,
- ApplyStrokeMode = "Border"
- }), props), "Stroke")
- return New
- end)
- AddEle("Button", function(parent, props, ...)
- local args = {...}
- local New = InsertTheme(SetProps(Create("TextButton", parent, {
- Text = "",
- Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1),
- BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Hub 2"],
- AutoButtonColor = false
- }), props), "Frame")
- New.MouseEnter:Connect(function()
- New.BackgroundTransparency = 0.4
- end)
- New.MouseLeave:Connect(function()
- New.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- end)
- if args[1] then
- New.Activated:Connect(args[1])
- end
- return New
- end)
- AddEle("Gradient", function(parent, props, ...)
- local args = {...}
- local New = InsertTheme(SetProps(Create("UIGradient", parent, {
- Color = Theme["Color Hub 1"]
- }), props), "Gradient")
- return New
- end)
- local function ButtonFrame(Instance, Title, Description, HolderSize)
- local TitleL = InsertTheme(Create("TextLabel", {
- Font = Enum.Font.GothamMedium,
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Text"],
- Size =, -20),
- AutomaticSize = "Y",
- Position =, 0, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- TextTruncate = "AtEnd",
- TextSize = 10,
- TextXAlignment = "Left",
- Text = "",
- RichText = true
- }), "Text")
- local DescL = InsertTheme(Create("TextLabel", {
- Font = Enum.Font.Gotham,
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Dark Text"],
- Size =, -20),
- AutomaticSize = "Y",
- Position =, 12, 0, 15),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- TextWrapped = true,
- TextSize = 8,
- TextXAlignment = "Left",
- Text = "",
- RichText = true
- }), "DarkText")
- local Frame = Make("Button", Instance, {
- Size =, 0, 0, 25),
- AutomaticSize = "Y",
- Name = "Option"
- })Make("Corner", Frame,, 6))
- LabelHolder = Create("Frame", Frame, {
- AutomaticSize = "Y",
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Size = HolderSize,
- Position =, 10, 0),
- AnchorPoint =, 0)
- }, {
- Create("UIListLayout", {
- SortOrder = "LayoutOrder",
- VerticalAlignment = "Center",
- Padding =, 2)
- }),
- Create("UIPadding", {
- PaddingBottom =, 5),
- PaddingTop =, 5)
- }),
- TitleL,
- DescL,
- })
- local Label = {}
- function Label:SetTitle(NewTitle)
- if type(NewTitle) == "string" and NewTitle:gsub(" ", ""):len() > 0 then
- TitleL.Text = NewTitle
- end
- end
- function Label:SetDesc(NewDesc)
- if type(NewDesc) == "string" and NewDesc:gsub(" ", ""):len() > 0 then
- DescL.Visible = true
- DescL.Text = NewDesc
- LabelHolder.Position =, 10, 0)
- LabelHolder.AnchorPoint =, 0)
- else
- DescL.Visible = false
- DescL.Text = ""
- LabelHolder.Position =, 10, 0.5)
- LabelHolder.AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
- end
- end
- Label:SetTitle(Title)
- Label:SetDesc(Description)
- return Frame, Label
- end
- local function GetColor(Instance)
- if Instance:IsA("Frame") then
- return "BackgroundColor3"
- elseif Instance:IsA("ImageLabel") then
- return "ImageColor3"
- elseif Instance:IsA("TextLabel") then
- return "TextColor3"
- elseif Instance:IsA("ScrollingFrame") then
- return "ScrollBarImageColor3"
- elseif Instance:IsA("UIStroke") then
- return "Color"
- end
- return ""
- end
- -- /////////// --
- function redzlib:GetIcon(index)
- if type(index) ~= "string" or index:find("rbxassetid://") or #index == 0 then
- return index
- end
- local firstMatch = nil
- index = string.lower(index):gsub("lucide", ""):gsub("-", "")
- for Name, Icon in self.Icons do
- Name = Name:gsub("lucide", ""):gsub("-", "")
- if Name == index then
- return Icon
- elseif not firstMatch and Name:find(index, 1, true) then
- firstMatch = Icon
- end
- end
- return firstMatch or index
- end
- function redzlib:SetTheme(NewTheme)
- if not VerifyTheme(NewTheme) then return end
- redzlib.Save.Theme = NewTheme
- SaveJson("redz library V5.json", redzlib.Save)
- Theme = redzlib.Themes[NewTheme]
- Comnection:FireConnection("ThemeChanged", NewTheme)
- table.foreach(redzlib.Instances, function(_,Val)
- if Val.Type == "Gradient" then
- Val.Instance.Color = Theme["Color Hub 1"]
- elseif Val.Type == "Frame" then
- Val.Instance.BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Hub 2"]
- elseif Val.Type == "Stroke" then
- Val.Instance[GetColor(Val.Instance)] = Theme["Color Stroke"]
- elseif Val.Type == "Theme" then
- Val.Instance[GetColor(Val.Instance)] = Theme["Color Theme"]
- elseif Val.Type == "Text" then
- Val.Instance[GetColor(Val.Instance)] = Theme["Color Text"]
- elseif Val.Type == "DarkText" then
- Val.Instance[GetColor(Val.Instance)] = Theme["Color Dark Text"]
- elseif Val.Type == "ScrollBar" then
- Val.Instance[GetColor(Val.Instance)] = Theme["Color Theme"]
- end
- end)
- end
- function redzlib:SetScale(NewScale)
- NewScale = ViewportSize.Y / math.clamp(NewScale, 300, 2000)
- UIScale, ScreenGui.Scale.Scale = NewScale, NewScale
- end
- function redzlib:MakeWindow(Configs)
- local WTitle = Configs[1] or Configs.Name or Configs.Title or "redz Library V5"
- local WMiniText = Configs[2] or Configs.SubTitle or "by : redz9999"
- Settings.ScriptFile = Configs[3] or Configs.SaveFolder or false
- local function LoadFile()
- local File = Settings.ScriptFile
- if type(File) ~= "string" then return end
- if not readfile or not isfile then return end
- local s, r = pcall(isfile, File)
- if s and r then
- local s, _Flags = pcall(readfile, File)
- if s and type(_Flags) == "string" then
- local s,r = pcall(function() return HttpService:JSONDecode(_Flags) end)
- Flags = s and r or {}
- end
- end
- end;LoadFile()
- local UISizeX, UISizeY = unpack(redzlib.Save.UISize)
- local MainFrame = InsertTheme(Create("ImageButton", ScreenGui, {
- Size = UDim2.fromOffset(UISizeX, UISizeY),
- Position =, -UISizeX/2, 0.5, -UISizeY/2),
- BackgroundTransparency = 0.03,
- Name = "Hub"
- }), "Main")
- Make("Gradient", MainFrame, {
- Rotation = 45
- })MakeDrag(MainFrame)
- local MainCorner = Make("Corner", MainFrame)
- local Components = Create("Folder", MainFrame, {
- Name = "Components"
- })
- local DropdownHolder = Create("Folder", ScreenGui, {
- Name = "Dropdown"
- })
- local TopBar = Create("Frame", Components, {
- Size =, 0, 0, 28),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Name = "Top Bar"
- })
- local Title = InsertTheme(Create("TextLabel", TopBar, {
- Position =, 15, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- AutomaticSize = "XY",
- Text = WTitle,
- TextXAlignment = "Left",
- TextSize = 12,
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Text"],
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Font = Enum.Font.GothamMedium,
- Name = "Title"
- }, {
- InsertTheme(Create("TextLabel", {
- Size = UDim2.fromScale(0, 1),
- AutomaticSize = "X",
- AnchorPoint =, 1),
- Position =, 5, 0.9),
- Text = WMiniText,
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Dark Text"],
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- TextXAlignment = "Left",
- TextYAlignment = "Bottom",
- TextSize = 8,
- Font = Enum.Font.Gotham,
- Name = "SubTitle"
- }), "DarkText")
- }), "Text")
- local MainScroll = InsertTheme(Create("ScrollingFrame", Components, {
- Size =, redzlib.Save.TabSize, 1, -TopBar.Size.Y.Offset),
- ScrollBarImageColor3 = Theme["Color Theme"],
- Position =, 0, 1, 0),
- AnchorPoint =, 1),
- ScrollBarThickness = 1.5,
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- ScrollBarImageTransparency = 0.2,
- CanvasSize =,
- AutomaticCanvasSize = "Y",
- ScrollingDirection = "Y",
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- Name = "Tab Scroll"
- }, {
- Create("UIPadding", {
- PaddingLeft =, 10),
- PaddingRight =, 10),
- PaddingTop =, 10),
- PaddingBottom =, 10)
- }), Create("UIListLayout", {
- Padding =, 5)
- })
- }), "ScrollBar")
- local Containers = Create("Frame", Components, {
- Size =, -MainScroll.Size.X.Offset, 1, -TopBar.Size.Y.Offset),
- AnchorPoint =, 1),
- Position =, 0, 1, 0),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- ClipsDescendants = true,
- Name = "Containers"
- })
- local ControlSize1, ControlSize2 = MakeDrag(Create("ImageButton", MainFrame, {
- Size =, 35, 0, 35),
- Position = MainFrame.Size,
- Active = true,
- AnchorPoint =, 0.8),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Name = "Control Hub Size"
- })), MakeDrag(Create("ImageButton", MainFrame, {
- Size =, 20, 1, -30),
- Position =, MainScroll.Size.X.Offset, 1, 0),
- AnchorPoint =, 1),
- Active = true,
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Name = "Control Tab Size"
- }))
- local function ControlSize()
- local Pos1, Pos2 = ControlSize1.Position, ControlSize2.Position
- ControlSize1.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(math.clamp(Pos1.X.Offset, 430, 1000), math.clamp(Pos1.Y.Offset, 200, 500))
- ControlSize2.Position =, math.clamp(Pos2.X.Offset, 135, 250), 1, 0)
- MainScroll.Size =, ControlSize2.Position.X.Offset, 1, -TopBar.Size.Y.Offset)
- Containers.Size =, -MainScroll.Size.X.Offset, 1, -TopBar.Size.Y.Offset)
- MainFrame.Size = ControlSize1.Position
- end
- ControlSize1:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Position"):Connect(ControlSize)
- ControlSize2:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Position"):Connect(ControlSize)
- ConnectSave(ControlSize1, function()
- if not Minimized then
- redzlib.Save.UISize = {MainFrame.Size.X.Offset, MainFrame.Size.Y.Offset}
- SaveJson("redz library V5.json", redzlib.Save)
- end
- end)
- ConnectSave(ControlSize2, function()
- redzlib.Save.TabSize = MainScroll.Size.X.Offset
- SaveJson("redz library V5.json", redzlib.Save)
- end)
- local ButtonsFolder = Create("Folder", TopBar, {
- Name = "Buttons"
- })
- local CloseButton = Create("ImageButton", {
- Size =, 14, 0, 14),
- Position =, -10, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Image = "rbxassetid://10747384394",
- AutoButtonColor = false,
- Name = "Close"
- })
- local MinimizeButton = SetProps(CloseButton:Clone(), {
- Position =, -35, 0.5),
- Image = "rbxassetid://10734896206",
- Name = "Minimize"
- })
- SetChildren(ButtonsFolder, {
- CloseButton,
- MinimizeButton
- })
- local Minimized, SaveSize, WaitClick
- local Window, FirstTab = {}, false
- function Window:CloseBtn()
- local Dialog = Window:Dialog({
- Title = "Close",
- Text = "Are you sure you want to close this script??",
- Options = {
- {"Confirm", function()
- ScreenGui:Destroy()
- end},
- {"Cancel"}
- }
- })
- end
- function Window:MinimizeBtn()
- if WaitClick then return end
- WaitClick = true
- if Minimized then
- MinimizeButton.Image = "rbxassetid://10734896206"
- CreateTween({MainFrame, "Size", SaveSize, 0.25, true})
- ControlSize1.Visible = true
- ControlSize2.Visible = true
- Minimized = false
- else
- MinimizeButton.Image = "rbxassetid://10734924532"
- SaveSize = MainFrame.Size
- ControlSize1.Visible = false
- ControlSize2.Visible = false
- CreateTween({MainFrame, "Size", UDim2.fromOffset(MainFrame.Size.X.Offset, 28), 0.25, true})
- Minimized = true
- end
- WaitClick = false
- end
- function Window:Minimize()
- MainFrame.Visible = not MainFrame.Visible
- end
- function Window:AddMinimizeButton(Configs)
- local Button = MakeDrag(Create("ImageButton", ScreenGui, {
- Size = UDim2.fromOffset(35, 35),
- Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.15, 0.15),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Hub 2"],
- AutoButtonColor = false
- }))
- local Stroke, Corner
- if Configs.Corner then
- Corner = Make("Corner", Button)
- SetProps(Corner, Configs.Corner)
- end
- if Configs.Stroke then
- Stroke = Make("Stroke", Button)
- SetProps(Stroke, Configs.Corner)
- end
- SetProps(Button, Configs.Button)
- Button.Activated:Connect(Window.Minimize)
- return {
- Stroke = Stroke,
- Corner = Corner,
- Button = Button
- }
- end
- function Window:Set(Val1, Val2)
- if type(Val1) == "string" and type(Val2) == "string" then
- Title.Text = Val1
- Title.SubTitle.Text = Val2
- elseif type(Val1) == "string" then
- Title.Text = Val1
- end
- end
- function Window:Dialog(Configs)
- if MainFrame:FindFirstChild("Dialog") then return end
- if Minimized then
- Window:MinimizeBtn()
- end
- local DTitle = Configs[1] or Configs.Title or "Dialog"
- local DText = Configs[2] or Configs.Text or "This is a Dialog"
- local DOptions = Configs[3] or Configs.Options or {}
- local Frame = Create("Frame", {
- Active = true,
- Size = UDim2.fromOffset(250 * 1.08, 150 * 1.08),
- Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.5, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
- }, {
- InsertTheme(Create("TextLabel", {
- Font = Enum.Font.GothamBold,
- Size =, 0, 0, 20),
- Text = DTitle,
- TextXAlignment = "Left",
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Text"],
- TextSize = 15,
- Position = UDim2.fromOffset(15, 5),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1
- }), "Text"),
- InsertTheme(Create("TextLabel", {
- Font = Enum.Font.GothamMedium,
- Size =, -25),
- AutomaticSize = "Y",
- Text = DText,
- TextXAlignment = "Left",
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Dark Text"],
- TextSize = 12,
- Position = UDim2.fromOffset(15, 25),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- TextWrapped = true
- }), "DarkText")
- })Make("Gradient", Frame, {Rotation = 270})Make("Corner", Frame)
- local ButtonsHolder = Create("Frame", Frame, {
- Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 0.35),
- Position = UDim2.fromScale(0, 1),
- AnchorPoint =, 1),
- BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Hub 2"],
- BackgroundTransparency = 1
- }, {
- Create("UIListLayout", {
- Padding =, 10),
- VerticalAlignment = "Center",
- FillDirection = "Horizontal",
- HorizontalAlignment = "Center"
- })
- })
- local Screen = InsertTheme(Create("Frame", MainFrame, {
- BackgroundTransparency = 0.6,
- Active = true,
- BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Hub 2"],
- Size =, 0, 1, 0),
- BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Stroke"],
- Name = "Dialog"
- }), "Stroke")
- MainCorner:Clone().Parent = Screen
- Frame.Parent = Screen
- CreateTween({Frame, "Size", UDim2.fromOffset(250, 150), 0.2})
- CreateTween({Frame, "Transparency", 0, 0.15})
- CreateTween({Screen, "Transparency", 0.3, 0.15})
- local ButtonCount, Dialog = 1, {}
- function Dialog:Button(Configs)
- local Name = Configs[1] or Configs.Name or Configs.Title or ""
- local Callback = Configs[2] or Configs.Callback or function()end
- ButtonCount = ButtonCount + 1
- local Button = Make("Button", ButtonsHolder)
- Make("Corner", Button)
- SetProps(Button, {
- Text = Name,
- Font = Enum.Font.GothamBold,
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Text"],
- TextSize = 12
- })
- for _,Button in pairs(ButtonsHolder:GetChildren()) do
- if Button:IsA("TextButton") then
- Button.Size = / ButtonCount, -(((ButtonCount - 1) * 20) / ButtonCount), 0, 32) -- Fluent Library :)
- end
- end
- Button.Activated:Connect(Dialog.Close)
- Button.Activated:Connect(Callback)
- end
- function Dialog:Close()
- CreateTween({Frame, "Size", UDim2.fromOffset(250 * 1.08, 150 * 1.08), 0.2})
- CreateTween({Screen, "Transparency", 1, 0.15})
- CreateTween({Frame, "Transparency", 1, 0.15, true})
- Screen:Destroy()
- end
- table.foreach(DOptions, function(_,Button)
- Dialog:Button(Button)
- end)
- return Dialog
- end
- function Window:SelectTab(TabSelect)
- if type(TabSelect) == "number" then
- redzlib.Tabs[TabSelect].func:Enable()
- else
- for _,Tab in pairs(redzlib.Tabs) do
- if Tab.Cont == TabSelect.Cont then
- Tab.func:Enable()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local ContainerList = {}
- function Window:MakeTab(paste, Configs)
- if type(paste) == "table" then Configs = paste end
- local TName = Configs[1] or Configs.Title or "Tab!"
- local TIcon = Configs[2] or Configs.Icon or ""
- TIcon = redzlib:GetIcon(TIcon)
- if not TIcon:find("rbxassetid://") or TIcon:gsub("rbxassetid://", ""):len() < 6 then
- TIcon = false
- end
- local TabSelect = Make("Button", MainScroll, {
- Size =, 0, 0, 24)
- })Make("Corner", TabSelect)
- local LabelTitle = InsertTheme(Create("TextLabel", TabSelect, {
- Size =, TIcon and -25 or -15, 1),
- Position = UDim2.fromOffset(TIcon and 25 or 15),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Font = Enum.Font.GothamMedium,
- Text = TName,
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Text"],
- TextSize = 10,
- TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left,
- TextTransparency = (FirstTab and 0.3) or 0,
- TextTruncate = "AtEnd"
- }), "Text")
- local LabelIcon = InsertTheme(Create("ImageLabel", TabSelect, {
- Position =, 8, 0.5),
- Size =, 13, 0, 13),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- Image = TIcon or "",
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- ImageTransparency = (FirstTab and 0.3) or 0
- }), "Text")
- local Selected = InsertTheme(Create("Frame", TabSelect, {
- Size = FirstTab and, 4, 0, 4) or, 4, 0, 13),
- Position =, 1, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Theme"],
- BackgroundTransparency = FirstTab and 1 or 0
- }), "Theme")Make("Corner", Selected,, 0))
- local Container = InsertTheme(Create("ScrollingFrame", {
- Size =, 0, 1, 0),
- Position =, 0, 1),
- AnchorPoint =, 1),
- ScrollBarThickness = 1.5,
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- ScrollBarImageTransparency = 0.2,
- ScrollBarImageColor3 = Theme["Color Theme"],
- AutomaticCanvasSize = "Y",
- ScrollingDirection = "Y",
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- CanvasSize =,
- Name = ("Container %i [ %s ]"):format(#ContainerList + 1, TName)
- }, {
- Create("UIPadding", {
- PaddingLeft =, 10),
- PaddingRight =, 10),
- PaddingTop =, 10),
- PaddingBottom =, 10)
- }), Create("UIListLayout", {
- Padding =, 5)
- })
- }), "ScrollBar")
- table.insert(ContainerList, Container)
- if not FirstTab then Container.Parent = Containers end
- local function Tabs()
- if Container.Parent then return end
- for _,Frame in pairs(ContainerList) do
- if Frame:IsA("ScrollingFrame") and Frame ~= Container then
- Frame.Parent = nil
- end
- end
- Container.Parent = Containers
- Container.Size =, 0, 1, 150)
- table.foreach(redzlib.Tabs, function(_,Tab)
- if Tab.Cont ~= Container then
- Tab.func:Disable()
- end
- end)
- CreateTween({Container, "Size",, 0, 1, 0), 0.3})
- CreateTween({LabelTitle, "TextTransparency", 0, 0.35})
- CreateTween({LabelIcon, "ImageTransparency", 0, 0.35})
- CreateTween({Selected, "Size",, 4, 0, 13), 0.35})
- CreateTween({Selected, "BackgroundTransparency", 0, 0.35})
- end
- TabSelect.Activated:Connect(Tabs)
- FirstTab = true
- local Tab = {}
- table.insert(redzlib.Tabs, {TabInfo = {Name = TName, Icon = TIcon}, func = Tab, Cont = Container})
- Tab.Cont = Container
- function Tab:Disable()
- Container.Parent = nil
- CreateTween({LabelTitle, "TextTransparency", 0.3, 0.35})
- CreateTween({LabelIcon, "ImageTransparency", 0.3, 0.35})
- CreateTween({Selected, "Size",, 4, 0, 4), 0.35})
- CreateTween({Selected, "BackgroundTransparency", 1, 0.35})
- end
- function Tab:Enable()
- Tabs()
- end
- function Tab:Visible(Bool)
- Funcs:ToggleVisible(TabSelect, Bool)
- Funcs:ToggleParent(Container, Bool, Containers)
- end
- function Tab:Destroy() TabSelect:Destroy() Container:Destroy() end
- function Tab:AddSection(Configs)
- local SectionName = type(Configs) == "string" and Configs or Configs[1] or Configs.Name or Configs.Title or Configs.Section
- local SectionFrame = Create("Frame", Container, {
- Size =, 0, 0, 20),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Name = "Option"
- })
- local SectionLabel = InsertTheme(Create("TextLabel", SectionFrame, {
- Font = Enum.Font.GothamBold,
- Text = SectionName,
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Text"],
- Size =, -25, 1, 0),
- Position =, 5),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- TextTruncate = "AtEnd",
- TextSize = 14,
- TextXAlignment = "Left"
- }), "Text")
- local Section = {}
- table.insert(redzlib.Options, {type = "Section", Name = SectionName, func = Section})
- function Section:Visible(Bool)
- if Bool == nil then SectionFrame.Visible = not SectionFrame.Visible return end
- SectionFrame.Visible = Bool
- end
- function Section:Destroy()
- SectionFrame:Destroy()
- end
- function Section:Set(New)
- if New then
- SectionLabel.Text = GetStr(New)
- end
- end
- return Section
- end
- function Tab:AddParagraph(Configs)
- local PName = Configs[1] or Configs.Title or "Paragraph"
- local PDesc = Configs[2] or Configs.Text or ""
- local Frame, LabelFunc = ButtonFrame(Container, PName, PDesc,, -20))
- local Paragraph = {}
- function Paragraph:Visible(...) Funcs:ToggleVisible(Frame, ...) end
- function Paragraph:Destroy() Frame:Destroy() end
- function Paragraph:SetTitle(Val)
- LabelFunc:SetTitle(GetStr(Val))
- end
- function Paragraph:SetDesc(Val)
- LabelFunc:SetDesc(GetStr(Val))
- end
- function Paragraph:Set(Val1, Val2)
- if Val1 and Val2 then
- LabelFunc:SetTitle(GetStr(Val1))
- LabelFunc:SetDesc(GetStr(Val2))
- elseif Val1 then
- LabelFunc:SetDesc(GetStr(Val1))
- end
- end
- return Paragraph
- end
- function Tab:AddButton(Configs)
- local BName = Configs[1] or Configs.Name or Configs.Title or "Button!"
- local BDescription = Configs.Desc or Configs.Description or ""
- local Callback = Funcs:GetCallback(Configs, 2)
- local FButton, LabelFunc = ButtonFrame(Container, BName, BDescription,, -20))
- local ButtonIcon = Create("ImageLabel", FButton, {
- Size =, 14, 0, 14),
- Position =, -10, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Image = "rbxassetid://10709791437"
- })
- FButton.Activated:Connect(function()
- Funcs:FireCallback(Callback)
- end)
- local Button = {}
- function Button:Visible(...) Funcs:ToggleVisible(FButton, ...) end
- function Button:Destroy() FButton:Destroy() end
- function Button:Callback(...) Funcs:InsertCallback(Callback, ...) end
- function Button:Set(Val1, Val2)
- if type(Val1) == "string" and type(Val2) == "string" then
- LabelFunc:SetTitle(Val1)
- LabelFunc:SetDesc(Val2)
- elseif type(Val1) == "string" then
- LabelFunc:SetTitle(Val1)
- elseif type(Val1) == "function" then
- Callback = Val1
- end
- end
- return Button
- end
- function Tab:AddToggle(Configs)
- local TName = Configs[1] or Configs.Name or Configs.Title or "Toggle"
- local TDesc = Configs.Desc or Configs.Description or ""
- local Callback = Funcs:GetCallback(Configs, 3)
- local Flag = Configs[4] or Configs.Flag or false
- local Default = Configs[2] or Configs.Default or false
- if CheckFlag(Flag) then Default = GetFlag(Flag) end
- local Button, LabelFunc = ButtonFrame(Container, TName, TDesc,, -38))
- local ToggleHolder = InsertTheme(Create("Frame", Button, {
- Size =, 35, 0, 18),
- Position =, -10, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Stroke"]
- }), "Stroke")Make("Corner", ToggleHolder,, 0))
- local Slider = Create("Frame", ToggleHolder, {
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Size =, 0, 0.8, 0),
- Position =, 0, 0.5, 0),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
- })
- local Toggle = InsertTheme(Create("Frame", Slider, {
- Size =, 12, 0, 12),
- Position =, 0, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Theme"]
- }), "Theme")Make("Corner", Toggle,, 0))
- local WaitClick
- local function SetToggle(Val)
- if WaitClick then return end
- WaitClick, Default = true, Val
- SetFlag(Flag, Default)
- Funcs:FireCallback(Callback, Default)
- if Default then
- CreateTween({Toggle, "Position",, 0, 0.5), 0.25})
- CreateTween({Toggle, "BackgroundTransparency", 0, 0.25})
- CreateTween({Toggle, "AnchorPoint",, 0.5), 0.25, Wait or false})
- else
- CreateTween({Toggle, "Position",, 0, 0.5), 0.25})
- CreateTween({Toggle, "BackgroundTransparency", 0.8, 0.25})
- CreateTween({Toggle, "AnchorPoint",, 0.5), 0.25, Wait or false})
- end
- WaitClick = false
- end;task.spawn(SetToggle, Default)
- Button.Activated:Connect(function()
- SetToggle(not Default)
- end)
- local Toggle = {}
- function Toggle:Visible(...) Funcs:ToggleVisible(Button, ...) end
- function Toggle:Destroy() Button:Destroy() end
- function Toggle:Callback(...) Funcs:InsertCallback(Callback, ...)() end
- function Toggle:Set(Val1, Val2)
- if type(Val1) == "string" and type(Val2) == "string" then
- LabelFunc:SetTitle(Val1)
- LabelFunc:SetDesc(Val2)
- elseif type(Val1) == "string" then
- LabelFunc:SetTitle(Val1, false, true)
- elseif type(Val1) == "boolean" then
- if WaitClick and Val2 then
- repeat task.wait() until not WaitClick
- end
- task.spawn(SetToggle, Val1)
- elseif type(Val1) == "function" then
- Callback = Val1
- end
- end
- return Toggle
- end
- function Tab:AddDropdown(Configs)
- local DName = Configs[1] or Configs.Name or Configs.Title or "Dropdown"
- local DDesc = Configs.Desc or Configs.Description or ""
- local DOptions = Configs[2] or Configs.Options or {}
- local OpDefault = Configs[3] or Configs.Default or {}
- local Flag = Configs[5] or Configs.Flag or false
- local DMultiSelect = Configs.MultiSelect or false
- local Callback = Funcs:GetCallback(Configs, 4)
- local Button, LabelFunc = ButtonFrame(Container, DName, DDesc,, -180))
- local SelectedFrame = InsertTheme(Create("Frame", Button, {
- Size =, 150, 0, 18),
- Position =, -10, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Stroke"]
- }), "Stroke")Make("Corner", SelectedFrame,, 4))
- local ActiveLabel = InsertTheme(Create("TextLabel", SelectedFrame, {
- Size =, 0, 0.85, 0),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- Position =, 0, 0.5, 0),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Font = Enum.Font.GothamBold,
- TextScaled = true,
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Text"],
- Text = "..."
- }), "Text")
- local Arrow = Create("ImageLabel", SelectedFrame, {
- Size =, 15, 0, 15),
- Position =, -5, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- Image = "rbxassetid://10709791523",
- BackgroundTransparency = 1
- })
- local NoClickFrame = Create("TextButton", DropdownHolder, {
- Name = "AntiClick",
- Size =, 0, 1, 0),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Visible = false,
- Text = ""
- })
- local DropFrame = Create("Frame", NoClickFrame, {
- Size =, 0, 0),
- BackgroundTransparency = 0.1,
- BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
- AnchorPoint =, 1),
- Name = "DropdownFrame",
- ClipsDescendants = true,
- Active = true
- })Make("Corner", DropFrame)Make("Stroke", DropFrame)Make("Gradient", DropFrame, {Rotation = 60})
- local ScrollFrame = InsertTheme(Create("ScrollingFrame", DropFrame, {
- ScrollBarImageColor3 = Theme["Color Theme"],
- Size =, 0, 1, 0),
- ScrollBarThickness = 1.5,
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- CanvasSize =,
- ScrollingDirection = "Y",
- AutomaticCanvasSize = "Y",
- Active = true
- }, {
- Create("UIPadding", {
- PaddingLeft =, 8),
- PaddingRight =, 8),
- PaddingTop =, 5),
- PaddingBottom =, 5)
- }), Create("UIListLayout", {
- Padding =, 4)
- })
- }), "ScrollBar")
- local ScrollSize, WaitClick = 5
- local function Disable()
- WaitClick = true
- CreateTween({Arrow, "Rotation", 0, 0.2})
- CreateTween({DropFrame, "Size",, 152, 0, 0), 0.2, true})
- CreateTween({Arrow, "ImageColor3", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), 0.2})
- Arrow.Image = "rbxassetid://10709791523"
- NoClickFrame.Visible = false
- WaitClick = false
- end
- local function GetFrameSize()
- return UDim2.fromOffset(152, ScrollSize)
- end
- local function CalculateSize()
- local Count = 0
- for _,Frame in pairs(ScrollFrame:GetChildren()) do
- if Frame:IsA("Frame") or Frame.Name == "Option" then
- Count = Count + 1
- end
- end
- ScrollSize = (math.clamp(Count, 0, 10) * 25) + 10
- if NoClickFrame.Visible then
- NoClickFrame.Visible = true
- CreateTween({DropFrame, "Size", GetFrameSize(), 0.2, true})
- end
- end
- local function Minimize()
- if WaitClick then return end
- WaitClick = true
- if NoClickFrame.Visible then
- Arrow.Image = "rbxassetid://10709791523"
- CreateTween({Arrow, "ImageColor3", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), 0.2})
- CreateTween({DropFrame, "Size",, 152, 0, 0), 0.2, true})
- NoClickFrame.Visible = false
- else
- NoClickFrame.Visible = true
- Arrow.Image = "rbxassetid://10709790948"
- CreateTween({Arrow, "ImageColor3", Theme["Color Theme"], 0.2})
- CreateTween({DropFrame, "Size", GetFrameSize(), 0.2, true})
- end
- WaitClick = false
- end
- local function CalculatePos()
- local FramePos = SelectedFrame.AbsolutePosition
- local ScreenSize = ScreenGui.AbsoluteSize
- local ClampX = math.clamp((FramePos.X / UIScale), 0, ScreenSize.X / UIScale - DropFrame.Size.X.Offset)
- local ClampY = math.clamp((FramePos.Y / UIScale) , 0, ScreenSize.Y / UIScale)
- local NewPos = UDim2.fromOffset(ClampX, ClampY)
- local AnchorPoint = FramePos.Y > ScreenSize.Y / 1.4 and 1 or ScrollSize > 80 and 0.5 or 0
- DropFrame.AnchorPoint =, AnchorPoint)
- CreateTween({DropFrame, "Position", NewPos, 0.1})
- end
- local AddNewOptions, GetOptions, AddOption, RemoveOption, Selected do
- local Default = type(OpDefault) ~= "table" and {OpDefault} or OpDefault
- local MultiSelect = DMultiSelect
- local Options = {}
- Selected = MultiSelect and {} or CheckFlag(Flag) and GetFlag(Flag) or Default[1]
- if MultiSelect then
- for index, Value in pairs(CheckFlag(Flag) and GetFlag(Flag) or Default) do
- if type(index) == "string" and (DOptions[index] or table.find(DOptions, index)) then
- Selected[index] = Value
- elseif DOptions[Value] then
- Selected[Value] = true
- end
- end
- end
- local function CallbackSelected()
- SetFlag(Flag, MultiSelect and Selected or tostring(Selected))
- Funcs:FireCallback(Callback, Selected)
- end
- local function UpdateLabel()
- if MultiSelect then
- local list = {}
- for index, Value in pairs(Selected) do
- if Value then
- table.insert(list, index)
- end
- end
- ActiveLabel.Text = #list > 0 and table.concat(list, ", ") or "..."
- else
- ActiveLabel.Text = tostring(Selected or "...")
- end
- end
- local function UpdateSelected()
- if MultiSelect then
- for _,v in pairs(Options) do
- local nodes, Stats = v.nodes, v.Stats
- CreateTween({nodes[2], "BackgroundTransparency", Stats and 0 or 0.8, 0.35})
- CreateTween({nodes[2], "Size", Stats and UDim2.fromOffset(4, 12) or UDim2.fromOffset(4, 4), 0.35})
- CreateTween({nodes[3], "TextTransparency", Stats and 0 or 0.4, 0.35})
- end
- else
- for _,v in pairs(Options) do
- local Slt = v.Value == Selected
- local nodes = v.nodes
- CreateTween({nodes[2], "BackgroundTransparency", Slt and 0 or 1, 0.35})
- CreateTween({nodes[2], "Size", Slt and UDim2.fromOffset(4, 14) or UDim2.fromOffset(4, 4), 0.35})
- CreateTween({nodes[3], "TextTransparency", Slt and 0 or 0.4, 0.35})
- end
- end
- UpdateLabel()
- end
- local function Select(Option)
- if MultiSelect then
- Option.Stats = not Option.Stats
- Option.LastCB = tick()
- Selected[Option.Name] = Option.Stats
- CallbackSelected()
- else
- Option.LastCB = tick()
- Selected = Option.Value
- CallbackSelected()
- end
- UpdateSelected()
- end
- AddOption = function(index, Value)
- local Name = tostring(type(index) == "string" and index or Value)
- if Options[Name] then return end
- Options[Name] = {
- index = index,
- Value = Value,
- Name = Name,
- Stats = false,
- LastCB = 0
- }
- if MultiSelect then
- local Stats = Selected[Name]
- Selected[Name] = Stats or false
- Options[Name].Stats = Stats
- end
- local Button = Make("Button", ScrollFrame, {
- Name = "Option",
- Size =, 0, 0, 21),
- Position =, 0, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
- })Make("Corner", Button,, 4))
- local IsSelected = InsertTheme(Create("Frame", Button, {
- Position =, 1, 0.5),
- Size =, 4, 0, 4),
- BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Theme"],
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
- }), "Theme")Make("Corner", IsSelected,, 0))
- local OptioneName = InsertTheme(Create("TextLabel", Button, {
- Size =, 0, 1),
- Position =, 10),
- Text = Name,
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Text"],
- Font = Enum.Font.GothamBold,
- TextXAlignment = "Left",
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- TextTransparency = 0.4
- }), "Text")
- Button.Activated:Connect(function()
- Select(Options[Name])
- end)
- Options[Name].nodes = {Button, IsSelected, OptioneName}
- end
- RemoveOption = function(index, Value)
- local Name = tostring(type(index) == "string" and index or Value)
- if Options[Name] then
- if MultiSelect then Selected[Name] = nil else Selected = nil end
- Options[Name].nodes[1]:Destroy()
- table.clear(Options[Name])
- Options[Name] = nil
- end
- end
- GetOptions = function()
- return Options
- end
- AddNewOptions = function(List, Clear)
- if Clear then
- table.foreach(Options, RemoveOption)
- end
- table.foreach(List, AddOption)
- CallbackSelected()
- UpdateSelected()
- end
- table.foreach(DOptions, AddOption)
- CallbackSelected()
- UpdateSelected()
- end
- Button.Activated:Connect(Minimize)
- NoClickFrame.MouseButton1Down:Connect(Disable)
- NoClickFrame.MouseButton1Click:Connect(Disable)
- MainFrame:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Visible"):Connect(Disable)
- SelectedFrame:GetPropertyChangedSignal("AbsolutePosition"):Connect(CalculatePos)
- Button.Activated:Connect(CalculateSize)
- ScrollFrame.ChildAdded:Connect(CalculateSize)
- ScrollFrame.ChildRemoved:Connect(CalculateSize)
- CalculatePos()
- CalculateSize()
- local Dropdown = {}
- function Dropdown:Visible(...) Funcs:ToggleVisible(Button, ...) end
- function Dropdown:Destroy() Button:Destroy() end
- function Dropdown:Callback(...) Funcs:InsertCallback(Callback, ...)(Selected) end
- function Dropdown:Add(...)
- local NewOptions = {...}
- if type(NewOptions[1]) == "table" then
- table.foreach(Option, function(_,Name)
- AddOption(Name)
- end)
- else
- table.foreach(NewOptions, function(_,Name)
- AddOption(Name)
- end)
- end
- end
- function Dropdown:Remove(Option)
- for index, Value in pairs(GetOptions()) do
- if type(Option) == "number" and index == Option or Value.Name == "Option" then
- RemoveOption(index, Value.Value)
- end
- end
- end
- function Dropdown:Select(Option)
- if type(Option) == "string" then
- for _,Val in pairs(Options) do
- if Val.Name == Option then
- Val.Active()
- end
- end
- elseif type(Option) == "number" then
- for ind,Val in pairs(Options) do
- if ind == Option then
- Val.Active()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function Dropdown:Set(Val1, Clear)
- if type(Val1) == "table" then
- AddNewOptions(Val1, not Clear)
- elseif type(Val1) == "function" then
- Callback = Val1
- end
- end
- return Dropdown
- end
- function Tab:AddSlider(Configs)
- local SName = Configs[1] or Configs.Name or Configs.Title or "Slider!"
- local SDesc = Configs.Desc or Configs.Description or ""
- local Min = Configs[2] or Configs.MinValue or Configs.Min or 10
- local Max = Configs[3] or Configs.MaxValue or Configs.Max or 100
- local Increase = Configs[4] or Configs.Increase or 1
- local Callback = Funcs:GetCallback(Configs, 6)
- local Flag = Configs[7] or Configs.Flag or false
- local Default = Configs[5] or Configs.Default or 25
- if CheckFlag(Flag) then Default = GetFlag(Flag) end
- Min, Max = Min / Increase, Max / Increase
- local Button, LabelFunc = ButtonFrame(Container, SName, SDesc,, -180))
- local SliderHolder = Create("TextButton", Button, {
- Size =, 0, 1),
- Position =,
- AnchorPoint =, 0),
- AutoButtonColor = false,
- Text = "",
- BackgroundTransparency = 1
- })
- local SliderBar = InsertTheme(Create("Frame", SliderHolder, {
- BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Stroke"],
- Size =, -20, 0, 6),
- Position =, 0, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
- }), "Stroke")Make("Corner", SliderBar)
- local Indicator = InsertTheme(Create("Frame", SliderBar, {
- BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Theme"],
- Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.3, 1),
- BorderSizePixel = 0
- }), "Theme")Make("Corner", Indicator)
- local SliderIcon = Create("Frame", SliderBar, {
- Size =, 6, 0, 12),
- BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(220, 220, 220),
- Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.3, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- BackgroundTransparency = 0.2
- })Make("Corner", SliderIcon)
- local LabelVal = InsertTheme(Create("TextLabel", SliderHolder, {
- Size =, 14, 0, 14),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- Position =, 0, 0.5),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Text"],
- Font = Enum.Font.FredokaOne,
- TextSize = 12
- }), "Text")
- local UIScale = Create("UIScale", LabelVal)
- local BaseMousePos = Create("Frame", SliderBar, {
- Position =, 0, 0.5, 0),
- Visible = false
- })
- local function UpdateLabel(NewValue)
- local Number = tonumber(NewValue * Increase)
- Number = math.floor(Number * 100) / 100
- Default, LabelVal.Text = Number, tostring(Number)
- Funcs:FireCallback(Callback, Default)
- end
- local function ControlPos()
- local MousePos = Player:GetMouse()
- local APos = MousePos.X - BaseMousePos.AbsolutePosition.X
- local ConfigureDpiPos = APos / SliderBar.AbsoluteSize.X
- SliderIcon.Position =, 0, 1), 0, 0.5, 0)
- end
- local function UpdateValues()
- Indicator.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
- local SliderPos = SliderIcon.Position.X.Scale
- local NewValue = math.floor(((SliderPos * Max) / Max) * (Max - Min) + Min)
- UpdateLabel(NewValue)
- end
- SliderHolder.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- CreateTween({SliderIcon, "Transparency", 0, 0.3})
- Container.ScrollingEnabled = false
- while UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1) do task.wait()
- ControlPos()
- end
- CreateTween({SliderIcon, "Transparency", 0.2, 0.3})
- Container.ScrollingEnabled = true
- SetFlag(Flag, Default)
- end)
- LabelVal:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function()
- UIScale.Scale = 0.3
- CreateTween({UIScale, "Scale", 1.2, 0.1})
- CreateTween({LabelVal, "Rotation", math.random(-1, 1) * 5, 0.15, true})
- CreateTween({UIScale, "Scale", 1, 0.2})
- CreateTween({LabelVal, "Rotation", 0, 0.1})
- end)
- function SetSlider(NewValue)
- if type(NewValue) ~= "number" then return end
- local Min, Max = Min * Increase, Max * Increase
- local SliderPos = (NewValue - Min) / (Max - Min)
- SetFlag(Flag, NewValue)
- CreateTween({ SliderIcon, "Position", UDim2.fromScale(math.clamp(SliderPos, 0, 1), 0.5), 0.3, true })
- end;SetSlider(Default)
- SliderIcon:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Position"):Connect(UpdateValues)UpdateValues()
- local Slider = {}
- function Slider:Set(NewVal1, NewVal2)
- if NewVal1 and NewVal2 then
- LabelFunc:SetTitle(NewVal1)
- LabelFunc:SetDesc(NewVal2)
- elseif type(NewVal1) == "string" then
- LabelFunc:SetTitle(NewVal1)
- elseif type(NewVal1) == "function" then
- Callback = NewVal1
- elseif type(NewVal1) == "number" then
- SetSlider(NewVal1)
- end
- end
- function Slider:Callback(...) Funcs:InsertCallback(Callback, ...)(tonumber(Default)) end
- function Slider:Visible(...) Funcs:ToggleVisible(Button, ...) end
- function Slider:Destroy() Button:Destroy() end
- return Slider
- end
- function Tab:AddTextBox(Configs)
- local TName = Configs[1] or Configs.Name or Configs.Title or "Text Box"
- local TDesc = Configs.Desc or Configs.Description or ""
- local TDefault = Configs[2] or Configs.Default or ""
- local TPlaceholderText = Configs[5] or Configs.PlaceholderText or "Input"
- local TClearText = Configs[3] or Configs.ClearText or false
- local Callback = Funcs:GetCallback(Configs, 4)
- if type(TDefault) ~= "string" or TDefault:gsub(" ", ""):len() < 1 then
- TDefault = false
- end
- local Button, LabelFunc = ButtonFrame(Container, TName, TDesc,, -38))
- local SelectedFrame = InsertTheme(Create("Frame", Button, {
- Size =, 150, 0, 18),
- Position =, -10, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Stroke"]
- }), "Stroke")Make("Corner", SelectedFrame,, 4))
- local TextBoxInput = InsertTheme(Create("TextBox", SelectedFrame, {
- Size =, 0, 0.85, 0),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- Position =, 0, 0.5, 0),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Font = Enum.Font.GothamBold,
- TextScaled = true,
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Text"],
- ClearTextOnFocus = TClearText,
- PlaceholderText = TPlaceholderText,
- Text = ""
- }), "Text")
- local Pencil = Create("ImageLabel", SelectedFrame, {
- Size =, 12, 0, 12),
- Position =, -5, 0.5),
- AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
- Image = "rbxassetid://15637081879",
- BackgroundTransparency = 1
- })
- local TextBox = {}
- local function Input()
- local Text = TextBoxInput.Text
- if Text:gsub(" ", ""):len() > 0 then
- if TextBox.OnChanging then Text = TextBox.OnChanging(Text) or Text end
- Funcs:FireCallback(Callback, Text)
- TextBoxInput.Text = Text
- end
- end
- TextBoxInput.FocusLost:Connect(Input)Input()
- TextBoxInput.FocusLost:Connect(function()
- CreateTween({Pencil, "ImageColor3", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), 0.2})
- end)
- TextBoxInput.Focused:Connect(function()
- CreateTween({Pencil, "ImageColor3", Theme["Color Theme"], 0.2})
- end)
- TextBox.OnChanging = false
- function TextBox:Visible(...) Funcs:ToggleVisible(Button, ...) end
- function TextBox:Destroy() Button:Destroy() end
- return TextBox
- end
- function Tab:AddDiscordInvite(Configs)
- local Title = Configs[1] or Configs.Name or Configs.Title or "Discord"
- local Desc = Configs.Desc or Configs.Description or ""
- local Logo = Configs[2] or Configs.Logo or ""
- local Invite = Configs[3] or Configs.Invite or ""
- local InviteHolder = Create("Frame", Container, {
- Size =, 0, 0, 80),
- Name = "Option",
- BackgroundTransparency = 1
- })
- local InviteLabel = Create("TextLabel", InviteHolder, {
- Size =, 0, 0, 15),
- Position =, 5),
- TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(40, 150, 255),
- Font = Enum.Font.GothamBold,
- TextXAlignment = "Left",
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- TextSize = 10,
- Text = Invite
- })
- local FrameHolder = InsertTheme(Create("Frame", InviteHolder, {
- Size =, 0, 0, 65),
- AnchorPoint =, 1),
- Position =, 0, 1),
- BackgroundColor3 = Theme["Color Hub 2"]
- }), "Frame")Make("Corner", FrameHolder)
- local ImageLabel = Create("ImageLabel", FrameHolder, {
- Size =, 30, 0, 30),
- Position =, 7, 0, 7),
- Image = Logo,
- BackgroundTransparency = 1
- })Make("Corner", ImageLabel,, 4))Make("Stroke", ImageLabel)
- local LTitle = InsertTheme(Create("TextLabel", FrameHolder, {
- Size =, -52, 0, 15),
- Position =, 44, 0, 7),
- Font = Enum.Font.GothamBold,
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Text"],
- TextXAlignment = "Left",
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- TextSize = 10,
- Text = Title
- }), "Text")
- local LDesc = InsertTheme(Create("TextLabel", FrameHolder, {
- Size =, -52, 0, 0),
- Position =, 44, 0, 22),
- TextWrapped = "Y",
- AutomaticSize = "Y",
- Font = Enum.Font.Gotham,
- TextColor3 = Theme["Color Dark Text"],
- TextXAlignment = "Left",
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- TextSize = 8,
- Text = Desc
- }), "DarkText")
- local JoinButton = Create("TextButton", FrameHolder, {
- Size =, -14, 0, 16),
- AnchorPoint =, 1),
- Position =, 0, 1, -7),
- Text = "Join",
- Font = Enum.Font.GothamBold,
- TextSize = 12,
- TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(220, 220, 220),
- BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(50, 150, 50)
- })Make("Corner", JoinButton,, 5))
- local ClickDelay
- JoinButton.Activated:Connect(function()
- setclipboard(Invite)
- if ClickDelay then return end
- ClickDelay = true
- SetProps(JoinButton, {
- Text = "Copied to Clipboard",
- BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(100, 100, 100),
- TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(150, 150, 150)
- })task.wait(5)
- SetProps(JoinButton, {
- Text = "Join",
- BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(50, 150, 50),
- TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(220, 220, 220)
- })ClickDelay = false
- end)
- local DiscordInvite = {}
- function DiscordInvite:Destroy() InviteHolder:Destroy() end
- function DiscordInvite:Visible(...) Funcs:ToggleVisible(InviteHolder, ...) end
- return DiscordInvite
- end
- return Tab
- end
- CloseButton.Activated:Connect(Window.CloseBtn)
- MinimizeButton.Activated:Connect(Window.MinimizeBtn)
- return Window
- end
- return redzlib
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