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- module control_unit_sol(
- always @(*) begin
- next_state = state + 1;
- t1_oe = 0;
- t1_we = 0;
- t2_oe = 0;
- t2_we = 0;
- regs_oe = 0;
- regs_we = 0;
- regs_addr = 0;
- alu_carry = 0;
- alu_opcode = 0;
- ram_we = 0;
- ram_oe = 0;
- ma_oe = 0;
- ma_we = 0;
- pc_oe = 0;
- pc_we = 0;
- flags_we = 0;
- case(state)
- INIT: next_state = LOAD;
- LOAD_DONE: begin
- verify_t2 = opc[0:6] == 7'b0000000 || opc[1] == 1'b1;
- next_state = EXEC;
- end
- EXEC_DONE: begin
- if ((opc[0:3] == 4'b0100)||(opc[0:3] == 4'b0000 && opc[4:6])) next_state = STORE_DONE;
- else next_state = STORE;
- end
- STORE_DONE: next_state = STORE_DONE;
- // TODO define LOAD, EXEC, STORE here
- LOAD: begin
- t1_we = 1;
- regs_addr = rm[2] ? XB : XA;
- regs_oe = 1;
- end
- LOAD + 1: begin
- t2_we = 1;
- regs_addr = rm[1] ? BB : BA;
- regs_oe = 1;
- end
- LOAD + 2: begin
- alu_opcode = ADC;
- alu_oe = 1;
- t1_oe = 1;
- t2_oe = 1;
- t1_we = 1;
- end
- LOAD + 3: begin
- pc_oe = 1;
- t2_we = 1;
- end
- LOAD + 4: begin
- alu_opcode = ADC;
- alu_oe = 1;
- t2_oe = 1;
- pc_we = 1;
- alu_carry = 1;
- ma_we = 1;
- end
- LOAD + 5: begin
- ma_oe = 1;
- end
- LOAD + 6: begin
- ram_oe = 1;
- t2_we = 1;
- end
- LOAD + 7: begin
- alu_opcode = ADC;
- alu_oe = 1;
- t1_oe = 1;
- t2_oe = 1;
- ma_we = 1;
- end
- LOAD + 8: begin
- ma_oe = 1;
- end
- LOAD + 9: begin
- ram_oe = 1;
- if (d) t2_we = 1;
- else t1_we = 1;
- if (opc[1] == 0 && opc[0:6] != 7'b0000000) next_state = LOAD_DONE;
- end
- LOAD + 10: begin
- regs_oe = 1;
- regs_addr = rg;
- if (d == 0) t2_we = 1;
- else t1_we = 1;
- next_state = LOAD_DONE;
- end
- EXEC: begin
- if (opc[1]) begin
- alu_oe = opc[3];
- casex (opc[4:6])
- 3'b00x: alu_opcode = ADC;
- 3'b01x: alu_opcode = SBB1;
- 3'b100: alu_opcode = AND;
- 3'b101: alu_opcode = OR;
- 3'b110: alu_opcode = XOR;
- default: alu_opcode = 1'bx;
- endcase
- flags_we = 1;
- t1_oe = 1;
- t2_oe = 1;
- alu_carry = (opc[4:6] == 3'b001 || opc[4:6] == 3'b011) ?
- flags[FLAG_C] : 0;
- t1_we = opc[3];
- next_state = EXEC_DONE;
- end else begin
- if(opc[3]) begin
- casex (opc[4:6])
- 3'b000: alu_opcode = ADC;
- 3'b001: alu_opcode = SBB1;
- 3'b010: alu_opcode = SBB2;
- 3'b011: alu_opcode = NOT;
- 3'b100: alu_opcode = SHL;
- 3'b101: alu_opcode = SHR;
- 3'b110: alu_opcode = SAR;
- default: alu_opcode = 1'bx;
- endcase
- alu_carry = opc[4:6] == 3'b000 || opc[4:6] == 3'b001;
- flags_we = 1;
- alu_oe = 1;
- t1_oe = 1;
- t1_we = 1;
- next_state = EXEC_DONE;
- end else begin
- case (opc[4:6])
- 3'b000: begin
- t1_we = 1;
- t2_oe = 1;
- alu_opcode = ADC;
- alu_oe = 1;
- next_state = EXEC_DONE;
- end
- 3'b010, 3'b100: begin
- regs_addr = SP;
- regs_oe = 1;
- t2_we = 1;
- next_state = PUSH;
- end
- 3'b101: begin
- pc_we = 1;
- t1_oe = 1;
- alu_opcode = OR;
- alu_oe = 1;
- next_state = EXEC_DONE;
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
- end
- PUSH: begin
- t2_oe = 1;
- alu_opcode = SBB2;
- alu_carry = 1;
- alu_oe = 1;
- regs_we = 1;
- regs_addr = SP;
- ma_we = 1;
- end
- PUSH + 1: begin
- if (opc[4:6] == 3'b100) begin
- pc_oe = 1;
- t2_we = 1;
- next_state = CALL;
- end
- else begin
- ram_we = 1;
- ma_oe = 1;
- t1_oe = 1;
- alu_opcode = OR;
- alu_oe = 1;
- next_state = EXEC_DONE;
- end
- end
- CALL: begin
- ram_we = 1;
- ma_oe = 1;
- alu_opcode = ADC;
- alu_carry = 1;
- alu_oe = 1;
- t2_oe = 1;
- end
- CALL + 1: begin
- t1_oe = 1;
- alu_opcode = OR;
- alu_oe = 1;
- pc_we = 1;
- next_state = EXEC_DONE;
- end
- STORE: begin
- next_state = STORE_DONE;
- alu_opcode = OR;
- alu_oe = 1;
- t1_oe = 1;
- if (d) begin
- regs_addr = rg;
- regs_we = 1;
- end else begin
- ma_oe = 1;
- ram_we = 1;
- end
- end
- default: next_state = INIT;
- endcase
- end
- endmodule
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