
Why hasn't UC been updated for so long?

Apr 11th, 2017
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  1. Hello,
  3. Firstly, I want to apologize for the poor English level in this text, if there are repetitions etc.
  5. As you surely noticed, there was no update for 8 months, this is huge and I'm sorry for that, it's all my fault and I'm gonna "explain" a part of the reasons of this here so you know why it happened.
  7. During the exams, I started having a lot of lack of motivation toward anything that required me to work. I was almost not working for school (though it's okay I still got really good marks at my exams and still later), I was developing a lot less, etc... I don't really know why but I just felt unmotivated. At this moment, the only thing I was kinda happy to do was playing with friends, everything else wasn't making me feel good, and I assume totally the rest, it was surely a big mistake from me, I sold my desktop computer to buy an external laptop for development, and a desktop PC for gaming. This led me to play even more, and I was even less motivated into coding, I don't know if buying this gaming PC really reduced the chances of getting back to coding a lot, but I'm almost sure it helped because I've spent all my time playing for months, doing nothing in any of my projects.
  9. I was then at a point that made me feel really bad about a lot of things... Firstly I thought stupid because I was not providing anything for you guys, but also because I was spending my days playing, doing nothing productive and I felt that like a loss of time and losing time makes me feel bad.
  11. When I got my laptop, I tried to start back development, but still nothing, still not fun to develop. But one day I forced myself to work on UC, since then, I develop more and worked a lot on it with the help of RadBuilder to bring back Ultra Cosmetics, it was long to make that update with the recode that brought new bugs to fix, 1.11 was messy to make stable, etc. But now it's done! It's there and I'm really happy of it.
  13. So yeah, to conclude, I didn't make anything because I was playing too much video games, I had a huge lack of motivation (it starts to get back a bit, but still less than before, this lack of motivation was a bit caused because I was doubting a lot about my IRL future, what I wanted to do, if I had the skills for it or not, etc), etc. but now it's better :) I hope it helped you understand why there was no UC update recently!
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