

Jul 26th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Washington, earlier, I was remarking with family, and friends, how
  2. perhaps, Carbon Credits should only a few simple things.
  3. Like the credit somehow goes to the maker of Mylar, but
  4. somehow the Consumer Market demands, that balloons cant be acceptable
  5. without a carbon fee, or without a carbon broker fee.
  6. Rational, there's Carbon in Myler, and this is not Carbon Neutral, it's Greener,
  7. when we keep Carbon close to the crust of the Earth, it's Greener. #Science.
  9. But really, Washington, I feel do this, 1 thing, quickly, and move on,
  10. Don't look to complete a set, do it, and move on? Why? In
  11. the physical sciences, Carbon Credits, are instantly realized as an
  12. Illusionism. But, there is Socioeconomics, so that, science, needs
  13. what? Something to observe!
  15. * * *
  17. What are Carbon Credits? Presently, nothing.
  18. Physical Sciences hold Carbon Credits, as illusionism.
  19. Socioeconomics would need them to really exist, in order to observe
  20. them, because like any science, it begins with observation.
  21. I feel they should be like units of free-action, and then used
  22. to make otherwise similar peers, to be made to wait, similar
  23. to a better priority, but a credit is spent, when transaction goes
  24. through.
  27. Naturally, to me, this sounds like futures, the Futures Market. And, any
  28. future, no limitation, based on spheres, scope, or liability. The Term
  29. Carbon Neutral, could be reappropriated, to mean a transaction, on an exchange
  30. will intend to spend no Carbon Credits, and so gain no units of free-action.
  31. What besides goodwill, would make the exchanges, implement, the necessary
  32. feature, to make this Socioeconomic package work? They could grab the
  33. credits, greedily, since, ideally, that's what should happen to the the
  34. credits, as that transactions, occur. Then they could keep them, in
  35. brokerage, and so forth. The advantage, would be that they would be ready
  36. for the 1st. Carbon Credit, and even as the desired feature, the units of
  37. free action, that improve the trade ,is unimplemented.
  38. Greedily as in algorithms.
  40. * * *
  41. Would it be better if Bethelem, were in a country, that
  42. if a woman should die at home because of childbirth somehow,
  43. she then goes without a name? So, then Joseph would then
  44. become very rich, and receive all precious those gifts?
  45. @GrassrootsSense
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