

Nov 3rd, 2024
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  1. The cop strode into John’s bedroom and began
  2. searching methodically in the dark. It didn’t need
  3. lights. It could sense the molecular structure of things
  4. by touch. Calmly and dispassionately it ran its finger
  5. across the surfaces of things in the room. As it touched
  6. a desk, the fingers fleetingly turned dark brown, then
  7. as they passed over a sheaf of papers, white. Whatever
  8. the fingers stroked, they momentarily began to mimic
  9. its molecular structure. The T-1000 hesitated over
  10. the small Tandy home computer, letting the digitized
  11. information on the discs nearby flow into its hand.
  12. Names. Dates. Video games. Scnoolwork. It could
  13. read magnetically encoded plus-minus information
  14. directly, if it chose. There was nothing that the T-1000
  15. found useful. But it was all filed anyway in the liquid
  16. memory.
  17. It was only when it ran its hand over a Public Enemy
  18. poster on the wall that it stopped. But it wasn’t what
  19. was on the flag. It was what was beneath it. The cop
  20. ripped the poster down and saw a small hole that had
  21. been crudely carved into the wallboard. In it was a
  22. battered shoebox filled with stacks of audio cassettes.
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