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- %% Function and plot
- fcn = @(x, y) log(1 + 3*(y - (x.^3 - x)).^2 + (x-4/3).^2);
- fsurf(fcn, [-2.5 2.5], 'ShowContours', 'on');
- xlabel('x');
- ylabel('y');
- title('My function f(x, y)');
- %% Problem-based solution
- prob = optimproblem;
- x = optimvar('x', 'LowerBound', -2.5, 'UpperBound', 2.5);
- y = optimvar('y', 'LowerBound', -2.5, 'UpperBound', 2.5);
- prob.Objective = (1 + 3*(y - (x.^3 - x)).^2 + (x-4/3).^2);
- initialpt.x = -1;
- initialpt.y = 2;
- options = optimoptions(prob, 'Display', 'iter');
- % options = optimoptions(prob, 'Display', 'iter', 'OutputFcn', @plotUpdate);
- [sol, fval, exitflag, output] = solve(prob, initialpt, 'Options', options)
- disp("Number of function evaluations = " + output.funcCount);
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