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- const API = {
- access_token: "",
- tagsUrl: '',
- dataUrl: ""
- };
- // user inputs
- const form = document.querySelector('#form');
- const tagSelector = document.querySelector('#tagSelector');
- const tagSelector2 = document.querySelector('#tagSelector2');
- const tagSelector3 = document.querySelector('#tagSelector3');
- const tagSelector4 = document.querySelector('#tagSelector4');
- const startDate = document.querySelector('#startDate');
- const endDate = document.querySelector('#endDate');
- const startTime = document.querySelector('#startTime');
- const endTime = document.querySelector('#endTime');
- const calcMode = document.querySelector('#calcMode');
- const count = document.querySelector('#count');
- const interval = document.querySelector('#interval');
- const plotType = document.querySelector('#plotType');
- const plotButton = document.querySelector('#plotButton');
- const warning = document.querySelector('#warning');
- const errorMessage = document.querySelector('#errorMessage');
- // for the tables
- const tableContainer = document.querySelector('#tableContainer');
- const table = document.querySelector('#table');
- const table2 = document.querySelector('#table2');
- const table3 = document.querySelector('#table3');
- const table4 = document.querySelector('#table4');
- const tableCaption = document.querySelector('#tableCaption');
- const tableCaption2 = document.querySelector('#tableCaption2');
- const tableCaption3 = document.querySelector('#tableCaption3');
- const tableCaption4 = document.querySelector('#tableCaption4');
- const tagSelectorsArray = document.querySelectorAll('.tagSelectors');
- // grabs the canvas
- const ctx = document.querySelector('#chart').getContext('2d');
- // holds the API tags
- const tagsArray = [];
- // these arrays hold the charts values to be plotted
- const valuesArray = [];
- const timeArray = [];
- const valuesArray2 = [];
- const timeArray2 = []; // for tabulation
- const valuesArray3 = [];
- const timeArray3 = [];
- const valuesArray4 = [];
- const timeArray4 = [];
- // array of tagSelector values
- const tagSelectorsValues = [];
- let data = {
- labels: timeArray,
- datasets: [
- {
- label: tagSelector.value,
- fillColor: "#FF0000",
- highlightFill: "#FF0000",
- backgroundColor: "#FF0000",
- data: valuesArray
- },
- {
- label: tagSelector2.value,
- fillColor: "#008080",
- highlightFill: "#008080",
- backgroundColor: "#008080",
- data: valuesArray2
- },
- {
- label: tagSelector3.value,
- fillColor: "#FFFF00",
- highlightFill: "#FFFF00",
- backgroundColor: "#FFFF00",
- data: valuesArray3
- },
- {
- label: tagSelector4.value,
- fillColor: "#800080",
- highlightFill: "#800080",
- backgroundColor: "#800080",
- data: valuesArray4
- }
- ]
- };
- // chart options
- const options = {
- scales: {
- yAxes: [{
- ticks: {
- beginAtZero:false
- }
- }]
- }
- };
- // gets tags
- async function getTags() {
- const options = { headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${ API.access_token }` } };
- let response = await fetch(API.tagsUrl, options);
- // let response = await fetch(`./data/tags - verbose.json`);
- let data = await response.json();
- let tags = data.Tags;
- // console.log(tags);
- => {
- let allTags = tag.Tagname;
- tagsArray.push(allTags);
- populateTagsInput();
- });
- }
- // populates the tags dropdown menu
- function populateTagsInput() {
- tagsArray.forEach(tag => {
- tagSelectorsArray.forEach(selector => {
- let tagOption = document.createElement('option');
- tagOption.textContent = tag;
- tagOption.setAttribute('value', tag);
- selector.append(tagOption);
- });
- });
- }
- plotButton.addEventListener('click', checkIfFormIsFullyFilled);
- function checkIfFormIsFullyFilled(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- console.log('button clicked');
- let formInputs = form.elements;
- let emptyFields = [...formInputs].some(input => input.value === ''); // boolean
- if (emptyFields) {
- = 'block';
- } else {
- getValuesThenPlotChartsAndTabulateData();
- }
- }
- async function getValuesThenPlotChartsAndTabulateData() {
- let queryUrl = generateQueryUrl();
- console.log(queryUrl);
- const options = { headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${ API.access_token }` } };
- let response = await fetch(queryUrl, options);
- let historianData = await response.json();
- // display error message in case of Historian Error code 7: "Service call to central buffer server fail."
- if (historianData['Data'] === undefined) {
- = 'block';
- }
- let timeStampsAndValues = historianData['Data'][0].Samples;
- let timeStampsAndValues2 = historianData['Data'][1].Samples || [];
- let timeStampsAndValues3 = historianData['Data'][2].Samples || [];
- let timeStampsAndValues4 = historianData['Data'][3].Samples || [];
- console.log(makeCSV(timeStampsAndValues)); // checking integrity thus far; disable if OK
- downloadTagCSV(tagSelector.value, makeCSV(timeStampsAndValues)); // forces download of the tags in CSV format
- downloadTagCSV(tagSelector2.value, makeCSV(timeStampsAndValues2));
- downloadTagCSV(tagSelector3.value, makeCSV(timeStampsAndValues3));
- downloadTagCSV(tagSelector4.value, makeCSV(timeStampsAndValues4));
- // fill the chart arrays
- timeStampsAndValues.forEach(value => {
- timeArray.push(simplifyTime(value.TimeStamp));
- valuesArray.push((parseInt(value.Value)).toFixed(0)); // removing decimal fraction
- });
- // tabulate the data
- tableCaption.textContent = `Tag ${tagSelector.value}`;
- timeStampsAndValues.forEach(dataItem => {
- let row = document.createElement('tr');
- row.innerHTML = `<td>${simplifyTime(dataItem.TimeStamp)}</td> <td>${(parseInt(dataItem.Value)).toFixed(0)}</td>`;
- table.append(row);
- });
- if (timeStampsAndValues2.length !== 0) {
- // fill the chart arrays
- timeStampsAndValues2.forEach(value => {
- timeArray2.push(simplifyTime(value.TimeStamp)); // for the table
- valuesArray2.push((parseInt(value.Value)).toFixed(0));
- });
- // tabulate the data
- tableCaption2.textContent = `Tag ${tagSelector2.value}`;
- timeStampsAndValues2.forEach(dataItem => {
- let row = document.createElement('tr');
- row.innerHTML = `<td>${(parseInt(dataItem.Value)).toFixed(0)}</td> `;
- table2.append(row);
- });
- }
- if (timeStampsAndValues3.length !== 0) {
- timeStampsAndValues3.forEach(value => {
- timeArray3.push(simplifyTime(value.TimeStamp));
- valuesArray3.push((parseInt(value.Value)).toFixed(0));
- });
- // tabulate the data
- tableCaption3.textContent = `Tag ${tagSelector3.value}`;
- timeStampsAndValues3.forEach(dataItem => {
- let row = document.createElement('tr');
- row.innerHTML = `<td>${(parseInt(dataItem.Value)).toFixed(0)}</td> `;
- table3.append(row);
- });
- }
- if (timeStampsAndValues4.length !== 0) {
- timeStampsAndValues4.forEach(value => {
- timeArray4.push(simplifyTime(value.TimeStamp));
- valuesArray4.push((parseInt(value.Value)).toFixed(0));
- });
- // tabulate the data
- tableCaption4.textContent = `Tag ${tagSelector4.value}`;
- timeStampsAndValues4.forEach(dataItem => {
- let row = document.createElement('tr');
- row.innerHTML = `<td>${(parseInt(dataItem.Value)).toFixed(0)}</td> `;
- table4.append(row);
- });
- }
- plotChart();
- = 'block';
- }
- // grabs the form inputs and builds the API query URL
- function generateQueryUrl() {
- // change interval value to milliseconds
- const milliseconds = Math.ceil((parseInt(interval.value))*1000);
- tagSelectorsValues.push(`${tagSelector.value}%3B`, `${tagSelector2.value}%3B`, `${tagSelector3.value}%3B`, `${tagSelector4.value}`); // concatenates tagSelector values and separates them with semicolon
- return `${API.dataUrl}/${tagSelectorsValues.join('')}/${startDate.value}T${startTime.value}/${endDate.value}T${endTime.value}/${calcMode.value}/${count.value}/${milliseconds}`;
- }
- // trims off the seconds
- function simplifyTime(timestamp) {
- return timestamp.slice(0, 16);
- }
- // returns CSV of object array (duh)
- function makeCSV(objectArray) {
- let fields = Object.keys(objectArray[0]);
- let csv = => {
- return => {
- return JSON.stringify(row[fieldName], replacer)
- }).join(',')
- });
- csv.unshift(fields.join(',')); // add header column
- return csv.join('\r\n');
- }
- // goes hand-in-hand with makeCSV function
- function replacer(key, value) {
- return value === null ? '' : value;
- }
- // creates the download link for the CSV file
- function downloadTagCSV(filename, csvFile) {
- let link = document.createElement('a');
- link.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURI(csvFile)); // href is set to a "data URI"
- link.setAttribute('download', filename + '.csv');
- link.textContent = 'Download';
- }
- function plotChart() {
- const chart = new Chart(ctx, {
- type: plotType.value,
- data: data,
- options: options
- });
- }
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