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- -- This is a script to calculate your youtube channel growth. My channel is Poin Test, and I'm growing decently fast for a channel that is really really smol.
- -- I became a bit curious to see where I'd be in a couple of months, so I wrote this.
- -- I put alot of effort into my videos and edit them to the best of my ability, because of this, my channel growth rate is a bit higher than many others. So I asked a few friends of mine for their channel growth rates.
- -- One friend of mine currently has 668 subscribers, which is way more then I have and I'm pretty happy for him. He streams on ps4 and doesn't really commentate much which effects his growth. I calculated his growth,
- -- and his value seems to be 1.005
- -- For me, my channel is growing very fast, currently about 3 subscribers a month and right now I have 37 subscribers. Because of my small amount of subscribers and large growth rate, my channel growth value is
- -- substantually higher than my freind's, which after a bit of analizing, it turned out to be 1.082 which is %1656 more than my friend's growth rate.
- --If you don't know how to calculate your own channel's growth rate, just give a fair estimate. Or use the values listed below!
- (high video effort is standard youtuber effort, like pewdiepie or reddit reading channels [like emkay])
- (standard video effort is clipping videos together to have all content be introduced in a nice and steady stream OR with great commentary)
- (low video effort is low commentary or little to no video editing what-so-ever)
- fun fact: this script showcases why it's so hard to get a start on youtube
- another fun fact: This script uses exponential math, and will sometimes be VERY inaccurate. It uses math, not the youtube algorithm.
- (about 10 to 80 subscribers)
- ----------------------------------
- Small amount of subscribers, high video effort: 1.1
- Small amount of subscribers, standard video effort: 1.06
- Small amount of subscribers, low video effort: 1.02
- (about 81 to 2850 subscribers)
- ----------------------------------
- Decent amount of subscribers, high video effort: 1.084
- Decent amount of subscribers, standard video effort: 1.052
- Decent amount of subscribers, low video effort: 1.008 < look at the drop lmao
- (about 2851 to 10000 subscribers)
- ----------------------------------
- Great amount of subscribers, high video effort: 1.032
- Great amount of subscribers, standard video effort: 1.012
- Great amount of subscribers, low video effort: 1.009
- (passed 100000 subscribers all three categories tends to even out due to youtube recomendations; you'll have to find your own growth value)
- _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________]]
- GROWTH_VALUE = 1.1 -- larger than 1 gains subscribers, lower than 1 loses subscribers.
- CURRENT_SUBSCRIBERS = 37 -- must be an integer (whole number)
- MONTHS = 37 -- amount of months to calculate
- function removedec(number)
- kek = number
- local strnum = tostring(number)
- for i=1,#strnum do
- if string.sub(strnum,i,i) == "." and string.sub(strnum,i+1,i+1) == "0" and string.sub(strnum,i+2,i+2) == "" then
- kek = tonumber(string.sub(strnum,1,i-1))
- end
- end
- return kek
- end
- function round(number)
- kek = nil
- local strnum = tostring(number)
- for i=1,#strnum do
- if string.sub(strnum,i,i) == "." then
- kek = tonumber(string.sub(strnum,i+1,i+1))
- kek2 = tonumber(string.sub(strnum,1,i-1))
- end
- end
- if kek ~= nil then
- if kek >= 5 then
- kek2 = kek2 + 1
- else
- kek2 = kek2
- end
- end
- if kek2 ~= nil then
- return kek2
- else
- return number
- end
- end
- function returnmonth(x)
- local months = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"}
- return months[x]
- end
- local current_month = tonumber("%m"))-1 -- THIS WILL NOT WORK ON ROBLOX, CHANGE THIS FOR REPLICATION
- local current_year = tonumber("%Y"))
- local current_subs = CURRENT_SUBSCRIBERS
- for i=1,MONTHS do
- current_month = current_month + 1
- if current_month == 13 then
- current_year = current_year + 1
- current_month = 1
- end
- current_subs = round(CURRENT_SUBSCRIBERS)
- print(returnmonth(current_month)..", "..current_year.." | Subscriber count: "..current_subs)
- end
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