
Aug 18th, 2023 (edited)
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Python 8.80 KB | Source Code | 0 0
  1. #!/bin/env python
  2. ######################################################################
  3. #
  4. # In his famous and highly respected paper, "Bertlmann's socks and the
  5. # nature of reality" (available open access at
  6. # ), the physicist John S. Bell
  7. # asserts that, if we could control the temperature, and control for
  8. # family quarrels, and so on, then the rates of heart attack in Lille
  9. # and Lyon would be statistically independent (Equation 10). His
  10. # defense of this assertion is that "it seems reasonable to expect".
  11. #
  12. # "It seems reasonable to expect" is, of course, not a defense at
  13. # all. And there is an actual mathematical theory of probability that
  14. # Bell is blithely ignoring, or perhaps did not even know about, that
  15. # says this expectation is unreasonable. But let us ask: to what
  16. # purpose is he making this claim?  It is to justify the assumption
  17. # that two variables can be treated as independent parameters (rather
  18. # than as functions of other parameters), even if the two variables
  19. # describe objects that have a common origin.
  20. #
  21. # By such reasoning, my siblings and I must have statistically
  22. # independent DNA! For the only thing our DNAs have to explain any
  23. # correlation is that share a common origin. Hold as many variables
  24. # constant as you want, it will make no difference in the
  25. # correlation. For this reason, I can hardly believe anyone doesn’t
  26. # simply burst out laughing, when reading Bell's writing. But this
  27. # writing is, in fact, mandatory doctrine not only in physics
  28. # departments, but wherever quantum computers are dealt with.
  29. #
  30. # But let us, as amateur and professional computer programmers, not
  31. # burst out laughing, but instead use our computers to examine what
  32. # happens if we assume two cities have the same temperature, the same
  33. # quarreling behaviors, etc., and--this is crucial--whose populations
  34. # share a common origin. Let us use our computers to enlighten at
  35. # least ourselves. For, to quote Richard Hamming:
  36. #
  38. #
  39. # Towards this end, I came up with the following story.
  40. #
  41. ######################################################################
  42. #
  43. # Our story runs as follows:
  44. #
  45. # The cities of Twinkle and Sprinkle always have the same temperature,
  46. # same weather, same day length, same time zone. They always have the
  47. # same quarreling behavior. Everybody eats practically the same things
  48. # and practically at the same times. The two cities have
  49. # indistinguishable sleep habits. They share their water supply. So on
  50. # and so on and so on.
  51. #
  52. # In fact, let us go so far as to say that Twinkle and Sprinkle have
  53. # exactly the same population. Not only that, but exactly half the
  54. # population of each city is women cloned from the same woman, and
  55. # half the population is men cloned from the same man. We shall
  56. # further assume that the two progenitors were genetically sterile, so
  57. # that there are no children in either Twinkle or Sprinkle. Everyone,
  58. # in fact, is exactly the same age. There is no mutation or genetic
  59. # drift.
  60. #
  61. # We could say much more, but you get the idea. We have controlled
  62. # every variable there is: not just every variable we can think of,
  63. # but literally every variable there IS. One of which is: the rate of
  64. # heart attacks. Let us say that no one in either Twinkle or Sprinkle
  65. # ever, ever has a heart attack.
  66. #
  67. # Let us now more closely examine the two progenitors. We discover
  68. # that the male progenitor, but not the female progenitor, had a
  69. # peculiarity of the DNA: that the sound of the "Lady Beware Alarm"
  70. # device of the movie "Invasion of Astro-Monster"
  71. # ( causes
  72. # instant heart attack.
  73. #
  74. # On a sunny day in July, suddenly it is raining "Lady Beware Alarm"
  75. # devices on Sprinkle, and the devices are blaring at full blast. We
  76. # observe Sprinkle and see that all the men have heart attacks, but
  77. # none of the women do.
  78. #
  79. # We have not observed events in Twinkle. However, we know about the
  80. # pecularity of the DNA, and we know that, as with everything else,
  81. # rainfall in Twinkle is the same as in Sprinkle. We know this to be
  82. # true even if the rain is made of electronic devices instead of
  83. # water, because the two cities are controlled for every variable. Not
  84. # only variables we thought of, but literally every every variable
  85. # there is.
  86. #
  87. # Here we come to the use of a computer to gain insight.
  88. #
  89. # Write code to compute and print the heart attack rates for that July
  90. # day in Twinkle and Sprinkle. The rates in Sprinkle are the observed
  91. # ones, but the rates in Twinkle are predicted by inference.
  92. #
  94. print ()
  95. print ("   Heart attack rates, according to logical inference")
  96. print ("                       Women        Men        Overall")
  97. print (" Twinkle (predicted)     0           1           0.5")
  98. print (" Sprinkle (observed)     0           1           0.5")
  99. print ()
  101. #
  102. # Now assume, against all common sense and soundness of logic, that
  103. # heart attacks in Twinkle cannot be predicted from heart attacks in
  104. # Sprinkle. We have controlled for all variables, but we also assume
  105. # common origin is irrelevant.
  106. #
  107. # Write code to compute and print out the heart attack rates,
  108. # according to that way of thinking.
  109. #
  111. print ("   Heart attack rates, according to the incurious")
  112. print ("                       Women        Men        Overall")
  113. print (" Twinkle (predicted)    ???         ???          ???")
  114. print (" Sprinkle (observed)     0           1           0.5")
  115. print ()
  117. #
  118. # According to such theory, there is nothing we can predict about
  119. # Twinkle. What happens in Twinkle will remain a complete mystery
  120. # until we go there and observe.
  121. #
  122. # But further suppose we have a so-called "Godzilla's theorem", which
  123. # quotes no postulates or theorems known to mathematics, but which
  124. # instead introduces this postulate: that men having heart attacks in
  125. # Sprinkle would have to have a causal influence on heart attack rates
  126. # in Twinkle, for Twinkle's heart attack rates to change. This is so
  127. # because we have controlled all variables and the "residual
  128. # fluctuations" can be integrated out (as in Bell's Equation 10). The
  129. # two cities are utterly the same. The only difference is we have
  130. # observed the men in Sprinkle have heart attacks and have not
  131. # observed Twinkle at all.
  132. #
  133. # Write code to compute and print out the heart attack rates predicted
  134. # by "Godzilla's theorem".
  135. #
  137. print ("   Heart attack rates, according to Dr. Godzilla")
  138. print ("                       Women        Men        Overall")
  139. print (" Twinkle (predicted)     0           0            0")
  140. print (" Sprinkle (observed)     0           1           0.5")
  141. print ()
  143. #
  144. # Now we go into Twinkle and observe that all the men have had heart
  145. # attacks, but none of the women have.
  146. #
  147. # Write code to compute and print out the observed heart attack rates.
  148. #
  150. print ("   Heart attack rates, according to observers")
  151. print ("                       Women        Men        Overall")
  152. print (" Twinkle (observed)      0           1           0.5")
  153. print (" Sprinkle (observed)     0           1           0.5")
  154. print ()
  156. #
  157. # These empirical results stand in stark contrast to our prediction,
  158. # which was predicated on the assumption of "causal reality".
  159. #
  160. # Write Artificial Intelligence code to print out the conclusion of
  161. # adherents to "Godzilla's theorem".
  162. #
  164. print ("   Output of an AI of a \"Godzilla's theorem\" adherent")
  165. print ("However strange it may seem, heart attacks in Twinkle and")
  166. print ("Sprinkle are now scientifically proven to involve some kind")
  167. print ("of violation of causal reality.")
  168. print ()
  170. #
  171. # Then write Artificial Intelligence code to print out the conclusion
  172. # of the educated public.
  173. #
  175. print ("   Output of an AI of a very intellectual person")
  176. print ("Adherents to \"Godzilla's theorem\" are society's greatest")
  177. print ("geniuses, so what they say is true.")
  178. print ()
  180. #
  181. # That was the tale of two remarkable cities, Twinkle and
  182. # Sprinkle. Write your own version of the program, in the programming
  183. # language of your choice.
  184. #
  185. # Okay. Now what do YOU, who just wrote a program for the purpose of
  186. # gaining insight, think? What insight have you gained?
  187. #
  188. # In the end, we are all individually responsible for what we think,
  189. # even if we got it by deferring to "scientific authority".
  190. #
  191. # THE END.
  192. #
  193. # Afterword: Those familiar with the debates within physics might
  194. # recognize that the DNA peculiarity is what they would call a "hidden
  195. # variable". The crucial question is this: can a "hidden variable" be
  196. # shared due to a common origin, or can it not? I say it can be, John
  197. # Bell said otherwise. But you must decide for yourself. It is your
  198. # decision, even if that decision is to believe "Whichever of the two
  199. # 'scientific authority' proclaims to be the truth."
  200. #
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