
NWN Griefing

Dec 28th, 2013
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  1. I'm sure a few people may be familiar with Neverwinter Nights. Specifically the first one by Bioware, and its many private servers of great variety. You had your eternal dungeon run servers which might make Korean grindfests jealous, 'Social Servers' which equated to fantasy bound SecondLife play, full of cyber and horribly melodramatic stories. And then you had the Story and Roleplay servers, which weren't so much different from social servers except on the surface the cybering was obscured and not really advertised.
  3. That didn't mean it didn't happen, and by extension that doesn't mean people didn't fuck with the people who wanted to get their jollies on in dickchick-elf orgies or whatever the hell.
  5. One such roleplaying server had the pleasure of me being a DM. And on this particular server were a couple of gems which I knew I could usually doing something, and I won't get into how messed up this whole system really was. But I was bored one particular day and found a couple of these stellar players doing their thing in a place that happened to also be open to public, and near a quest giving NPC. They were behind some closed doors, but said doors weren't locked (or lockable.) So I decided to grab my own NPC and lead a random wizard on an adventure to discover the greatest treasure of all (a broken mind.) After about an hour of leading the oblivious mage along, these two people were still at it by time the Wizard found his prize.
  7. Clearly distressed, this player's first idea upon encountering emotes about slippery and engorged genitalia was to cast a confusion spell in the room. In Neverwinter Nights this works around the same way as it might play out in a Pen and Paper session. You have a chance to wander around, do nothing, or attack the nearest person or monster. Seeing as it was a small room with just the two, and the wizard a ways outside, the cyber session became a sudden cagematch of two chicks in their underwear punching eachother.
  9. I felt my work had been done that day as a DM.
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