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- Option Explicit
- Public Sub ShowFilePaths()
- Dim rootFolder As String
- rootFolder = SelectFolder
- If rootFolder = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
- rootFolder = rootFolder & IIf(Right$(rootFolder, 1) = "\", vbNullString, "\")
- Dim pathArray As Variant
- pathArray = GetAllFiles(rootFolder)
- Dim folderGroups As Object
- Set folderGroups = BuildFolderDictionary(rootFolder, pathArray)
- On Error Resume Next
- With Sheet1
- .UsedRange.ClearOutline
- .UsedRange.Clear
- .Outline.SummaryRow = xlAbove
- End With
- Err.Clear
- On Error GoTo 0
- Const START_ROW As Long = 6
- Dim pathRange As Range
- Set pathRange = Sheet1.Range("A" & START_ROW).Resize(UBound(pathArray), 1)
- pathRange = pathArray
- ' and group the same rows
- Const MAX_GROUP_LEVEL As Long = 8
- Dim rowGroup As Variant
- Dim level As Long
- Dim folderData As Variant
- Dim theseRows As String
- For Each rowGroup In folderGroups
- folderData = Split(folderGroups(rowGroup), ",")
- theseRows = folderData(0)
- level = folderData(1)
- With pathRange.rows(theseRows)
- .IndentLevel = level
- If level < MAX_GROUP_LEVEL Then
- .Group
- End If
- End With
- Next rowGroup
- End Sub
- Private Function SelectFolder() As String
- Dim objShell As Object
- Dim objFolder As Object
- Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
- Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select Folder", 0, 17)
- If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
- SelectFolder = objFolder.self.Path
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function GetAllFiles(ByVal rootPath As String, _
- Optional onlyFolders As Boolean = False) As Variant
- Dim dirOptions As String
- If onlyFolders Then
- dirOptions = """ /a:d-h-s /b /s"
- Else
- dirOptions = """ /a:-h-s /b /s"
- End If
- Dim fOut() As String
- fOut = Split(CreateObject("WScript.Shell").exec("cmd /c dir """ & _
- rootPath & _
- dirOptions).StdOut.ReadAll, _
- vbNewLine)
- QuickSort fOut, LBound(fOut), UBound(fOut)
- ' because it's always blank, but add the root folder as the first entry
- Dim pathArray As Variant
- ReDim pathArray(1 To UBound(fOut) + 1, 1 To 1)
- pathArray(1, 1) = rootPath
- Dim i As Long
- For i = 2 To UBound(fOut) + 1
- pathArray(i, 1) = fOut(i - 1)
- Next i
- GetAllFiles = pathArray
- End Function
- Private Function BuildFolderDictionary(ByVal root As String, _
- ByRef paths As Variant) As Object
- Dim folders As Object
- Set folders = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
- ' noting which items (rows) map into each dictionary
- Dim folder As Variant
- Dim i As Long
- For i = LBound(paths) To UBound(paths)
- Dim pos1 As Long
- If Not IsEmpty(paths(i, 1)) Then
- pos1 = InStrRev(paths(i, 1), "\") 'find the last folder separator
- folder = Left$(paths(i, 1), pos1)
- If Not folders.Exists(folder) Then
- '--- new (sub)folder, create a new entry
- folders.Add folder, CStr(i) & ":" & CStr(i)
- Else
- '--- extisting (sub)folder, add to the row range
- Dim rows As String
- rows = folders(folder)
- rows = Left$(rows, InStr(1, rows, ":"))
- rows = rows & CStr(i)
- folders(folder) = rows
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- ' the entries (runs from the second row to the end)...
- ' and we'll also determine the indent level using the first entry
- ' as the baseline (level 1). stored as "rows,level" e.g. "2:7,1"
- Dim rootSlashes As Long
- rootSlashes = Len(root) - Len(Replace(root, "\", "")) - 1
- folders(root) = "2:" & UBound(paths) & ",1"
- Dim slashes As Long
- folder = folders.Keys
- For i = 1 To UBound(folder)
- slashes = Len(folder(i)) - Len(Replace(folder(i), "\", ""))
- folders(folder(i)) = folders(folder(i)) & "," & _
- CStr(slashes - rootSlashes)
- Next i
- For Each folder In folders
- Debug.Print folder & " - " & folders(folder)
- Next folder
- Set BuildFolderDictionary = folders
- End Function
- Private Sub QuickSort(ByRef Field() As String, ByVal LB As Long, ByVal UB As Long)
- Dim P1 As Long, P2 As Long, Ref As String, TEMP As String
- P1 = LB
- P2 = UB
- Ref = Field((P1 + P2) / 2)
- Do
- Do While (Field(P1) < Ref)
- P1 = P1 + 1
- Loop
- Do While (Field(P2) > Ref)
- P2 = P2 - 1
- Loop
- If P1 <= P2 Then
- TEMP = Field(P1)
- Field(P1) = Field(P2)
- Field(P2) = TEMP
- P1 = P1 + 1
- P2 = P2 - 1
- End If
- Loop Until (P1 > P2)
- If LB < P2 Then Call QuickSort(Field, LB, P2)
- If P1 < UB Then Call QuickSort(Field, P1, UB)
- End Sub
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