
Yusufs Mons :)

Jan 27th, 2014
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  1. All Trophies Are event Related And In Cherish Balls With Ribbons If they Are later than 2006 Events :). Alot Are  Just Strictly NFT At All. Some I may Consider Trading if you offer something special ^^ All Gameshow Pokemon have 30IV's In every single stat. But Listed as 6IV because of no stat difference at level 50 ^^. Anything Not 6IVs, Assume PentaPerfect. Assumer All events untouched, However one or two are not. Just ask!
  3. Special/Trophies *
  4. 5 IV Gale Of Darkness XD Psycho Boost Lugia- Bold WIth Pressure - PsychoBoost/E.Q/FeatherDance/HydroPump
  5. 5 IV 2004 Channel Event Jirachi - Jolly WIth Serene Grace - StealthRocks/Iron Head/ Fire Punch / Body Slam
  6. 6 IV Kyushu Trains Event F Shiny Gardevoir - Timid With Trace - Hypnosis / Hyper Voice / Signal Beam / Psychic
  7. 5 IV Kyushu Trains Event F Shiny Gardevoir - Timid With Trace - Hypnosis / T Bolt / Psychic / Focus Blast
  8. 6 IV Kyushu Trains Event M Shiny Salamence - Naive Wtih Intimidte - D.Dance / DragonClaw / Outrage / Aerial Ace
  9. 6 IV Kyushu Trains Event M Shiny Sceptile  - Jolly WIth Overgrow - Leaf Storm / D. Pulse  /RockSlide/ Focusblast
  10. 6 IV Kyushu Trains Event M Shiny Swampert  - Adamant With Torrent - E.Q / Ice beam / Hammer Arm / HydroPump
  11. 6 IV Kyushu Trains Event M Shiny Blaziken  - Adamant WIth Blaze - ThunderPunch / Flare Blitz/ Hi JK / Stone Edge
  12. 6 IV Kyushu Trains Event M Shiny Walrein   - Modest WIth Thick fat- Brine/ Hail / Sheer Cold / Ice Beam
  13. 6 IV Kyushu Trains Event M Shiny Milotic   - Calm With Marvel Scale - Recover/Ice beam / Hydropump/ Mirrorcoat
  14. 6 IV Kyushu Trains Event M Shiny Ludicolo  - Adamant WIth SwiftSwim - FakeOut/ GigaDrain / Icebeam / Hydropump
  15. 6 IV Kyushu Trains Event Shiny Metagross - Admamant WIth Clearbody - M.Mash / E.W/ Bullet Punch / Hammer Arm
  16. 6 IV Kyushu Trains Event Shiny Groudon   - Adamant WIth Drought - E.Q / Eruption / Ancient Power / Solar Beam
  17. 6 IV Kyushu Trains Event Shiny Kyogre    - Modest With Drizzle - WaterSpout / Thunder/ Ancient Power/ IceBeam
  18. 6 IV Kyushu Bullet Trains Event F Shiny Pikachu - Hasty With Static - ExtremeSpeed/TBolt/GrassKnot / Brick Break
  19. 6 IV Kyushu Bullet Trains Event F Pikachu  - Hasty With Static - ExtremSpeed / Brick break / TBolt / Grass Knot
  20. 6 IV Japanese Event Pikachu Festival Shiny Pikachu - Timid WIth Static - Thunder/VoltTackle/Grassknot/Q.Atk
  21. 6 IV Pokemon Ranger Shadows Of Almia Darkrai - Timid WIth Bad Dreams - DarkVoid/ShadowBall/DarkPulse/DoubleTeam
  22. 6 IV English Event Alamos Movie Darkrai - Timid WIth bad Dreams - Hypnosis/ Dream Eater/ RoarOfTime/ Spacial Rend
  23. 6 IV Pokemon Gameshow Champion Lances Dragonite - Brave With InnerFocus - F.Blast/H.Beam/Safeguard/Outrage
  24. 6 IV Pokemon Gameshow Champion Iris's Haxorus - Naive With MoldBreaker - D.Dance/E.Q/Outrage/X-Scissor
  25. 6 IV Pokemon Gameshow Champion Blue's Pidgeot - Naughty With Keen Eye - MirrorMove/WhirlWind/SkyAttack/WingAttack
  26. 6 IV Pokemon Gameshow Champion Wallace's Milotic - Lax With Marvel Scale - Recover/Surf/IceBeam/Toxic
  27. 6 IV Pokemon Gameshow Champion Steven's Metagross - Serious WIth Clear Body - E.Q/M.Mash/HyperBeam/Psychic
  28. 6 IV Pokemon Gameshow Champion Alder's Volcarona - Calm WIth FlameBody - BugBuzz/Quiver Dance/HyperBeam/Overheat
  29. 6 IV Pokemon Gameshow Champion Cynthia's Spiritomb - Quiet With Pressure - SilverWind/FoulPlay/Embargo/Psychic
  30. 6 IV Pokemon Centre 15TH Anniversary Tohoku Serperior - Timid WIth Overgrow - Sub/Giga.D/Leech.seed/LeafStorm
  31. 6 IV Pokemon Centre 15TH Anniversary Osaka Emboar - Adamant WIth Blaze - Wild Charge/HammerArm/HeadSmash/Flare.B
  32. 6 IV Pokemon Centre 15TH Anniversary Fukuoka Samurott - Modest WIth Torrent - SuperPower/Hydro.P/MegaHorn/I.Beam
  33. 5 IV Pokemon Centre 10TH Anniversary Ruby Groudon - Adamant WIth Drought - E.Q/Stealth Rocks/StoneEdge/HoneClaws
  34. 6 IV Pokemon Centre 10TH Anniversary Sapphire Kyogre - Modest With Drizzle - WaterSpout/Thunder/Icebeam/Sheer.C
  35. 6 IV English Event Movie 14 Bolt Strike Victini - Adamant With Victory Star - BoltStrike/v-Create/U-Turn/Brick.B
  36. 6 IV Tag Battle Strongest Pokemon F Whimsicott - Timid With Prankster - Swagger/GigaDrain/Beat UP / Helping.H
  37. 6 IV Tag Battle Strongest Pokemon M Lucario - Naughty With Justified - Bullet.P/CloseCombat/ShadowClaw/Stone.E
  38. 6 IV Japanese Event Happy Christmas Victi- Naive With Victory Star -HP ICE - BoltStrike/Blue.F/Glaciate/V Create
  39. 6 IV Pokemon Best Wishes Cilan's Pansage - Serious WIth Gluttony - SeedBomb/Solar Beam/Rock Tomb / Dig
  40. 6 IV Pokemon Best Wishes Ash's Pikachu - Brave WIth Static - ThunderBolt/Iron Tail /ElectroBall/ Quick Attack
  41. 6 IV Pokemon Best Wishes Iris's Axew - Naive With Rivalry - DragonRage/Giga Impact / Outrage / Scratch
  42. 6 IV Pokemon best Wishes Ash's Scraggy - Adamant With Moxie - HighJumpKick/Leer/Low Kick/ Headbutt
  43. 6 IV Pokemon Best Wishes Tie In Thundurus - Timid With Volt Absorb - HPICE - Thunder/Hammer.A/WildCharge/Focus.B
  44. 6 IV Pokemon Best Wishes Tie N's Tie In Rockest Meowth - Hasty WIth PickUp - NastyPlot/Sing/Snatch/Fury Swipes
  45. 6 IV Worlds Strongest Pokemon Dragonite - Jolly With MultiScale - ExtremeSpeed/Dragon.D / FirePunch/ Outrage
  46. 6 IV Worlds Strongest Pokemon Scizor - Adamant WIth Technician - SuperPower/Bullet Punch/ U-Turn/ Pursuit
  47. 6 IV Worlds Strongest Pokemon Garchomp - Adamant WIth Sand Veil - Outrage/ E.Q/ Swords Dance / Stone Edge
  48. 6 IV Worlds Championships 2009 Event Weavile - Jolly With Pressure - FakeOut/IceShard/NightSlash/Brick Break
  49. 6 IV Worlds Championships 2010 Event Crobat - Timid With InnerFocus - HeatWave/OminousWind/AirSlash/Sludge.B
  50. 5 IV Worlds Championships 2012 Event Pikachu - Timid With LightningRod - HP Ice - Fly/Grassknot/TBolt/Protect
  51. 6 IV Worlds Championships 2013 Event Smeargle - Jolly WIth Technician - Spore/Mean Look / Odor Sleuth / False.S
  52. 6 IV Worlds Championships VCG 2009 Event Shiny Milotic - Timid With Marvel.S - Rain.D/Recover/IcyWind/Hydro.P
  53. 6 IV Worlds Championships VCG 2010 Event Shiny Eevee - Hardy With Adaptability - IronTail/ Trump.C/Flail/QAtk
  54. 6 IV Worlds Championships VCG 2012 Event Shiny Larvitar - Adamant WIth Guts - SuperPower/SandStorm/Bite/Leer
  55. 6 IV Pokemon VCG Nationals Rays Shiny Metagross - Adamant WIth ClearBody - E.Q/Zen.H / Meteor Mash / Protect
  56. 6 IV Pokemon Centre Reopening Event Shiny Magicarp - Modest With Swift Swim - Bounce/Splash/Hydro.P/Flail
  57. 6 IV Nobunagas Shiny Raquazza Event - Naughty WIth AirLock - Dragon Dance/OverHeat/E.Q/Outrage
  58. 6 IV Popularity Poll Winner V-Create Rayquazza - Hasty With AirLock - V Create/ExtremeSpeed/D.Pulse/HyperBeam
  59. 6 IV Pokemon Ranch Daisuke Event Flygon - Naive With Levitate - DracoMeteor/E.Q/DragonClaw / U Turn
  60. 6 IV Pokemon Ranch 2008 Haylays Event Mew  - Timid WIth Synchronize - OverHeat/Synthesis/Transform/Metronome
  61. 6 IV Pokemon TPC Event Mew - Timid With Synchronise - Nasty Plot / Psyshock / DarkPulse / Aura Sphere
  62. 6 IV Japanese Event Juanitas Shiny Golurk - Adamant With IronFist - HyperBeam/ShadowPunch/GyroBall/HammerArm
  63. 6 IV Japanese Event Carlitas Shiny Hydregion - Modest With Levitate - EarthPower/DracoMeteor/FocusBlast//DarkPulse
  64. 6 IV Mewtwo Awakens E.S Gen Movie 2013 Event Mewtwo - Timid With Unnerve - Hurricane / HealPulse/Psystrike/IceBeam
  65. 6 IV Mewtwo Awakens E.S Gen Movie 2013 Event Genesect - Hasty With Download - ExtremeSpeed/IronHead/Blaze.K/Shift.G
  66. 6 IV Event 11 Movie Zoroark - Modest With Illusion - Snarl / FlameThrower / GrassKnot/ Dark Pulse
  67. 6 IV Plasma Event Plasma Deoxys Speed - Jolly With Pressure - Taunt/Spikes/StealthRocks/Fire Punch
  68. 6 IV Plasma Event Plasma Deoxys Defence - Calm WIth Pressure - Stealth Rocks/ Spikes / ThunderWave/ Magic Coat
  69. 6 IV Fall 2010 English mew - Timid With Synchronize - HealBell / EarthPower/StealthRocks/Vacuum Wave
  70. 6 IV GameStop Event Celebi - Timid With Natural Cure - GigaDrain / StealthRocks/NastyPlot/EarthPower
  71. 6 IV WIN 2011 Event Celebi - Timid With Natural Cure - HPICE- NastyPlot / EarthPower/Trick /GigaDrain
  72. 6 IV 10 Anniversary Celebi - Calm With Natural Cure - Ancient Power/BatonPass/Perish Song / FutureSight
  73. 6 IV SMR 2010 Event Jirachi LV5 - Timid With Serene Grace - Trick/MagicCoat/DracoMeteor/SkillSwap
  74. 6 IV TRU Event Arceus - Adamant With MultiType - Roar Of Time / Shadow Force / Spacial Rend / Judgement
  75. 6 IV TRU Event Arceus - Naive With MultiType - Roar Of Time / Shadow Force / Spacial Rend / Judgement
  76. 6 IV Japanese Event Singing Pikachu - Timid With Lightning Rod - Sing/TeeterDance/Encore/Electroball
  77. 6 IV English SPR 2010 Event Shiny Pichu - Jolly With Static - Charge/Voltackle/Endeavor/Endure
  78. 6 IV HVR 2013 English Event Keldeo - Timid With Justified - Secret Sword/ Icy Wind/ xScizzor/ HP Dark
  79. 6 IV HVR 2013 Japanese Event Keldeo- Timid With Justified - Aqua Jet/ Secret Sword / HydroPump/ IcyWind
  80. 6 IV Pokemon Movie Event Shiny Deoxys N - Naive With Pressure - ExtremeSpeed/PsychoBoost/ZapCannon/IronDefence
  81. Pokemon Gift Happy hour Inkay - Adamant With Contrary Lv10 - Happy Hour / FoulPlay / Hypnosis/ Topsy-Turvy
  82. Pokemon Centre Japanese Birthday Gift Event Sylveon - Lax WIth Cute Charm - Celebrate/FairyWind/Sand.A/Helping.H
  83. Pokemon Centre Japanese Birthday Gift Event Espeon - Gentle With Synchronise - Celebrate/Confision/Tail.W/Sand.A
  84. Pokemon Bank Distribution Event Celebi Japanese lvl 11 - Relaxed With NaturalCure - Recover/HoldBack/Dazzling.G
  88. Competitive Non Legend Shiny. NFT=NFT *=Good Offer only. xx can be any stat value between 0-29. NN=Nicknamed. Assume Majority Are level 1 because thats what i mostly collect :). Assume Majority are kalos as only several are not :). M/F gender. Some NFT can be traded for other's NFT''s
  90. Shiny Rotom
  91. Shiny Polywrath
  92. Shiny Charizard
  93. Shiny Lickitung
  94. Shiny Victreebel
  95. Shiny Manectric
  96. Shiny Feroseed
  97. Shiny Vanilite
  98. Shiny Throh
  99. Shiny Alomomola
  100. Shiny Totodile
  101. Shiny Panpour
  102. Shiny Espur F
  103. Shiny Espur M
  104. Shiny Chimchar
  105. Shiny Trapinch
  106. Shiny Gastrodon
  107. Shiny Weepingbell
  108. Shiny Altaria
  109. SHiny Gible
  110. Shiny Shinx
  111. Shiny Shinx
  112. Shiny Muk
  113. Shiny Floette
  114. Shiny Unknown
  115. Shiny Scrafty
  116. Shiny Amoongus
  117. Shiny Camerupt
  118. SHiny Aipom
  119. SHiny Skitty
  120. Shiny Stoutland
  121. SHiny Noibat
  122. Shiny Petilil
  123. Shiny Corsola
  124. Shiny Octillery
  125. Shiny Ninetales
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