
Aesir VS Thiassi

Feb 21st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. But the Æsir were badly affected by Idunn’s disappearance and
  2. soon became grey and old. Then the Æsir held a parliament and
  3. asked each other what was the last that was known about Idunn,
  4. and the last that had been seen was that she had gone outside
  5. Asgard with Loki. Then Loki was arrested and brought to the
  6. parliament and he was threatened with death or torture. Being
  7. filled with terror, he said he would go in search of Idunn in
  8. Giantland if Freyia would lend him a falcon shape of hers. And
  9. when he got the falcon shape he flew north to Giantland and
  10. arrived one day at giant Thiassi’s; he was out at sea in a boat, but
  11. Idunn was at home alone. Loki turned her into the form of a nut
  12. and held her in his claws and flew as fast as he could. When Thiassi
  13. got home and found Idunn was not there he got his eagle shape and
  14. flew after Loki and he caused a storm-wind by his flying. And
  15. when the Æsir saw the falcon flying with the nut and where the
  16. eagle was flying, they went out under Asgard and brought there
  17. loads of wood-shavings, and when the falcon flew in over the
  18. fortification, it let itself drop down by the wall of the fortification.
  19. Then the Æsir set fire to the wood-shavings and the eagle was
  20. unable to stop when it missed the falcon. Then the eagle’s feathers
  21. caught fire and his flight was ended. Then the Æsir were close by
  22. and killed giant Thiassi within the As-gates, and this killing is
  23. greatly renowned.
  25. But Skadi, daughter of giant Thiassi, took helmet and mail-coat
  26. and all weapons of war and went to Asgard to avenge her father.
  27. But the Æsir offered her atonement and compensation, the first
  28. item of which was that she was to choose herself a husband out of
  29. the Æsir and choose by the feet and see nothing else of them.
  32. - Prose Edda, Skaldskaparmal
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