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- :set number
- :set autoindent
- :set tabstop=2 expandtab
- :set shiftwidth=2 expandtab
- " :set smarttab
- :set softtabstop=2
- :set mouse=a
- :set cursorline
- :set wrap linebreak
- :set breakindent
- " Highlight whitespaces
- :set listchars+=space:·
- :set list
- set termguicolors
- set encoding=utf-8
- set noswapfile
- " Hide empty lines ~
- set fillchars=eob:\
- " Hide current mode (-- INSERT --/-- VISUAL -- etc)
- set noshowmode
- " Hide separator line
- set fillchars+=vert:\
- set nocompatible
- " Disable quote concealing in JSON files
- let g:vim_json_conceal=0
- " lightline
- let g:lightline = {}
- " let g:lightline.colorscheme = 'horizon'
- " Highlight yank
- " augroup highlight_yank
- " autocmd!
- " autocmd TextYankPost * silent! lua vim.highlight.on_yank{higroup="IncSearch", timeout=150}
- " augroup END
- augroup highlight_yank
- autocmd!
- autocmd TextYankPost * silent! lua vim.highlight.on_yank{higroup="YankedText", timeout=150}
- augroup END
- call plug#begin()
- " Plug '' " Bottom line
- Plug 'nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim' " Bottom line
- Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons' " Icons
- Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' " Another icons
- Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua' " Explorer
- Plug 'romgrk/barbar.nvim' " Tabs
- Plug '' " EasyMotion
- Plug 'mg979/vim-visual-multi', {'branch': 'master'} " Multi cursor
- Plug 'marko-cerovac/material.nvim' " FIRST Material theme
- Plug 'norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua' " Color (hex/rgb) highlight
- Plug 'lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim' " Highlight indentations
- Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'}
- Plug 'mattn/emmet-vim' " Emmet
- Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' " Required by Telescope
- Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' " Telescope (git, explorer)
- Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter' " Git changes file
- Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
- call plug#end()
- " lua require('colorizer').setup()
- lua << END
- require'colorizer'.setup()
- require('lualine').setup {
- icons_enabled = false,
- options = { globalstatus = true },
- sections = {
- lualine_c = {},
- lualine_x = {'filetype'}
- }
- }
- --FIRST Material
- local colors = {
- -- Common colors
- white = '#EEFFFF',
- gray = '#717CB4',
- black = '#000000',
- red = '#F07178',
- green = '#C3E88D',
- yellow = '#FFCB6B',
- blue = '#82AAFF',
- paleblue = '#B0C9FF',
- cyan = '#89DDFF',
- purple = '#C792EA',
- orange = '#F78C6C',
- pink = '#FF9CAC',
- -- Dark colors
- darkred = '#DC6068',
- darkgreen = '#ABCF76',
- darkyellow = '#E6B455',
- darkblue = '#6E98EB',
- darkcyan = '#71C6E7',
- darkpurple = '#B480D6',
- darkorange = '#E2795B',
- error = '#FF5370',
- link = '#80CBC4',
- cursor = '#FFCC00',
- title = '#EEFFFF',
- none = 'NONE',
- bg = '#0F111A',
- bg_alt = '#090B10',
- fg = '#A6ACCD',
- text = '#717CB4',
- comments = '#464B5D',
- selection = '#1F2233',
- contrast = '#090B10',
- active = '#1A1C25',
- border = '#232637',
- line_numbers = '#3B3F51',
- highlight = '#1F2233',
- disabled = '#464B5D',
- accent = '#84FFFF'
- }
- require('material').setup({
- contrast = {
- sidebars = true,
- floating_windows = true,
- non_current_windows = true,
- cursor_line = true,
- popup_menu = true
- },
- italics = {
- comments = true
- },
- lualine_style = "default", -- can be "stealth" or "default"
- custom_highlights = {
- -- CursorLineNr = { fg = colors.accent, bg = colors.bg_alt },
- CursorLineNr = { fg = colors.text, bg = colors.bg_alt },
- -- Cursor = { fg =, bg = colors.cursor },
- Visual = { fg = colors.none, bg = "#2d324a" },
- --[[Type = { fg = colors.yellow },
- StorageClass = { fg = colors.yellow },
- Structure = { fg = colors.purple },
- Exception = { fg = colors.cyan },
- Special = { fg = colors.purple },
- SpecialChar = { fg = colors.cyan },
- Tag = { fg = '#FF0000' },
- Function = { fg = colors.purple }--]]
- TSKeyword = { fg = colors.purple },
- TSKeywordFunction = { fg = colors.purple },
- TSKeywordOperator = { fg = colors.cyan },
- TSKeywordReturn = { fg = colors.purple },
- TSParameter = { fg = },
- TSParameterReference = { fg = },
- TSType = { fg = colors.yellow },
- TSTypeBuiltin = { fg = colors.yellow },
- TSVariableBuiltin = { fg = colors.error },
- TSException = { fg = colors.purple },
- TSInclude = { fg = colors.purple },
- NvimTreeFolderName = { fg = colors.accent },
- NvimTreeOpenedFolderName = { fg = colors.accent },
- TelescopeSelectionCaret = { fg = colors.accent },
- TelescopeSelection = { fg = colors.accent, bg = colors.selection },
- IndentBlanklineChar = { fg = colors.border },
- IndentBlanklineContextChar = { fg = colors.fg }
- }
- })
- require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
- highlight = {
- enable = true
- },
- indent = {
- enable = true
- },
- autotag = {
- enable = true
- }
- }
- require('telescope').setup{
- defaults = {
- file_ignore_patterns = { "node_modules", "dist", ".git/" }
- }
- }
- require("nvim-tree").setup({
- open_on_setup = true,
- open_on_setup_file = true,
- filters = {
- dotfiles = true
- },
- view = {
- width = 20,
- hide_root_folder = true,
- mappings = {
- list = {
- { key = "-", action = "" },
- }
- }
- },
- renderer = {
- --[[ indent_markers = {
- enable = true,
- inline_arrows = true,
- icons = {
- corner = "└",
- edge = "│",
- item = "│",
- bottom = "─",
- none = "│",
- },
- }, --]]
- indent_markers = {
- enable = true,
- inline_arrows = true,
- icons = {
- corner = "",
- edge = "",
- item = "",
- bottom = "",
- none = "",
- },
- },
- icons = {
- -- use one space as value if current font is full mono
- padding = " ",
- glyphs = {
- folder = {
- arrow_closed = "",
- arrow_open = "",
- default = "",
- open = "",
- empty = "",
- empty_open = "",
- symlink = "",
- symlink_open = "",
- },
- git = {
- unstaged = "",
- staged = "",
- unmerged = "",
- renamed = "",
- untracked = "",
- deleted = "",
- ignored = "",
- },
- },
- },
- },
- })
- require("indent_blankline").setup {
- -- for example, context is off by default, use this to turn it on
- show_current_context = true,
- --[[ char_highlight_list = {
- "IndentBlanklineIndent1",
- "IndentBlanklineIndent2",
- "IndentBlanklineIndent3"
- } --]]
- }
- -- Scopes for indentations highlighter
- vim.g.indent_blankline_context_patterns = {
- 'class',
- 'function',
- 'method',
- '^if',
- '^while',
- '^for',
- '^object',
- '^table',
- 'block',
- 'arguments'
- }
- -- BARBAR plugin, offset for tabs to 20 symbols if NvimTree is toggled
- vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufWinEnter', {
- pattern = '*',
- callback = function()
- if == 'NvimTree' then
- require'bufferline.api'.set_offset(20, 'FileTree')
- end
- end
- })
- vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufWinLeave', {
- pattern = '*',
- callback = function()
- if vim.fn.expand('<afile>'):match('NvimTree') then
- require'bufferline.api'.set_offset(0)
- end
- end
- })
- -- NvimTree autoclose. WARNING: it can be cause of errors!
- vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufEnter", {
- nested = true,
- callback = function()
- if #vim.api.nvim_list_wins() == 1 and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0):match("NvimTree_") ~= nil then
- vim.cmd "quit"
- end
- end
- })
- let g:material_style = "deep ocean" " darker / lighter / oceanic / palenight / deep ocean
- " let g:material_theme_style = 'ocean-community'
- " let g:material_terminal_italics = 1
- " let g:airline_theme = 'nightfly'
- colorscheme material
- " let g:indentLine_char = ''
- " let g:indentLine_char = '|'
- " CoC Server change colors
- highlight CocFloating guibg=#1F2233
- highlight FgCocErrorFloatBgCocFloating guifg=#FF5370
- highlight CocPumSearch guifg=#84FFFF
- " highlight CocFloatActive guifg=#F78C6C
- highlight CocFloatActive guifg=#84FFFF
- " BARBAR plugin, changes color of left line (of active buffer/tab)
- " :hi BufferCurrentSign guifg='#84FFFF'
- :hi BufferCurrentSign guifg='#84FFFF'
- :hi BufferInactiveSign guifg='#0f111a' guibg='#090B10'
- " :hi BufferTabpageFill guifg='#1a1c25'
- :hi BufferTabpageFill guifg='#0F111A'
- :hi BufferCurrent guifg='#84FFFF'
- :hi BufferInactive guibg='#090B10'
- :hi BufferInactiveMod guibg='#090B10' guifg='#FFCB6B'
- :hi BufferOffset guifg='#090B10' guibg='#090B10'
- :hi BufferTabpageFill guibg='#090B10'
- " BARBAR, change symbol of unsaved (modified) file
- let bufferline = get(g:, 'bufferline', {})
- let bufferline.icon_close_tab_modified = '•'
- " BARBAR, change symbol of separators
- " let bufferline.icon_separator_active = ''
- " let bufferline.icon_separator_inactive = ''
- " Settings for indentations highlighter
- let g:indent_blankline_use_treesitter = v:true
- " let g:indent_blankline_char_list = ['▏', '¦', '┆', '┊']
- let g:indent_blankline_char_list = ['│', '╎', '┆', '┊']
- " highlight IndentBlanklineIndent1 guifg=#84FFFF gui=nocombine
- " highlight IndentBlanklineIndent2 guifg=#C792EA gui=nocombine
- " highlight IndentBlanklineIndent3 guifg=#FFCB6B gui=nocombine
- " highlight IndentBlanklineContextChar guifg=#FF5370 gui=nocombine
- " From description: Turn this off if you want to use background highlighting instead of chars
- let g:indent_blankline_show_trailing_blankline_indent = v:false
- " Highlight space char
- hi IndentBlanklineSpaceChar guifg=#232637 gui=nocombine
- hi IndentBlanklineContextSpaceChar guifg=#232637 gui=nocombine
- hi Whitespace guifg=#232637
- " Set color to yanked text
- hi YankedText guifg=#0F111A guibg=#FFCB6B
- " URxvt.keysym.S-space: \033[32;2u
- " inoremap <S-Space> <Esc>
- " au VimEnter * :silent !xmodmap -e 'clear Lock' -e 'keycode 0x42 = Escape'
- " au VimLeave * :silent !xmodmap -e 'clear Lock' -e 'keycode 0x42 = Caps_Lock'
- " nnoremap <C-n> :NERDTree<CR>
- " nnoremap <C-t> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
- " let NERDTreeMinimalUI = 1
- " let NERDTreeDirArrows = 0
- " let NERDTreeWinSize = 20
- " let NERDTreeDirArrowExpandable = "\u00a0"
- " let NERDTreeDirArrowCollapsible = "\u00a0"
- " let g:NERDTreeStatusline = '%#NonText#'
- " Start NERDTree and leave the cursor in it
- " autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree
- " Exit Vim if NERDTree is the only window remaining in the only tab.
- " autocmd BufEnter * if tabpagenr('$') == 1 && winnr('$') == 1 && exists('b:NERDTree') && b:NERDTree.isTabTree() | quit | endif
- " Open the existing NERDTree on each new tab.
- " autocmd BufWinEnter * if getcmdwintype() == '' | silent NERDTreeMirror | endif
- " Hide slashes after each dir
- " augroup nerdtreehidetirslashes
- " autocmd!
- " autocmd FileType nerdtree syntax match NERDTreeDirSlash #/$# containedin=NERDTreeDir conceal contained
- " augroup end
- " Hide path in the first line of the NERDTree
- " augroup nerdtreehidecwd
- " autocmd!
- " autocmd FileType nerdtree setlocal conceallevel=3 | syntax match NERDTreeHideCWD #^[</].*$# conceal
- " augroup end
- " Git gutter lines
- let g:gitgutter_sign_added = '┃'
- let g:gitgutter_sign_modified = '┃'
- " let g:gitgutter_sign_removed = '┃'
- let g:gitgutter_sign_removed_first_line = '┃'
- let g:gitgutter_sign_removed_above_and_below = '┃'
- let g:gitgutter_sign_modified_removed = '┃'
- " Emmet trigger
- imap <A-h> <C-y>,
- " Go up/down on "next wrapped line" if current line is too long
- " noremap <expr> j v:count ? 'j' : 'gj'
- " noremap <expr> k v:count ? 'k' : 'gk'
- " Auto close
- inoremap " ""<left>
- inoremap ' ''<left>
- inoremap ` ``<left>
- inoremap ( ()<left>
- inoremap [ []<left>
- inoremap { {}<left>
- " inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<ESC>O
- " inoremap {;<CR> {<CR>};<ESC>O
- " Switching between DEFAULT NEOVIM tabs
- " nnoremap <F7> :tabprevious<CR>
- " nnoremap <F8> :tabnext<CR>
- " Switching between BARBAR tabs
- nnoremap <silent> <A-,> :BufferPrevious<CR>
- nnoremap <silent> <A-.> :BufferNext<CR>
- " Close BARBAR tab
- nnoremap <silent> <A-w> :BufferClose<CR>
- " Find files using Telescope command-line sugar.
- " By file name
- nnoremap <A-f> <cmd>Telescope find_files hidden=true<cr>
- " By plain text
- nnoremap <A-r> <cmd>Telescope live_grep<cr>
- map - <Plug>(easymotion-s)
- " COC TS-Server keymaps
- " Jump to type definition
- nnoremap <A-t> <Plug>(coc-type-definition)
- " Jump to definition
- nnoremap <A-d> <Plug>(coc-definition)
- " Show suggestion window
- inoremap <silent><expr> <c-space> coc#refresh()
- " default value: 'asdghklqwertyuiopzxcvbnmfj;'
- " also can use: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
- let g:EasyMotion_keys = "aoeidtn',.pyfgcrl;qjkxbmuh-"
- let g:VM_maps = {}
- let g:VM_maps['Find Under'] = '<C-e>' " replace C-n
- let g:VM_maps['Find Subword Under'] = '<C-e>' " replace visual C-n
- " let g:NERDTreeDirArrowExpandable="📁"
- " let g:NERDTreeDirArrowCollapsible="📂"
- let g:coc_global_extensions = ['coc-tsserver']
- " Cursor highlight
- " highlight Cursor guifg=white guibg=red
- " highlight iCursor guifg=white guibg=steelblue
- " set guicursor=n-v-c:block-Cursor
- " set guicursor+=i:ver100-iCursor
- " set guicursor+=n-v-c:blinkon0
- " set guicursor+=i:blinkwait10
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