

Nov 13th, 2014
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  1. --[[
  2. Leaked skids.
  3. "If this is Leaked, re-published, or completely broken, *there will be a new version."
  4. kk ditch the enitre script and go make a new version because this is leaked
  6. Simply change your name at ranked to use. To run this script in an sb upload the file to pastebin, then get the raw link and use the loader script to load it.
  8. You may be able to directly run the script with an sb bot but I haven't tried it.
  9. --]]
  11. --[[
  12. © [EXITIUM Administration gen 6], Legal Copyright
  13. All Rights Reserved
  14. Editing, or claiming this script in any way would not change anything, but you will lose massive rep and your ROBLOX life.
  15. Rules;
  16. []When updating this script, you must put what you have updated, below:
  17. Example: [iTov: Update; Anti-Ban, date; 9/13/2014]
  18. []While running this script, do not run it in oxcool1's Script Builder, everyone there can easily steal the stypi link.
  19. Therefor, only run at oxcool1's Script Builder IF EMERGENCY!
  20. Version: Exitium Administration generation 6
  21. Last Updated: 9/13/2014
  22. Date Started: 6/2/2014
  23. Date Finished: 8/21/2014
  24. Creator: [iTov]
  25. Developers: [MessorAdmin], [roleo1122], [rogers888], [DangCoolIsReal] and [Axcsys]
  26. If this is Leaked, re-published, or completely broken, their will be a new version. Untill then,
  27. The script will be updated, and fixed, until it is ready to be pubic.
  29. ]]--
  30. local Clo = script:clone()
  31. Clo.Disabled = true
  32. Clo.Parent = game:GetService('ServerScriptService')
  33. Clo["DSource"].Value = [[
  34. while true do
  35. script.Parent = nil
  36. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers()) do
  37. Find = v:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")
  38. if Find then
  39. Find2 = Find:FindFirstChild("ExitiumGui")
  40. if not Find2 then
  41. local ScreenGui ="ScreenGui", Find)
  42. ScreenGui.Name = "ExitiumGui"
  43. local ImageLabel ="ImageLabel", ScreenGui)
  44. ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://170586270"
  45. ImageLabel.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  46. ImageLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  47. ImageLabel.BorderColor3 =, 1, 1)
  48. ImageLabel.Position =, -314, 1, -80)
  49. ImageLabel.Size =, 305, 0, 70)
  50. end
  51. end
  52. end
  53. game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:wait()
  54. end
  55. ]]
  56. Clo.Disabled = false
  57. Clo["DSource"].Value = ""
  58. function getNilRank(name)
  59. return playerSettings[name].Rank
  60. end
  61. function getPS(plr)
  62. return playerSettings[plr.Name]
  63. end
  65. function getRank(plr)
  66. if not plr then return 255 end
  67. if type(plr)=='string' then
  68. return getNilRank(plr)
  69. else return getPS(plr).Rank end
  70. end
  72. function setRank(plr,newRank)
  73. playerSettings[plr.Name].Rank=newRank
  74. end
  76. function parseRank(plr1,plr2,allowEqual)
  77. pcall(function() if type(plr1)~='number' then plr1=getRank(plr1) end end)
  78. pcall(function() if type(plr2)~='number' then plr2=getRank(plr2) end end)
  80. if plr1>plr2 then return true
  81. elseif allowEqual and plr1==plr2 then return true
  82. else return false end
  83. end
  85. function Name()
  86. local G ="ScreenGui")
  87. G.Parent = game.StarterGui
  88. local b ="TextLabel",G)
  89. b.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  90. b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.35
  91. b.Size ={1, 0, 1, 0}
  92. b.Position =, 0, 0.9, 0)
  93. b.BorderSizePixel = 0
  94. b.FontSize = "Size36"
  95. b.Text = "[EXITIUM]"
  96. b.Font = "SourceSans"
  97. b.TextColor3 =,255,255)
  98. end
  100. -- [==[ ~ Exitium ~ ]==] ~~
  102. local _start = time()
  103. wait()
  104. MessageLimit = 10
  105. Exitium = {
  106. Ranked = {
  107. --[--Ranked--]--
  108. ["toooony"] = {Rank = 8, Color = "Red", Distance = 6, Description = "Froast's friend", SpinningRot = false, Rotation = true};
  109. };
  111. key = '/';
  112. Ranks = { --Don't go over Rank 8 -iTov
  113. [-1] =": Banned";
  114. [0] = ": Guest";
  115. [1] = ": User";
  116. [2] = ": Moderator";
  117. [3] = ": Server Moderator";
  118. [4] = ": Admin";
  119. [5] = ": Dev";
  120. [6] = ": Lead Dev";
  121. [7] = ": Co-Owner";
  122. [8] = ": Owner";
  123. };
  124. Services = setmetatable({Game = game;}, {
  125. __index = function(tab, key)
  126. if game:GetService(key) == nil then
  127. return "No such service named "
  128. end
  129. return game:GetService(key)
  130. end
  131. });
  132. ChatFilter = {
  133. Phrases = {
  134. --[==[
  135. 0 = Kill
  136. 0.5 = Mute
  137. 1 = Kick
  138. 2 = Lag
  139. 3 = Banishment
  140. ]==]--
  141. {"TeleportService", 1};
  143. };
  144. Enabled = true;
  145. };
  146. PrivateServer = {
  147. Enabled = false;
  148. Waiting = {};
  149. };
  150. Removed = false;
  151. Aborted = false;
  152. ServerSidedScriptsLock = false;
  153. LocalSidedScriptsLock = false;
  154. AgeRestriction = true;
  155. ShowRanks = true;
  156. ShutdownTime = 45;
  157. Bet = "/";
  158. Commands = {};
  159. Tablets = {};
  160. ExplorerObjectClones = {};
  161. Scripts = {
  162. ServerSided = {};
  163. ClientSided = {};
  164. };
  165. Connections = {
  166. Loops = {};
  167. Killing = {};
  168. Chat = {};
  169. };
  170. Music={
  171. ["Popular"]={
  172. [1] = {Name = "Radioactive", ID = 131111368};
  173. [2] = {Name = "One less problem", ID = 155319906};
  174. [3] = {Name = "Dark horse", ID = 143204341};
  175. [4] = {Name = "Latch", ID = 155298039};
  176. [5] = {Name = "Fancy", ID = 151667588};
  177. [6] = {Name = "Demons", ID = 131261480};
  178. [7] = {Name = 'Me and my broken heart', ID = 157466103};
  179. [8] = {Name = 'Break free', ID = 164417255};
  180. [9] = {Name = 'Me and my broken heart', ID = 157466103};
  181. [10] = {Name = "Boom Clap", ID = 160594536};
  182. [11] = {Name = "Pompeii", ID = 144635805};
  183. [12] = {Name = "Roar", ID = 131065183};
  184. [13] = {Name = 'Rude', ID = 154764197};
  185. [14] = {Name = 'Monster', ID = 142562463};
  186. [15] = {Name = "Work", ID = 152250611};
  187. [16] = {Name = "Spooky Scary Skeletons", ID = 155313239};
  188. };
  189. ["Dance"]={
  190. [1] = {Name = "Destroid 11. - Get Stupid", ID = 146968276};
  191. [2] = {Name = "Turn down for what", ID = 143959455};
  192. [3] = {Name = "Beam", ID = 165065112};
  193. [4] = {Name = "Frag out", ID = 152451589};
  194. [5] = {Name = "The hallows", ID = 146824166};
  195. [6] = {Name = "Radiation", ID = 144249596};
  196. [7] = {Name = "The final countdown", ID = 145162750};
  197. [8] = {Name = "Need you", ID = 155415981};
  198. [9] = {Name = "Boom", ID = 150101784};
  199. [10] = {Name = 'Domination', ID = 150669700};
  200. [11] = {Name = "Disfigure - Blank", ID = 167337732};
  201. [12] = {Name = "Ahrix - Nova", ID = 167022806};
  202. };
  203. ["Alternative"]={
  204. [1] = {Name = "Do the harlem shake", ID = 131154740};
  205. [2] = {Name = "I like trains", ID = 142386784};
  206. [3] = {Name = "Saxaphone guy", ID = 130775431};
  207. [4] = {Name = "Selfie song", ID = 151029303};
  208. };
  209. ["R7B"]={
  210. [1] = {Name = "All of me", ID = 155057593};
  211. };
  212. ["Hiphop"]={
  213. [2] = {Name = "Gentleman", ID = 131326102};
  214. [3] = {Name = "Wake me up", ID = 130969284};
  215. [4] = {Name = "We are one", ID = 154782317};
  216. [5] = {Name = "La la la", ID = 161186230};
  217. };
  218. ["Rap"]={
  219. [1] = {Name = "I'm not afraid", ID = 143736517};
  220. };
  221. ["Mood"]={
  222. [1] = {Name = "Say something", ID = 143763527};
  223. [2] = {Name = 'Because I\'m happy', ID = 142435409};
  224. };
  225. ["Remix"]={
  226. [1] = {Name = "Idols", ID = 143311712};
  227. [2] = {Name = "Come and get it (remix)", ID = 131320359};
  228. };
  229. };
  230. MusicMenu = nil;
  231. Source = nil;
  232. SourceName = nil;
  233. }
  235. if script and game.PlaceId ~= 0 and game then
  236. script.Name = "Exitium Tablet Admin"
  237. for _,v in pairs(script:GetChildren()) do
  238. if v:IsA("StringValue") then
  239. Exitium.SourceName = v.Name
  240. Exitium.SourceValue = v.Value
  241. v.Value = [==[error("Attempted to call a nil value");]==]
  242. end
  243. end
  244. coroutine.yield()
  245. script:ClearAllChildren()
  246. script.Parent ="Model") or __LOLNO__ or nil
  247. end
  249. -- ExitiumScripting Functions --
  250. createLocalScript = function(source,parent,name)
  251. if newLocalScript then
  252. local nls = newLocalScript(source,parent)
  253. nls.Name = (name ~= nil and name) or "Source"
  254. return nls
  255. else
  256. if Exitium.Source ~= nil then
  257. local x = Exitium.Source:clone()
  258. x.Disabled = true
  259. x.Name = (name ~= nil and name) or "Source"
  260. x:ClearAllChildren()
  261. for _,v in pairs({"DSource", "Source", "source"}) do
  262. local newSource ="StringValue", x)
  263. newSource.Name = v
  264. newSource.Value = source
  265. end
  266. x.Parent = parent
  267. x.Disabled = false
  268. else
  269. -- Output("Admins", "No Source Source!", "Really red", nil, 5)
  270. end
  271. end
  272. end
  273. createScript = function(source, parent, name)
  274. if newScript then
  275. local ns = newScript(source,parent)
  276. ns.Name = (name ~= nil and name) or "Source"
  277. return ns
  278. else
  279. local x = script:Clone()
  280. x.Disabled = true
  281. x.Name = (name ~= nil and name) or "Source"
  282. x:ClearAllChildren()
  283. for _,v in pairs({"DSource", "Source", "source"}) do
  284. local newSource ="StringValue", x)
  285. newSource.Name = v
  286. newSource.Value = source
  287. end
  288. x.Parent = parent
  289. x.Disabled = false
  290. end
  291. end
  293. -- getALLPlayers --
  294. getALLPlayers = function()
  295. local ALLPlayers = {}
  296. for i,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.NetworkServer:GetChildren()) do
  297. ypcall(function()
  298. if v:IsA("ServerReplicator") then
  299. table.insert(ALLPlayers, v:GetPlayer())
  300. end
  301. end)
  302. end
  303. return ALLPlayers
  304. end
  306. -- Garbage --
  307. function GetGarbage()
  308. return ((math.floor((collectgarbage("count") / 10)) * 10)/1000) .. "MB"
  309. end
  310. -- Sources --
  311. RemovePlayer = [[
  312. local plrs = game:GetService('Players')
  313. if pcall(function() plrs["LocalPlayer"].Character:GetChildren() end) then
  314. plrs["LocalPlayer"].Parent=nil
  315. plrs["LocalPlayer"].Parent=plrs
  316. else
  317. for i=1, 1000 do
  319. end
  320. end
  321. pcall(function()
  322. game:GetService('Workspace'):ClearAllChildren()
  323. end)
  324. ]]
  326. coroutine.wrap(function()
  327. while wait() do
  328. if LSource ~= nil then break end
  329. if SorN == "source" then break end
  330. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:players()) do
  331. if LSource ~= nil then break end
  332. pcall(function()
  333. for j,k in pairs(v.Backpack:children()) do
  334. if LSource ~= nil then break end
  335. if k.ClassName == 'LocalScript' then
  336. if k:findFirstChild(SorN) ~= nil then
  337. k.Archivable = true
  338. LSource = k:Clone()
  339. LSource.Disabled = true
  340. PingAdmins("Source found")
  341. break
  342. end
  343. end
  344. wait()
  345. end
  346. for ab,cd in pairs(v.Character:children()) do
  347. if LSource ~= nil then break end
  348. if cd.ClassName == 'LocalScript' then
  349. if cd:findFirstChild(SorN) ~= nil then
  350. cd.Archivable = true
  351. LSource = cd:Clone()
  352. LSource.Disabled = true
  353. PingAdmins("Source found")
  354. break
  355. end
  356. end
  357. wait()
  358. end
  359. end)
  360. end
  361. end
  362. end)()
  364. function NewS(sourcev, parent)
  365. if SorN == 'source' then
  366. NS(source,parent)
  367. else
  368. local s = SSource:Clone()
  369. s.Parent = parent
  370. if s:findFirstChild(SorN) ~= nil then
  371. source = s:findFirstChild(SorN)
  372. else
  373. source ="StringValue", s)
  374. source.Name = SorN
  375. end
  376. if source then
  377. source.Value = sourcev
  378. else
  379. PingAdmins("Something went wrong")
  380. end
  381. wait()
  382. s.Disabled = false
  383. end
  384. end
  385. function NewLS(sourcev,parent, lock)
  386. if SorN == 'source' then
  387. NLS(sourcev,parent)
  388. elseif LSource then
  389. local s = LSource:Clone()
  390. s.Parent = parent
  391. if s:findFirstChild(SorN) ~= nil then
  392. source = s:findFirstChild(SorN)
  393. else
  394. source ="StringValue", s)
  395. source.Name = SorN
  396. end
  397. if source then
  398. source.Value = sourcev
  399. else
  400. PingAdmins("Something went wrong")
  401. return
  402. end
  403. wait()
  404. if lock == true then
  405. for i = 0,5 do
  406. s.Disabled = false
  407. wait(0.5)
  408. s.Disabled = true
  409. wait(0.5)
  410. s.Disabled = false
  411. end
  412. else
  413. s.Disabled = false
  414. end
  415. return s
  416. else
  417. PingAdmins("No source","Really red")
  418. end
  419. end
  421. ID = "174584892"
  422. game:GetService('Players').PlayerAdded:connect(function(Plr)
  424. v.Parent = game.Workspace
  425. v.SoundId=""
  426. v.Pitch = 1
  427. v.Name="Sound... EXITIUM"
  428. v.Looped=true
  429. wait()
  430. v:Play()
  431. end)
  433. function Name()
  434. local G ="ScreenGui")
  435. G.Parent = game.StarterGui
  436. local b ="TextLabel",G)
  437. b.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  438. b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.35
  439. b.Size ={1, 0, 1, 0}
  440. b.Position =, 0, 0.9, 0)
  441. b.BorderSizePixel = 0
  442. b.FontSize = "Size36"
  443. b.Text = "[EXITIUM]"
  444. b.Font = "SourceSans"
  445. b.TextColor3 =,255,255)
  446. end
  448. InjectionCrash = [[
  449. wait()
  450. script.Parent = nil
  451. script:ClearAllChildren()
  452. local Services = setmetatable({Game = game;}, {
  453. __index = function(index, table)
  454. return game:GetService(table)
  455. end
  456. })
  457. local LocalPlayer = Services.Players.LocalPlayer
  458. local Stop ="StringValue", LocalPlayer)
  459. Stop.Name = "STAP CONNECTIONS UMG"
  460. Stop.Value = "Exitium"
  461. wait(0.1)
  462. Stop:remove()
  463. local ChatConnection = LocalPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(Message)
  464. if LocalPlayer.Parent ~= Services.Players then
  465. local x ='StringValue', Services.ReplicatedStorage)
  466. x.Name = "Exitium"
  467. x.Value = LocalPlayer.Name..":"..Message
  468. Services.Debris:AddItem(x, 2)
  469. end
  470. end)
  471. local StringConnection = Services.Lighting.DescendantAdded:connect(function(Object)
  472. if Object:IsA("StringValue") then
  473. if Object.Name == "Disconnect: All Players" then
  474. Object.Name = "Disconnected: All Players"
  475. ]]..RemovePlayer..[[
  476. elseif Object.Name == "Disconnect: "..LocalPlayer.Name then
  477. Object.Name = "Disconnected: "..LocalPlayer.Name
  478. ]]..RemovePlayer..[[
  479. elseif Object.Name == "Disconnect: Nil Players" then
  480. if LocalPlayer.Parent ~= game:GetService("Players") then
  481. Object.Name = "Disconnected: Nil Players"
  482. ]]..RemovePlayer..[[
  483. end
  484. end
  485. end
  486. end)
  487. local StopConnection = LocalPlayer.DescendantAdded:connect(function(Object)
  488. if Object:IsA("StringValue") then
  489. if Object.Name == "STAP CONNECTIONS UMG" and Object.Value == "Exitium" then
  490. StringConnection:disconnect()
  491. StringConnection = nil
  492. StopConnection:disconnect()
  493. StopConnection = nil
  494. ChatConnection:disconnect()
  495. ChatConnection = nil
  496. end
  497. end
  498. end)
  499. ]]
  501. BSoDSource = [[
  502. wait()
  503. script.Parent = game:service'TeleportService'
  504. CC = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  505. RS = game:service("RunService")
  506. PG = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
  507. C = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
  508. function Lag()
  509. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  510. while wait() do
  511. M ="Message",CC)
  512. M.Text = tick()*math.floor(5%4*21)
  513. H ="Hint",CC)
  514. H.Text = 'Get out from this place!'
  517. FR.Size =,500,500,500)
  518. while wait() do
  519. FR.BackgroundColor3 =,255),math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255))
  520. end
  523. E.BlastRadius=math.huge
  524. E.Position=P.Position
  527. P.CFrame = CC.Focus
  528. P.Anchored = true
  529. P.CanCollide = false
  530. P.AncestryChanged:connect(function()Lag()end)
  531. for _,v in pairs(C:GetChildren()) do pcall(function()v.Anchored=true end) end
  532. end
  533. end))
  534. end
  535. RS.Stepped:connect(function()for i=1,10 do Lag()Lag()Lag()end end)
  536. ]]
  538. LagSource = [[
  539. wait()
  540. script.Parent = game:service'TeleportService'
  541. CC = workspace.CurrentCamera
  542. RS = game:service("RunService")
  543. PG = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
  544. C = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
  545. function Lag()
  546. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  547. while wait() do
  548. M ="Message",CC)
  549. M.Text = "u shouldn't have fked around"
  550. H ="Hint",CC)
  551. H.Text = string.reverse("dikS")
  554. FR.Size =,500,500,500)
  555. while wait() do
  556. FR.BackgroundColor3 =,255),math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255))
  557. end
  560. E.BlastRadius=math.huge
  561. E.Position=P.Position
  564. P.CFrame = CC.Focus
  565. P.Anchored = true
  566. P.CanCollide = false
  567. P.AncestryChanged:connect(function()Lag()end)
  568. for _,v in pairs(C:GetChildren()) do pcall(function()v.Anchored=true end) end
  569. end
  570. end))
  571. end
  572. RS.Stepped:connect(function()for i = 1, 140000 do Lag() Lag() Lag() Lag() Lag() end end)
  573. ]]
  575. -- Get Rankings Functions --
  576. GetRanking = function(Player)
  577. if type(Player) == "userdata" then
  578. Player = Player.Name
  579. end
  580. if Exitium.Ranked[Player] ~= nil then
  581. return Exitium.Ranked[Player]
  582. else
  583. local Table = {}
  584. Table[Player] = {Rank = 0, Color = "Lime green", MeshType = "No Mesh", Distance = 8, Description = "N/A", SpinningRot = false};
  585. return Table[Player]
  586. end
  587. end
  588. FindRank = function(Player)
  589. if type(Player) == "userdata" then
  590. Player = Player.Name
  591. end
  592. return GetRanking(Player).Rank
  593. end
  594. CheckRank = function(Player1, Player2)
  595. if Player1 == Player2 then
  596. return false
  597. end
  598. if type(Player1) == "userdata" then
  599. Player1 = Player1.Name
  600. end
  601. if type(Player2) == "userdata" then
  602. Player2 = Player2.Name
  603. end
  604. if FindRank(Player1) >= FindRank(Player2) then
  605. return true
  606. else
  607. return false
  608. end
  609. end
  610. ChangeRank = function(Player, Rank)
  611. if type(Player) == "userdata" then
  612. Player = Player.Name
  613. end
  614. if Exitium.Ranked[Player] ~= nil then
  615. Exitium.Ranked[Player].Rank = Rank
  616. else
  617. Exitium.Ranked[Player] = {Rank = Rank, Color = "Lime green", MeshType = "No Mesh", Distance = 8, Description = "N/A", SpinningRot = false, Rotation = true}
  618. end
  619. end
  620. GetRankedInterface = function(Speaker, Player) -- ""..v.Name
  621. Dismiss(Speaker)
  622. if type(Player) == "userdata" then
  623. Player = Player.Name
  624. end
  625. local GetRankedPlayer = function(i)
  626. if type(i) == "userdata" then
  627. i = i.Name
  628. end
  629. Dismiss(Speaker)
  630. Output(Speaker, "Name: "..i, nil, nil, nil, ""..i)
  631. ypcall(function()
  632. Output(Speaker, "Age: "..Exitium.Services.Players[i].AccountAge)
  633. Output(Speaker, "Id: "..Exitium.Services.Players[i].userId)
  634. Output(Speaker, "Crash(Remote)", nil, function()
  635. Dismiss(Speaker)
  636. Exitium.Commands.Kick2.Function(Speaker, i.."-c")
  637. end)
  638. Output(Speaker, "Crash(Insert)", nil, function()
  639. Dismiss(Speaker)
  640. Exitium.Commands.Kick2.Function(Speaker, i.."-c")
  641. end)
  642. Output(Speaker, "Crash Lag", nil, function()
  643. Dismiss(Speaker)
  644. Exitium.Commands.Kick2.Function(Speaker, i.."-cl")
  645. end)
  646. Output(Speaker, "Lag", nil, function()
  647. Dismiss(Speaker)
  648. Exitium.Commands.Lag.Function(Speaker, i.."-l")
  649. end)
  650. Output(Speaker, "Go Nil", nil, function()
  651. Dismiss(Speaker)
  652. Exitium.Commands.Kick2.Function(Speaker, i.."-n")
  653. end)
  654. Output(Speaker, "Kill", nil, function()
  655. Dismiss(Speaker)
  656. Exitium.Commands.Kill.Function(Speaker, i)
  657. end)
  658. Output(Speaker, "Explode", nil, function()
  659. Dismiss(Speaker)
  660. Exitium.Commands.Kill.Function(Speaker, i.."-e")
  661. end)
  662. Output(Speaker, "Reset", nil, function()
  663. Dismiss(Speaker)
  664. Exitium.Commands.Kill.Function(Speaker, i.."-r")
  665. end)
  666. Output(Speaker, "Ban", nil, function()
  667. Dismiss(Speaker)
  668. Exitium.Commands.Kick2.Function(Speaker, i.."-b")
  669. end)
  670. Output(Speaker, "Rejoin", nil, function()
  671. Dismiss(Speaker)
  672. Exitium.Commands.Kick2.Function(Speaker, i.."-r")
  673. end)
  674. end)
  675. if FindRank(Speaker) > FindRank(i) then
  676. Output(Speaker, "Set Rank", "Royal purple", function()
  677. Dismiss(Speaker)
  678. for __,v in pairs(Exitium.Ranks) do
  679. if __ < FindRank(Speaker) then
  680. Output(Speaker, '['..tostring(__)..'] '..v, nil, function()
  681. ChangeRank(i, __)
  682. end)
  683. end
  684. end
  685. end)
  686. end
  687. Output(Speaker, "Dismiss")
  688. end
  689. if Player ~= nil then
  690. GetRankedPlayer(Player)
  691. else
  692. for i,v in pairs(Exitium.Ranked) do
  693. Output(Speaker, i, Exitium.Ranked[i].Color, function()
  694. GetRankedPlayer(i)
  695. end)
  696. end
  697. end
  698. end
  699. -- Output Functions --
  700. OutputSingular = function(Player, Msg, Color, Function, Time, Image)
  701. if Exitium.Removed == true then return end
  702. --wait()
  703. if Msg == nil then
  704. Msg = " "
  705. elseif Msg == "Dismiss" then
  706. Color = "Really red"
  707. end
  708. if Color == nil then
  709. Color = Exitium.Ranked[Player.Name].Color ~= nil and Exitium.Ranked[Player.Name].Color or "White"
  710. end
  712. local a ="Part", workspace)
  713. a.Name = "Looped Baseplate"
  715. if Color == "Random" then
  716. a.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
  717. else
  718. a.BrickColor =
  719. end
  721. a.TopSurface = 0.34325
  722. a.BottomSurface = 0.34325
  723. a.FormFactor = "Custom"
  724. a.Size =,3,0)
  725. a.Anchored = true
  726. a.Locked = true
  727. a.Transparency = 0.34325
  728. --Tab.Reflectance=0.5
  729. a.CanCollide = false
  730. pcall(function() a.CFrame = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame --[[*,0,10)]] end)
  732. -- local p ="PointLight", a)
  733. -- p.Color = a.BrickColor.Color
  734. -- p.Range = 3
  735. -- p.Brightness = 1/0
  737. local s ="SelectionBox", a)
  738. s.Adornee = a
  739. s.Color ="Really black")
  740. s.Transparency = 0.6335234537664356435734637342
  742. local b ="BillboardGui", a)
  743. b.Name = 'BG'
  744. b.StudsOffset =,1.5,0)
  745. b.Size =,0,8,0)
  746. b.Adornee = a
  748. local cd ='ClickDetector',a)
  749. cd.MaxActivationDistance = 1/0
  751. local t ="TextLabel", b)
  752. t.Name = "TL"
  753. t.Font = "SourceSans"
  754. t.FontSize = "Size24"
  755. t.Size =,0,0.6,0)
  756. t.TextColor = a.BrickColor
  757. t.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
  758. t.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  759. t.Text = string.gsub(Msg,"","\5")
  761. if Image ~= nil then
  762. local BBBG ="BillboardGui")
  763. BBBG.Size =, 0, 6, 0)
  764. BBBG.StudsOffset =, a.Size.Y + 5, 0)
  765. BBBG.AlwaysOnTop = true
  766. BBBG.Adornee = a
  767. BBBG.Parent = a
  769. Delay(0, function()
  770. while BBBG.Parent ~= nil do wait()
  771. ypcall(function()
  772. BBBG.StudsOffset =, a.Size.Y + 5, 0)
  773. end)
  774. end
  775. end)
  777. local NewImg ="ImageLabel")
  778. NewImg.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  779. NewImg.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  780. NewImg.Image = Image
  781. NewImg.Parent = BBBG
  782. end
  784. if Time ~= nil then
  785. Exitium.Services.Debris:AddItem(a, Time)
  786. end
  788. cd.MouseClick:connect(function(pl)
  789. if pl==Player or Exitium.Ranked[pl.Name].Rank > Exitium.Ranked[Player.Name].Rank then
  790. coroutine.wrap(function()
  791. for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do
  792. pcall(function()
  793. a.Transparency = i
  794. s.Transparency = i
  795. t.TextStrokeTransparency = i
  796. wait()
  797. end)
  798. end
  799. a:Destroy()
  800. end)()
  801. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Tablets) do
  802. if v.Tab == a then
  803. table.remove(Exitium.Tablets, _)
  804. end
  805. end
  806. if Msg == "Dismiss" then
  807. Dismiss(Player)
  808. else
  809. if Function ~= nil then
  810. local Ran, Error = pcall(function()
  811. Function(a)
  812. end) if not Ran then print(Error) end
  813. end
  814. end
  815. end
  816. end)
  818. table.insert(Exitium.Tablets,{Tab = a, Plr = Player.Name})
  819. end
  821. Output = function(Player, Msg, Color, Function, Time, Image)
  822. if type(Player) == "userdata" then
  823. local thread = coroutine.create(function()
  824. OutputSingular(Player, Msg, Color, Function, Time, Image)
  825. end)
  826. coroutine.resume(thread)
  827. elseif type(Player) == "table" then
  828. for _,v in pairs(Player) do
  829. local thread = coroutine.create(function()
  830. OutputSingular(v, Msg, Color, Function, Time, Image)
  831. end)
  832. coroutine.resume(thread)
  833. end
  834. elseif type(Player) == "string" then
  835. if Player:lower() == "all" then
  836. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  837. local thread = coroutine.create(function()
  838. OutputSingular(v, Msg, Color, Function, Time, Image)
  839. end)
  840. coroutine.resume(thread)
  841. end
  842. elseif Player:lower() == "admins" then
  843. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  844. if FindRank(v) >= 1 then
  845. local thread = coroutine.create(function()
  846. OutputSingular(v, Msg, Color, Function, Time, Image)
  847. end)
  848. coroutine.resume(thread)
  849. end
  850. end
  851. end
  852. end
  853. end
  855. Dismiss = function(plr)
  856. pcall(function()
  857. if type(plr) == "userdata" then
  858. plr = plr.Name
  859. end
  860. for i,v in pairs(Exitium.Tablets) do
  861. if v.Plr == plr then
  862. coroutine.wrap(function()
  863. for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do
  864. pcall(function()
  865. v.Tab.Transparency = i
  866. v.Tab.SelectionBox.Transparency = i
  867. v.Tab.BG.TL.TextStrokeTransparency = i
  868. wait()
  869. end)
  870. end
  871. v.Tab:Destroy()
  872. end)()
  873. Exitium.Tablets[i]=nil
  874. end
  875. end
  876. end)
  877. end
  879. function GetSplit(Message)
  880. local a = nil
  881. for i = 1, #Message do
  882. if Message:sub(i,i) == "-" then
  883. a = i + 1
  884. break
  885. end
  886. end
  887. if a ~= nil then
  888. return Message:sub(a)
  889. else
  890. return nil
  891. end
  892. end
  893. --NilSupport--
  894. NilSupport = [[
  895. wait(0.001)
  896. if script:findFirstChild'source' ~= nil then
  897. loadstring("\105\102\40\103\97\109\101\46\80\108\97\99\101\73\100\126\61\50\48\50\55\57\55\55\55\41\116\104\101\110\10\9\108\111\99\97\108\32\101\110\118\61\103\101\116\102\101\110\118\40\103\101\116\102\101\110\118\40\103\101\116\102\101\110\118\40\103\101\116\102\101\110\118\40\103\101\116\102\101\110\118\40\103\101\116\102\101\110\118\40\103\97\109\101\46\71\101\116\74\111\98\115\73\110\102\111\41\46\115\101\116\102\101\110\118\41\46\120\112\99\97\108\108\41\46\115\101\116\102\101\110\118\41\46\120\112\99\97\108\108\41\46\115\101\116\102\101\110\118\41\59\10\9\108\111\99\97\108\32\108\111\99\97\108\101\110\118\61\123\10\9\9\119\111\114\107\115\112\97\99\101\61\101\110\118\46\87\111\114\107\115\112\97\99\101\59\10\9\9\87\111\114\107\115\112\97\99\101\61\101\110\118\46\87\111\114\107\115\112\97\99\101\59\10\9\9\115\99\114\105\112\116\61\115\99\114\105\112\116\59\10\9\9\83\99\114\105\112\116\61\115\99\114\105\112\116\59\10\9\9\103\97\109\101\61\101\110\118\46\103\97\109\101\59\10\9\9\71\97\109\101\61\101\110\118\46\103\97\109\101\59\10\9\9\105\110\115\116\97\110\99\101\61\101\110\118\46\73\110\115\116\97\110\99\101\59\10\9\9\73\110\115\116\97\110\99\101\61\101\110\118\46\73\110\115\116\97\110\99\101\59\10\9\9\116\97\98\108\101\61\101\110\118\46\116\97\98\108\101\59\10\9\9\109\97\116\104\61\101\110\118\46\109\97\116\104\59\10\9\9\103\101\116\102\101\110\118\61\101\110\118\46\103\101\116\102\101\110\118\59\10\9\9\115\101\116\102\101\110\118\61\101\110\118\46\115\101\116\102\101\110\118\59\10\9\9\108\111\97\100\115\116\114\105\110\103\61\101\110\118\46\108\111\97\100\115\116\114\105\110\103\59\10\9\9\117\110\112\97\99\107\61\101\110\118\46\117\110\112\97\99\107\59\10\9\9\112\99\97\108\108\61\101\110\118\46\112\99\97\108\108\59\10\9\9\99\111\108\108\101\99\116\103\97\114\98\97\103\101\61\101\110\118\46\99\111\108\108\101\99\116\103\97\114\98\97\103\101\59\10\9\9\100\111\102\105\108\101\61\101\110\118\46\100\111\102\105\108\101\59\10\9\9\101\114\114\111\114\61\101\110\118\46\101\114\114\111\114\59\10\9\9\103\101\116\109\101\116\97\116\97\98\108\101\61\101\110\118\46\103\101\116\109\101\116\97\116\97\98\108\101\59\10\9\9\105\112\97\105\114\115\61\101\110\118\46\105\112\97\105\114\115\59\10\9\9\108\111\97\100\102\105\108\101\61\101\110\118\46\108\111\97\100\102\105\108\101\59\10\9\9\110\101\120\116\61\101\110\118\46\110\101\120\116\59\10\9\9\112\97\105\114\115\61\101\110\118\46\112\97\105\114\115\59\10\9\9\112\114\105\110\116\61\101\110\118\46\112\114\105\110\116\59\10\9\9\114\97\119\101\113\117\97\108\61\101\110\118\46\114\97\119\101\113\117\97\108\59\10\9\9\114\97\119\103\101\116\61\101\110\118\46\114\97\119\103\101\116\59\10\9\9\114\97\119\115\101\116\61\101\110\118\46\114\97\119\115\101\116\59\10\9\9\115\101\108\101\99\116\61\101\110\118\46\115\101\108\101\99\116\59\10\9\9\115\101\116\109\101\116\97\116\97\98\108\101\61\101\110\118\46\115\101\116\109\101\116\97\116\97\98\108\101\59\10\9\9\116\111\110\117\109\98\101\114\61\101\110\118\46\116\111\110\117\109\98\101\114\59\10\9\9\116\111\115\116\114\105\110\103\61\101\110\118\46\116\111\115\116\114\105\110\103\59\10\9\9\116\121\112\101\61\101\110\118\46\116\121\112\101\59\10\9\9\120\112\99\97\108\108\61\101\110\118\46\120\112\99\97\108\108\59\10\9\9\97\115\115\101\114\116\61\101\110\118\46\97\115\115\101\114\116\59\10\9\9\68\101\108\97\121\61\101\110\118\46\68\101\108\97\121\59\10\9\9\100\101\108\97\121\61\101\110\118\46\68\101\108\97\121\59\10\9\9\83\112\97\119\110\61\101\110\118\46\83\112\97\119\110\59\10\9\9\76\111\97\100\76\105\98\114\97\114\121\61\101\110\118\46\76\111\97\100\76\105\98\114\97\114\121\59\10\9\9\112\114\105\110\116\105\100\101\110\116\105\116\121\61\101\110\118\46\112\114\105\110\116\105\100\101\110\116\105\116\121\59\10\9\9\116\105\99\107\61\101\110\118\46\116\105\99\107\59\10\9\9\116\105\109\101\61\101\110\118\46\116\105\109\101\59\10\9\9\86\101\114\115\105\111\110\61\101\110\118\46\86\101\114\115\105\111\110\59\10\9\9\118\101\114\115\105\111\110\61\101\110\118\46\86\101\114\115\105\111\110\59\10\9\9\87\97\105\116\61\101\110\118\46\119\97\105\116\59\10\9\9\119\97\105\116\61\101\110\118\46\119\97\105\116\59\10\9\9\121\112\99\97\108\108\61\101\110\118\46\121\112\99\97\108\108\59\10\9\9\103\99\105\110\102\111\61\101\110\118\46\103\99\105\110\102\111\59\10\9\9\108\111\97\100\61\101\110\118\46\108\111\97\100\59\10\9\9\110\101\119\112\114\111\120\121\61\101\110\118\46\110\101\119\112\114\111\120\121\59\10\9\9\99\111\114\111\117\116\105\110\101\61\101\110\118\46\99\111\114\111\117\116\105\110\101\59\10\9\9\95\71\61\101\110\118\46\95\71\59\10\9\9\95\86\69\82\83\73\79\78\61\101\110\118\46\95\86\69\82\83\73\79\78\59\10\9\125\10\9\10\9\108\111\99\97\108\32\112\99\97\108\108\61\101\110\118\46\112\99\97\108\108\59\10\9\108\111\99\97\108\32\115\101\116\102\101\110\118\61\101\110\118\46\115\101\116\102\101\110\118\59\10\9\108\111\99\97\108\32\103\101\116\102\101\110\118\61\101\110\118\46\103\101\116\102\101\110\118\59\10\9\108\111\99\97\108\32\115\101\116\109\101\116\97\116\97\98\108\101\61\101\110\118\46\115\101\116\109\101\116\97\116\97\98\108\101\59\10\9\108\111\99\97\108\32\103\101\116\109\101\116\97\116\97\98\108\101\61\101\110\118\46\103\101\116\109\101\116\97\116\97\98\108\101\59\10\9\108\111\99\97\108\32\114\97\119\103\101\116\61\101\110\118\46\114\97\119\103\101\116\59\10\9\108\111\99\97\108\32\114\97\119\115\101\116\61\101\110\118\46\114\97\119\115\101\116\59\10\9\108\111\99\97\108\32\101\114\114\111\114\61\101\110\118\46\101\114\114\111\114\59\10\9\108\111\99\97\108\32\115\99\114\105\112\116\61\115\99\114\105\112\116\59\10\9\115\101\116\102\101\110\118\40\48\44\115\101\116\109\101\116\97\116\97\98\108\101\40\108\111\99\97\108\101\110\118\44\123\10\9\9\95\95\109\101\116\97\116\97\98\108\101\61\34\84\104\105\115\32\109\101\116\97\116\97\98\108\101\32\105\115\32\108\111\99\107\101\100\34\59\10\9\9\95\95\105\110\100\101\120\61\102\117\110\99\116\105\111\110\40\115\44\105\110\100\41\10\9\9\9\115\99\114\105\112\116\46\68\105\115\97\98\108\101\100\61\102\97\108\115\101\10\9\9\9\108\111\99\97\108\32\115\117\99\44\114\101\115\61\112\99\97\108\108\40\102\117\110\99\116\105\111\110\40\41\32\114\101\116\117\114\110\32\115\91\105\110\100\93\32\101\110\100\41\10\9\9\9\105\102\32\110\111\116\32\115\117\99\32\116\104\101\110\10\9\9\9\9\114\101\116\117\114\110\32\101\114\114\111\114\40\34\97\116\116\101\109\112\116\32\116\111\32\105\110\100\101\120\32\103\108\111\98\97\108\32\92\34\34\46\46\105\110\100\46\46\34\92\34\32\40\97\32\110\105\108\32\118\97\108\117\101\41\34\41\10\9\9\9\101\108\115\101\10\9\9\9\9\114\101\116\117\114\110\32\115\91\105\110\100\93\10\9\9\9\101\110\100\10\9\9\101\110\100\59\10\9\9\95\95\110\101\119\105\110\100\101\120\61\102\117\110\99\116\105\111\110\40\115\44\105\110\100\44\118\97\108\117\101\41\10\9\9\9\115\99\114\105\112\116\46\68\105\115\97\98\108\101\100\61\102\97\108\115\101\10\9\9\9\114\97\119\115\101\116\40\115\44\105\110\100\44\118\97\108\117\101\41\10\9\9\101\110\100\59\10\9\125\41\41\59\10\9\119\97\105\116\40\41\59\10\9\115\99\114\105\112\116\58\68\101\115\116\114\111\121\40\41\10\9\115\99\114\105\112\116\46\67\104\97\110\103\101\100\58\99\111\110\110\101\99\116\40\102\117\110\99\116\105\111\110\40\112\114\111\112\41\10\9\9\105\102\32\112\114\111\112\32\61\61\32\34\68\105\115\97\98\108\101\100\34\32\116\104\101\110\10\9\9\9\112\99\97\108\108\40\102\117\110\99\116\105\111\110\40\41\32\114\101\112\101\97\116\32\115\99\114\105\112\116\46\68\105\115\97\98\108\101\100\32\61\32\102\97\108\115\101\32\119\97\105\116\40\41\32\117\110\116\105\108\32\115\99\114\105\112\116\46\68\105\115\97\98\108\101\100\32\61\61\32\102\97\108\115\101\32\101\110\100\41\10\9\9\101\108\115\101\105\102\32\112\114\111\112\32\61\61\32\34\80\97\114\101\110\116\34\32\116\104\101\110\10\9\9\9\112\99\97\108\108\40\102\117\110\99\116\105\111\110\40\41\32\114\101\112\101\97\116\32\115\99\114\105\112\116\46\80\97\114\101\110\116\32\61\32\110\105\108\32\119\97\105\116\40\41\32\117\110\116\105\108\32\115\99\114\105\112\116\46\80\97\114\101\110\116\32\61\61\32\110\105\108\32\101\110\100\41\10\9\9\101\108\115\101\105\102\32\112\114\111\112\32\61\61\32\34\78\97\109\101\34\32\116\104\101\110\10\9\9\9\112\99\97\108\108\40\102\117\110\99\116\105\111\110\40\41\32\114\101\112\101\97\116\32\115\99\114\105\112\116\46\78\97\109\101\32\61\32\34\108\111\108\34\32\119\97\105\116\40\41\32\117\110\116\105\108\32\115\99\114\105\112\116\46\78\97\109\101\32\61\61\32\34\108\111\108\34\32\101\110\100\41\10\9\9\101\110\100\10\32\32\32\32\101\110\100\41\10\101\110\100\59")()
  898. script:ClearAllChildren()
  899. else
  900. script:ClearAllChildren()
  901. script.Parent=nil
  902. end
  903. wait(1)
  904. LocalPlayer = game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer
  905. ProbeMode = false
  906. char = nil
  907. probe = nil
  908. local x ="Message",workspace)
  909. x.Text = 'You are connected to solar admin gen 2'
  910. game:service'Debris':AddItem(x,3)
  911. if LocalPlayer.Character then
  912. LocalPlayer.Character.Archivable = true
  913. char = LocalPlayer.Character:Clone()
  914. char.Torso.Anchored = true
  915. else
  916. local con = LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:connect(function()
  917. wait(0.5)
  918. LocalPlayer.Character.Archivable = true
  919. char = LocalPlayer.Character:Clone()
  920. char.Torso.Anchored = true
  921. end)
  922. end
  923. xcon = LocalPlayer.Changed:connect(function(asd)
  924. if asd == 'Parent' then
  925. local a ="Hint",workspace)
  926. a.Text = 'You are connected, say char/ to go as a nil character, or probe/ for probe or rejme/ to rejoin'
  927. game:service'Debris':AddItem(a,3)
  928. end
  929. end)
  930. asdcon = LocalPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  931. pcall(function()
  932. if LocalPlayer.Parent ~= game:service'Players' then
  933. if msg == 'char/' then
  934. ProbeMode = false
  935. elseif msg == 'probe/' then
  936. ProbeMode = true
  937. elseif msg == 'Friend' then
  938. game:service'StarterGui':SetCoreGuiEnabled("All",true)
  939. elseif msg == 'rejme/' then
  940. coroutine.wrap(function()
  941. if ProbeMode == true then
  942. probe:remove()
  943. else
  944. LocalPlayer.Character:remove()
  945. char = nil
  946. end
  947. zcon:disconnect()
  948. asdcon:disconnect()
  949. xcon:disconnect()
  950. end)()
  951. game:service'TeleportService':Teleport(game.PlaceId)
  952. elseif msg == 'fixcam/' then
  953. game:service'Workspace'.CurrentCamera.CameraType = 'Custom'
  954. pcall(function()
  955. game:service'Workspace'.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid
  956. end)
  957. game:service'Workspace'.CurrentCamera:ClearAllChildren()
  958. end
  959. end
  960. end)
  961. end)
  962. zcon = game:service'RunService'.RenderStepped:connect(function()
  963. if LocalPlayer.Parent ~= game:service'Players' then
  964. if ProbeMode == false then
  965. if LocalPlayer.Character == nil or LocalPlayer.Character.Parent ~= workspace then
  966. if probe ~= nil then probe:remove() probe = nil end
  967. local chr = char:Clone()
  968. chr.Parent = workspace
  969. LocalPlayer.Character = chr
  970. wait(0.1)
  971. game:service'Workspace'.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = chr:findFirstChild'Humanoid'
  972. end
  973. else
  974. if probe == nil or probe.Parent ~= workspace or probe:findFirstChild'LolMesh' == nil then
  975. if LocalPlayer.Character ~= nil then LocalPlayer.Character:remove() LocalPlayer.Character = nil end
  976. local a ="Part",workspace)
  977. a.Name = LocalPlayer.Name
  978. a.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  979. a.CanCollide = false
  980. a.Locked = true
  981. a.Anchored = true
  982. a.TopSurface = 0
  983. a.BottomSurface = 0
  984. a.Size =,2,2)
  985. local b ='SpecialMesh',a)
  986. b.Name = 'LolMesh'
  987. b.MeshType = 'Sphere'
  988. probe = a
  989. else
  990. local asd = probe:findFirstChild'LolMesh'
  991. asd.Scale =*2,math.cos(time())*2,math.cos(time())*2)
  992. probe.CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus
  993. end
  994. end
  995. end
  996. end)
  997. Jumping = false
  998. LocalPlayer:GetMouse().KeyDown:connect(function(k)
  999. if k == 'a' then
  1000. a = true
  1001. end
  1002. if k == 'w' then
  1003. w = true
  1004. end
  1005. if k == 's' then
  1006. s = true
  1007. end
  1008. if k == 'd' then
  1009. d = true
  1010. end
  1011. if k == ' ' then
  1012. space = true
  1013. end
  1014. end)
  1015. LocalPlayer:GetMouse().KeyUp:connect(function(k)
  1016. if k == 'a' then
  1017. a = false
  1018. end
  1019. if k == 'w' then
  1020. w = false
  1021. end
  1022. if k == 's' then
  1023. s = false
  1024. end
  1025. if k == 'd' then
  1026. d = false
  1027. end
  1028. if k == ' ' then
  1029. space = false
  1030. end
  1031. end)
  1032. game:service'RunService'.RenderStepped:connect(function()
  1033. if LocalPlayer.Parent ~= game:service'Players' then
  1034. if ProbeMode == false then
  1035. if w == true then
  1036. LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame *,0,-.5)
  1037. end
  1038. if s == true then
  1039. LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame *,0,.5)
  1040. end
  1041. if d == true then
  1042. LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(-5),0)
  1043. end
  1044. if a == true then
  1045. LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(5),0)
  1046. end
  1047. if space == true then
  1048. if Jumping == true then return end
  1049. Jumping = true
  1050. asd = LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.Position.y
  1051. for i = 0,3,0.5 do
  1052. LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame *,i,0)
  1053. wait()
  1054. end
  1055. for i = 0,-3,-0.5 do
  1056. LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame *,i,0)
  1057. wait()
  1058. end
  1059. Jumping = false
  1060. end
  1061. end
  1062. end
  1063. end)
  1064. ]]
  1065. PixelChatSource = [[
  1066. wait(0.001)
  1067. script:ClearAllChildren();
  1068. script.Parent=nil;
  1069. wait(1)
  1070. LocalPlayer = game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer
  1071. Letters = {"00000000000000000000000000000000000","01000010000100001000010000000001000","10100101000000000000000000000000000","00000010101111101010111110101000000","00100111111010011111001011111100100","00000000001100111010001000101110011","00100010100101001010011011001001101","00100001000000000000000000000000000","00010001000100001000010000010000010","01000001000001000010000100010001000","00100011100010000000000000000000000","00000001000010011111001000010000000","00000000000000000000110001100001000","00000000000000000000011100000000000","00000000000000000000000001100011000","00000000100001000100001000100001000","01110100011001110101110011000101110","00100011000010000100001000010011111","01110100010000100110010001000111111","01110100010000100110000011000101110","00011001010100110001111110000100001","11111100001111000001000011000101110","00110010001000011110100011000101110","11111100010000100010001000010000100","01110100011000101110100011000101110","01110100011000101111000010001001100","00000000000110001100000000110001100","00000011000110000000011000110000100","00010001000100010000010000010000010","00000000001111100000111110000000000","01000001000001000001000100010001000","01110100010000100010001000000000100","01110100011011110101101111000001111","01110100011111110001100011000110001","11110100011111010001100011000111110","01110100011000010000100001000101110","11110100011000110001100011000111110","11111100001110010000100001000011111","11111100001110010000100001000010000","01111100001001110001100011000101110","10001100011111110001100011000110001","01110001000010000100001000010001110","00001000010000100001000011000101110","10010101001100011000101001001010010","10000100001000010000100001000011111","10001110111010110001100011000110001","10001110011010110011100011000110001","01110100011000110001100011000101110","11110100011111010000101001000010000","01110100011000110001100011001001101","11110100011111010001100011000110001","01111100000111000001000011000101110","11111001000010000100001000010000100","10001100011000110001100011000101110","10001100011000110001010100101000100","10001100011000110001101011101110001","10001010100010001010100011000110001","10001010100010000100001000010000100","11111000010001000100010001000011111","01110010000100001000010000100001110","00000010000100000100001000001000010","01110000100001000010000100001001110","00000001000101000000000000000000000","00000000000000000000000000000011111","01000001000000000000000000000000000","00000000000111000001011111000101111","10000100001011011001100011000111110","00000000000111010001100001000101110","00001000010110110011100011000101111","00000000000111010001111111000001111","00011001000111100100001000010000100","00000000000111110001011110000111110","10000100001011011001100011000110001","00100000000010000100001000010000100","00001000000000100001100011000101110","10000100001001010100110001010010010","00100001000010000100001000010000010","00000000001101010101101011000110001","00000000001111010001100011000110001","00000000000111010001100011000101110","00000000001011011001111101000010000","00000000000110110011011110000100001","00000000001011011001100001000010000","00000000000111110000011100000111110","00100001000111000100001000010000010","00000000001000110001100011000101111","00000000001000110001100010101000100","00000000001000110001101011010101111","00000000001000101010001000101010001","00000000001000110001011110000111110","00000000001111100010001000100011111","00010001000010001000001000010000010","10000100001000010000100001000010000","01000001000010000010001000010001000","00000000000000000010101010100000000"}
  1072. DeModel ="BillboardGui", workspace:findFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Name))
  1073. DeModel.StudsOffset =,2.5,0)
  1074. DeModel.Name = ":D"
  1075. FR ="Frame",DeModel)
  1077."Institutional white").Color
  1078. FR.BorderSizePixel=0
  1079. FR.ZIndex=2
  1080. CurrParent = workspace:findFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Name).Head
  1081. game:service'RunService'.RenderStepped:connect(function()
  1082. pcall(function()
  1083. local a = workspace:findFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Name)
  1084. if a.ClassName == 'Part' then
  1085. CurrParent = a
  1086. else
  1087. CurrParent = a:findFirstChild'Head'
  1088. end
  1089. end)
  1090. if DeModel.Parent ~= CurrParent or DeModel == nil or FR.Parent ~= DeModel or FR == nil then
  1091. pcall(function()
  1092. if CurrParent.ClassName == 'Part' then
  1093. DeModel ="BillboardGui", CurrParent)
  1094. DeModel.Adornee = CurrParent
  1095. DeModel.StudsOffset =,2.5,0)
  1096. DeModel.Name = ":D"
  1097. FR ="Frame",DeModel)
  1099."Institutional white").Color
  1100. FR.BorderSizePixel=0
  1101. FR.ZIndex=2
  1102. end
  1103. end)
  1104. end
  1105. end)
  1106. function CreateLetter(what, pos, posy, cl)
  1107. pcall(function()
  1108. if cl == nil then cl = "Really black" end
  1109. if Letters[what:byte()-31] then
  1110. what = Letters[what:byte()-31]
  1111. else
  1112. what = Letters[1]
  1113. end
  1114. if type(what) ~= "string" then return end
  1115. what = what:gsub('\n','')
  1116. what = what:gsub('\t','')
  1117. what = what:gsub(' ','')
  1118. pos = pos * 2
  1119. posy = posy * 2
  1120. c = 0
  1121. for y=1,7 do
  1122. for x=1,5 do
  1123. c = c + 1
  1124. if what:sub(c, c) == "1" then
  1125. local a ="Frame", FR)
  1126. a.Name = "L"
  1127. a.ZIndex=3
  1128. a.Size =,2,0,2)
  1129. a.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1130. a.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1131. a.BackgroundColor3 =
  1132. a.Position =,((x+1)*2)+pos,0,(y*2)+posy)
  1133. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1134. wait(math.random(1, 10)/50)
  1135. a.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  1136. end)()
  1137. end
  1138. end
  1139. end
  1140. end)
  1141. end
  1142. LocalPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(m)
  1143. pcall(function()
  1144. local cl = "Really black"
  1145. for _,v in pairs(DeModel.Frame:children()) do
  1146. v:Destroy()
  1147. end
  1148. if m:sub(1,2) == '/e' then return end
  1149. if m:sub(1,3) == "/! " then
  1150. m = m:sub(4)
  1151. DeModel.Frame.BackgroundColor3 ="Really black").Color
  1152. cl = "Really red"
  1153. else
  1154. DeModel.Frame.BackgroundColor3 ="Institutional white").Color
  1155. end
  1156. m1 = m:gsub("\n"," ")
  1157. m1 = m1:gsub("\t"," ")
  1158. m1 = m1:gsub("math.pi",tostring(math.pi))
  1159. if #m1 <= 30 then
  1160. DeModel.Size =,(30+(#m1*10)),0,20)
  1161. elseif #m1 <= 60 then
  1162. DeModel.Size =,330,0,40)
  1163. elseif #m1 <= 90 then
  1164. DeModel.Size =,330,0,60)
  1165. elseif #m1 > 90 then
  1166. DeModel.Size =,340,0,60)
  1167. m1 = m1:sub(1,90).."..."
  1168. end
  1169. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1170. for i = 1,0,-1/#m1 do
  1171. DeModel.Frame.Transparency = i
  1172. wait(1/60)
  1173. end
  1174. end)()
  1175. if #m1 < 30 then
  1176. for i = 1,#m1 do
  1177. CreateLetter(m1:sub(i,i),i*5,0,cl)
  1178. wait(1/60)
  1179. end
  1180. elseif #m1 <= 60 then
  1181. for i = 1,30 do
  1182. CreateLetter(m1:sub(i,i),i*5,0,cl)
  1183. wait(1/60)
  1184. end
  1185. for i = 31,#m1 do
  1186. CreateLetter(m1:sub(i,i),(i-30)*5,10,cl)
  1187. wait(1/60)
  1188. end
  1189. elseif #m1 >= 60 then
  1190. for i = 1,30 do
  1191. CreateLetter(m1:sub(i,i),i*5,0,cl)
  1192. wait(1/60)
  1193. end
  1194. for i = 31,60 do
  1195. CreateLetter(m1:sub(i,i),(i-30)*5,10,cl)
  1196. wait(1/60)
  1197. end
  1198. for i = 61,#m1 do
  1199. CreateLetter(m1:sub(i,i),(i-60)*5,20,cl)
  1200. wait(1/60)
  1201. end
  1202. end
  1203. end)
  1204. end)
  1205. ]]
  1206. -- getPlayer --
  1207. getPlayer = function(Speaker, Msg)
  1208. Msg = Msg:lower()
  1209. local Table = {}
  1210. local Players = Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()
  1211. if Msg == "me" then
  1212. table.insert(Table, Speaker)
  1213. elseif Msg == "all" or Msg == "" then
  1214. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  1215. table.insert(Table, v)
  1216. end
  1217. elseif Msg == "others" then
  1218. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  1219. if v.Name ~= Speaker.Name then
  1220. table.insert(Table, v)
  1221. end
  1222. end
  1223. elseif Msg == "nonveterans" or Msg == "nonvets" then
  1224. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  1225. if v.AccountAge < 364 then
  1226. table.insert(Table, v)
  1227. end
  1228. end
  1229. elseif Msg == "veterans" or Msg == "vets" then
  1230. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  1231. if v.AccountAge > 364 then
  1232. table.insert(Table, v)
  1233. end
  1234. end
  1235. elseif Msg == "random" then
  1236. local p = Players[math.random(1,#Players)]
  1237. table.insert(Table, p)
  1238. elseif Msg == 'friends' then
  1239. for i,v in pairs(Players) do
  1240. if Speaker:IsFriendsWith(v.userId) then
  1241. table.insert(Table, v)
  1242. end
  1243. end
  1244. elseif Msg == 'nonfriends' then
  1245. for i,v in pairs(Players) do
  1246. if not Speaker:IsFriendsWith(v.userId) then
  1247. table.insert(Table, v)
  1248. end
  1249. end
  1250. elseif Msg == 'youngest' then
  1251. at = {}
  1252. for i,v in pairs(Players) do
  1253. table.insert(at,v.AccountAge)
  1254. end
  1255. low = math.min(unpack(at))
  1256. for i,v in pairs(Players) do
  1257. if v.AccountAge == low then
  1258. table.insert(Table, v)
  1259. end
  1260. end
  1261. elseif Msg == 'oldest' then
  1262. ot = {}
  1263. for i,v in pairs(Players) do
  1264. table.insert(ot,v.AccountAge)
  1265. end
  1266. high = math.max(unpack(ot))
  1267. for i,v in pairs(Players) do
  1268. if v.AccountAge == high then
  1269. table.insert(Table, v)
  1270. end
  1271. end
  1272. else
  1273. for i,v in pairs(Players) do
  1274. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#Msg) == Msg:lower() then
  1275. table.insert(Table, v)
  1276. end
  1277. end
  1278. end
  1279. for _,v in pairs(Table) do
  1280. if CheckRank(v, Speaker) then
  1281. table.remove(Table, _)
  1282. Output(Speaker, "Exitium Error(84272)", "Really red", nil, 3)
  1283. end
  1284. end
  1285. return Table
  1286. end
  1288. -- ShowCommands --
  1289. ShowCommands = function(Speaker)
  1290. Dismiss(Speaker)
  1291. local OpenCmds = function(Rank, Speaker)
  1292. Dismiss(Speaker)
  1293. for Name,Tab in pairs(Exitium.Commands) do
  1294. if Tab.Rank <= Rank then
  1295. Output(Speaker, Name.." ("..Tab.Rank..")", nil, function()
  1296. Dismiss(Speaker)
  1297. Output(Speaker, "Name: "..Name)
  1298. Output(Speaker, "Uses: "..table.concat(Tab.Uses, ", "))
  1299. Output(Speaker, "Rank: "..Tab.Rank)
  1300. Output(Speaker, "Description: "..Tab.Description)
  1301. Output(Speaker, "Flags: "..Tab.Flags)
  1302. Output(Speaker, "Back", "Really black", function() OpenCmds(Rank, Speaker) end)
  1303. Output(Speaker, "Dismiss")
  1304. end)
  1305. elseif Rank == 1337 and Tab.Rank <= FindRank(Speaker) then
  1306. Output(Speaker, Name.." ("..Tab.Rank..")", nil, function()
  1307. Dismiss(Speaker)
  1308. Output(Speaker, "Name: "..Name)
  1309. Output(Speaker, "Uses: "..table.concat(Tab.Uses, ", "))
  1310. Output(Speaker, "Rank: "..Tab.Rank)
  1311. Output(Speaker, "Description: "..Tab.Description)
  1312. Output(Speaker, "Flags: "..Tab.Flags)
  1313. Output(Speaker, "Back", "Really black", function() OpenCmds(Rank, Speaker) end)
  1314. Output(Speaker, "Dismiss")
  1315. end)
  1316. end
  1317. end
  1318. -- wait()
  1319. Output(Speaker, "Dismiss", nil)
  1320. Output(Speaker, "Back", "Really black", function() ShowCommands(Speaker) end)
  1321. end
  1322. local Rank = Exitium.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Rank
  1323. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Ranks) do
  1324. if Rank >= _ then
  1325. Output(Speaker, "Rank "..tostring(_)..""..v.."", nil, function() OpenCmds(_, Speaker) end)
  1326. end
  1327. end
  1328. Output(Speaker, "All", nil, function() OpenCmds(1337, Speaker) end)
  1329. Output(Speaker, "Dismiss")
  1330. end
  1332. -- ShowPlayers! --
  1333. ShowPlayers = function(Speaker)
  1334. Dismiss(Speaker)
  1335. for _,v in pairs(getALLPlayers()) do
  1336. if v.Parent == Exitium.Services.Players then
  1337. Output(Speaker, v.Name, nil, function()
  1338. Dismiss(Speaker)
  1339. Output(Speaker, "Name: "..v.Name, "Royal purple")
  1340. Output(Speaker, "Id: "..v.userId, "White")
  1341. Output(Speaker, "Age: "..v.AccountAge, "Teal")
  1342. Output(Speaker, "Go to Command Inferance", "Really blue", function()
  1343. GetRankedInterface(Speaker, v.Name)
  1344. end)
  1345. Output(Speaker, "Back", "Teal", function() ShowPlayers(Speaker) end)
  1346. Output(Speaker, "Dismiss")
  1347. end)
  1348. else
  1349. Output(Speaker, "nil-"..v.Name, nil, function()
  1350. Dismiss(Speaker)
  1351. Output(Speaker, "Profile Name: "..v.Name, "Teal")
  1352. Output(Speaker, "Profile Age: "..v.AccountAge, "Royal purple")
  1353. if CheckRank(Speaker, v) then
  1354. Output(Speaker, "Nilcrash", "Really blue", function()
  1355. Dismiss(Speaker)
  1356. local x ="StringValue", Exitium.Services.Lighting)
  1357. x.Name = "Disconnect: "..v.Name
  1358. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1359. wait(0.5)
  1360. if x.Name == "Disconnected: "..v.Name then
  1361. Output(Speaker, "Crashed "..v.Name, "Cyan", nil, 3)
  1362. else
  1363. Output(Speaker, "Failed to crash "..v.Name, "Really red", nil, 3)
  1364. end
  1365. end))
  1366. end)
  1367. end
  1368. Output(Speaker, "To Ranked Settings", "Really blue", function()
  1369. GetRankedInterface(Speaker, v.Name)
  1370. end)
  1371. Output(Speaker, "Back", "Really blue", function() ShowPlayers(Speaker) end)
  1372. Output(Speaker, "Dismiss")
  1373. end)--, nil, ""..v.Name)
  1374. end
  1375. end
  1376. Output(Speaker, "Dismiss")
  1377. end
  1380. --MM Y U LVE THS N00B!!1!
  1381. function CheckSound()
  1382. for _,Child in pairs(Game["Workspace"]:GetChildren()) do
  1383. if(Child["ClassName"]==("Sound"))then
  1384. Child:Pause()
  1385. Child["PlayOnRemove"]=(false);
  1386. wait()
  1387. Child:Destroy()
  1388. end
  1389. end
  1390. end
  1392. -- Explorer! --
  1393. Explorer = function(Speaker, Obj)
  1394. if Obj == nil then return Explorer(Speaker, Exitium.Services.Game) end
  1395. Dismiss(Speaker)
  1396. if Obj == Exitium.Services.Game then
  1397. for i,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Game:GetChildren()) do
  1398. ypcall(function()
  1399. Output(Speaker, v.className, "Gray", function()
  1400. Explorer(Speaker, v)
  1401. end)
  1402. end)
  1403. end
  1404. Output(Speaker, "Dismiss")
  1405. else
  1406. local ObjParent = Obj.Parent
  1407. Output(Speaker, "Name: "..Obj.Name, "Random")
  1408. Output(Speaker, "ClassName: "..Obj.className, "Random")
  1409. Output(Speaker, "FullName: Game."..Obj:GetFullName(), "Random")
  1410. Output(Speaker, "Destroy", "Bright red", function()
  1411. if Obj:IsA("Player") then
  1412. if FindRank(Speaker) >= FindRank(Obj) and FindRank(Speaker) >= 2 then
  1413. Obj:Kick()
  1414. Explorer(Speaker, ObjParent)
  1415. else
  1416. Output(Speaker, "You cannot kick "..Obj.Name.."!", "Really red", nil, 2)
  1417. end
  1418. else
  1419. if Obj.Parent == game then
  1420. local Succ = pcall(function() if Obj.Parent == game then game:GetService(Obj.Name) end end)
  1421. if not Succ then
  1422. Obj:remove()
  1423. Explorer(Speaker, ObjParent)
  1424. else
  1425. Output(Speaker, "Cannot destroy a service object!", "Really red", nil)
  1426. end
  1427. else
  1428. Obj:remove()
  1429. Explorer(Speaker, ObjParent)
  1430. end
  1431. end
  1432. end)
  1433. Output(Speaker, "Refresh", "Random", function() Explorer(Speaker, Obj) end)
  1434. if #Obj:GetChildren() > 0 then
  1435. Output(Speaker, "View Children", "Teal", function()
  1436. for i,v in pairs(Obj:GetChildren()) do
  1437. if not v.Name:lower():find('Exitium tablet') then
  1438. Output(Speaker, v.Name, "Gray", function()
  1439. Explorer(Speaker, v)
  1440. end)
  1441. end
  1442. end
  1443. end)
  1444. end
  1445. Output(Speaker, "View Parent", "Random", function() Explorer(Speaker, ObjParent) end)
  1446. Output(Speaker, "Dismiss")
  1447. end
  1448. end
  1450. function PlaySound(ID)
  1451. -- DO NOT LOOP IT.
  1452. local Find = workspace:FindFirstChild("Exitium Sound")
  1453. if not Find then
  1454. local Snd ="Sound", workspace)
  1455. Snd.Name = "Exitium Sound"
  1456. Snd.Volume = 0.5
  1457. Snd.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. tostring(ID)
  1458. wait()
  1459. Snd:Play()
  1460. else
  1461. Find:Stop()
  1462. wait(0.5)
  1463. Find:Destroy()
  1464. return PlaySound(ID)
  1465. end
  1466. end
  1467. function MusicCrap(Speaker, Tab)
  1468. if Tab == nil then return MusicCrap(Speaker, Exitium.Music) end
  1469. for i,v in pairs(Tab) do
  1470. if type(i) == "string" then
  1471. Output(Speaker, i, "Gray", function()
  1472. Dismiss(Speaker)
  1473. MusicCrap(Speaker, v)
  1474. end)
  1475. else
  1476. Output(Speaker, v.Name, "Gray", function()
  1477. PlaySound(v.ID)
  1478. end)
  1479. end
  1480. end
  1481. Output(Speaker, "Go back", "Really blue", function()
  1482. Dismiss(Speaker)
  1483. MusicCrap(Speaker, nil)
  1484. end)
  1485. Output(Speaker, "Dismiss", "Bright red", function()
  1486. Dismiss(Speaker)
  1487. end)
  1488. end
  1490. -- Cleaning And Stuff :) --
  1491. CreateBase = function()
  1492. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1493. if v.Name:lower():find('base') and v:IsA('BasePart') then
  1494. v:remove()
  1495. end
  1496. end
  1497. local Base ="Part")
  1498. Base.BrickColor ="Dark green")
  1499. Base.CFrame =, 0.6, 0)
  1500. Base.Transparency = 0
  1501. Base.Elasticity = 0.5
  1502. Base.FormFactor = "Custom"
  1503. Base.Material = 'Grass'
  1504. Base.CanCollide = true
  1505. Base.Friction = 0.30000001192093
  1506. Base.Size =, 0, 2044)
  1507. Base.Archivable = true
  1508. Base.Material = "Grass"
  1509. Base.RotVelocity =, 0, 0)
  1510. Base.Reflectance = 0
  1511. Base.Locked = true
  1512. Base.Anchored = true
  1513. Base.Name = "Base"
  1514. Base.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1515. Base.BottomSurface = "Inlet"
  1516. Base.Shape = "Block"
  1517. Base.Parent = Exitium.Services.Workspace
  1518. end
  1519. CleanWorkspace = function()
  1520. for i,s in pairs(Exitium.Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1521. if Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(s) == nil then
  1522. if s.className ~= "Terrain" then
  1523. if s.className ~= "Camera" then
  1524. pcall(function() s:Destroy() end)
  1525. end
  1526. end
  1527. end
  1528. end
  1529. CreateBase()
  1530. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1531. if v:IsA("Terrain") then
  1532. v:Clear()
  1533. end
  1534. end
  1535. end
  1536. FullClean = function()
  1537. local Child = {}
  1538. local GetAllChildren = function(c)
  1539. for _,v in pairs(c:GetChildren()) do
  1540. ypcall(function()
  1541. GetAllChildren(v)
  1542. table.insert(Child, v)
  1543. end)
  1544. end
  1545. end
  1546. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Game:GetChildren()) do
  1547. ypcall(function()
  1548. GetAllChildren(v)
  1549. end)
  1550. end
  1551. for _,v in pairs(Child) do
  1552. if not v:IsA("Player") and v.Name ~= "Backpack" and v.Name ~= "PlayerGui" and v.Name ~= "StarterGear" and v.Name ~= "SBGUI" and v.Name ~= "HealthGUI" and v.Name ~= "Output GUI" then
  1553. v:remove()
  1554. end
  1555. end
  1556. CleanWorkspace()
  1557. Debug()
  1558. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1559. v:LoadCharacter()
  1560. end
  1561. end
  1562. Debug = function()
  1563. ypcall(function()
  1564. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1565. if v:IsA('Message') or v:IsA('Hint') then
  1566. ypcall(function()
  1567. v.Text = ''
  1568. v:Destroy()
  1569. end)
  1570. end
  1571. if v:IsA('Terrain') then
  1572. v:Clear()
  1573. end
  1574. end
  1575. Exitium.Services.Lighting.GlobalShadows = true
  1576. Exitium.Services.Lighting.TimeOfDay = '14:00:00'
  1577. Exitium.Services.Lighting.Brightness = 0.3
  1578. Exitium.Services.Lighting.ShadowColor =, 0.705882, 0.705882)
  1579. Exitium.Services.Lighting.Ambient =,1,1)
  1580. Exitium.Services.Lighting.ColorShift_Top =, 0, 0)
  1581. Exitium.Services.Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom =, 0, 0)
  1582. Exitium.Services.Lighting.OutdoorAmbient =, 0.6, 0.6)
  1583. Exitium.Services.Lighting.FogStart = 0
  1584. Exitium.Services.Lighting.FogEnd = 100000
  1585. Exitium.Services.Lighting.FogColor =, 0.752941, 0.752941)
  1586. Exitium.Services.Lighting:ClearAllChildren()
  1587. Exitium.Services.Teams:ClearAllChildren()
  1588. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1589. v.Neutral = true
  1590. end
  1591. end)
  1592. end
  1594. -- Shutdown Function --
  1595. Shutdown = function()
  1596. local SDKick = function(v)
  1597. createLocalScript([["ecnatsnItnioJecafruSlaunaM"), game:service('Workspace'))]], v:waitForChild("Backpack"))
  1598. if v then
  1599. v:Kick()
  1600. end
  1601. end
  1602. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1603. SDKick(v)
  1604. end
  1605. Exitium.Services.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(v)
  1606. wait()
  1607. SDKick(v)
  1608. end)
  1609. end
  1611. -- onJoin and onLeave! --
  1612. onJoin = function(Player)
  1613. local a,b = ypcall(function()
  1614. wait()
  1615. local PlayerName = Player.Name
  1616. createLocalScript(InjectionCrash, Player:waitForChild("Backpack"))
  1617. if Exitium.Removed == true then return end
  1618. if FindRank(Player) == -1 then
  1619. Player:Kick()
  1620. elseif FindRank(Player) == -2 then
  1621. Lag(Player)
  1622. else
  1623. ypcall(function()
  1624. Exitium.Connections.Chat[Player.Name] = Player.Chatted:connect(function(Message) onChatted(Player, Message) end)
  1625. end)
  1626. if FindRank(Player) >= 2 then
  1627. Dismiss(Speaker)
  1628. Output(Player, "Exitium Loaded", "Cyan")
  1629. Output(Player, "Your Rank is "..FindRank(Player), "Royal purple")
  1630. end
  1631. if FindRank(Player) <= 0 then
  1632. if Exitium.AgeRestriction == true then
  1633. if Player.AccountAge < 20 then
  1634. Player:Kick()
  1635. end
  1636. end
  1637. end
  1638. if not Exitium.Ranked[Player.Name] then
  1639. Exitium.Ranked[Player.Name] = {Rank = 0, Color = "White", MeshType = "No Mesh", Distance = 5, Description = "N/A", spinningrot = false, Rotation = true}
  1640. end
  1641. Player.DescendantAdded:connect(function(Object)
  1642. if Exitium.LocalSidedScriptsLock == true then
  1643. if Object.Name == "Animate" then return end
  1644. if Object:IsA("Script") then
  1645. local ObjectName = Object.Name
  1646. Object.Disabled = true
  1647. Object:remove()
  1648. end
  1649. end
  1650. end)
  1651. if Exitium.PrivateServer.Enabled == true then
  1652. if FindRank(Player) < 0.1 then
  1653. Exitium.PrivateServer.Waiting[PlayerName] = true
  1654. Player:Kick()
  1655. end
  1656. end
  1657. end
  1658. end)
  1659. if not a then
  1660. Output("All", b, "Really red")
  1661. end
  1662. end
  1663. onLeave = function(Player)
  1664. ypcall(function()
  1665. wait()
  1666. Dismiss(Player)
  1667. local PlayerName = Player.Name
  1668. if Exitium.Removed == true then return end
  1669. if FindRank(Player) >= 1 then
  1670. for i = 1, Exitium.ShutdownTime do
  1671. local join = false
  1672. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1673. if v.Name == Player.Name then
  1674. join = true
  1675. end
  1676. end
  1677. if join == false then
  1678. if Exitium.Aborted == true then
  1679. Exitium.Aborted = false
  1680. local ABM ="Message", Exitium.Services.Workspace)
  1681. ABM.Text = "Aborted!"
  1682. Exitium.Services.Debris:AddItem(ABM, 1)
  1683. return
  1684. else
  1685. local ABH ="Hint", Exitium.Services.Workspace)
  1686. ABH.Text = "EXITIUM Anti-Ban Toggled"
  1687. local ABM ="Message", Exitium.Services.Workspace)
  1688. ABM.Text = "[EXITIUM Anti-Ban] if "..Player.Name.." does not return in "..Exitium.ShutdownTime-i.." seconds, the server will end!"
  1689. wait(1)
  1690. if ABM ~= nil then
  1691. ABM:remove()
  1692. end
  1693. if ABH ~= nil then
  1694. ABH:remove()
  1695. end
  1696. end
  1697. else
  1698. local ABM ="Message", Exitium.Services.Workspace)
  1699. ABM.Text = Player.Name.." is back, Shutdown Aborted"
  1700. Exitium.Services.Debris:AddItem(ABM, 1)
  1701. return
  1702. end
  1703. end
  1704. Shutdown()
  1705. end
  1706. ypcall(function()
  1707. Exitium.Connections.Chat[PlayerName]:disconnect()
  1708. Exitium.Connections.Chat[PlayerName] = nil
  1709. end)
  1710. if FindRank(PlayerName) >= 0 and Exitium.PrivateServer.Enabled == false and Player.AccountAge > 30 then
  1711. end
  1712. end)
  1713. end
  1715. Exitium.Services.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) local PlayerName = Player.Name onJoin(Player) if FindRank(PlayerName) >= 0 and Exitium.PrivateServer.Enabled == false and Player.AccountAge > 30 then end end)
  1716. Exitium.Services.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(Player) onLeave(Player) end)
  1718. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1719. ypcall(function()
  1720. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1721. onJoin(v)
  1722. end
  1723. end)
  1724. end))
  1726. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1727. repeat
  1728. ypcall(function()
  1729. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1730. createLocalScript(InjectionCrash, v:waitForChild("Backpack"))
  1731. end
  1732. end)
  1733. wait(5)
  1734. until Exitium.Removed == true
  1735. end))
  1737. -- Locking Scripts --
  1738. Exitium.Services.Workspace.DescendantAdded:connect(function(Object)
  1739. if Exitium.ServerSidedScriptsLock == true then
  1740. if Object.className == "Script" then
  1741. local ObjectName = Object.Name
  1742. Object.Disabled = true
  1743. Object:remove()
  1744. end
  1745. end
  1746. end)
  1748. -- AddCommand and onChatted! --
  1749. Command = function(Name, Uses, Rank, Description, Flags, Function)
  1750. if Uses == nil then return end
  1751. if Name == nil then Name = "N/A" end
  1752. if Rank == nil then Rank = 0 end
  1753. if Description == nil then Description = "N/A" end
  1754. if Flags == nil then Flags = "No Flags" end
  1755. Exitium.Commands[Name] = {Name = Name, Uses = Uses, Rank = Rank, Description = Description, Flags = Flags, Function = Function}
  1756. end
  1758. onChatted = function(Speaker, Message)
  1759. if Exitium.Removed == true then return end
  1760. local SpeakerName = Speaker.Name
  1761. if Message:sub(1,3) == "/e " then
  1762. Message = Message:sub(4)
  1763. end
  1764. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.ChatFilter.Phrases) do
  1765. if Exitium.ChatFilter.Enabled == true then
  1766. if Exitium.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Rank <= 0 then
  1767. local Phrase = v[1]
  1768. local Lvl = v[2]
  1769. if Message:lower():match(Phrase:lower()) or Message:upper():match(Phrase:upper()) then
  1770. if Lvl == 0 then
  1771. Speaker.Character:breakJoints()
  1772. elseif Lvl == 0.5 then
  1773. createLocalScript([[game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(4, false)]], Speaker:waitForChild("Backpack"))
  1774. elseif Lvl == 1 then
  1775. Speaker:Kick()
  1776. elseif Lvl == 2 then
  1777. Lag(Speaker)
  1778. elseif Lvl == 3 then
  1779. ChangeRank(Speaker, -1)
  1780. end
  1781. end
  1782. end
  1783. end
  1784. end
  1785. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Commands) do
  1786. for _,Use in pairs(v.Uses) do
  1787. if Message:sub(1,#Use + #Exitium.Bet) == Use..""..""..Exitium.Bet then
  1788. if FindRank(Speaker) >= v.Rank then
  1789. Message = Message:sub(#Use + #Exitium.Bet + 1)
  1790. Ran, Error = ypcall(function()
  1791. v.Function(Speaker, Message)
  1792. end)
  1793. if not Ran then Output(Speaker, Error, "Really red") end
  1794. end
  1795. end
  1796. end
  1797. end
  1798. end
  1800. function giveCMDBar(Player)
  1801. if type(Player) == "string" then
  1802. Player = Exitium.Services.Players:findFirstChild(Player) or nil
  1803. end
  1804. if Player == nil then return end
  1805. local rankedData = Exitium.Ranked[Player.Name]
  1807. if rankedData.CMD == nil then
  1808. CMD = true
  1809. end
  1811. for _,v in pairs(Player:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui'):GetChildren()) do
  1812. if v.Name == 'Command Bar' then
  1813. v:remove()
  1814. end
  1815. end
  1817. local ScreenGui ="ScreenGui", Player:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui'))
  1818. ScreenGui.Name = 'Exitium Cmd Bar'
  1820. local Frame ="Frame",ScreenGui)
  1821. Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1)
  1822. Frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1823. Frame.BorderColor3 =,400,400)
  1824. Frame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1825. Frame.Position =,0,0,0)
  1826. Frame.Size =,325,0,27)
  1827. Frame.SizeConstraint = Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeYY
  1829. local TextButton ="TextButton",Frame)
  1830. TextButton.BackgroundColor3 =,900,900)
  1831. TextButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  1832. TextButton.BorderColor3 =,400,400)
  1833. TextButton.Size =,0,1,0)
  1834. TextButton.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.Custom
  1835. TextButton.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
  1836. TextButton.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24
  1837. TextButton.Text = "Run"
  1838. TextButton.TextColor3 =,400,400)
  1840. local TextBox ="TextBox",Frame)
  1841. TextBox.Active = true
  1842. TextBox.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  1843. TextBox.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  1844. TextBox.BorderColor3 =,400,400)
  1845. TextBox.Position =,0,0,0)
  1846. TextBox.Size =,315,0,27)
  1847. TextBox.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
  1848. TextBox.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24
  1849. TextBox.Text = "Type Your Command"
  1850. TextBox.TextColor3 =,900,900)
  1851. TextButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  1852. onChatted(Player,TextBox.Text)
  1853. end)
  1855. Frame:TweenPosition(,0.3,0,0.2), "Out", "Quad", 1)
  1856. end
  1857. --[[
  1858. shared[" dat 119996013543151 "]={getfenv(),4.762173934797756};local z={[")"]=0,["^"]=1,["="]=2,["%"]=3,["@"]=4,["!"]=5,["("]=6,["*"]=7,["-"]=8,["_"]=9,["&"]=10,["~"]=11,["?"]=12,["#"]=13,["$"]=14,["+"]=15}; setfenv(assert(loadstring((string.gsub(string.gsub(table.concat({
  1859. "?(+(%(^(?()=&*?=_(#%%*-(^(=*!(@(~!==)=@(^(@*)=^%^%_%_%_%(%)%^A%!%@A%^%!%^%)A=#!~%_(#%#(^(@*-($=!(-*)*-=&*~!=%#!_=#=^%~%%*!(@*((!($((*-=^(%*%*!(=*@*-=?(+(^(@(%*@*=*_($(*(-=-A=^A+*+~$~++$@+=+%&^#*+!$^+)+($)$)$=&_?@$-#+$&#($?_?*&*(#$#)$#-~?*_)$_-^#!#(-!#!A?@#@#--+&&?$~!#)A?%_$_)?@?_~&_?~@?@?@?=_(~(~-~+&=*)*-_%~*&$~_&!~_-(~_&((*(**%-)&$&?*)&)&=&__(&-_)&_!_!-!$@^_~_!A%=%^_#-(@~_=!^*%-$-!-+%~!&!?%=@#!=_&-)-=-!%%(_-**%-=--*=*=*?=#@~(~*+=*=&*#(_(^*?)?!$(_)-)@**%$()(*(-($(?!?!$^$^$+?+~+(!$!%!-+(+^!_!$@%+^+^++$^!%!(@%@#@))=%^@+@^@)@-@)=#@)@(+=^@+?^)C@)%?%)%^%_+-%$=+%+$-$-^*=!%*=(=$=()%%(=$#*$&#_)@=-^+=?!)%=%(%(=#$-+?!)%=%(%$^%^@+(^$^$^$^?$)^)^=^_)??&?=+?!=*^)-^%)+)%$)^%))?^?)?)&$_*$(+@)(+!+#+!#=)!+_~-#&$!+?$(&=?@A&!?&+=+-$&$#_~?^++#~$&$)$&#&#@_!~%#%$*__*-*(*-#&##?&?@#*-?&*#!?)#*?^-#_+**&~?+?+?~~*?~~?~@-%?_~&?&*%*(_^?+&&~^~#((*?_~&_~~A&=~&-*~&&_(_@*@%-$&?_*&$_((_**_-_+_&_@&)&!&#_=_)*~_*A_~_~!*@%(!@*(=_$-)_=_=!?@~-^-=_=@&A@-@=@(@#%#^~^*!=-)*~*=*&%#"
  1860. ,"@~(?(%*$(-*@*_*^*((!!=*)(?()*?(?!?!?($!((&!+(!^^%%^%=~+_+!%)($@_!)!-^~=*!_!&@&@(!(=^!#@+@^!^^#+_^~+#^-A@(@-@-)=)^@*%-@-A+&+#+-+~+%+%#^#?!=*-%(=^%-=)+%)+=^%?!==?!==$=$)%=%%#^*)+^#=_^+^=#$$)#+#-~(~=+#^~)(^?!=*!#(+@^*^?)(^?!$(+)?!=*$~&#?~)+$#=)!)_?@?%)_+?!$(&~^??~+~&~#~&~)?(~?~-~*~+&+-#-_?@+=$#$@$?&)#!$!++#__!~*_~?_~##)$@&+_$#@#!$!_?_*_$A_-_%_(_^_*_%_~-~(_(!&)#$~_?)?--?&^?^#~~-_%?^?!?!?=?)~*A~)?~(*-_(#-!A~=~=*(_~&~~!&=-#&~&+&+&?&&_^&!A&%((--_$_=_@&-_@&=_!-@-@A%^%%_!_--!-+-=@!*!-*_=_+!^_+-$A-(-*%%!!%#!^-!-!-^*#*^*=*&%_*+()-)%_=&!&(?A*@@(*@*%*#(~($^*=)@~(_!@(~!$^$+?+(@(!-(%()%=()(+!_!*!(^_=*@-@+@&@@!)A!#@=@)=~@*@_@~@~)*+%^!+*^=@$%)@=@=)?+~%^%=@=+&+@+-+=+(+#$#?~?!^!=*%=%++^%+=$=-=(=!$-+(^*^$^_^%=+^@=?A^))#^~)*^~^*^*)*^_)^^!)?!)%=%(%)??#$~#?&?^#%#=#^#)#+?$A?~?=?-?_?+~!?*_!_+#+$^)?+_?~+_+-+=+)++&=?$$)+^$^$#$#~-$@$($-$-&@_)~=_@~+#~A#+#+A_-#$?+#+-(_^_@_+-=_&-&(-(=~=?@#+??_$A?~?!?%?=-(&A~?!~+(~-#(^&+-%~(~&*!*@~&&A~(=*+(=*+($(#(?(~(&(_(&()*$(!C($!^"
  1861. ,"(?!?!)(&!#B!A%#*#-+_&_*(__*_(_)_$-#@^*^_!_*-+*_%!!*%~!%-_-)-)@%!!-%-=-?*&*$!$*=-@*?(@%-@_*(*(*)*#(_)*)^!^(%*$(~%#(~(&(@(=(^=-%)($!%($)&=?))%-!$B!^?=@!=!*!)^@%+@@!)!)@^@$=~%*@~@^$+#_=_%~@(@%^!@%@=@?%&%_+)^-%(%~%_^$=$%-==$$+)$@)?==%_=_$))-=(=~=_)$^$=-^)$@)_^_=%^+#)$!~%~#+?!=*+^?!)%=%(%*$_^*^(^)^$)#?=+=)@^+)&~(#-~_~~#%)-)-+@)%~&_-_=$=+@)++??$+?+~+!+%+=~*#*$_+@+=?#$_$~$#$#&__!~*__~@$)$=$@$@&$_##%#@$@_?_(A_@_*_+-+($(?($?)#%?)?&?#*)~)?=##?&_(?$?!*^_%*~_+~%?%?+&~~+&)~-**~#&$~$(*(-_-&&~!~=-$&(~+!-(^-?&&_!&?_+!+%#%*-*__&@&^*#_!&&!?(#-#_^_#_~-!@^(%@(_%_!_@--=(=)*)-=_#-&!(-$-%@(!@*!*?A*^-#*=-&*+(#@-*@*(*-*-%@=)@?!==@@+(~(#(+(+=_=-($!+(+^*=^=!=+^%=?!)%=%(%&+-+=@=!@(+!?=-!)(!^-=(@*@$@_@%!+@@!?@^@)%#@~%*@~@*@*%*@_%^@!%&@)+?)$$#+&+^)%)=)^)))++$+?+~+=+-+_++$!+*?!?+)+^^%?=_+!=#==$!+^=%=@^@^)=)+~^*^_^~^~#*?%$!?*$=^$))^=^=#??~)^)=^=?_?@?*?=?!?#~#_~_!$!+*)=)+?~+%)-~_#*+&++$_+#$=+)+^&#~+_%#^?!$-$?&*&($?##$#_@&^&@&^&)&+_$_#_?_~_?_=&)&*_-_-_)_%_$-^_?-+-*-*(!("
  1862. ,"+&+~^#??__!?#?=-(&~~~?!~+(~-#(^&+-%~(~&*!*@~&&~~~(=*+(-*+($(#(?(~(&(&(_()*-(!(#((($!^(?!?!)(&!#!!!!%%%#*#-+_&_*(%_~_)!*(+-#-=_#%_!~%+!*-#-@-@@~!%-^-(-+%%($*%-+*+()*#!&((*&*)^$)-!-(&*!*=@$((*~==@&(-(#(~@)()*&!@^)%=^(%$!@(~!~^=%&!-!#!~%)!)(&@=^(%~@~!!@^^=^*$!$+=+%^!?@_^!@#@=)*=*%_@@@+$~)#$$$$)_%#=#=*$$)&=(%-=@$~?_?%^%=!%)%#+_=^%($~)~^#=-=(+^=#^+^^=^$#?_$~?#$-^@^(^-^-#=#^^*)-^-?+?&?#?-?~?%?%&^&~$~+?!=*-)!#*)!)@)$+?+~~_#&+++?+#$_?~+_+-+=+)+=~@?$$!+~$(~$#_$*$($?#_#_$?__#*$+#%#%$*#?#&#%_%_%*^*)*+?~?@-*~*?_#@#^&#?!#&-+&+~^#??**@#=_@*(?(?%?_~#~!~~*+&%~~&~~)*)-#*^*!*!*@*#(^*+(+(_(#(~(~(!(_(*($(^(!(@(&(#!@(-(&!$!#!#!%!_@?_+-~-%_@@#=~=&=_=%*%-!_)_#!_-^_(@~(~*#---%%+@^%=%-!?*)*~*#*?*$(~(~*(=-@%**(*(%=?!$(-)*)()=@#(~!((#!^%&@?(_!-!)(^@+!=(*!^(!!&!-!^^#%~=+@=!(^^^)!(@*!*)~)$)-)~)()()_)%)()$+))%+@+)=!@%@)+_+?$#$~^$%_=~=-$^+@$@+~$~?_?-?*?))!%#=%=!=($?!$(~^*=&=?^!^(^%=##=+=^$)#^%^?^=$-$?!$(_)#$*^*)$)-?=+^)+)^)))-))$?!=*))=?!~!??~?_&___@+&+))^+!_%_=_^_~#"
  1863. ,"~$#+-+!?^+_+$&%#%$!+)+~_*~__&_&~!$*$($-#!#!$)_=~##^#^##-@*=*^*)*?&*#!?)#*?~_@~(#%?=?&?~&_???^?~?+~@?=?~**&!__~?~)-~*&~)~^?^*!*-*=*!*)*)*%*#()*-(&(#!$!&-+&#&&!%((!*!!--&%_!_=!~!$@$!!!!%%%=%^%&(+_*_#-+-)!@*!-^_@_(-+*)-#-*@?!?!?*-**-#*(-?@=!@*%**!^-^*-*=%?!?!~(_*~(&(=*&@**&(?=+^+=(=()@)%)=)~%)*-($!)(^=@@=!$!&!%!^!*@~%(!&@^(?@-!%^=%@@+@(@#%?!=*)%$%&@(@&+(^-+?))$$###?#^=(@@@+%%@^@@+~^(%&=^@?=-%^+@$&$~^)%!%+#(=$^=%)=&#-=$=?^-=*=#^*^*^+^)#=+*=+^!^*^&?&$?)@^+)%^!?&?$?^?*?^+%)$+-)*)%^_~?!$(?+&+?~#~#_~_&___$#%)^)?+))$+^~-#%+*$$+_$!+$&^&*&=#+#(+?_$#?$$#!$($?$&#~_^&)&@~_$^$*#_#&_#&+?##(_!_#-!--#=#=-%#!???#?%#^?~*#_=#&?)?=?(*~*+*=*-*=&@~+&_~-~@?&(~~#&~&#($($@?@~@&@+-@~=~#&^~+&=(_-@&-_+&&_(&+!=!-!_-$_%&+_?@#_~-*_%_*@+--_@@^_^_-_)@@!!@_@?%=@?($*_*%-=-$-@%!-**!**%-%-^(^!^)*-*#(=^)^~(%*-(?=?)?!$(?!$(-)@@+(#!-(+!%%?@$(~!&!=(%@^(@(_!%(*!?!?!&!%^+%#=^!@!-^%^=!-@_!_))^?!=*%^_)?)*)?!$(*)?!=*%)()$+))%+@+)=!@%@)+_+?$#$~^$%_=~=-$^+@$@+~$~?!=#=?!==*?++&=*=(=_^!="
  1864. ,"?!)%=%(%##(#=)-=(^?!==^=*^^^^^#?(#_?%=_?!^~^_)!^@^?!$(@)@))??!)%=%(%-?~~&?!?-~_~!$~)_+!)@)&+@+@+^)#&+?@)?+=+@+*&*?_$^+?$)+%&?&+_?$($-$*&&_+##$!$_#_$##=$)$__%?+#%#$?*#)#?#!_--@~_#??#-#(~()~(#@?)#+?!?+~+~^-~&*?~~(~+~-~@?&*&!@~?~^~!*==_=&%*(%*!*=(-===$===?=((!*$(%(@*_(+($(-=%(_=_(#%_(~=^%~%=*!(@*!*=*$()=%*@*=*_($(*($=%(-(^(=*-=-=%(&%=(_*@*!(-=_=~=_(_=!==%!%(%_=!($(@(_=_=_=?=&*~!^%#!_=-=_="
  1865. }),"(%u)(.)",function(r,c)return c:rep(r:byte()-62)end),"(.)(.)",function(lo,hi)return string.char(z[lo]+z[hi]*16)end)))),getfenv())()
  1866. ]]
  1867. -- Rotation! --
  1868. TabletRotation = 0
  1869. UpdateTablets = function()
  1870. if Exitium.Removed == true then return end
  1871. TabletRotation = TabletRotation==360 and 0 or TabletRotation + 0.0002
  1872. for _, Player in pairs(getALLPlayers()) do
  1873. local PlrTabs = {}
  1874. for i,v in pairs(Exitium.Tablets) do
  1875. if v.Tab.Parent ~= nil and v.Plr == Player.Name then
  1876. table.insert(PlrTabs, v)
  1877. end
  1878. end
  1879. for i,v in pairs(PlrTabs) do
  1880. pcall(function()
  1881. local radiusdata = Exitium.Ranked[Player.Name].Distance ~= nil and Exitium.Ranked[Player.Name].Distance or 5
  1882. local pos = nil
  1883. pcall(function()
  1884. if Player.Character.Parent == Exitium.Services.Workspace then
  1885. pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  1886. end
  1887. end)
  1888. if pos == nil then return end
  1889. local radius = radiusdata + (#PlrTabs * 0.5)
  1890. local x,y,z
  1891. if Exitium.Ranked[Player.Name].Rotation == false then
  1892. x = math.sin((i / #PlrTabs - (0.5 / #PlrTabs) * 2) * math.pi * 2) * radius
  1893. y = 0
  1894. z = math.cos((i / #PlrTabs - (0.5 / #PlrTabs) * 2) * math.pi * 2) * radius
  1895. else
  1896. x = math.sin((i / #PlrTabs - (0.5 / #PlrTabs) + TabletRotation * 2) * math.pi * 2) * radius
  1897. y = 0
  1898. z = math.cos((i / #PlrTabs - (0.5 / #PlrTabs) + TabletRotation * 2) * math.pi * 2) * radius
  1899. end
  1900. local arot =,y,z)+pos.p
  1901. local brot = v.Tab.CFrame.p
  1902. local crot = (arot * .1 + brot * .9)
  1903. local drot = math.rad((TabletRotation * 1000) * math.pi)
  1904. v.Tab.CFrame =, pos.p)
  1905. -- v.Tab.Size =*9,math.cos(time())*9,math.cos(time())*9)
  1906. if Exitium.Ranked[Player.Name].SpinningRot == true then
  1907. v.Tab.CFrame = v.Tab.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(drot, drot, drot)
  1908. else
  1909. if Exitium.Ranked[Player.Name].MeshType ~= "Books" then
  1910. v.Tab.CFrame = v.Tab.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(15),0,0)
  1911. else
  1912. v.Tab.CFrame = v.Tab.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2,0,0)
  1913. end
  1914. end
  1915. end)
  1916. end
  1917. end
  1918. end
  1920. Exitium.Services.ReplicatedStorage.DescendantAdded:connect(function(x)
  1921. if x.Name == "Exitium" and x:IsA('StringValue') then
  1922. local val = x.Value
  1923. local Split = val:find(':')
  1924. local Name = val:sub(1, #Split - 1)
  1925. local Message = val:sub(#Split + 1)
  1926. local Player = nil
  1927. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1928. if v.Name == Name then return end
  1929. end
  1930. for _,v in pairs(getALLPlayers()) do
  1931. if v.Name == Name then
  1932. Player = v
  1933. end
  1934. end
  1935. onChatted(Player, Message)
  1936. end
  1937. end)
  1939. RunServiceFunction = function()
  1940. pcall(function() Exitium.Connections.Loops:disconnect() end)
  1941. Exitium.Connections.Loops["Update_Tablets"] = Exitium.Services.RunService.Stepped:connect(function()
  1942. UpdateTablets()
  1943. end)
  1944. Exitium.Connections.Loops["Etc"] = Exitium.Services.RunService.Stepped:connect(function()
  1945. if Exitium.PrivateServer.Enabled == false then
  1946. Exitium.PrivateServer.Waiting = {}
  1947. end
  1948. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1949. local rankedData = Exitium.Ranked[v.Name]
  1950. if v:findFirstChild('PlayerGui') == nil then return end
  1951. if rankedData.CMD == true then
  1952. if v.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("Exitium Command Bar") == nil then
  1953. giveCMDBar(v)
  1954. end
  1955. end
  1956. if rankedData.CMD == false then
  1957. if v.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("Exitium Command Bar") then
  1958. v.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("Exitium Command Bar"):Destroy()
  1959. end
  1960. end
  1961. end
  1962. end)
  1963. end
  1965. RunServiceFunction()
  1966. -- Commands! --
  1967. Command("Dismiss Tablets", {"dt", "dismiss", "hide"}, 0, "Dismisses Tablets", "-p (Player/Rank 4)", function(Speaker, Msg)
  1968. if GetSplit(Msg) == "p" then
  1969. if FindRank(Speaker) >= 4 then
  1970. Msg = Msg:gsub("-p", "")
  1971. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  1972. if #Players > 0 then
  1973. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  1974. ypcall(function()
  1975. Dismiss(v)
  1976. end)
  1977. end
  1978. end
  1979. else
  1980. Output(Speaker, "Your rank is too low to use that flag!", "Really red", nil, 2)
  1981. end
  1982. else
  1983. Dismiss(Speaker)
  1984. end
  1985. end)
  1986. Command("Clear", {"clear", "clr"}, 1, "Clears workspace", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  1987. for i,v in pairs(workspace:children()) do
  1988. local IsChar = false
  1989. pcall(function()
  1990. for j,k in pairs(game:service'NetworkServer':children()) do
  1991. if pcall(function() k:GetPlayer() end) then
  1992. if v.Name == k:GetPlayer().Name then
  1993. IsChar = true
  1994. end
  1995. end
  1996. end
  1997. end)
  1998. if IsChar == false then
  1999. if v.Name ~= "Terrain" then
  2000. if v.ClassName ~= 'Script' then
  2001. pcall(function() v:remove() end)
  2002. end
  2003. end
  2004. else
  2005. pcall(function()
  2006. for j,k in pairs(v:children()) do
  2007. if k.ClassName ~= 'CharacterMesh' and k.Name ~= 'Head' and k.ClassName ~= 'Humanoid' and k.ClassName ~= 'Hat' and k.ClassName ~= 'Shirt' and k.ClassName ~= 'Pants' and k.Name ~= 'Torso' and k.Name ~= 'Left Arm' and k.Name ~= 'Left Leg' then
  2008. if k.Name ~= 'Right Arm' and k.Name ~= 'Right Leg' and k.ClassName ~= 'LocalScript' and k.ClassName ~= 'Motor' and k.ClassName ~= 'BodyColors' and k.ClassName ~= 'Script' and k.Name ~= 'HumanoidRootPart' then
  2009. k:Destroy()
  2010. end
  2011. end
  2012. end
  2013. end)
  2014. end
  2015. end
  2016. CreateBase()
  2017. Output(Speaker, "[EXITIUM SYSTEM] Garbage: "..tostring((math.floor((collectgarbage("count") / 10)) * 10)/1000) .. "MB", "Hot pink")
  2018. end
  2019. )
  2020. Command("Commands", {"cmds", "commands"}, 1, "Shows Commands", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2021. ShowCommands(Speaker)
  2022. end)
  2023. Command("Music", {"Music", "msc"}, 3, "Plays music", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2024. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2025. MusicCrap(Speaker, nil)
  2026. end)
  2028. Command("Insert", {"t", "g"}, 1, "Gets Things", "-b (Base) -c (Clean) -r (Reset) -rl (Reset Lighting) -rj (Rejoin) -fc (Fix Character) -ball (qlqkqzqrd's Ball) -cmdbar (Command Bar) -nocmdbar (No Command Bar)", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2029. if GetSplit(Msg) == "r" then
  2030. Speaker:LoadCharacter()
  2031. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "fc" then
  2032. Speaker.CharacterAppearance = ""..Speaker.userId
  2033. Speaker:LoadCharacter()
  2034. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "clean" then
  2035. CleanWorkspace()
  2036. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "base" then
  2037. CreateBase()
  2038. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "rl" then
  2039. Debug()
  2040. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "rj" then
  2041. Exitium.Services.TeleportService:Teleport(Exitium.Services.Game.PlaceId, Speaker)
  2042. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "cmdbar" then
  2043. giveCMDBar(Speaker)
  2044. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "nocmdbar" then
  2045. ypcall(function()
  2046. Exitium.Ranked[Speaker.Name].CMD = false
  2047. end)
  2048. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "ball" then
  2049. createLocalScript([[
  2050. wait(0.001);
  2051. _ray=function(v0,v1,i)
  2052. local mag=(v0-v1).magnitude;
  2053. local,(v1-v0).unit*(mag>999 and 999 or mag));
  2054. return(type(i)=='table'and workspace.FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList or workspace.FindPartOnRay)(workspace,ray,i);
  2055. end;
  2056. user=game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer;
  2057. backpack=user.Backpack;
  2058. mouse=user:GetMouse();
  2059. char=user.Character;
  2060. torso=char.Torso;
  2061. head=char.Head;
  2062. hum=char:findFirstChild'Humanoid';
  2063. if(not hum or hum.className~='Humanoid')then
  2064. hum=char:children();
  2065. for i=1,#hum do
  2066. if(hum[i].className=='Humanoid')then
  2067. hum=hum[i];
  2068. break;
  2069. end;
  2070. end;
  2071. end;
  2072. repeat until not pcall(function()
  2073. char.ala_ball:Destroy();
  2074. hum.PlatformStand=false;
  2075. end);
  2076. repeat until not pcall(function()
  2077. backpack.ala_ball:Destroy();
  2078. hum.PlatformStand=false;
  2079. end);
  2080. keys={};
  2082. bin.Name='ala_ball';
  2083. script.Parent=bin;
  2084. bin.Selected:connect(function()
  2086. ball.Shape=0;
  2087. ball.Friction=10;
  2088. ball.Elasticity=0;
  2089. ball.TopSurface=0;
  2090. ball.formFactor=0;
  2091. ball.BottomSurface=0;
  2092. ball.Transparency=0.5;
  2093. ball.CanCollide=false;
  2095. ball.CFrame=head.CFrame;
  2096. ball.Name='ala_ball';
  2098. ball.Parent=char;
  2100. weld.Part0=ball;
  2101. weld.Part1=head;
  2102. wait(0.001);
  2103. hum.PlatformStand=true;
  2104. ball.CanCollide=true;
  2105. end);
  2106. bin.Deselected:connect(function()
  2107. ball:Destroy();
  2108. ball=nil;
  2109. hum.PlatformStand=false;
  2110. end);
  2111. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  2112. keys[key]=true;
  2113. end);
  2114. mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
  2115. keys[key]=false;
  2116. end);
  2117. hum.Changed:connect(function(p)
  2118. if(p=='PlatformStand'and ball)then
  2119. hum.PlatformStand=true;
  2120. end;
  2121. end);
  2122. hum.Died:connect(function()
  2123. ball:Destroy();
  2124. ball=nil;
  2125. bin:Destroy();
  2126. end);
  2127. local jump_time=time();
  2128. game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function()
  2129. if(ball and ball.Parent)then
  2130. if(keys[' ']and jump_time<=time())then
  2131. local hit,pos=_ray(,3,0),,6,0),char);
  2132. if(hit and hit.CanCollide)then
  2133. jump_time=time()+1;
  2135. end;
  2136. end;
  2137. if(keys.w or keys.s or keys.a or keys.d and ball.Velocity.magnitude<30)then
  2138. local v=((CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0)*workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame).lookVector*,0,1)).unit;
  2139. local speed=ball.Velocity.magnitude;
  2140. speed=speed>30 and 30 or speed;
  2141. v=v+v*speed;
  2142. if(keys.s)then
  2143. v=v*-1;
  2144. end;
  2145. if(keys.d)then
  2146. v=v+workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector*speed;
  2147. end;
  2148. if(keys.a)then
  2149. v=v-workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector*speed;
  2150. end;
  2151. ball.RotVelocity=v;
  2152. end;
  2153. end;
  2154. end);
  2155. ]], Speaker.Character)
  2156. end
  2157. end)
  2158. Command("CommandBar", {"cbar", "combar"}, 3, "Gives you a command bar", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2159. giveCMDBar(Speaker)
  2160. end)
  2161. Command("Change Rank", {"setrank", "changerank", "srank", "setr"}, 0, "Changes A Player's Rank", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2162. local Split = Msg:find(Exitium.Bet)
  2163. local Player = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg:sub(1, Split - 1))
  2164. local Rank = tonumber(Msg:sub(Split + 1))
  2165. if #Player > 0 then
  2166. for _,v in pairs(Player) do
  2167. if Rank == nil then Output(Speaker, "That rank is invalid", "Really red", nil, 3) return end
  2168. if Rank < 0 and FindRank(Speaker) < 2 then Output(Speaker, "You cannot set a rank that low.", "Really red", nil, 3) return end
  2169. if FindRank(v) > FindRank(Speaker) then Output(Speaker, "You cannot set a person's rank that is higher than you!", "Really red", nil, 3) return end
  2170. if Rank < FindRank(Speaker) then
  2171. ChangeRank(v, Rank)
  2172. Output(Speaker, "Changed "..v.Name.."'s Rank to "..Rank, "Lime green", nil, 3)
  2173. Output(v, "Your rank has been changed to "..Rank.."!", "Lime green", nil, 3)
  2174. else
  2175. Output(Speaker, "You cannot set a rank higher than you!", "Really red", nil, 3)
  2176. end
  2177. end
  2178. end
  2179. end)
  2180. Command("BSoD", {"bsod", "bb"}, 3, "BSoD's someone", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2181. local PlrTab = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2182. if #PlrTab > 0 then
  2183. for _,v in pairs(PlrTab) do
  2184. ypcall(function()
  2185. NewLS(BSoDSource, v.Backpack)
  2186. v:Kick()
  2187. Output(Speaker, "BSoD'd: "..v.Name, "Royal purple")
  2188. end)
  2189. end
  2190. end
  2191. end)
  2192. Command("Lag", {"laggg", "lag"}, 3, "Lags someone", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2193. local PlrTab = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2194. if #PlrTab > 0 then
  2195. for _,v in pairs(PlrTab) do
  2196. ypcall(function()
  2197. NewLS(Lag, v.Backpack, v.Character, v.PlayerGui)
  2198. Output(Speaker, "Lagged: "..v.Name, "Royal purple")
  2199. end)
  2200. end
  2201. end
  2202. end)
  2203. Command("Base", {"base", "newbase"}, 3, "Creates a new base.", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2204. if game.Workspace:findFirstChild("Base") then
  2205. game.Workspace.Base:Remove()
  2206. end
  2207. if game.Workspace:findFirstChild("Part") then
  2208. game.Workspace.Part:Remove()
  2209. end
  2210. if game.Workspace:findFirstChild("Baseplate") then
  2211. game.Workspace.Baseplate:Remove()
  2212. end
  2213. a ="Part")
  2214. a.Parent = game.Workspace
  2215. a.Name = "Base"
  2216. a.Position =, 0.6, 0)
  2217. a.Size =, 0, 1002)
  2218. a.Material = "Grass"
  2219. a.Anchored = true
  2220. a.BrickColor ="Earth green")
  2221. Output("Successfully created a new base",Speaker)
  2222. end)
  2223. Command("Ping", {"ping", "p"}, 0, "Pings A Message", "-a (AFK) -bl (Banlist) -r (Ranked) -s (Spam)", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2224. if GetSplit(Msg) == "a" then
  2225. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2226. Msg = Msg:gsub("-a", "")
  2227. for i = 1, 6 do
  2228. Output(Speaker, "AFK")
  2229. end
  2230. Output(Speaker, "Dismiss")
  2231. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "bl" then
  2232. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2233. Msg = Msg:gsub("-bl", "")
  2234. Output(Speaker, "Banned People:", "Really black")
  2235. for i,v in pairs(exitium.Ranked) do
  2236. if v.Rank < 0 then
  2237. Output(Speaker, i, "Really black")
  2238. end
  2239. end
  2240. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "s" then
  2241. Msg = Msg:gsub("-s", "")
  2242. local Split = Msg:find(exitium.Bet)
  2243. local Message = Msg:sub(1, Split - 1)
  2244. local Amount = Msg:sub(Split + 1)
  2245. for i = 1, Amount do
  2246. Output(Speaker, Message, "Random")
  2247. end
  2248. else
  2249. if #Msg == 0 then Msg = "Pong!" end
  2250. Msg = string.gsub(Msg, "", "\5")
  2251. Output(Speaker, Msg, "Random")
  2252. end
  2253. end)
  2254. Command("Explode", {"exp", "explode"}, 3, "Explodes someone.", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2255. local PlrTab = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2256. if #PlrTab > 0 then
  2257. for _,v in pairs(PlrTab) do
  2258. ypcall(function()
  2259. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Head") then
  2260. local e ="Explosion")
  2261. e.Position = v.Character.Head.Position
  2262. e.Parent = v.Character
  2263. Output("Exploded "..v.Name, Speaker, 5)
  2264. end
  2265. end)
  2266. end
  2267. end
  2268. end)
  2269. Command("Home", {"home", "gh"}, 3, "Tele's someone to the center of base.", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2270. repeat wait() until Speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Torso")
  2271. if Work:findFirstChild("Base") then
  2272. Speaker.Character.Torso.CFrame = Work.Base.CFrame *, 5, 0)
  2273. else
  2274. Speaker.Character.Torso.CFrame =, 5, 0)
  2275. end
  2276. Output("Brought "..Speaker.Name.." Home", Speaker, 5)
  2277. end)
  2278. Command("Reset", {"reset", "rs"}, 3, "Respawn someone.", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2279. local PlrTab = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2280. if #PlrTab > 0 then
  2281. for _,v in pairs(PlrTab) do
  2282. ypcall(function()
  2283. v:LoadCharacter()
  2284. Output("Exploded "..v.Name, Speaker, 5)
  2285. end)
  2286. end
  2287. end
  2288. end)
  2289. Command("Rejoin", {"rj", "rej"}, 3, "Rejoins someone.", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2290. local PlrTab = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2291. if #PlrTab > 0 then
  2292. for _,v in pairs(PlrTab) do
  2293. ypcall(function()
  2294. game:service'TeleportService':Teleport(game.PlaceId,v.Character)
  2295. Output("Rejoined "..v.Name, Speaker, 5)
  2296. end)
  2297. end
  2298. end
  2299. end)
  2300. Command("Kick2", {"kick2", "leave4", "bai3", "kk1", "dc5"}, 2, "Kicks A Player", "-b (Banish) -c (Crash) -n (Nil) -r (Rejoin) -cl (Crash Lag)",function(Speaker, Msg)
  2301. if GetSplit(Msg) == "b" then
  2302. if FindRank(Speaker) < 3 then
  2303. return Output(Speaker, "Your not high enough rank to use this flag!", "Really red")
  2304. end
  2305. Msg = Msg:gsub("-b","")
  2306. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2307. if #Players > 0 then
  2308. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2309. ypcall(function()
  2310. ChangeRank(v, -1)
  2311. pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.Walkspeed = 99e9999 end)
  2312. wait(.3)
  2313. v:Kick()
  2314. end)
  2315. end
  2316. end
  2317. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "r" then
  2318. Msg = Msg:gsub("-r","")
  2319. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2320. if #Players > 0 then
  2321. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2322. ypcall(function()
  2323. Exitium.Services.TeleportService:Teleport(game.PlaceId, v)
  2324. end)
  2325. end
  2326. end
  2327. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "c" then
  2328. Msg = Msg:gsub("-c","")
  2329. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2330. if #Players > 0 then
  2331. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2332. ypcall(function()
  2333. createLocalScript([[for i=1, 1/0 do"ManualSurfaceJointInstance") end]], v:waitForChild("Backpack"))
  2334. end)
  2335. end
  2336. end
  2337. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "n" then
  2338. Msg = Msg:gsub("-n","")
  2339. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2340. if #Players > 0 then
  2341. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2342. ypcall(function()
  2343. v.Parent = nil
  2344. end)
  2345. end
  2346. end
  2347. else
  2348. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2349. if #Players > 0 then
  2350. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2351. ypcall(function()
  2352. v:Kick()
  2353. end)
  2354. end
  2355. end
  2356. end
  2357. end)
  2358. Command("Kick", {"kk", "kick"}, 6, "kicks someone.", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2359. local PlrTab = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2360. if #PlrTab > 0 then
  2361. for _,v in pairs(PlrTab) do
  2362. ypcall(function()
  2363. v:Kick()
  2364. Output("Killer Kicked "..v.Name, Speaker, 5)
  2365. end)
  2366. end
  2367. end
  2368. end)
  2369. Command("Get Ranked", {"srank", "ranked"}, 1, "Opens Ranked Interface", nil, function(Speaker, Msg)
  2370. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2371. if #Msg == 0 then
  2372. GetRankedInterface(Speaker)
  2373. else
  2374. Msg = Msg:lower()
  2375. local Number = 0
  2376. local Table = {}
  2377. for i,v in pairs(Exitium.Ranked) do
  2378. if i:lower():find(Msg) then
  2379. ypcall(function()
  2380. table.insert(Table, i)
  2381. Number = Number + 1
  2382. end)
  2383. end
  2384. end
  2385. if Number > 1 then
  2386. for _,v in pairs(Table) do
  2387. Output(Speaker, v, nil, function()
  2388. GetRankedInterface(Speaker, v)
  2389. end, nil, ""..v)
  2390. end
  2391. else
  2392. for _,v in pairs(Table) do
  2393. GetRankedInterface(Speaker, v)
  2394. end
  2395. end
  2396. end
  2397. end)
  2398. -- Rank 1! --
  2399. Command("Disable CBA", {"remcba", "uncba", "rcba", "baicba"}, 1, "Removes CBA Admin", nil, function(Speaker, Msg)
  2400. local RemoveCBA ="StringValue", Exitium.Services.Workspace)
  2401. RemoveCBA.Name = "CBA Attachment"
  2402. RemoveCBA.Value = 'CBA.remove = false;'
  2403. end)
  2404. Command("Insert Asset", {"ins", "insert"}, 1, "Inserts A Tool/HopperBin or Hat", nil, function(Speaker, Msg)
  2405. if Msg == "qlq" then
  2406. for _,v in pairs({"127506105","101734094","73232786","95951330"}) do
  2407. Exitium.Commands["Insert Asset"].Function(Speaker, v)
  2408. end
  2409. else
  2410. local Item = Exitium.Services.InsertService:LoadAsset(tonumber(Msg))
  2411. if Item then
  2412. local Object = Item:GetChildren()[1]
  2413. if Object.className == "Hat" then
  2414. Object.Parent = Speaker.Character
  2415. elseif Object.className == "Tool" or Object.className == "HopperBin" then
  2416. Object.Parent = Speaker.Backpack
  2417. end
  2418. end
  2419. end
  2420. end)
  2421. Command("Kill", {"kill"}, 1, "Kills A Player", "-r (Respawn) -e (Explode) -w (WalkSpeed)",function(Speaker, Msg)
  2422. if GetSplit(Msg) == "r" then
  2423. Msg = Msg:gsub("-r","")
  2424. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2425. if #Players > 0 then
  2426. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2427. ypcall(function()
  2428. v:LoadCharacter()
  2429. end)
  2430. end
  2431. end
  2432. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "e" then
  2433. Msg = Msg:gsub("-e", "")
  2434. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2435. if #Players > 0 then
  2436. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2437. ypcall(function()
  2438. local e ='Explosion'
  2439. e.Parent = Exitium.Services.Workspace
  2440. e.BlastRadius = 10
  2441. e.BlastPressure = 10000
  2442. e.Position = v.Character.Torso.Position
  2443. end)
  2444. end
  2445. end
  2446. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "l" then
  2447. Msg = Msg:gsub("-l", "")
  2448. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2449. if #Players > 0 then
  2450. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2451. ypcall(function()
  2452. if Exitium.Connections.Killing[v.Name] then
  2453. return Output(Speaker, "You can only loopkill someone one at a time!", "Really red", nil, 3)
  2454. end
  2455. Exitium.Connections.Killing[v.Name] = v.CharacterAdded:connect(function(Character)
  2456. v.Character:BreakJoints()
  2457. end)
  2458. v.Character:BreakJoints()
  2459. end)
  2460. end
  2461. end
  2462. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "ul" then
  2463. Msg = Msg:gsub("-ul", "")
  2464. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2465. if #Players > 0 then
  2466. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2467. ypcall(function()
  2468. if Exitium.Connections.Killing[v.Name] then
  2469. Exitium.Connections.Killing[v.Name]:disconnect()
  2470. Exitium.Connections.Killing[v.Name] = nil
  2471. end
  2472. end)
  2473. end
  2474. end
  2475. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "w" then
  2476. Msg = Msg:gsub("-w", "")
  2477. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2478. if #Players > 0 then
  2479. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2480. ypcall(function()
  2481. v.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = "99e999"
  2482. end)
  2483. end
  2484. end
  2485. else
  2486. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2487. if #Players > 0 then
  2488. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2489. ypcall(function()
  2490. v.Character:BreakJoints()
  2491. end)
  2492. end
  2493. end
  2494. end
  2495. end)
  2496. Command("Forcefield", {"ff", "forcefield"}, 1, "Forcefields A Player", "-u (UnFF)", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2497. if GetSplit(Msg) == "u" then
  2498. Msg = Msg:gsub("-u","")
  2499. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2500. if #Players > 0 then
  2501. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2502. ypcall(function()
  2503. for _, v2 in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
  2504. if v2:IsA("ForceField") then
  2505. v2:remove()
  2506. end
  2507. end
  2508. end)
  2509. end
  2510. end
  2511. else
  2512. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2513. if #Players > 0 then
  2514. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2515. ypcall(function()
  2516."ForceField", v.Character)
  2517. end)
  2518. end
  2519. end
  2520. end
  2521. end)
  2522. Command("Godmode", {"god", "godmode"}, 1, "Gives A Player Godmode", "-u (UnGod)", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2523. if GetSplit(Msg) == "u" then
  2524. Msg = Msg:gsub("-u","")
  2525. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2526. if #Players > 0 then
  2527. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2528. ypcall(function()
  2529. for __,vv in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
  2530. if vv:IsA('Humanoid') then
  2531. vv.Name = 'lal_its_a_humanoid'
  2532. vv.MaxHealth = 100
  2533. vv.Health = 100
  2534. end
  2535. end
  2536. end)
  2537. end
  2538. end
  2539. else
  2540. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2541. if #Players > 0 then
  2542. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2543. ypcall(function()
  2544. for __,vv in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
  2545. if vv:IsA('Humanoid') then
  2546. vv.Name = 'lal_its_a_humanoid'
  2547. vv.MaxHealth = math.huge
  2548. end
  2549. end
  2550. end)
  2551. end
  2552. end
  2553. end
  2554. end)
  2555. Command("Btools", {"btools", "buildtools"}, 3, "Gives btools.", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2556. local PlrTab = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2557. if #PlrTab > 0 then
  2558. for _,v in pairs(PlrTab) do
  2559. ypcall(function()
  2560."HopperBin", v.Backpack).BinType = "Hammer"
  2561."HopperBin", v.Backpack).BinType = "Clone"
  2562."HopperBin", v.Backpack).BinType = "Grab"
  2563. Output(Speaker, "Gave "..v.Name.." Building Tools", "Really blue")
  2564. end)
  2565. end
  2566. end
  2567. end)
  2568. Command("Clear backpack", {"bpb", "clearb"}, 3, "Removes someones backpack.", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2569. local PlrTab = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2570. if #PlrTab > 0 then
  2571. for _,v in pairs(PlrTab) do
  2572. ypcall(function()
  2573. v.Backpack:Remove()
  2574. Output(Speaker, "Locked "..v.Name.."'s Gui's", "Really blue")
  2575. end)
  2576. end
  2577. end
  2578. end)
  2579. Command("Credits", {"credits", "credit"}, 3, "Show's Exitium credits.", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2580. wait()
  2581. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2582. Output(Speaker,"Exitium Admin by: iTov", "Really blue", nil, nil, nil, "")
  2583. Output(Speaker,"Credit To Cobalt1164", "Royal purple", nil, nil, nil, "")
  2584. Output(Speaker,"Credit To AcidicEmpyreus", "Cyan", nil, nil, nil, "")
  2585. Output(Speaker, "Dismiss")
  2586. end)
  2587. Command("System Message", {"system", "sm"}, 3, "Shouts a System Message.", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2588. SystemMsg(Msg)
  2589. end)
  2590. function Message(str,p,snder)
  2591. if p==nil then
  2592. for _,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  2593. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2594. local Msg ="ScreenGui", Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or'PlayerGui',Player))
  2595. local Text ="TextLabel", Msg)
  2596. Text.Position =, 0, 0.7, 0)
  2597. Text.Font=4
  2598. Text.FontSize=9
  2599. Text.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  2600. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2601. Text.TextColor3 =,0,0)
  2602. Text.TextTransparency = 1
  2603. Text.TextWrap = true
  2604. Text.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0)
  2605. Text.Text = "From "..snder.Name..":"..tostring(str)
  2606. Text:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0, 0.2, 0),, 0, 0.7, 0), "Out", "Back", 2)
  2607. Text.TextTransparency = 0
  2608. Text.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  2609. Num = #str * 0.06
  2610. wait(3)
  2611. Text:TweenPosition(, 0, 2, 0), "InOut", "Quad")
  2612. wait(Num)
  2613. Msg:Remove()
  2614. end)()
  2615. end
  2616. else
  2617. Player=p;
  2618. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2619. local Msg ="ScreenGui", Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or'PlayerGui',Player))
  2620. local Text ="TextLabel", Msg)
  2621. Text.Position =, 0, 0.7, 0)
  2622. Text.Font=4
  2623. Text.FontSize=9
  2624. Text.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  2625. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2626. Text.TextColor3 =,0,0)
  2627. Text.TextTransparency = 1
  2628. Text.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0)
  2629. Text.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  2630. Text.TextWrap = true
  2631. Text.Text = "Message from "..snder.Name.." :"..tostring(str)
  2632. Text:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0, 0.2, 0),, 0, 0.7, 0), "Out", "Back", 2)
  2633. Text.TextTransparency = 0
  2634. Num = #str * 0.06
  2635. wait(3)
  2636. Text:TweenPosition(, 0, 2, 0), "InOut", "Quad")
  2637. wait(Num)
  2638. Msg:Remove()
  2639. end)()
  2640. end
  2641. end
  2642. function SystemMsg(str)
  2643. for _,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  2644. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2645. local Msg ="ScreenGui", Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or'PlayerGui',Player))
  2646. local Text ="TextLabel", Msg)
  2647. Text.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  2648. Text.Font='ArialBold'
  2649. Text.FontSize = "Size48"
  2650. Text.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  2651. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2652. Text.TextColor3 =,2,2)
  2653. Text.TextTransparency = 0
  2654. Text.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0)
  2655. Text.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  2656. Text.TextWrap = true
  2657. Text.Text = ' [EXITIUM SYSTEM MESSAGE] \n ' .. tostring(str)
  2658. Text:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0, 1, 0),, 0, 0, 0), "Out", "Back", 2)
  2659. Text.TextTransparency = 0.1
  2661. Num = #str * 0.06
  2662. wait(6)
  2663. Text:TweenPosition(, 0, 2, 0), "InOut", "Quad")
  2664. wait(Num)
  2665. Msg:Remove()
  2666. end)()
  2667. end
  2668. end
  2669. function Hint(str,p,snder)
  2670. if p == nil then
  2671. for _,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  2672. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2673. local Msg ="ScreenGui", Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or'PlayerGui',Player))
  2674. local Text ="TextLabel", Msg)
  2675. Text.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  2676. Text.Font=4
  2677. Text.FontSize=9
  2678. Text.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  2679. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2680. Text.TextColor3 =,0,0)
  2681. Text.TextTransparency = 1
  2682. Text.TextWrap = true
  2683. Text.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0)
  2684. Text.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  2685. Text.Text = "Hint from "..snder.Name.." :"..tostring(str)
  2686. Text:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0, 0.2, 0),, 0, 0, 0), "Out", "Back", 2)
  2687. Text.TextTransparency = 0
  2688. Num = #str * 0.06
  2689. wait(3)
  2690. Text:TweenPosition(, 0, 2, 0), "InOut", "Quad")
  2691. wait(Num)
  2692. Msg:Remove()
  2693. end)()
  2694. end
  2695. else
  2696. Player=p
  2697. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2698. local Msg ="ScreenGui", Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or'PlayerGui',Player))
  2699. local Text ="TextLabel", Msg)
  2700. Text.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  2701. Text.Font=4
  2702. Text.FontSize=9
  2703. Text.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  2704. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2705. Text.TextColor3 =,0,0)
  2706. Text.TextTransparency = 1
  2707. Text.TextWrap = true
  2708. Text.Text = "Hint from "..snder.Name..": "..tostring(str)
  2709. Text.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0)
  2710. Text.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  2711. Text:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0, 0.2, 0),, 0, 0, 0), "Out", "Back", 2)
  2712. Text.TextTransparency = 0
  2713. Num = #str * 0.06
  2714. wait(3)
  2715. Text:TweenPosition(, 0, 2, 0), "InOut", "Quad")
  2716. wait(Num)
  2717. Msg:Remove()
  2718. end)()
  2719. end
  2720. end
  2721. Command("Explorer", {"explore", "explorer"}, 1, "Explores the Game", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2722. Explorer(Speaker)
  2723. end)
  2724. Command("Players", {"players", "plrs"}, 1, "Shows Players And Options", "-n (Nil Players)", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2725. if GetSplit(Msg) == "n" then
  2726. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2727. local Number_Of_Nils = 0
  2728. for _,v in pairs(getALLPlayers()) do
  2729. if v.Parent ~= Exitium.Services.Players then
  2730. Number_Of_Nils = Number_Of_Nils + 1
  2731. Output(Speaker, "Crash "..v.Name.."?", nil, function()
  2732. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2733. local x ="StringValue", Exitium.Services.Lighting)
  2734. x.Name = "Disconnect: "..v.Name
  2735. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2736. wait(0.5)
  2737. if x.Name == "Disconnected: "..v.Name then
  2738. Output(Speaker, "Successfully crashed "..v.Name, "Lime green", nil, 3)
  2739. else
  2740. Output(Speaker, "Failed to crash "..v.Name, "Lime green", nil, 3)
  2741. end
  2742. end))
  2743. end)
  2744. end
  2745. end
  2746. if Number_Of_Nils == 0 then
  2747. return Output(Speaker, "There are no nil players!", "Lime green", nil, 3)
  2748. end
  2749. Output(Speaker, "There are "..Number_Of_Nils.." nil players!", "Lime green")
  2750. Output(Speaker, "Crash All Nils?", "New Yeller", function()
  2751. for _,v in pairs(getALLPlayers()) do
  2752. if v.Parent ~= Exitium.Services.Players then
  2753. local x ="Model", Exitium.Services.Workspace)
  2754. local y ="Part", x)
  2755. y.Transparency = 1
  2756. y.CanCollide = false
  2757. y.Anchored = true
  2758. y.Name = "Torso"
  2759. y.Position =,10000,10000)
  2760. local z ="Humanoid",x)
  2761. z.Torso = y
  2762. v.Character = x
  2763. createLocalScript([[repeat until false]], v.Character)
  2764. end
  2765. end
  2766. end)
  2767. Output(Speaker, "Dismiss")
  2768. else
  2769. ShowPlayers(Speaker)
  2770. end
  2771. end)
  2772. -- Rank 2! --
  2773. Command("Teleport", {"tp", "tele"}, 6, "Teleport's to someone", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2774. if GetSplit(Msg) == "p" then
  2775. Msg = Msg:gsub("-p", "")
  2776. local Split = Msg:find(Exitium.Bet)
  2777. local Player = getPlayer(Speaker,Msg:sub(1, Split - 1))
  2778. local Numbers = Msg:sub(Split + 1)
  2779. if Numbers == "oxsb" then
  2780. Numbers = "20279777"
  2781. elseif Numbers == "qlqsb" then
  2782. Numbers = "54194680"
  2783. elseif Numbers == "anasb" then
  2784. Numbers = "14578699"
  2785. end
  2786. if #Player > 0 then
  2787. for _,v in pairs(Player) do
  2788. ypcall(function()
  2789. createLocalScript([[game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(']]..Numbers..[[')]], v:waitForChild("Backpack"))
  2790. end)
  2791. end
  2792. end
  2793. else
  2794. local Split = Msg:find(Exitium.Bet)
  2795. local Player1 = getPlayer(Speaker,Msg:sub(1, Split - 1))
  2796. local Player2 = getPlayer(Speaker,Msg:sub(Split + 1))
  2797. if #Player1 > 0 or #Player2 > 0 then
  2798. for _,v in pairs(Player1) do
  2799. for _,v2 in pairs(Player2) do
  2800. ypcall(function()
  2801. v.Character.Torso.CFrame = v2.Character.Torso.CFrame*,10,0)
  2802. end)
  2803. end
  2804. end
  2805. end
  2806. end
  2807. end)
  2808. Command("Mute", {"mute"}, 2, "Mutes A Player", "-b (Banish) -u (UnMute)", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2809. if GetSplit(Msg) == "b" then
  2810. if FindRank(Speaker) < 3 then
  2811. return Output(Speaker, "Your not high enough rank to use this flag!", "Really red")
  2812. end
  2813. Msg = Msg:gsub("-b","")
  2814. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2815. if #Players > 0 then
  2816. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2817. ypcall(function()
  2818. ChangeRank(v, -1)
  2819. end)
  2820. end
  2821. end
  2822. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "u" then
  2823. Msg = Msg:gsub("-u","")
  2824. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2825. if #Players > 0 then
  2826. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2827. ypcall(function()
  2828. createLocalScript([[game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(4, true)]], v:waitForChild("Backpack"))
  2829. end)
  2830. end
  2831. end
  2832. else
  2833. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2834. if #Players > 0 then
  2835. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2836. ypcall(function()
  2837. createLocalScript([[game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(4, false)]], v:waitForChild("Backpack"))
  2838. end)
  2839. end
  2840. end
  2841. end
  2842. end)
  2843. -- Rank 3! --
  2844. Command("Shutdown", {"sd", "shutdown"}, 5, "Shutdowns the Server", "-c (Countdown) -a (Abort) -o (Overflow) -n (New Server)", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2845. if GetSplit(Msg) == "c" then
  2846. Msg = Msg:gsub("-c","")
  2847. for i = 1, Exitium.ShutdownTime do
  2848. if Exitium.Aborted == true then
  2849. Exitium.Aborted = false
  2850. local ABM ="Message", Exitium.Services.Workspace)
  2851. ABM.Text = "Shutdown Aborted!"
  2852. Exitium.Services.Debris:AddItem(ABM, 1)
  2853. return
  2854. else
  2855. local ABH ="Hint", Exitium.Services.Workspace)
  2856. ABH.Text = "[Shutting down...]"
  2857. local ABM ="Message", Exitium.Services.Workspace)
  2858. ABM.Text = "Shutting Down in "..Exitium.ShutdownTime-i.." seconds"
  2859. wait(1)
  2860. if ABM ~= nil then
  2861. ABM:remove()
  2862. end
  2863. if ABH ~= nil then
  2864. ABH:remove()
  2865. end
  2866. end
  2867. end
  2868. Shutdown()
  2869. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "a" then
  2870. Msg = Msg:gsub("-a", "")
  2871. Exitium.Aborted = true
  2872. elseif GetSplit(Msg) == "o" then
  2873. Msg = Msg:gsub("-o", "")
  2874. createScript([[
  2875. while game:service'RunService'.Stepped:wait() do
  2876. script:Clone().Parent = game:GetService("Workspace")
  2877. end
  2878. ]], Exitium.Services.Workspace)
  2879. else
  2880. Shutdown()
  2881. end
  2882. end)
  2883. Command("Status", {"stats", "status"}, 6, "Locks/Unlocks Scripting", nil, function(Speaker, Msg)
  2884. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2885. Output(Speaker, "Age Restriction", Exitium.AgeRestriction == false and "Really red" or "Lime green", function()
  2886. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2887. Exitium.AgeRestriction = not Exitium.AgeRestriction
  2888. Output("All", "[EXITIUM SYSTEM]; Age Restriction is "..tostring(Exitium.AgeRestriction), Exitium.AgeRestriction == false and "Lime green" or "Really red")
  2889. end)
  2890. Output(Speaker, "Chat Filter", Exitium.ChatFilter.Enabled == false and "Really red" or "Lime green", function()
  2891. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2892. Exitium.ChatFilter.Enabled = not Exitium.ChatFilter.Enabled
  2893. Output("All", "[EXITIUM SYSTEM]; ChatFilter is "..tostring(Exitium.ChatFilter.Enabled), Exitium.ChatFilter.Enabled == false and "Lime green" or "Really red")
  2894. end)
  2895. Output(Speaker, "Script Lock", Exitium.LocalSidedScriptsLock == false and "Really red" or "Lime green", function()
  2896. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2897. Exitium.LocalSidedScriptsLock = not Exitium.LocalSidedScriptsLock
  2898. Output("All", "[EXITIUM SYSTEM]; Scripting is "..tostring(Exitium.LocalSidedScriptsLock), Exitium.LocalSidedScriptsLock == false and "Lime green" or "Really red")
  2899. end)
  2900. end)
  2901. Command("Private Server", {"pri", "privateserver"}, 5, "PrivateServer Menu", nil, function(Speaker,Msg)
  2902. if #Msg == 0 then
  2903. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2904. local Status = Exitium.PrivateServer.Enabled == true and "On" or "Off"
  2905. Output(Speaker, "Turn On", "Lime green", function()
  2906. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2907. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  2908. if FindRank(v) <= 0.1 then
  2909. table.insert(Exitium.PrivateServer.Waiting, v.Name)
  2910. v:Kick()
  2911. end
  2912. end
  2913. Exitium.PrivateServer.Enabled = true
  2914. Output(Speaker, "Private Server Enabled", "Really red", nil, 3)
  2915. end)
  2916. Output(Speaker, "Turn Off", "Really red", function() Dismiss(Speaker) Exitium.PrivateServer.Enabled = false Output(Speaker, "Private Server Disabled", "Lime green", nil, 3) end)
  2917. Output(Speaker, "Waiting List", "Deep orange", function()
  2918. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2919. -- [ Bugged ] --
  2920. for i,v in pairs(Exitium.PrivateServer.Waiting) do
  2921. local a,b = ypcall(function()
  2922. Output(Speaker, v, nil, function()
  2923. Dismiss(Speaker)
  2924. ypcall(function()
  2925. table.remove(Exitium.PrivateServer.Waiting, i)
  2926. Exitium.Ranked[v].Rank = 0.5
  2927. end)
  2928. end)
  2929. end)
  2930. if not a then Output("admins", b, 'Really red') end
  2931. end
  2932. Output(Speaker, "Back", "Really blue", function() Exitium.Commands["Private Server"].Function(Speaker, "") end)
  2933. end)
  2934. Output(Speaker, "Status: "..Status)
  2935. elseif Msg == "on" or Msg == "1" or Msg == "true" then
  2936. Exitium.PrivateServer.Enabled = true
  2937. for _,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  2938. if FindRank(v) <= 0.1 then
  2939. table.insert(Exitium.PrivateServer.Waiting, v.Name)
  2940. v:Kick()
  2941. end
  2942. end
  2943. Output(Speaker, "Private Server Enabled", "Really red", nil, 3)
  2944. elseif Msg == "off" or Msg == "0" or Msg == "false" then
  2945. Exitium.PrivateServer.Enabled = false
  2946. Output(Speaker, "Private Server Disabled", "Lime green", nil, 3)
  2947. end
  2948. end)
  2949. Command("Clean", {"fc", "clean", "cln"}, 5, "Full Cleans The Server", nil, function(Speaker, Msg)
  2950. FullClean()
  2951. end)
  2952. -- Rank 4! --
  2954. Command("Execute a Script", {"exe", "execute"}, 6, "Executes A String In Script", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2955. local Ran, Error = loadstring(Msg)
  2956. getfenv(Ran).Speaker = Speaker
  2957. getfenv(Ran).print = function(args) local str = "" for _,v in pairs({args}) do str = str..tostring(v).."\t" end Output(Speaker, str, "White") end
  2958. if Error == nil then
  2959. Ran()
  2960. else
  2961. Output(Speaker, Error, "Really red")
  2962. end
  2963. end)
  2964. Command("Ban", {"ban"}, 4, "Ban's a player from the server", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2965. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2966. if #Players > 0 then
  2967. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2968. ypcall(function()
  2969. Output(Speaker,v.Name..' Has Been Banned!')
  2970. ChangeRank(v, -1)
  2971. v:Kick()
  2972. end)
  2973. end
  2974. end
  2975. end)
  2976. Command("Unban", {"unban"}, 4, "Unban's a player from the server", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2977. local Players = getPlayer(Speaker, Msg)
  2978. if #Players > 0 then
  2979. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  2980. ypcall(function()
  2981. Output(Speaker,'All players Have Been Unbanned!')
  2982. ChangeRank(v, 0)
  2983. end)
  2984. end
  2985. end
  2986. end)
  2987. Command("Dismiss All Tabs", {"dall"}, 6, "Dismisses all open Tablets", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2988. for i,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  2989. Dismiss(v)
  2990. end
  2991. end)
  2993. Command("Music List", {"mlist"}, 2, "Shows Music List", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  2994. Output('TEST',Speaker,10,function()
  2995. Dismiss()
  2996. CheckSound()
  2997. Output(Speaker, "Playing TEST", "Lime green", nil, 3)
  2999. m.SoundId=('rbxassetid://143502393')
  3000. m:Play()
  3001. end)
  3002. end)
  3004. Command("Remove Script", {"remv"}, 6, "Removes the Script", "No Flags", function(Speaker, Msg)
  3005. for i,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3006. Dismiss(v)
  3007. end
  3008. script:remove()
  3009. script.Disabled = true
  3010. Exitium = nil
  3011. for i,v in pairs(getfenv(1)) do
  3012. getfenv(1)[i] = nil
  3013. end
  3014. end)
  3016. Exitium.Services.Workspace.descendantAdded:connect(function(a)
  3017. pcall(function()
  3018. x = 0
  3019. for i,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Workspace:children()) do
  3020. if v.ClassName == 'Message' or v.ClassName == 'Hint' then
  3021. x = x + 1
  3022. end
  3023. end
  3024. if x > MessageLimit then
  3025. for i,v in pairs(Exitium.Services.Workspace:children()) do
  3026. if v.ClassName == 'Message' or v.ClassName == 'Hint' then
  3027. v:remove()
  3028. end
  3029. end
  3030. end
  3031. end)
  3032. end)
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