

May 3rd, 2016
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  1. Installation
  3.     Make sure you have Node.js( installed, and you have restarted your computer if you just ran the installation.
  4.     Make sure you have replay enabled in World of Warships.
  5.     Clone this repo.
  6.     Make sure there is no open web page with address: http://localhost:8080
  7.     Run install.bat.
  8.     You should see a web page open on http://localhost:8080, like this: Installation
  10.         If you leave or refresh this page, installation will be cancelled, and you will need to run install.bat again.
  11.         Change World of Warships Location to where you installed World of Warships, it is usually the default value C:\Games\World_of_Warships. Click on Validate to make sure the location is correct.
  12.         Select your region.
  13.         Get an Application ID from Wargaming Developer Room( at your region.
  14.             Note: You can skip this step and wows-stats will use the demo key, where Wargaming has a limit on how many times you can hit their API in a certain period of time using demo as a key. I recommend you go ahead and follow the steps, it takes less than a minute and it is totally free.
  15.             Create an application on My Applications( page in Wargaming Developer Room( at your region and copy the newly generated Application ID.
  16.             Place Application ID you copied into Application ID textbox.
  17.             Click on Validate to make sure the Application ID you placed works.
  18.         Click on Save. If everything goes through, the installation page will becomes an blank page.
  20. Usage
  22.     Run run.bat to start the app.
  23.     You should see a web page open on http://localhost:8080, make sure only one web page to that address is open at all time.
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