
Cement Rotary Kiln to Make Cement with Dry and Wet Methods

Nov 16th, 2014
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  1. Cement Rotary Kiln is used for making of cement clinker and there are dry and wet methods to make cement. Metallurgy chemical kiln is used for magnetic roasting of iron ore and oxidizing roasting of chrome and nickel in the steel factory, baking high-alumina mine in the refractory material factory, baking chamotte and alumina in the aluminium factory and baking chrome ore and chrome powder in the chemical plant. Limekiln is used for baking active lime or lightly burning dolomite in steel factory or ferroalloy factory.
  3. This bidding of such high priced engineering machinery was undoubtedly a coveting prey for big manufacturers all over the world. The purchaser was quite particular in product choosing and has made quite comprehensive appraisal from quality, service to price. Eventually, Hongxing has stood out as one of the co-operators by virtue of its excellent performance and prompt after-sale service. Now that you have know the reasons of high heat consumption of cement rotary kiln, many manufacturer to study actively to improve the cement rotary kiln.
  5. Both wet and dry or hollow kiln, exhaust gas temperature is higher. In recent years, with the improvement of production, the increase of air flow and exhaust quantity will increase.Kiln head, poor pre-heater sealing heat loss increased. At present, the use of kiln system air leakage points and quantity are far less than other type kiln. As technology advances, the cement rotary kiln technology will also continuous improvement to upgrade, strive to solve the problem of high heat consumption.
  7. Reduce the exhaust gas temperature and unit clinker is to reduce the amount of exhaust gas heat loss is the main way. Can be in higher thermal efficiency through the use of the pre-heater system, optimize the system control parameters to reduce the exhaust gas temperature, controlling reasonable excess air coefficient.
  9. rotary calcination kiln:
  11. chemical kiln:
  12. cement rotary kiln:
  13. rotary kiln:
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