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- --list
- data List a = Empty | Node a (List a)
- map':: (a->b)->List a->List b
- map' f Empty = Empty
- map' f (Node a list) = Node (f a) (map' f list)
- foldr':: (a->b->b)->b->List a->b
- foldr' f acc Empty = acc
- foldr' f acc (Node a list) = f a (foldr' f acc list)
- foldl':: (b->a->b)->b->List a->b
- foldl' f acc Empty = acc
- foldl' f acc (Node a list) = foldl' f (f acc a) list
- zipWith'::(a->b->c) -> List a -> List b -> List c
- zipWith' _ Empty _ = Empty
- zipWith' _ _ Empty = Empty
- zipWith' f (Node first firstList) (Node second secondList) = Node (f first second) (zipWith' f firstList secondList)
- infixr 5 .++
- (.++):: List a -> List a -> List a
- Empty .++ list = list
- (Node a list) .++ other = Node a (list .++ other)
- fromNormalList:: [a]->List a
- fromNormalList [] = Empty
- fromNormalList (x:xs) = Node x (fromNormalList xs)
- toNormalList:: List a -> [a]
- toNormalList Empty = []
- toNormalList (Node a list) = a : toNormalList (list)
- instance Functor List where
- fmap = map'
- instance Applicative List where
- pure a = Node a Empty
- fm <*> xm = fromNormalList [f x | f <- toNormalList fm, x <- toNormalList xm]
- --tree
- data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a]
- generateTree:: a->Int->Int->Tree a
- generateTree node 0 _ = Tree node []
- generateTree node depth branches = Tree node (replicate branches (generateTree node (depth-1) branches))
- instance Functor Tree where
- fmap f (Tree node []) = Tree (f node) []
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