
PHP file group

Oct 28th, 2018
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  1. Testing if you have PHP Enabled
  3. This tutorial was made assuming that no or very limited knowledge of PHP is known by the reader and some knowledge in HTML. This technique is not hard to implement, easy actually, but quite hard to explain so bare with me here.
  5. The main purpose of this tutorial is to show of an easy way for a person to create/manage a site easily without having to edit every page of the site if you change one thing. Mostly it has being solved by using CSS externally and then linking it on every page. But what if you need to change the CSS? What if the location of your external CSS file changes and you need to change 50+ pages? It'd take a long time wouldn't it? Well, this tutorial will help you fix that using PHP.
  7. Well, you don't have to use PHP, for this you can use some other languages, but I only know of a sure way in PHP and I use it. Most of the other web developers/programmers use this technique as well and if you don't, you might want to start doing this to make it easier for you to make and manage your site much more easier. Certainly helpful.
  9. You would learn, if you haven't already, how to include pages using PHP into other pages and how it would help you in creation of your site. The codes in PHP that you would learn/use in this tutorial would be how to store things into variables, using the "echo" command and how to include pages into other pages. They would all be explained on the tutorial as we go through them.
  11. Download from the link
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