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- --Bedrock Build: 483
- --This code is squished down in to one, rather hard to read file.
- --As such it is not much good for anything other than being loaded as an API.
- --If you want to look at the code to learn from it, copy parts or just take a look,
- --you should go to the GitHub repo.
- --
- -- Bedrock is the core program framework used by all OneOS and OneCode programs.
- -- Inspired by Apple's Cocoa framework.
- -- (c) oeed 2014
- --
- -- For documentation see the Bedrock wiki,
- --
- local apis = {
- ["Drawing"] = [[
- local round = function(num, idp)
- local mult = 10^(idp or 0)
- return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
- end
- local _w, _h = term.getSize()
- local copyBuffer = nil
- Screen = {
- Width = _w,
- Height = _h
- }
- Constraints = {
- }
- CurrentConstraint = {1,1,_w,_h}
- IgnoreConstraint = false
- function AddConstraint(x, y, width, height)
- local x2 = x + width - 1
- local y2 = y + height - 1
- table.insert(Drawing.Constraints, {x, y, x2, y2})
- Drawing.GetConstraint()
- end
- function RemoveConstraint()
- --table.remove(Drawing.Constraints, #Drawing.Constraints)
- Drawing.Constraints[#Drawing.Constraints] = nil
- Drawing.GetConstraint()
- end
- function GetConstraint()
- local x = 1
- local y = 1
- local x2 = Drawing.Screen.Width
- local y2 = Drawing.Screen.Height
- for i, c in ipairs(Drawing.Constraints) do
- if x < c[1] then
- x = c[1]
- end
- if y < c[2] then
- y = c[2]
- end
- if x2 > c[3] then
- x2 = c[3]
- end
- if y2 > c[4] then
- y2 = c[4]
- end
- end
- Drawing.CurrentConstraint = {x, y, x2, y2}
- end
- function WithinContraint(x, y)
- return Drawing.IgnoreConstraint or
- (x >= Drawing.CurrentConstraint[1] and
- y >= Drawing.CurrentConstraint[2] and
- x <= Drawing.CurrentConstraint[3] and
- y <= Drawing.CurrentConstraint[4])
- end
- colours.transparent = 0
- colors.transparent = 0
- Filters = {
- None = {
- [colours.white] = colours.white,
- [] =,
- [colours.magenta] = colours.magenta,
- [colours.lightBlue] = colours.lightBlue,
- [colours.yellow] = colours.yellow,
- [colours.lime] = colours.lime,
- [] =,
- [colours.grey] = colours.grey,
- [colours.lightGrey] = colours.lightGrey,
- [colours.cyan] = colours.cyan,
- [colours.purple] = colours.purple,
- [] =,
- [colours.brown] = colours.brown,
- [] =,
- [] =,
- [] =,
- [colours.transparent] = colours.transparent,
- },
- Greyscale = {
- [colours.white] = colours.white,
- [] = colours.lightGrey,
- [colours.magenta] = colours.lightGrey,
- [colours.lightBlue] = colours.lightGrey,
- [colours.yellow] = colours.lightGrey,
- [colours.lime] = colours.lightGrey,
- [] = colours.lightGrey,
- [colours.grey] = colours.grey,
- [colours.lightGrey] = colours.lightGrey,
- [colours.cyan] = colours.grey,
- [colours.purple] = colours.grey,
- [] = colours.grey,
- [colours.brown] = colours.grey,
- [] = colours.grey,
- [] = colours.grey,
- [] =,
- [colours.transparent] = colours.transparent,
- },
- BlackWhite = {
- [colours.white] = colours.white,
- [] = colours.white,
- [colours.magenta] = colours.white,
- [colours.lightBlue] = colours.white,
- [colours.yellow] = colours.white,
- [colours.lime] = colours.white,
- [] = colours.white,
- [colours.grey] =,
- [colours.lightGrey] = colours.white,
- [colours.cyan] =,
- [colours.purple] =,
- [] =,
- [colours.brown] =,
- [] =,
- [] =,
- [] =,
- [colours.transparent] = colours.transparent,
- },
- Darker = {
- [colours.white] = colours.lightGrey,
- [] =,
- [colours.magenta] = colours.purple,
- [colours.lightBlue] = colours.cyan,
- [colours.yellow] =,
- [colours.lime] =,
- [] = colours.magenta,
- [colours.grey] =,
- [colours.lightGrey] = colours.grey,
- [colours.cyan] =,
- [colours.purple] = colours.grey,
- [] = colours.grey,
- [colours.brown] = colours.grey,
- [] = colours.grey,
- [] = colours.brown,
- [] =,
- [colours.transparent] = colours.transparent,
- },
- Lighter = {
- [colours.white] = colours.lightGrey,
- [] = colours.yellow,
- [colours.magenta] =,
- [colours.lightBlue] = colours.cyan,
- [colours.yellow] =,
- [colours.lime] =,
- [] = colours.magenta,
- [colours.grey] = colours.lightGrey,
- [colours.lightGrey] = colours.grey,
- [colours.cyan] = colours.lightBlue,
- [colours.purple] = colours.magenta,
- [] = colours.lightBlue,
- [colours.brown] =,
- [] = colours.lime,
- [] =,
- [] = colours.grey,
- [colours.transparent] = colours.transparent,
- },
- Highlight = {
- [colours.white] = colours.lightGrey,
- [] = colours.yellow,
- [colours.magenta] =,
- [colours.lightBlue] = colours.cyan,
- [colours.yellow] =,
- [colours.lime] =,
- [] = colours.magenta,
- [colours.grey] = colours.lightGrey,
- [colours.lightGrey] = colours.grey,
- [colours.cyan] = colours.lightBlue,
- [colours.purple] = colours.magenta,
- [] = colours.lightBlue,
- [colours.brown] =,
- [] = colours.lime,
- [] =,
- [] = colours.grey,
- [colours.transparent] = colours.transparent,
- },
- Invert = {
- [colours.white] =,
- [] =,
- [colours.magenta] =,
- [colours.lightBlue] = colours.brown,
- [colours.yellow] =,
- [colours.lime] = colours.purple,
- [] =,
- [colours.grey] = colours.lightGrey,
- [colours.lightGrey] = colours.grey,
- [colours.cyan] =,
- [colours.purple] =,
- [] = colours.yellow,
- [colours.brown] = colours.lightBlue,
- [] = colours.purple,
- [] = colours.cyan,
- [] = colours.white,
- [colours.transparent] = colours.transparent,
- },
- }
- function FilterColour(colour, filter)
- if filter[colour] then
- return filter[colour]
- else
- return colour
- end
- end
- DrawCharacters = function (x, y, characters, textColour, bgColour)
- Drawing.WriteStringToBuffer(x, y, tostring(characters), textColour, bgColour)
- end
- DrawBlankArea = function (x, y, w, h, colour)
- if colour ~= colours.transparent then
- Drawing.DrawArea (x, y, w, h, " ", 1, colour)
- end
- end
- DrawArea = function (x, y, w, h, character, textColour, bgColour)
- --width must be greater than 1, otherwise we get problems
- if w < 0 then
- w = w * -1
- elseif w == 0 then
- w = 1
- end
- for ix = 1, w do
- local currX = x + ix - 1
- for iy = 1, h do
- local currY = y + iy - 1
- Drawing.WriteToBuffer(currX, currY, character, textColour, bgColour)
- end
- end
- end
- DrawImage = function(_x,_y,tImage, w, h)
- if tImage then
- for y = 1, h do
- if not tImage[y] then
- break
- end
- for x = 1, w do
- if not tImage[y][x] then
- break
- end
- local bgColour = tImage[y][x]
- local textColour = tImage.textcol[y][x] or colours.white
- local char = tImage.text[y][x]
- Drawing.WriteToBuffer(x+_x-1, y+_y-1, char, textColour, bgColour)
- end
- end
- elseif w and h then
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(_x, _y, w, h, colours.lightGrey)
- end
- end
- --using .nft
- LoadImage = function(path, global)
- local image = {
- text = {},
- textcol = {}
- }
- if fs.exists(path) then
- local _io = io
- if OneOS and global then
- _io = OneOS.IO
- end
- local file =, "r")
- if not file then
- error('Error Occured. _io:'..tostring(_io)..' OneOS: '..tostring(OneOS)..' OneOS.IO'..tostring(OneOS.IO)..' io: '..tostring(io))
- end
- local sLine = file:read()
- local num = 1
- while sLine do
- table.insert(image, num, {})
- table.insert(image.text, num, {})
- table.insert(image.textcol, num, {})
- --As we're no longer 1-1, we keep track of what index to write to
- local writeIndex = 1
- --Tells us if we've hit a 30 or 31 (BG and FG respectively)- next char specifies the curr colour
- local bgNext, fgNext = false, false
- --The current background and foreground colours
- local currBG, currFG = nil,nil
- for i=1,#sLine do
- local nextChar = string.sub(sLine, i, i)
- if nextChar:byte() == 30 then
- bgNext = true
- elseif nextChar:byte() == 31 then
- fgNext = true
- elseif bgNext then
- currBG = Drawing.GetColour(nextChar)
- if currBG == nil then
- currBG = colours.transparent
- end
- bgNext = false
- elseif fgNext then
- currFG = Drawing.GetColour(nextChar)
- if currFG == nil or currFG == colours.transparent then
- currFG = colours.white
- end
- fgNext = false
- else
- if nextChar ~= " " and currFG == nil then
- currFG = colours.white
- end
- image[num][writeIndex] = currBG
- image.textcol[num][writeIndex] = currFG
- image.text[num][writeIndex] = nextChar
- writeIndex = writeIndex + 1
- end
- end
- num = num+1
- sLine = file:read()
- end
- file:close()
- else
- return nil
- end
- return image
- end
- DrawCharactersCenter = function(x, y, w, h, characters, textColour,bgColour)
- w = w or Drawing.Screen.Width
- h = h or Drawing.Screen.Height
- x = x or 0
- y = y or 0
- x = math.floor((w - #characters) / 2) + x
- y = math.floor(h / 2) + y
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x, y, characters, textColour, bgColour)
- end
- GetColour = function(hex)
- if hex == ' ' then
- return colours.transparent
- end
- local value = tonumber(hex, 16)
- if not value then return nil end
- value = math.pow(2,value)
- return value
- end
- Clear = function (_colour)
- _colour = _colour or
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(1, 1, Drawing.Screen.Width, Drawing.Screen.Height, _colour)
- end
- Buffer = {}
- BackBuffer = {}
- TryRestore = false
- --TODO: make this quicker
- -- maybe sort the pixels in order of colour so it doesn't have to set the colour each time
- DrawBuffer = function()
- if TryRestore and Restore then
- Restore()
- end
- for y,row in pairs(Drawing.Buffer) do
- for x,pixel in pairs(row) do
- local shouldDraw = true
- local hasBackBuffer = true
- if Drawing.BackBuffer[y] == nil or Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x] == nil or #Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x] ~= 3 then
- hasBackBuffer = false
- end
- if hasBackBuffer and Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x][1] == Drawing.Buffer[y][x][1] and Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x][2] == Drawing.Buffer[y][x][2] and Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x][3] == Drawing.Buffer[y][x][3] then
- shouldDraw = false
- end
- if shouldDraw then
- term.setBackgroundColour(pixel[3])
- term.setTextColour(pixel[2])
- term.setCursorPos(x, y)
- term.write(pixel[1])
- end
- end
- end
- Drawing.BackBuffer = Drawing.Buffer
- Drawing.Buffer = {}
- end
- ClearBuffer = function()
- Drawing.Buffer = {}
- end
- WriteStringToBuffer = function (x, y, characters, textColour,bgColour)
- for i = 1, #characters do
- local character = characters:sub(i,i)
- Drawing.WriteToBuffer(x + i - 1, y, character, textColour, bgColour)
- end
- end
- WriteToBuffer = function(x, y, character, textColour,bgColour, cached)
- if not cached and not Drawing.WithinContraint(x, y) then
- return
- end
- x = round(x)
- y = round(y)
- if textColour == colours.transparent then
- character = ' '
- end
- if bgColour == colours.transparent then
- Drawing.Buffer[y] = Drawing.Buffer[y] or {}
- Drawing.Buffer[y][x] = Drawing.Buffer[y][x] or {"", colours.white,}
- Drawing.Buffer[y][x][1] = character
- Drawing.Buffer[y][x][2] = textColour
- else
- Drawing.Buffer[y] = Drawing.Buffer[y] or {}
- Drawing.Buffer[y][x] = {character, textColour, bgColour}
- end
- if copyBuffer then
- copyBuffer[y] = copyBuffer[y] or {}
- copyBuffer[y][x] = {character, textColour, bgColour}
- end
- end
- DrawCachedBuffer = function(buffer)
- for y, row in pairs(buffer) do
- for x, pixel in pairs(row) do
- WriteToBuffer(x, y, pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[3], true)
- end
- end
- end
- StartCopyBuffer = function()
- copyBuffer = {}
- end
- EndCopyBuffer = function()
- local tmpCopy = copyBuffer
- copyBuffer = nil
- return tmpCopy
- end
- ]],
- ["Helpers"] = [[
- LongestString = function(input, key, isKey)
- local length = 0
- if isKey then
- for k, v in pairs(input) do
- local titleLength = string.len(k)
- if titleLength > length then
- length = titleLength
- end
- end
- else
- for i = 1, #input do
- local value = input[i]
- if key then
- if value[key] then
- value = value[key]
- else
- value = ''
- end
- end
- local titleLength = string.len(value)
- if titleLength > length then
- length = titleLength
- end
- end
- end
- return length
- end
- Split = function(str,sep)
- sep=sep or'/'
- return str:match("(.*"..sep..")")
- end
- Extension = function(path, addDot)
- if not path then
- return nil
- elseif not string.find(fs.getName(path), '%.') then
- return ''
- else
- local _path = path
- if path:sub(#path) == '/' then
- _path = path:sub(1,#path-1)
- end
- local extension = _path:gmatch('%.[0-9a-z]+$')()
- if extension then
- extension = extension:sub(2)
- else
- --extension = nil
- return ''
- end
- if addDot then
- extension = '.'..extension
- end
- return extension:lower()
- end
- end
- RemoveExtension = function(path)
- --local name = string.match(fs.getName(path), '(%a+)%.?.-')
- if not path:find('%.') then
- return path
- end
- local extension = Helpers.Extension(path)
- if extension == path then
- return fs.getName(path)
- end
- return string.gsub(path, extension, ''):sub(1, -2)
- end
- RemoveFileName = function(path)
- if string.sub(path, -1) == '/' then
- path = string.sub(path, 1, -2)
- end
- local v = string.match(path, "(.-)([^\\/]-%.?([^%.\\/]*))$")
- if type(v) == 'string' then
- return v
- end
- return v[1]
- end
- TruncateString = function(sString, maxLength)
- if #sString > maxLength then
- sString = sString:sub(1,maxLength-3)
- if sString:sub(-1) == ' ' then
- sString = sString:sub(1,maxLength-4)
- end
- sString = sString .. '...'
- end
- return sString
- end
- TruncateStringStart = function(sString, maxLength)
- local len = #sString
- if #sString > maxLength then
- sString = sString:sub(len - maxLength, len - 3)
- if sString:sub(-1) == ' ' then
- sString = sString:sub(len - maxLength, len - 4)
- end
- sString = '...' .. sString
- end
- return sString
- end
- WrapText = function(text, maxWidth)
- local lines = {''}
- for word, space in text:gmatch('(%S+)(%s*)') do
- local temp = lines[#lines] .. word .. space:gsub('\n','')
- if #temp > maxWidth then
- table.insert(lines, '')
- end
- if space:find('\n') then
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word
- space = space:gsub('\n', function()
- table.insert(lines, '')
- return ''
- end)
- else
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word .. space
- end
- end
- if #lines[1] == 0 then
- table.remove(lines,1)
- end
- return lines
- end
- TidyPath = function(path)
- path = '/'..path
- if fs.exists(path) and fs.isDir(path) then
- path = path .. '/'
- end
- path, n = path:gsub("//", "/")
- while n > 0 do
- path, n = path:gsub("//", "/")
- end
- return path
- end
- Capitalise = function(str)
- return str:sub(1, 1):upper() .. str:sub(2, -1)
- end
- Round = function(num, idp)
- local mult = 10^(idp or 0)
- return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
- end
- ]],
- ["Object"] = [[
- X = 1
- Y = 1
- Width = 1
- Height = 1
- Parent = nil
- OnClick = nil
- Visible = true
- IgnoreClick = false
- Name = nil
- ClipDrawing = true
- UpdateDrawBlacklist = {}
- Fixed = false
- Ready = false
- DrawCache = {}
- NeedsDraw = function(self)
- if not self.Visible then
- return false
- end
- if not self.DrawCache.Buffer or self.DrawCache.AlwaysDraw or self.DrawCache.NeedsDraw then
- return true
- end
- if self.OnNeedsUpdate then
- if self.OnNeedsUpdate() then
- return true
- end
- end
- if self.Children then
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do
- if v:NeedsDraw() then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- GetPosition = function(self)
- return self.Bedrock:GetAbsolutePosition(self)
- end
- GetOffsetPosition = function(self)
- if not self.Parent then
- return {X = 1, Y = 1}
- end
- local offset = {X = 0, Y = 0}
- if not self.Fixed and self.Parent.ChildOffset then
- offset = self.Parent.ChildOffset
- end
- return {X = self.X + offset.X, Y = self.Y + offset.Y}
- end
- Draw = function(self)
- if not self.Visible then
- return
- end
- self.DrawCache.NeedsDraw = false
- local pos = self:GetPosition()
- Drawing.StartCopyBuffer()
- if self.ClipDrawing then
- Drawing.AddConstraint(pos.X, pos.Y, self.Width, self.Height)
- end
- if self.OnDraw then
- self:OnDraw(pos.X, pos.Y)
- end
- self.DrawCache.Buffer = Drawing.EndCopyBuffer()
- if self.Children then
- for i, child in ipairs(self.Children) do
- local pos = child:GetOffsetPosition()
- if pos.Y + self.Height > 1 and pos.Y <= self.Height and pos.X + self.Width > 1 and pos.X <= self.Width then
- child:Draw()
- end
- end
- end
- if self.OnPostChildrenDraw then
- self:OnPostChildrenDraw(pos.X, pos.Y)
- end
- if self.ClipDrawing then
- Drawing.RemoveConstraint()
- end
- end
- ForceDraw = function(self, ignoreChildren, ignoreParent, ignoreBedrock)
- if not ignoreBedrock and self.Bedrock then
- self.Bedrock:ForceDraw()
- end
- self.DrawCache.NeedsDraw = true
- if not ignoreParent and self.Parent then
- self.Parent:ForceDraw(true, nil, true)
- end
- if not ignoreChildren and self.Children then
- for i, child in ipairs(self.Children) do
- child:ForceDraw(nil, true, true)
- end
- end
- end
- OnRemove = function(self)
- if self == self.Bedrock:GetActiveObject() then
- self.Bedrock:SetActiveObject()
- end
- end
- local function ParseColour(value)
- if type(value) == 'string' then
- if colours[value] and type(colours[value]) == 'number' then
- return colours[value]
- elseif colors[value] and type(colors[value]) == 'number' then
- return colors[value]
- end
- elseif type(value) == 'number' and (value == colours.transparent or (value >= colours.white and value <= then
- return value
- end
- error('Invalid colour: "'..tostring(value)..'"')
- end
- Initialise = function(self, values)
- local _new = values -- the new instance
- _new.DrawCache = {
- NeedsDraw = true,
- AlwaysDraw = false,
- Buffer = nil
- }
- setmetatable(_new, {__index = self} )
- local new = {} -- the proxy
- setmetatable(new, {
- __index = function(t, k)
- if k:find('Color') then
- k = k:gsub('Color', 'Colour')
- end
- if k:find('Colour') and type(_new[k]) ~= 'table' and type(_new[k]) ~= 'function' then
- if _new[k] then
- return ParseColour(_new[k])
- end
- elseif _new[k] ~= nil then
- return _new[k]
- end
- end,
- __newindex = function (t,k,v)
- if k:find('Color') then
- k = k:gsub('Color', 'Colour')
- end
- if k == 'Width' or k == 'X' or k == 'Height' or k == 'Y' then
- v = new.Bedrock:ParseStringSize(new.Parent, k, v)
- end
- if v ~= _new[k] then
- _new[k] = v
- if t.OnUpdate then
- t:OnUpdate(k)
- end
- if t.UpdateDrawBlacklist[k] == nil then
- t:ForceDraw()
- end
- end
- end
- })
- if new.OnInitialise then
- new:OnInitialise()
- end
- return new
- end
- AnimateValue = function(self, valueName, from, to, duration, done, tbl)
- tbl = tbl or self
- if type(tbl[valueName]) ~= 'number' then
- error('Animated value ('..valueName..') must be number.')
- elseif not self.Bedrock.AnimationEnabled then
- tbl[valueName] = to
- if done then
- done()
- end
- return
- end
- from = from or tbl[valueName]
- duration = duration or 0.2
- local delta = to - from
- local startTime = os.clock()
- local previousFrame = startTime
- local frame
- frame = function()
- local time = os.clock()
- local totalTime = time - startTime
- local isLast = totalTime >= duration
- if isLast then
- tbl[valueName] = to
- self:ForceDraw()
- if done then
- done()
- end
- else
- tbl[valueName] = self.Bedrock.Helpers.Round(from + delta * (totalTime / duration))
- self:ForceDraw()
- self.Bedrock:StartTimer(function()
- frame()
- end, 0.05)
- end
- end
- frame()
- end
- Click = function(self, event, side, x, y)
- if self.Visible and not self.IgnoreClick then
- if event == 'mouse_click' and self.OnClick and self:OnClick(event, side, x, y) ~= false then
- return true
- elseif event == 'mouse_drag' and self.OnDrag and self:OnDrag(event, side, x, y) ~= false then
- return true
- elseif event == 'mouse_scroll' and self.OnScroll and self:OnScroll(event, side, x, y) ~= false then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- ToggleMenu = function(self, name, x, y)
- return self.Bedrock:ToggleMenu(name, self, x, y)
- end
- function OnUpdate(self, value)
- if value == 'Z' then
- self.Bedrock:ReorderObjects()
- end
- end
- ]],
- }
- local objects = {
- ["Button"] = [[
- BackgroundColour = colours.lightGrey
- ActiveBackgroundColour =
- ActiveTextColour = colours.white
- TextColour =
- DisabledTextColour = colours.lightGrey
- Text = ""
- Toggle = nil
- Momentary = true
- AutoWidth = true
- Align = 'Center'
- Enabled = true
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)
- if value == 'Text' and self.AutoWidth then
- self.Width = #self.Text + 2
- end
- end
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)
- local bg = self.BackgroundColour
- if self.Toggle then
- bg = self.ActiveBackgroundColour
- end
- local txt = self.TextColour
- if self.Toggle then
- txt = self.ActiveTextColour
- end
- if not self.Enabled then
- txt = self.DisabledTextColour
- end
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, bg)
- local _x = 1
- if self.Align == 'Right' then
- _x = self.Width - #self.Text - 1
- elseif self.Align == 'Center' then
- _x = math.floor((self.Width - #self.Text) / 2)
- end
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + _x, y-1+math.ceil(self.Height/2), self.Text, txt, bg)
- end
- OnLoad = function(self)
- if self.Toggle ~= nil then
- self.Momentary = false
- end
- end
- Click = function(self, event, side, x, y)
- if self.Visible and not self.IgnoreClick and self.Enabled and event ~= 'mouse_scroll' then
- if self.OnClick then
- if self.Momentary then
- self.Toggle = true
- self.Bedrock:StartTimer(function()self.Toggle = false end,0.25)
- elseif self.Toggle ~= nil then
- self.Toggle = not self.Toggle
- end
- self:OnClick(event, side, x, y, self.Toggle)
- else
- self.Toggle = not self.Toggle
- end
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- ]],
- ["CollectionView"] = [[
- Inherit = 'ScrollView'
- UpdateDrawBlacklist = {['NeedsItemUpdate']=true}
- TextColour =
- BackgroundColour = colours.white
- Items = false
- NeedsItemUpdate = false
- SpacingX = 2
- SpacingY = 1
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)
- if self.NeedsItemUpdate then
- self:UpdateItems()
- self.NeedsItemUpdate = false
- end
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)
- end
- local function MaxIcons(self, obj)
- local x, y = 2, 1
- if not obj.Height or not obj.Width then
- error('You must provide each object\'s height when adding to a CollectionView.')
- end
- local slotHeight = obj.Height + self.SpacingY
- local slotWidth = obj.Width + self.SpacingX
- local maxX = math.floor((self.Width - 2) / slotWidth)
- return x, y, maxX, slotWidth, slotHeight
- end
- local function IconLocation(self, obj, i)
- local x, y, maxX, slotWidth, slotHeight = MaxIcons(self, obj)
- local rowPos = ((i - 1) % maxX)
- local colPos = math.ceil(i / maxX) - 1
- x = x + (slotWidth * rowPos)
- y = y + colPos * slotHeight
- return x, y
- end
- local function AddItem(self, v, i)
- local toggle = false
- if not self.CanSelect then
- toggle = nil
- end
- local x, y = IconLocation(self, v, i)
- local item = {
- ["X"]=x,
- ["Y"]=y,
- ["Name"]="CollectionViewItem",
- ["Type"]="View",
- ["TextColour"]=self.TextColour,
- ["BackgroundColour"]=0,
- OnClick = function(itm)
- if self.CanSelect then
- for i2, _v in ipairs(self.Children) do
- _v.Toggle = false
- end
- self.Selected = itm
- end
- end
- }
- for k, _v in pairs(v) do
- item[k] = _v
- end
- self:AddObject(item)
- end
- UpdateItems = function(self)
- self:RemoveAllObjects()
- local groupMode = false
- for k, v in pairs(self.Items) do
- if type(k) == 'string' then
- groupMode = true
- break
- end
- end
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Items) do
- AddItem(self, v, i)
- end
- self:UpdateScroll()
- end
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)
- if value == 'Items' then
- self.NeedsItemUpdate = true
- end
- end
- ]],
- ["ImageView"] = [[
- Image = false
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)
- Drawing.DrawImage(x, y, self.Image, self.Width, self.Height)
- end
- OnLoad = function(self)
- if self.Path and fs.exists(self.Path) then
- self.Image = Drawing.LoadImage(self.Path)
- end
- end
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)
- if value == 'Path' then
- if self.Path and fs.exists(self.Path) then
- self.Image = Drawing.LoadImage(self.Path)
- end
- end
- end
- ]],
- ["Label"] = [[
- TextColour =
- BackgroundColour = colours.transparent
- Text = ""
- AutoWidth = false
- Align = 'Left'
- local wrapText = function(text, maxWidth)
- local lines = {''}
- for word, space in text:gmatch('(%S+)(%s*)') do
- local temp = lines[#lines] .. word .. space:gsub('\n','')
- if #temp > maxWidth then
- table.insert(lines, '')
- end
- if space:find('\n') then
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word
- space = space:gsub('\n', function()
- table.insert(lines, '')
- return ''
- end)
- else
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word .. space
- end
- end
- if #lines[1] == 0 then
- table.remove(lines,1)
- end
- return lines
- end
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)
- if value == 'Text' then
- if self.AutoWidth then
- self.Width = #self.Text
- else
- self.Height = #wrapText(self.Text, self.Width)
- end
- end
- end
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)
- for i, v in ipairs(wrapText(self.Text, self.Width)) do
- local _x = 0
- if self.Align == 'Right' then
- _x = self.Width - #v
- elseif self.Align == 'Center' then
- _x = math.floor((self.Width - #v) / 2)
- end
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + _x, y + i - 1, v, self.TextColour, self.BackgroundColour)
- end
- end
- ]],
- ["ListView"] = [[
- Inherit = 'ScrollView'
- UpdateDrawBlacklist = {['NeedsItemUpdate']=true}
- TextColour =
- BackgroundColour = colours.white
- HeadingColour = colours.lightGrey
- SelectionBackgroundColour =
- SelectionTextColour = colours.white
- Items = false
- CanSelect = false
- Selected = nil
- NeedsItemUpdate = false
- ItemMargin = 1
- HeadingMargin = 0
- TopMargin = 0
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)
- if self.NeedsItemUpdate then
- self:UpdateItems()
- end
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)
- end
- local function AddItem(self, v, x, y, group)
- local toggle = false
- if not self.CanSelect then
- toggle = nil
- elseif v.Selected then
- toggle = true
- end
- local item = {
- ["Width"]=self.Width,
- ["X"]=x,
- ["Y"]=y,
- ["Name"]="ListViewItem",
- ["Type"]="Button",
- ["TextColour"]=self.TextColour,
- ["BackgroundColour"]=0,
- ["ActiveTextColour"]=self.SelectionTextColour,
- ["ActiveBackgroundColour"]=self.SelectionBackgroundColour,
- ["Align"]='Left',
- ["Toggle"]=toggle,
- ["Group"]=group,
- OnClick = function(itm)
- if self.CanSelect then
- self:SelectItem(itm)
- elseif self.OnSelect then
- self:OnSelect(itm.Text)
- end
- end
- }
- if type(v) == 'table' then
- for k, _v in pairs(v) do
- item[k] = _v
- end
- else
- item.Text = v
- end
- local itm = self:AddObject(item)
- if v.Selected then
- self:SelectItem(itm)
- end
- end
- UpdateItems = function(self)
- if not self.Items or type(self.Items) ~= 'table' then
- self.Items = {}
- end
- self.Selected = nil
- self:RemoveAllObjects()
- local groupMode = false
- for k, v in pairs(self.Items) do
- if type(k) == 'string' then
- groupMode = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not groupMode then
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Items) do
- AddItem(self, v, self.ItemMargin, i)
- end
- else
- local y = self.TopMargin
- for k, v in pairs(self.Items) do
- y = y + 1
- AddItem(self, {Text = k, TextColour = self.HeadingColour, IgnoreClick = true}, self.HeadingMargin, y)
- for i, _v in ipairs(v) do
- y = y + 1
- AddItem(self, _v, 1, y, k)
- end
- y = y + 1
- end
- end
- self:UpdateScroll()
- self.NeedsItemUpdate = false
- end
- OnKeyChar = function(self, event, keychar)
- if keychar == keys.up or keychar == keys.down then
- local n = self:GetIndex(self.Selected)
- if keychar == keys.up then
- n = n - 1
- else
- n = n + 1
- end
- local new = self:GetNth(n)
- if new then
- self:SelectItem(new)
- end
- elseif keychar == keys.enter and self.Selected then
- self.Selected:Click('mouse_click', 1, 1, 1)
- end
- end
- --returns the index/'n' of the given item
- GetIndex = function(self, obj)
- local n = 1
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do
- if not v.IgnoreClick then
- if obj == v then
- return n
- end
- n = n + 1
- end
- end
- end
- --gets the 'nth' list item (does not include headings)
- GetNth = function(self, n)
- local _n = 1
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do
- if not v.IgnoreClick then
- if n == _n then
- return v
- end
- _n = _n + 1
- end
- end
- end
- SelectItem = function(self, item)
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do
- v.Toggle = false
- end
- self.Selected = item
- item.Toggle = true
- if self.OnSelect then
- self:OnSelect(item.Text)
- end
- end
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)
- if value == 'Items' then
- self.NeedsItemUpdate = true
- end
- end
- ]],
- ["Menu"] = [[
- Inherit = 'View'
- TextColour =
- BackgroundColour = colours.white
- HideTop = false
- Prepared = false
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)
- Drawing.IgnoreConstraint = true
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x + 1, y + (self.HideTop and 0 or 1), self.Width, self.Height + (self.HideTop and 1 or 0), colours.grey)
- Drawing.IgnoreConstraint = false
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)
- end
- OnLoad = function(self)
- local owner = self.Owner
- if type(owner) == 'string' then
- owner = self.Bedrock:GetObject(self.Owner)
- end
- if owner then
- if self.X == 0 and self.Y == 0 then
- local pos = owner:GetPosition()
- self.X = pos.X
- self.Y = pos.Y + owner.Height
- end
- self.Owner = owner
- else
- self.Owner = nil
- end
- end
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)
- if value == 'Children' then
- self.Height = #self.Children + 1 + (self.HideTop and 0 or 1)
- if not self.BaseY then
- self.BaseY = self.Y
- end
- if #self.Children > 0 and self.Children[1].Type == 'Button' then
- self.Width = self.Bedrock.Helpers.LongestString(self.Children, 'Text') + 2
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do
- if v.TextColour then
- v.TextColour = self.TextColour
- end
- if v.BackgroundColour then
- v.BackgroundColour = colours.transparent
- end
- if v.Colour then
- v.Colour = colours.lightGrey
- end
- v.Align = 'Left'
- v.X = 1
- v.Y = i + (self.HideTop and 0 or 1)
- v.Width = self.Width
- v.Height = 1
- end
- elseif #self.Children > 0 and self.Children[1].Type == 'MenuItem' then
- local width = 1
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do
- if v.Width > width then
- width = v.Width
- end
- end
- self.Width = width
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do
- if v.TextColour then
- v.TextColour = self.TextColour
- end
- if v.Colour then
- v.Colour = colours.lightGrey
- end
- v.X = 1
- v.Y = i + (self.HideTop and 0 or 1)
- v.Width = width
- v.Height = 1
- end
- end
- self.Y = self.BaseY
- local pos = self:GetPosition()
- if pos.Y + self.Height + 1 > Drawing.Screen.Height then
- self.Y = self.BaseY - ((self.Height + pos.Y) - Drawing.Screen.Height)
- end
- if pos.X + self.Width > Drawing.Screen.Width then
- self.X = Drawing.Screen.Width - self.Width
- end
- end
- end
- Close = function(self, isBedrockCall)
- self.Bedrock.Menu = nil
- if not self.Prepared then
- self.Parent:RemoveObject(self)
- else
- self.Visible = false
- end
- if self.Owner and self.Owner.Toggle then
- self.Owner.Toggle = false
- end
- self.Parent:ForceDraw()
- self = nil
- end
- OnChildClick = function(self, child, event, side, x, y)
- self:Close()
- end
- ]],
- ["MenuItem"] = [[
- BackgroundColour = colours.white
- TextColour =
- DisabledTextColour = colours.lightGrey
- ShortcutTextColour = colours.grey
- Text = ""
- Enabled = true
- Shortcut = nil
- ShortcutPadding = 2
- ShortcutName = nil
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)
- if value == 'Text' then
- if self.Shortcut then
- self.Width = #self.Text + 2 + self.ShortcutPadding + #self.Shortcut
- else
- self.Width = #self.Text + 2
- end
- elseif value == 'OnClick' then
- self:RegisterShortcut()
- end
- end
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)
- local txt = self.TextColour
- if not self.Enabled then
- txt = self.DisabledTextColour
- end
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + 1, y, self.Text, txt, colours.transparent)
- if self.Shortcut then
- local shrt = self.ShortcutTextColour
- if not self.Enabled then
- shrt = self.DisabledTextColour
- end
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + self.Width - #self.Shortcut - 1, y, self.Shortcut, shrt, colours.transparent)
- end
- end
- ParseShortcut = function(self)
- local special = {
- ['^'] = keys.leftShift,
- ['<'] = keys.delete,
- ['>'] = keys.delete,
- ['#'] = keys.leftCtrl,
- ['~'] = keys.leftAlt,
- }
- local keys = {}
- for i = 1, #self.Shortcut do
- local c = self.Shortcut:sub(i,i)
- table.insert(keys, special[c] or c:lower())
- end
- return keys
- end
- RegisterShortcut = function(self)
- if self.Shortcut then
- self.Shortcut = self.Shortcut:upper()
- self.ShortcutName = self.Bedrock:RegisterKeyboardShortcut(self:ParseShortcut(), function()
- if self.OnClick and self.Enabled then
- if self.Parent.Owner then
- self.Parent:Close()
- self.Parent.Owner.Toggle = true
- self.Bedrock:StartTimer(function()
- self.Parent.Owner.Toggle = false
- end, 0.3)
- end
- return self:OnClick('keyboard_shortcut', 1, 1, 1)
- else
- return false
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- OnRemove = function(self)
- if self.ShortcutName then
- self.Bedrock:UnregisterKeyboardShortcut(self.ShortcutName)
- end
- end
- OnLoad = function(self)
- if self.OnClick ~= nil then
- self:RegisterShortcut()
- end
- -- self:OnUpdate('Text')
- end
- ]],
- ["NumberBox"] = [[
- Inherit = 'View'
- Value = 1
- Minimum = 1
- Maximum = 99
- BackgroundColour = colours.lightGrey
- TextBoxTimer = nil
- Width = 7
- OnLoad = function(self)
- self:AddObject({
- X = self.Width - 1,
- Y = 1,
- Width = 1,
- AutoWidth = false,
- Text = '-',
- Type = 'Button',
- Name = 'AddButton',
- BackgroundColour = colours.transparent,
- OnClick = function()
- self:ShiftValue(-1)
- end
- })
- self:AddObject({
- X = self.Width,
- Y = 1,
- Width = 1,
- AutoWidth = false,
- Text = '+',
- Type = 'Button',
- Name = 'SubButton',
- BackgroundColour = colours.transparent,
- OnClick = function()
- self:ShiftValue(1)
- end
- })
- self:AddObject({
- X = 1,
- Y = 1,
- Width = self.Width - 2,
- Text = tostring(self.Value),
- Align = 'Center',
- Type = 'TextBox',
- BackgroundColour = colours.transparent,
- OnChange = function(_self, event, keychar)
- if keychar == keys.enter then
- self:SetValue(tonumber(_self.Text))
- self.TextBoxTimer = nil
- end
- if self.TextBoxTimer then
- self.Bedrock:StopTimer(self.TextBoxTimer)
- end
- self.TextBoxTimer = self.Bedrock:StartTimer(function(_, timer)
- if timer and timer == self.TextBoxTimer then
- self:SetValue(tonumber(_self.Text))
- self.TextBoxTimer = nil
- end
- end, 2)
- end
- })
- end
- OnScroll = function(self, event, dir, x, y)
- self:ShiftValue(-dir)
- end
- ShiftValue = function(self, delta)
- local val = tonumber(self:GetObject('TextBox').Text) or self.Minimum
- self:SetValue(val + delta)
- end
- SetValue = function(self, newValue)
- newValue = newValue or 0
- if self.Maximum and newValue > self.Maximum then
- newValue = self.Maximum
- elseif self.Minimum and newValue < self.Minimum then
- newValue = self.Minimum
- end
- self.Value = newValue
- if self.OnChange then
- self:OnChange()
- end
- end
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)
- if value == 'Value' then
- local textbox = self:GetObject('TextBox')
- if textbox then
- textbox.Text = tostring(self.Value)
- end
- end
- end
- ]],
- ["ProgressBar"] = [[
- BackgroundColour = colours.lightGrey
- BarColour =
- TextColour = colours.white
- ShowText = false
- Value = 0
- Maximum = 1
- Indeterminate = false
- AnimationStep = 0
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)
- -- if self.Indeterminate then
- -- for i = 1, self.Width do
- -- local s = x + i - 1 + self.AnimationStep
- -- if s % 4 == 1 or s % 4 == 2 then
- -- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(s, y, 1, self.Height, self.BarColour)
- -- end
- -- end
- -- self.AnimationStep = self.AnimationStep + 1
- -- if self.AnimationStep >= 4 then
- -- self.AnimationStep = 0
- -- end
- -- self.Bedrock:StartTimer(function()
- -- self:Draw()
- -- end, 0.25)
- -- else
- local values = self.Value
- local barColours = self.BarColour
- if type(values) == 'number' then
- values = {values}
- end
- if type(barColours) == 'number' then
- barColours = {barColours}
- end
- local total = 0
- local _x = x
- for i, v in ipairs(values) do
- local width = self.Bedrock.Helpers.Round((v / self.Maximum) * self.Width)
- total = total + v
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(_x, y, width, self.Height, barColours[((i-1)%#barColours)+1])
- _x = _x + width
- end
- if self.ShowText then
- local text = self.Bedrock.Helpers.Round((total / self.Maximum) * 100) .. '%'
- Drawing.DrawCharactersCenter(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, text, self.TextColour, colours.transparent)
- end
- -- end
- end
- ]],
- ["ScrollBar"] = [[
- BackgroundColour = colours.lightGrey
- BarColour = colours.lightBlue
- Scroll = 0
- MaxScroll = 0
- ClickPoint = nil
- Fixed = true
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)
- if value == 'Text' and self.AutoWidth then
- self.Width = #self.Text + 2
- end
- end
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)
- local barHeight = self.Height * (self.Height / (self.Height + self.MaxScroll))
- if barHeight < 3 then
- barHeight = 3
- end
- local percentage = (self.Scroll/self.MaxScroll)
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y + math.ceil(self.Height*percentage - barHeight*percentage), self.Width, barHeight, self.BarColour)
- end
- OnScroll = function(self, event, direction, x, y)
- if event == 'mouse_scroll' then
- direction = self.Bedrock.Helpers.Round(direction * 3)
- end
- if self.Scroll < 0 or self.Scroll > self.MaxScroll then
- return false
- end
- local old = self.Scroll
- self.Scroll = self.Bedrock.Helpers.Round(self.Scroll + direction)
- if self.Scroll < 0 then
- self.Scroll = 0
- elseif self.Scroll > self.MaxScroll then
- self.Scroll = self.MaxScroll
- end
- if self.Scroll ~= old and self.OnChange then
- self:OnChange()
- end
- end
- OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)
- if event == 'mouse_click' then
- self.ClickPoint = y
- else
- if self.ClickPoint then
- local gapHeight = self.Height - (self.Height * (self.Height / (self.Height + self.MaxScroll)))
- local barHeight = self.Height * (self.Height / (self.Height + self.MaxScroll))
- --local delta = (self.Height + self.MaxScroll) * ((y - self.ClickPoint) / barHeight)
- local delta = ((y - self.ClickPoint)/gapHeight)*self.MaxScroll
- --l(((y - self.ClickPoint)/gapHeight))
- --l(delta)
- self.Scroll = self.Bedrock.Helpers.Round(delta)
- --l(self.Scroll)
- --l('----')
- if self.Scroll < 0 then
- self.Scroll = 0
- elseif self.Scroll > self.MaxScroll then
- self.Scroll = self.MaxScroll
- end
- if self.OnChange then
- self:OnChange()
- end
- end
- end
- local relScroll = self.MaxScroll * ((y-1)/self.Height)
- if y == self.Height then
- relScroll = self.MaxScroll
- end
- self.Scroll = self.Bedrock.Helpers.Round(relScroll)
- end
- OnDrag = OnClick
- ]],
- ["ScrollView"] = [[
- Inherit = 'View'
- ChildOffset = false
- ContentWidth = 0
- ContentHeight = 0
- ScrollBarBackgroundColour = colours.lightGrey
- ScrollBarColour = colours.lightBlue
- CalculateContentSize = function(self)
- local function calculateObject(obj)
- local pos = obj:GetPosition()
- local x2 = pos.X + obj.Width - 1
- local y2 = pos.Y + obj.Height - 1
- if obj.Children then
- for i, child in ipairs(obj.Children) do
- local _x2, _y2 = calculateObject(child)
- if _x2 > x2 then
- x2 = _x2
- end
- if _y2 > y2 then
- y2 = _y2
- end
- end
- end
- return x2, y2
- end
- local pos = self:GetPosition()
- local x2, y2 = calculateObject(self)
- self.ContentWidth = x2 - pos.X + 1
- self.ContentHeight = y2 - pos.Y + 1
- end
- UpdateScroll = function(self)
- self.ChildOffset.Y = 0
- self:CalculateContentSize()
- if self.ContentHeight > self.Height then
- if not self:GetObject('ScrollViewScrollBar') then
- local _scrollBar = self:AddObject({
- ["Name"] = 'ScrollViewScrollBar',
- ["Type"] = 'ScrollBar',
- ["X"] = self.Width,
- ["Y"] = 1,
- ["Width"] = 1,
- ["Height"] = self.Height,
- ["BackgroundColour"] = self.ScrollBarBackgroundColour,
- ["BarColour"] = self.ScrollBarColour,
- ["Z"]=999
- })
- _scrollBar.OnChange = function(scrollBar)
- self.ChildOffset.Y = -scrollBar.Scroll
- for i, child in ipairs(self.Children) do
- child:ForceDraw()
- end
- end
- end
- if self:GetObject('ScrollViewScrollBar') then
- self:GetObject('ScrollViewScrollBar').MaxScroll = self.ContentHeight - self.Height
- end
- else
- self:RemoveObject('ScrollViewScrollBar')
- end
- end
- OnScroll = function(self, event, direction, x, y)
- if self:GetObject('ScrollViewScrollBar') then
- self:GetObject('ScrollViewScrollBar'):OnScroll(event, direction, x, y)
- end
- end
- OnLoad = function(self)
- if not self.ChildOffset or not self.ChildOffset.X or not self.ChildOffset.Y then
- self.ChildOffset = {X = 0, Y = 0}
- end
- self:UpdateScroll()
- end
- ]],
- ["SecureTextBox"] = [[
- Inherit = 'TextBox'
- MaskCharacter = '*'
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)
- if self.CursorPos > #self.Text then
- self.CursorPos = #self.Text
- elseif self.CursorPos < 0 then
- self.CursorPos = 0
- end
- local text = ''
- for i = 1, #self.Text do
- text = text .. self.MaskCharacter
- end
- if self.Bedrock:GetActiveObject() == self then
- if #text > (self.Width - 2) then
- text = text:sub(#text-(self.Width - 3))
- self.Bedrock.CursorPos = {x + 1 + self.Width-2, y}
- else
- self.Bedrock.CursorPos = {x + 1 + self.CursorPos, y}
- end
- self.Bedrock.CursorColour = self.TextColour
- end
- if #tostring(text) == 0 then
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + 1, y, self.Placeholder, self.PlaceholderTextColour, self.BackgroundColour)
- else
- if not self.Selected then
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + 1, y, text, self.TextColour, self.BackgroundColour)
- else
- for i = 1, #text do
- local char = text:sub(i, i)
- local textColour = self.TextColour
- local backgroundColour = self.BackgroundColour
- if i > self.DragStart and i - 1 <= self.CursorPos then
- textColour = self.SelectedTextColour
- backgroundColour = self.SelectedBackgroundColour
- end
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + i, y, char, textColour, backgroundColour)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- ]],
- ["Separator"] = [[
- Colour = colours.grey
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)
- local char = "|"
- if self.Width > self.Height then
- char = '-'
- end
- Drawing.DrawArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, char, self.Colour, colours.transparent)
- end
- ]],
- ["TextBox"] = [[
- BackgroundColour = colours.lightGrey
- SelectedBackgroundColour =
- SelectedTextColour = colours.white
- TextColour =
- PlaceholderTextColour = colours.grey
- Placeholder = ''
- AutoWidth = false
- Text = ""
- CursorPos = nil
- Numerical = false
- DragStart = nil
- Selected = false
- SelectOnClick = false
- ActualDragStart = nil
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)
- if self.CursorPos > #self.Text then
- self.CursorPos = #self.Text
- elseif self.CursorPos < 0 then
- self.CursorPos = 0
- end
- local text = self.Text
- local offset = self:TextOffset()
- if #text > (self.Width - 2) then
- text = text:sub(offset+1, offset + self.Width - 2)
- -- self.Bedrock.CursorPos = {x + 1 + self.Width-2, y}
- -- else
- end
- if self.Bedrock:GetActiveObject() == self then
- self.Bedrock.CursorPos = {x + 1 + self.CursorPos - offset, y}
- self.Bedrock.CursorColour = self.TextColour
- else
- self.Selected = false
- end
- if #tostring(text) == 0 then
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + 1, y, self.Placeholder, self.PlaceholderTextColour, self.BackgroundColour)
- else
- if not self.Selected then
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + 1, y, text, self.TextColour, self.BackgroundColour)
- else
- local startPos = self.DragStart - offset
- local endPos = self.CursorPos - offset
- if startPos > endPos then
- startPos = self.CursorPos - offset
- endPos = self.DragStart - offset
- end
- for i = 1, #text do
- local char = text:sub(i, i)
- local textColour = self.TextColour
- local backgroundColour = self.BackgroundColour
- if i > startPos and i - 1 <= endPos then
- textColour = self.SelectedTextColour
- backgroundColour = self.SelectedBackgroundColour
- end
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + i, y, char, textColour, backgroundColour)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- TextOffset = function(self)
- if #self.Text < (self.Width - 2) then
- return 0
- elseif self.Bedrock:GetActiveObject() ~= self then
- return 0
- else
- local textWidth = (self.Width - 2)
- local offset = self.CursorPos - textWidth
- if offset < 0 then
- offset = 0
- end
- return offset
- end
- end
- OnLoad = function(self)
- if not self.CursorPos then
- self.CursorPos = #self.Text
- end
- end
- OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)
- if self.Bedrock:GetActiveObject() ~= self and self.SelectOnClick then
- self.CursorPos = #self.Text - 1
- self.DragStart = 0
- self.ActualDragStart = x - 2 + self:TextOffset()
- self.Selected = true
- else
- self.CursorPos = x - 2 + self:TextOffset()
- self.DragStart = self.CursorPos
- self.Selected = false
- end
- self.Bedrock:SetActiveObject(self)
- end
- OnDrag = function(self, event, side, x, y)
- self.CursorPos = x - 2 + self:TextOffset()
- if self.ActualDragStart then
- self.DragStart = self.ActualDragStart
- self.ActualDragStart = nil
- end
- if self.DragStart then
- self.Selected = true
- end
- end
- OnKeyChar = function(self, event, keychar)
- local deleteSelected = function()
- if self.Selected then
- local startPos = self.DragStart
- local endPos = self.CursorPos
- if startPos > endPos then
- startPos = self.CursorPos
- endPos = self.DragStart
- end
- self.Text = self.Text:sub(1, startPos) .. self.Text:sub(endPos + 2)
- self.CursorPos = startPos
- self.DragStart = nil
- self.Selected = false
- return true
- end
- end
- if event == 'char' then
- deleteSelected()
- if self.Numerical then
- keychar = tostring(tonumber(keychar))
- end
- if keychar == 'nil' then
- return
- end
- self.Text = string.sub(self.Text, 1, self.CursorPos ) .. keychar .. string.sub( self.Text, self.CursorPos + 1 )
- if self.Numerical then
- self.Text = tostring(tonumber(self.Text))
- if self.Text == 'nil' then
- self.Text = '1'
- end
- end
- self.CursorPos = self.CursorPos + 1
- if self.OnChange then
- self:OnChange(event, keychar)
- end
- return false
- elseif event == 'key' then
- if keychar == keys.enter then
- if self.OnChange then
- self:OnChange(event, keychar)
- end
- elseif keychar == keys.left then
- -- Left
- if self.CursorPos > 0 then
- if self.Selected then
- self.CursorPos = self.DragStart
- self.DragStart = nil
- self.Selected = false
- else
- self.CursorPos = self.CursorPos - 1
- end
- if self.OnChange then
- self:OnChange(event, keychar)
- end
- end
- elseif keychar == keys.right then
- -- Right
- if self.CursorPos < string.len(self.Text) then
- if self.Selected then
- self.CursorPos = self.CursorPos
- self.DragStart = nil
- self.Selected = false
- else
- self.CursorPos = self.CursorPos + 1
- end
- if self.OnChange then
- self:OnChange(event, keychar)
- end
- end
- elseif keychar == keys.backspace then
- -- Backspace
- if not deleteSelected() and self.CursorPos > 0 then
- self.Text = string.sub( self.Text, 1, self.CursorPos - 1 ) .. string.sub( self.Text, self.CursorPos + 1 )
- self.CursorPos = self.CursorPos - 1
- if self.Numerical then
- self.Text = tostring(tonumber(self.Text))
- if self.Text == 'nil' then
- self.Text = '1'
- end
- end
- if self.OnChange then
- self:OnChange(event, keychar)
- end
- end
- elseif keychar == keys.home then
- -- Home
- self.CursorPos = 0
- if self.OnChange then
- self:OnChange(event, keychar)
- end
- elseif keychar == keys.delete then
- if not deleteSelected() and self.CursorPos < string.len(self.Text) then
- self.Text = string.sub( self.Text, 1, self.CursorPos ) .. string.sub( self.Text, self.CursorPos + 2 )
- if self.Numerical then
- self.Text = tostring(tonumber(self.Text))
- if self.Text == 'nil' then
- self.Text = '1'
- end
- end
- if self.OnChange then
- self:OnChange(keychar)
- end
- end
- elseif keychar == keys["end"] then
- -- End
- self.CursorPos = string.len(self.Text)
- else
- if self.OnChange then
- self:OnChange(event, keychar)
- end
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- ]],
- ["View"] = [[
- BackgroundColour = colours.transparent
- Children = {}
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)
- if self.BackgroundColour then
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)
- end
- end
- OnInitialise = function(self)
- self.Children = {}
- end
- InitialiseFile = function(self, bedrock, file, name)
- local _new = {}
- _new.X = 1
- _new.Y = 1
- _new.Width = Drawing.Screen.Width
- _new.Height = Drawing.Screen.Height
- _new.BackgroundColour = file.BackgroundColour
- _new.Name = name
- _new.Children = {}
- _new.Bedrock = bedrock
- local new = self:Initialise(_new)
- for i, obj in ipairs(file.Children) do
- local view = bedrock:ObjectFromFile(obj, new)
- if not view.Z then
- view.Z = i
- end
- view.Parent = new
- table.insert(new.Children, view)
- end
- return new
- end
- function CheckClick(self, object, x, y)
- local offset = {X = 0, Y = 0}
- if not object.Fixed and self.ChildOffset then
- offset = self.ChildOffset
- end
- if object.X + offset.X <= x and object.Y + offset.Y <= y and object.X + offset.X + object.Width > x and object.Y + offset.Y + object.Height > y then
- return true
- end
- end
- function DoClick(self, object, event, side, x, y)
- if object then
- if self:CheckClick(object, x, y) then
- local offset = {X = 0, Y = 0}
- if not object.Fixed and self.ChildOffset then
- offset = self.ChildOffset
- end
- return object:Click(event, side, x - object.X - offset.X + 1, y - object.Y + 1 - offset.Y)
- end
- end
- end
- Click = function(self, event, side, x, y, z)
- if self.Visible and not self.IgnoreClick then
- for i = #self.Children, 1, -1 do --children are ordered from smallest Z to highest, so this is done in reverse
- local child = self.Children[i]
- if self:DoClick(child, event, side, x, y) then
- if self.OnChildClick then
- self:OnChildClick(child, event, side, x, y)
- end
- return true
- end
- end
- if event == 'mouse_click' and self.OnClick and self:OnClick(event, side, x, y) ~= false then
- return true
- elseif event == 'mouse_drag' and self.OnDrag and self:OnDrag(event, side, x, y) ~= false then
- return true
- elseif event == 'mouse_scroll' and self.OnScroll and self:OnScroll(event, side, x, y) ~= false then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- OnRemove = function(self)
- if self == self.Bedrock:GetActiveObject() then
- self.Bedrock:SetActiveObject()
- end
- for i, child in ipairs(self.Children) do
- child:OnRemove()
- end
- end
- local function findObjectNamed(view, name, minI)
- local minI = minI or 0
- if view and view.Children then
- for i, child in ipairs(view.Children) do
- if child.Name == name or child == name then
- return child, i, view
- elseif child.Children then
- local found, index, foundView = findObjectNamed(child, name)
- if found and minI <= index then
- return found, index, foundView
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function ReorderObjects(self)
- if self.Children then
- table.sort(self.Children, function(a,b)
- return a.Z < b.Z
- end)
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do
- if v.ReorderObjects then
- v:ReorderObjects()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function AddObject(self, info, extra, first)
- if type(info) == 'string' then
- local h ='.view', 'r')
- if h then
- info = textutils.unserialize(h.readAll())
- h.close()
- else
- error('Error in opening object: '
- end
- end
- if extra then
- for k, v in pairs(extra) do
- if v then
- info[k] = v
- end
- end
- end
- local view = self.Bedrock:ObjectFromFile(info, self)
- if not view.Z then
- if first then
- view.Z = 1
- else
- view.Z = #self.Children + 1
- end
- end
- if first then
- table.insert(self.Children, 1, view)
- else
- table.insert(self.Children, view)
- end
- if self.Bedrock.View then
- self.Bedrock:ReorderObjects()
- end
- self:ForceDraw()
- return view
- end
- function GetObject(self, name)
- return findObjectNamed(self, name)
- end
- local function findObjects(view, name)
- local objects = {}
- if view and view.Children then
- for i, child in ipairs(view.Children) do
- if child.Name == name or child == name then
- table.insert(objects, child)
- elseif child.Children then
- local objs = findObjects(child, name)
- if objs then
- for i2, v in ipairs(objs) do
- table.insert(objects, v)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return objects
- end
- function GetObjects(self, name)
- return findObjects(self, name)
- end
- function RemoveObject(self, name)
- local obj, index, view = findObjectNamed(self, name, minI)
- if index then
- view.Children[index]:OnRemove()
- table.remove(view.Children, index)
- if view.OnUpdate then
- view:OnUpdate('Children')
- end
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function RemoveObjects(self, name)
- local i = 1
- while self:RemoveObject(name) and i < 100 do
- i = i + 1
- end
- end
- function RemoveAllObjects(self)
- for i, child in ipairs(self.Children) do
- child:OnRemove()
- self.Children[i] = nil
- end
- self:ForceDraw()
- end
- ]],
- ["Window"] = [[
- Inherit = 'View'
- ToolBarColour = colours.lightGrey
- ToolBarTextColour =
- ShadowColour = colours.grey
- Title = ''
- Flashing = false
- CanClose = true
- OnCloseButton = nil
- OldActiveObject = nil
- LoadView = function(self)
- local view = self:GetObject('View')
- if view.ToolBarColour then
- window.ToolBarColour = view.ToolBarColour
- end
- if view.ToolBarTextColour then
- window.ToolBarTextColour = view.ToolBarTextColour
- end
- view.X = 1
- view.Y = 2
- view:ForceDraw()
- self:OnUpdate('View')
- if self.OnViewLoad then
- self.OnViewLoad(view)
- end
- self.OldActiveObject = self.Bedrock:GetActiveObject()
- self.Bedrock:SetActiveObject(view)
- end
- SetView = function(self, view)
- self:RemoveObject('View')
- table.insert(self.Children, view)
- view.Parent = self
- self:LoadView()
- end
- Flash = function(self)
- self.Flashing = true
- self:ForceDraw()
- self.Bedrock:StartTimer(function()self.Flashing = false end, 0.4)
- end
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)
- local toolBarColour = (self.Flashing and colours.grey or self.ToolBarColour)
- local toolBarTextColour = (self.Flashing and or self.ToolBarTextColour)
- if toolBarColour then
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, 1, toolBarColour)
- end
- if toolBarTextColour then
- local title = self.Bedrock.Helpers.TruncateString(self.Title, self.Width - 2)
- Drawing.DrawCharactersCenter(self.X, self.Y, self.Width, 1, title, toolBarTextColour, toolBarColour)
- end
- Drawing.IgnoreConstraint = true
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x + 1, y + 1, self.Width, self.Height, self.ShadowColour)
- Drawing.IgnoreConstraint = false
- end
- Close = function(self)
- self.Bedrock:SetActiveObject(self.OldActiveObject)
- self.Bedrock.Window = nil
- self.Bedrock:RemoveObject(self)
- if self.OnClose then
- self:OnClose()
- end
- self = nil
- end
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)
- if value == 'View' and self:GetObject('View') then
- self.Width = self:GetObject('View').Width
- self.Height = self:GetObject('View').Height + 1
- self.X = math.ceil((Drawing.Screen.Width - self.Width) / 2)
- self.Y = math.ceil((Drawing.Screen.Height - self.Height) / 2)
- elseif value == 'CanClose' then
- self:RemoveObject('CloseButton')
- if self.CanClose then
- local button = self:AddObject({X = 1, Y = 1, Width = 1, Height = 1, Type = 'Button', BackgroundColour =, TextColour = colours.white, Text = 'x', Name = 'CloseButton'})
- button.OnClick = function(btn)
- if self.OnCloseButton then
- self:OnCloseButton()
- end
- self:Close()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- ]],
- }
- BasePath = ''
- ProgramPath = nil
- -- Program functions...
- local function main(...)
- -- Code here...
- end
- -- Run
- local args = {...}
- local _, err = pcall(function() main(unpack(args)) end)
- if err then
- -- Make a nice error handling screen here...
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 3)
- print(" An Error Has Occured! D:\n\n")
- print(" " .. tostring(err) .. "\n\n")
- print(" Press any key to exit...")
- os.pullEvent("key")
- end
- function LoadAPIs(self)
- local function loadAPI(name, content)
- local env = setmetatable({}, { __index = getfenv() })
- local func, err = loadstring(content, name..' (Bedrock API)')
- if not func then
- return false, printError(err)
- end
- setfenv(func, env)
- func()
- local api = {}
- for k,v in pairs(env) do
- api[k] = v
- end
- _G[name] = api
- return true
- end
- local env = getfenv()
- local function loadObject(name, content)
- loadAPI(name, content)
- if env[name].Inherit then
- if not getfenv()[env[name].Inherit] then
- if objects[env[name].Inherit] then
- loadObject(env[name].Inherit, objects[env[name].Inherit])
- elseif fs.exists(self.ProgramPath..'/Objects/'..env[name].Inherit..'.lua') then
- local h ='/Objects/'..env[name].Inherit..'.lua', 'r')
- loadObject(env[name].Inherit, h.readAll())
- h.close()
- loadObject(name, content)
- return
- end
- end
- env[name].__index = getfenv()[env[name].Inherit]
- else
- env[name].__index = Object
- end
- setmetatable(env[name], env[name])
- end
- for k, v in pairs(apis) do
- loadAPI(k, v)
- if k == 'Helpers' then
- self.Helpers = Helpers
- end
- end
- for k, v in pairs(objects) do
- loadObject(k, v)
- end
- local privateObjPath = self.ProgramPath..'/Objects/'
- if fs.exists(privateObjPath) and fs.isDir(privateObjPath) then
- for i, v in ipairs(fs.list(privateObjPath)) do
- if v ~= '.DS_Store' then
- local name = string.match(v, '(%a+)%.?.-')
- local h =, 'r')
- loadObject(name, h.readAll())
- h.close()
- end
- end
- end
- local privateAPIPath = self.ProgramPath..'/APIs/'
- if fs.exists(privateAPIPath) and fs.isDir(privateAPIPath) then
- for i, v in ipairs(fs.list(privateAPIPath)) do
- if v ~= '.DS_Store' then
- local name = string.match(v, '(%a+)%.?.-')
- local h =, 'r')
- loadAPI(name, h.readAll())
- h.close()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- AllowTerminate = true
- View = nil
- Menu = nil
- ActiveObject = nil
- DrawTimer = nil
- DrawTimerExpiry = 0
- IsDrawing = false
- Running = true
- DefaultView = 'main'
- AnimationEnabled = true
- EventHandlers = {
- }
- ObjectClickHandlers = {
- }
- ObjectUpdateHandlers = {
- }
- Timers = {
- }
- ModifierKeys = {}
- KeyboardShortcuts = {}
- keys.leftCommand = 219
- keys.rightCommand = 220
- function Initialise(self, programPath)
- self.ProgramPath = programPath or self.ProgramPath
- if not programPath then
- if self.ProgramPath then
- local prgPath = self.ProgramPath
- local prgName = fs.getName(prgPath)
- if prgPath:find('/') then
- self.ProgramPath = prgPath:sub(1, #prgPath-#prgName-1)
- self.ProgramPath = prgPath:sub(1, #prgPath-#prgName-1)
- else
- self.ProgramPath = ''
- end
- else
- self.ProgramPath = ''
- end
- end
- self:LoadAPIs()
- self.ViewPath = self.ProgramPath .. '/Views/'
- --first, check that the barebones APIs are available
- local requiredApis = {
- 'Drawing',
- 'View'
- }
- local env = getfenv()
- for i,v in ipairs(requiredApis) do
- if not env[v] then
- error('The API: '..v..' is not loaded. Please make sure you load it to use Bedrock.')
- end
- end
- local copy = { }
- for k, v in pairs(self) do
- if k ~= 'Initialise' then
- copy[k] = v
- end
- end
- return setmetatable(copy, getmetatable(self))
- end
- function HandleClick(self, event, side, x, y)
- if self.Menu then
- if not self.View:DoClick(self.Menu, event, side, x, y) then
- self.Menu:Close()
- end
- elseif self.Window then
- if not self.View:CheckClick(self.Window, x, y) then
- self.Window:Flash()
- else
- self.View:DoClick(self.Window, event, side, x, y)
- end
- elseif self.View then
- if self.View:Click(event, side, x, y) ~= false then
- end
- end
- end
- function UnregisterKeyboardShortcut(self, name)
- if name then
- self.KeyboardShortcuts[name] = nil
- end
- end
- function RegisterKeyboardShortcut(self, keys, func, name)
- name = name or tostring(math.random(1, 10000))
- if type(keys[1]) == 'table' then
- for i, v in ipairs(keys) do
- self.KeyboardShortcuts[name] = {Keys = v, Function = func}
- end
- else
- self.KeyboardShortcuts[name] = {Keys = keys, Function = func}
- end
- return name
- end
- function TryKeyboardShortcuts(self, keychar)
- if keychar == keys.backspace then
- keychar = keys.delete
- end
- local len = 1 -- + keychar
- for k, v in pairs(self.ModifierKeys) do
- len = len + 1
- end
- for _, shortcut in pairs(self.KeyboardShortcuts) do
- local match = true
- for i2, key in ipairs(shortcut.Keys) do
- if self.ModifierKeys[key] == nil and key ~= keychar then
- match = false
- end
- end
- if match and #shortcut.Keys == len then
- return shortcut.Function() ~= false
- end
- end
- end
- function HandleKeyChar(self, event, keychar)
- if keychar == keys.leftCtrl or keychar == keys.leftShift or keychar == keys.leftAlt or keychar == keys.leftCommand or keychar == keys.rightCommand or keychar == keys.rightCtrl or keychar == keys.rightShift or keychar == keys.rightAlt then
- if keychar == keys.leftCommand or keychar == keys.rightCommand or keychar == keys.rightCtrl then
- keychar = keys.leftCtrl
- elseif keychar == keys.rightAlt then
- keychar = keys.leftAlt
- elseif keychar == keys.rightShift then
- keychar = keys.leftShift
- end
- self.ModifierKeys[keychar] = self:StartTimer(function(_, timer)
- if timer == self.ModifierKeys[keychar] then
- self.ModifierKeys[keychar] = nil
- end
- end, 1)
- elseif self:TryKeyboardShortcuts(keychar) then
- return
- end
- if self:GetActiveObject() then
- local activeObject = self:GetActiveObject()
- if activeObject.OnKeyChar then
- if activeObject:OnKeyChar(event, keychar) ~= false then
- --self:Draw()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- PreparedMenus = {}
- function PrepareMenu(self, name)
- local menu = self:AddObject(name, {Type = 'Menu', X = 1, Y = 1, Prepared = true})
- menu.Visible = false
- self.PreparedMenus[name] = menu
- return menu
- end
- function ToggleMenu(self, name, owner, x, y)
- if self.Menu then
- self.Menu:Close()
- return false
- else
- self:SetMenu(name, owner, x, y)
- return true
- end
- end
- function SetMenu(self, menu, owner, x, y)
- x = x or 1
- y = y or 1
- if self.Menu then
- self.Menu:Close()
- end
- if menu then
- local pos = owner:GetPosition()
- if self.PreparedMenus[menu] then
- self.Menu = self.PreparedMenus[menu]
- self.Menu.Visible = true
- self.Menu.Owner = owner
- self.Menu.X = pos.X + x - 1
- self.Menu.Y = pos.Y + y
- self.Menu.Z = self.View.Children[#self.View.Children].Z + 1
- self:ReorderObjects()
- else
- self.Menu = self:AddObject(menu, {Type = 'Menu', Owner = owner, X = pos.X + x - 1, Y = pos.Y + y, Z = self.View.Children[#self.View.Children].Z + 1})
- end
- end
- end
- function ObjectClick(self, name, func)
- self.ObjectClickHandlers[name] = func
- end
- function ClickObject(self, object, event, side, x, y)
- if self.ObjectClickHandlers[object.Name] then
- return self.ObjectClickHandlers[object.Name](object, event, side, x, y)
- end
- return false
- end
- function ObjectUpdate(self, name, func)
- self.ObjectUpdateHandlers[name] = func
- end
- function UpdateObject(self, object, ...)
- if self.ObjectUpdateHandlers[object.Name] then
- self.ObjectUpdateHandlers[object.Name](object, ...)
- --self:Draw()
- end
- end
- function GetAbsolutePosition(self, obj)
- if not obj.Parent then
- return {X = obj.X, Y = obj.Y}
- else
- local pos = self:GetAbsolutePosition(obj.Parent)
- local x = pos.X + obj.X - 1
- local y = pos.Y + obj.Y - 1
- if not obj.Fixed and obj.Parent.ChildOffset then
- x = x + obj.Parent.ChildOffset.X
- y = y + obj.Parent.ChildOffset.Y
- end
- return {X = x, Y = y}
- end
- end
- function LoadView(self, name, draw)
- if self.View and self.OnViewClose then
- self.OnViewClose(self.View.Name)
- end
- if self.View then
- self.View:OnRemove()
- end
- local success = false
- if Drawing.Screen.Width <= 26 and fs.exists('-pocket.view') then
- name = name..'-pocket'
- elseif Drawing.Screen.Width <= 39 and fs.exists('-turtle.view') then
- name = name..'-turtle'
- end
- if not fs.exists('.view') then
- error('The view: ''.view does not exist.')
- end
- local h ='.view', 'r')
- if h then
- local view = textutils.unserialize(h.readAll())
- h.close()
- if view then
- self.View = View:InitialiseFile(self, view, name)
- self:ReorderObjects()
- if OneOS and view.ToolBarColour then
- OneOS.ToolBarColour = view.ToolBarColour
- end
- if OneOS and view.ToolBarTextColour then
- OneOS.ToolBarTextColour = view.ToolBarTextColour
- end
- if not self:GetActiveObject() then
- self:SetActiveObject()
- end
- success = true
- end
- end
- if success and self.OnViewLoad then
- self.OnViewLoad(name)
- end
- if draw ~= false then
- self:Draw()
- end
- if not success then
- error('Failed to load view: ''. It probably isn\'t formatted correctly. Did you forget a } or ,?')
- end
- return success
- end
- function InheritFile(self, file, name)
- local h ='.view', 'r')
- if h then
- local super = textutils.unserialize(h.readAll())
- if super then
- if type(super) ~= 'table' then
- error('View: "''.view" is not formatted correctly.')
- end
- for k, v in pairs(super) do
- if not file[k] then
- file[k] = v
- end
- end
- return file
- end
- end
- return file
- end
- function ParseStringSize(self, parent, k, v)
- local parentSize = parent.Width
- if k == 'Height' or k == 'Y' then
- parentSize = parent.Height
- end
- local parts = {v}
- if type(v) == 'string' and string.find(v, ',') then
- parts = {}
- for word in string.gmatch(v, '([^,]+)') do
- table.insert(parts, word)
- end
- end
- v = 0
- for i2, part in ipairs(parts) do
- if type(part) == 'string' and part:sub(#part) == '%' then
- v = v + math.ceil(parentSize * (tonumber(part:sub(1, #part-1)) / 100))
- else
- v = v + tonumber(part)
- end
- end
- return v
- end
- function ObjectFromFile(self, file, view)
- local env = getfenv()
- if env[file.Type] then
- if not env[file.Type].Initialise then
- error('Malformed Object: '..file.Type)
- end
- local object = {}
- if file.InheritView then
- file = self:InheritFile(file, file.InheritView)
- end
- object.AutoWidth = true
- for k, v in pairs(file) do
- if k == 'Width' or k == 'X' or k == 'Height' or k == 'Y' then
- v = self:ParseStringSize(view, k, v)
- end
- if k == 'Width' then
- object.AutoWidth = false
- end
- if k ~= 'Children' then
- object[k] = v
- else
- object[k] = {}
- end
- end
- object.Parent = view
- object.Bedrock = self
- if not object.Name then
- object.Name = file.Type
- end
- object = env[file.Type]:Initialise(object)
- if file.Children then
- for i, obj in ipairs(file.Children) do
- local _view = self:ObjectFromFile(obj, object)
- if not _view.Z then
- _view.Z = i
- end
- _view.Parent = object
- table.insert(object.Children, _view)
- end
- end
- if not object.OnClick then
- object.OnClick = function(...) return self:ClickObject(...) end
- end
- --object.OnUpdate = function(...) self:UpdateObject(...) end
- if object.OnUpdate then
- for k, v in pairs(env[file.Type]) do
- object:OnUpdate(k)
- end
- for k, v in pairs(object.__index) do
- object:OnUpdate(k)
- end
- end
- if object.Active then
- object.Bedrock:SetActiveObject(object)
- end
- if object.OnLoad then
- object:OnLoad()
- end
- object.Ready = true
- return object
- elseif not file.Type then
- error('No object type specified. (e.g. Type = "Button")')
- else
- error('No Object: '..file.Type..'. The API probably isn\'t loaded')
- end
- end
- function ReorderObjects(self)
- if self.View and self.View.Children then
- self.View:ReorderObjects()
- end
- end
- function AddObject(self, info, extra, first)
- return self.View:AddObject(info, extra, first)
- end
- function GetObject(self, name)
- return self.View:GetObject(name)
- end
- function GetObjects(self, name)
- return self.View:GetObjects(name)
- end
- function RemoveObject(self, name)
- return self.View:RemoveObject(name)
- end
- function RemoveObjects(self, name)
- return self.View:RemoveObjects(name)
- end
- DrawEvent = nil
- function HandleDraw(self, event, id)
- if id == self.DrawEvent then
- self.DrawEvent = nil
- self:Draw()
- end
- end
- function ForceDraw(self)
- if not self.DrawEvent then--or self.DrawTimerExpiry <= os.clock() then
- self.DrawEvent = math.random()
- os.queueEvent('bedrock_draw', self.DrawEvent)
- -- self:StartTimer(function()
- -- self.DrawTimer = nil
- -- self:Draw()
- -- end, 0.05)
- -- self.DrawTimerExpiry = os.clock() + 0.1
- end
- end
- function DisplayWindow(self, _view, title, canClose)
- if canClose == nil then
- canClose = true
- end
- if type(_view) == 'string' then
- local h ='.view', 'r')
- if h then
- _view = textutils.unserialize(h.readAll())
- h.close()
- end
- end
- self.Window = self:AddObject({Type = 'Window', Z = 999, Title = title, CanClose = canClose})
- _view.Type = 'View'
- _view.Name = 'View'
- _view.BackgroundColour = _view.BackgroundColour or colours.white
- self.Window:SetView(self:ObjectFromFile(_view, self.Window))
- end
- function DisplayAlertWindow(self, title, text, buttons, callback)
- local func = function(btn)
- self.Window:Close()
- if callback then
- callback(btn.Text)
- end
- end
- local children = {}
- local usedX = -1
- if buttons then
- for i, text in ipairs(buttons) do
- usedX = usedX + 3 + #text
- table.insert(children, {
- ["Y"]="100%,-1",
- ["X"]="100%,-"..usedX,
- ["Name"]=text.."Button",
- ["Type"]="Button",
- ["Text"]=text,
- OnClick = func
- })
- end
- end
- local width = usedX + 2
- if width < 28 then
- width = 28
- end
- local canClose = true
- if buttons and #buttons~=0 then
- canClose = false
- end
- local height = 0
- if text then
- height = #Helpers.WrapText(text, width - 2)
- table.insert(children, {
- ["Y"]=2,
- ["X"]=2,
- ["Width"]="100%,-2",
- ["Height"]=height,
- ["Name"]="Label",
- ["Type"]="Label",
- ["Text"]=text
- })
- end
- local view = {
- Children = children,
- Width=width,
- Height=3+height+(canClose and 0 or 1),
- OnKeyChar = function(_view, keychar)
- func({Text=buttons[1]})
- end
- }
- self:DisplayWindow(view, title, canClose)
- end
- function DisplayTextBoxWindow(self, title, text, callback, textboxText, cursorAtEnd)
- textboxText = textboxText or ''
- local children = {
- {
- ["Y"]="100%,-1",
- ["X"]="100%,-4",
- ["Name"]="OkButton",
- ["Type"]="Button",
- ["Text"]="Ok",
- OnClick = function()
- local text = self.Window:GetObject('TextBox').Text
- self.Window:Close()
- callback(true, text)
- end
- },
- {
- ["Y"]="100%,-1",
- ["X"]="100%,-13",
- ["Name"]="CancelButton",
- ["Type"]="Button",
- ["Text"]="Cancel",
- OnClick = function()
- self.Window:Close()
- callback(false)
- end
- }
- }
- local height = -1
- if text and #text ~= 0 then
- height = #Helpers.WrapText(text, 26)
- table.insert(children, {
- ["Y"]=2,
- ["X"]=2,
- ["Width"]="100%,-2",
- ["Height"]=height,
- ["Name"]="Label",
- ["Type"]="Label",
- ["Text"]=text
- })
- end
- table.insert(children,
- {
- ["Y"]=3+height,
- ["X"]=2,
- ["Width"]="100%,-2",
- ["Name"]="TextBox",
- ["Type"]="TextBox",
- ["Text"]=textboxText,
- ["CursorPos"]=(cursorAtEnd or 0)
- })
- local view = {
- Children = children,
- Width=28,
- Height=5+height+(canClose and 0 or 1),
- }
- self:DisplayWindow(view, title)
- self.Window:GetObject('TextBox').OnChange = function(txtbox, event, keychar)
- if keychar == keys.enter then
- self.Window:Close()
- callback(true, txtbox.Text)
- end
- end
- self:SetActiveObject(self.Window:GetObject('TextBox'))
- self.Window.OnCloseButton = function()callback(false)end
- end
- function DisplayOpenFileWindow(self, title, callback)
- title = title or 'Open File'
- local func = function(btn)
- self.Window:Close()
- if callback then
- callback(btn.Text)
- end
- end
- local sidebarItems = {}
- --this is a really, really super bad way of doing it
- local separator = ' !'
- local function addFolder(path, level)
- for i, v in ipairs(_fs.list(path)) do
- local fPath = path .. '/' .. v
- if fPath ~= '/rom' and _fs.isDir(fPath) then
- table.insert(sidebarItems, level .. v..separator..fPath)
- addFolder(fPath, level .. ' ')
- end
- end
- end
- if OneOS then
- _fs = OneOS.FS
- end
- addFolder('','')
- local currentFolder = ''
- local selectedPath = nil
- local goToFolder = nil
- local children = {
- {
- ["Y"]="100%,-2",
- ["X"]=1,
- ["Height"]=3,
- ["Width"]="100%",
- ["BackgroundColour"]=colours.lightGrey,
- ["Name"]="SidebarListView",
- ["Type"]="View"
- },
- {
- ["Y"]="100%,-1",
- ["X"]="100%,-4",
- ["Name"]="OkButton",
- ["Type"]="Button",
- ["Text"]="Ok",
- ["BackgroundColour"]=colours.white,
- ["Enabled"]=false,
- OnClick = function()
- if selectedPath then
- self.Window:Close()
- callback(true, Helpers.TidyPath(selectedPath))
- end
- end
- },
- {
- ["Y"]="100%,-1",
- ["X"]="100%,-13",
- ["Name"]="CancelButton",
- ["Type"]="Button",
- ["Text"]="Cancel",
- ["BackgroundColour"]=colours.white,
- OnClick = function()
- self.Window:Close()
- callback(false)
- end
- },
- {
- ["Y"]=1,
- ["X"]=1,
- ["Height"]="100%,-3",
- ["Width"]="40%,-1",
- ["Name"]="SidebarListView",
- ["Type"]="ListView",
- ["CanSelect"]=true,
- ["Items"]={
- ["Computer"] = sidebarItems
- },
- OnSelect = function(listView, text)
- local _,s = text:find(separator)
- if s then
- local path = text:sub(s + 1)
- goToFolder(path)
- end
- end,
- OnClick = function(listView, event, side, x, y)
- if y == 1 then
- goToFolder('/')
- end
- end
- },
- {
- ["Y"]=1,
- ["X"]="40%",
- ["Height"]="100%,-3",
- ["Width"]=1,
- ["Type"]="Separator"
- },
- {
- ["Y"]=1,
- ["X"]="40%,2",
- ["Width"]="65%,-3",
- ["Height"]=1,
- ["Type"]="Label",
- ["Name"]="PathLabel",
- ["TextColour"]=colours.lightGrey,
- ["Text"]='/'
- },
- {
- ["Y"]=2,
- ["X"]="40%,1",
- ["Height"]="100%,-4",
- ["Width"]="65%,-1",
- ["Name"]="FilesListView",
- ["Type"]="ListView",
- ["CanSelect"]=true,
- ["Items"]={},
- OnSelect = function(listView, text)
- selectedPath = Helpers.TidyPath(currentFolder .. '/' .. text)
- self.Window:GetObject('OkButton').Enabled = true
- end,
- OnClick = function(listView, event, side, x, y)
- if y == 1 then
- goToFolder('/')
- end
- end
- },
- }
- local view = {
- Children = children,
- Width=40,
- Height= Drawing.Screen.Height - 4,
- OnCloseButton=function()
- callback(false)
- end
- }
- self:DisplayWindow(view, title)
- goToFolder = function(path)
- path = Helpers.TidyPath(path)
- self.Window:GetObject('PathLabel').Text = path
- currentFolder = path
- local filesListItems = {}
- for i, v in ipairs(_fs.list(path)) do
- if not _fs.isDir(currentFolder .. v) then
- table.insert(filesListItems, v)
- end
- end
- self.Window:GetObject('OkButton').Enabled = false
- selectedPath = nil
- self.Window:GetObject('FilesListView').Items = filesListItems
- end
- if startPath then
- goToFolder(startPath)
- elseif OneOS then
- goToFolder('/Desktop/Documents/')
- else
- goToFolder('')
- end
- self.Window.OnCloseButton = function()callback(false)end
- end
- function DisplaySaveFileWindow(self, title, callback, extension, startPath)
- local _fs = fs
- if extension and extension:sub(1,1) ~= '.' then
- extension = '.' .. extension
- end
- extension = extension or ''
- title = title or 'Save File'
- local func = function(btn)
- self.Window:Close()
- if callback then
- callback(btn.Text)
- end
- end
- local sidebarItems = {}
- --this is a really, really super bad way of doing it
- local separator = ' !'
- local function addFolder(path, level)
- for i, v in ipairs(_fs.list(path)) do
- local fPath = path .. '/' .. v
- if fPath ~= '/rom' and _fs.isDir(fPath) then
- table.insert(sidebarItems, level .. v..separator..fPath)
- addFolder(fPath, level .. ' ')
- end
- end
- end
- if OneOS then
- _fs = OneOS.FS
- end
- addFolder('','')
- local currentFolder = ''
- local selectedPath = nil
- local goToFolder = nil
- local function updatePath()
- local text = self:GetObject('FileNameTextBox').Text
- if #text == 0 then
- self.Window:GetObject('OkButton').Enabled = false
- selectedPath = Helpers.TidyPath(currentFolder)
- else
- self.Window:GetObject('OkButton').Enabled = true
- selectedPath = Helpers.TidyPath(currentFolder .. '/' .. text .. extension)
- end
- self:GetObject('PathLabel').Text = selectedPath
- end
- local children = {
- {
- ["Y"]="100%,-2",
- ["X"]=1,
- ["Height"]=3,
- ["Width"]="100%",
- ["BackgroundColour"]=colours.lightGrey,
- ["Type"]="View"
- },
- {
- ["Y"]="100%,-1",
- ["X"]="100%,-4",
- ["Name"]="OkButton",
- ["Type"]="Button",
- ["Text"]="Ok",
- ["BackgroundColour"]=colours.white,
- ["Enabled"]=false,
- OnClick = function()
- if selectedPath then
- local text = self:GetObject('FileNameTextBox').Text
- self.Window:Close()
- callback(true, selectedPath, text)
- end
- end
- },
- {
- ["Y"]="100%,-1",
- ["X"]="100%,-13",
- ["Name"]="CancelButton",
- ["Type"]="Button",
- ["Text"]="Cancel",
- ["BackgroundColour"]=colours.white,
- OnClick = function()
- self.Window:Close()
- callback(false)
- end
- },
- {
- ["Y"]="100%,-2",
- ["X"]=3,
- ["Width"]="100%,-4",
- ["Name"]="PathLabel",
- ["Type"]="Label",
- ["Text"]="/",
- ["TextColour"]=colours.grey
- },
- {
- ["Y"]="100%,-1",
- ["X"]=3,
- ["Width"]="100%,-17",
- ["Name"]="FileNameTextBox",
- ["Type"]="TextBox",
- ["Placeholder"]="File Name",
- ["Active"]=true,
- ["BackgroundColour"]=colours.white,
- OnChange = function(_self, event, keychar)
- if keychar == keys.enter then
- self:GetObject('OkButton'):OnClick()
- else
- updatePath()
- end
- end
- },
- {
- ["Y"]=1,
- ["X"]=2,
- ["Height"]="100%,-3",
- ["Width"]="100%,-1",
- ["Name"]="SidebarListView",
- ["Type"]="ListView",
- ["CanSelect"]=true,
- ["Items"]={
- ["Computer"] = sidebarItems
- },
- OnSelect = function(listView, text)
- local _,s = text:find(separator)
- if s then
- local path = text:sub(s + 1)
- goToFolder(path)
- end
- end,
- OnClick = function(listView, event, side, x, y)
- if y == 1 then
- goToFolder('/')
- end
- end
- },
- }
- local view = {
- Children = children,
- Width=35,
- Height= Drawing.Screen.Height - 4,
- OnCloseButton=function()
- callback(false)
- end
- }
- self:DisplayWindow(view, title)
- self:SetActiveObject(self.Window:GetObject('FileNameTextBox'))
- goToFolder = function(path)
- path = Helpers.TidyPath(path)
- currentFolder = path
- selectedPath = nil
- updatePath()
- end
- if startPath then
- goToFolder(startPath)
- elseif OneOS then
- goToFolder('/Desktop/Documents/')
- else
- goToFolder('')
- end
- self.Window.OnCloseButton = function()callback(false)end
- end
- function RegisterEvent(self, event, func)
- if not self.EventHandlers[event] then
- self.EventHandlers[event] = {}
- end
- table.insert(self.EventHandlers[event], func)
- end
- function StartRepeatingTimer(self, func, interval)
- local int = interval
- if type(int) == 'function' then
- int = int()
- end
- if not int or int <= 0 then
- return
- end
- local timer = os.startTimer(int)
- self.Timers[timer] = {func, true, interval}
- return timer
- end
- function StartTimer(self, func, delay)
- local timer = os.startTimer(delay)
- self.Timers[timer] = {func, false}
- return timer
- end
- function StopTimer(self, timer)
- if self.Timers[timer] then
- self.Timers[timer] = nil
- end
- end
- function HandleTimer(self, event, timer)
- if self.Timers[timer] then
- local oldTimer = self.Timers[timer]
- self.Timers[timer] = nil
- local new = nil
- if oldTimer[2] then
- new = self:StartRepeatingTimer(oldTimer[1], oldTimer[3])
- end
- if oldTimer and oldTimer[1] then
- oldTimer[1](new, timer)
- end
- elseif self.OnTimer then
- self.OnTimer(self, event, timer)
- end
- end
- function SetActiveObject(self, object)
- if object then
- if object ~= self.ActiveObject then
- self.ActiveObject = object
- object:ForceDraw()
- end
- elseif self.ActiveObject ~= nil then
- self.ActiveObject = nil
- self.CursorPos = nil
- self.View:ForceDraw()
- end
- end
- function GetActiveObject(self)
- return self.ActiveObject
- end
- OnTimer = nil
- OnClick = nil
- OnKeyChar = nil
- OnDrag = nil
- OnScroll = nil
- OnViewLoad = nil
- OnViewClose = nil
- OnDraw = nil
- OnQuit = nil
- local eventFuncs = {
- OnClick = {'mouse_click', 'monitor_touch'},
- OnKeyChar = {'key', 'char'},
- OnDrag = {'mouse_drag'},
- OnScroll = {'mouse_scroll'},
- HandleClick = {'mouse_click', 'mouse_drag', 'mouse_scroll', 'monitor_touch'},
- HandleKeyChar = {'key', 'char'},
- HandleTimer = {'timer'},
- HandleDraw = {'bedrock_draw'}
- }
- local drawCalls = 0
- local ignored = 0
- function Draw(self)
- self.IsDrawing = true
- if self.OnDraw then
- self:OnDraw()
- end
- if self.View and self.View:NeedsDraw() then
- self.View:Draw()
- Drawing.DrawBuffer()
- if isDebug then
- drawCalls = drawCalls + 1
- end
- elseif not self.View then
- print('No loaded view. You need to do program:LoadView first.')
- end
- if self:GetActiveObject() and self.CursorPos and type(self.CursorPos[1]) == 'number' and type(self.CursorPos[2]) == 'number' then
- term.setCursorPos(self.CursorPos[1], self.CursorPos[2])
- term.setTextColour(self.CursorColour)
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- else
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- end
- self.IsDrawing = false
- end
- function EventHandler(self)
- local event = { os.pullEventRaw() }
- if self.EventHandlers[event[1]] then
- for i, e in ipairs(self.EventHandlers[event[1]]) do
- e(self, unpack(event))
- end
- end
- end
- function Quit(self)
- self.Running = false
- if self.OnQuit then
- self:OnQuit()
- end
- if OneOS then
- OneOS.Close()
- end
- end
- function Run(self, ready)
- if not term.isColour or not term.isColour() then
- print('This program requires an advanced (golden) comptuer to run, sorry.')
- error('', 0)
- end
- for name, events in pairs(eventFuncs) do
- if self[name] then
- for i, event in ipairs(events) do
- self:RegisterEvent(event, self[name])
- end
- end
- end
- if self.AllowTerminate then
- self:RegisterEvent('terminate', function()error('Terminated', 0) end)
- end
- if self.DefaultView and self.DefaultView ~= '' and fs.exists(self.ViewPath..self.DefaultView..'.view') then
- self:LoadView(self.DefaultView)
- end
- if ready then
- ready()
- end
- self:Draw()
- while self.Running do
- self:EventHandler()
- end
- end
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