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- Common foreword:
- "My dream is always the same. Far to the west, the setting sun splashes red and gold. I feel the pull of power, of riches untold that lie beyond the horizon. I know that power untold will be mine if I can but claim it first. Glory shall be mine and mine alone."
- Green Ship faction:
- The ancients knew more than us. From what little we have of their writings that is clear. This knowledge is lost but what is lost can be found. Whether it is hidden in the seas, in the dark, or in the songs and memories of the people, those who find this knowledge will wield great power in the generations to come. Your people are seekers who thirst to know more, to do more and will not let words or arms dissuade them.
- The future is filled with answers from the past.
- Blue Trident faction:
- There are those who think gold is but a means to an end. They are fools. Gold is the end. It is power. It is might. It can buy off your enemies and make enemies into friends. The new goods out in the oceans are the chance of not only this lifetime but future lifetimes. These goods can be harnessed into people, into buildings, into war, whatever you need.
- The future is shining and bright for those who can grasp it.
- Grey Phoenix(?) faction:
- For many generations your enemies besieged you. Land was lost. Your people were lost. You chafed under the yoke of oppression. But you have thrown off that past, have given your people new hope. For you have power and strength now and none shall make you bow again. You are quick to celebrate but swift to punish. You learn fast, but are slow to forgive those who cross you.
- The future is brighter than the past.
- Red Unicorn faction:
- You are a proud people and family means everything. Your history runs through your peoples' veins and you can trace back your lineage for hundreds of years. Of course, this can lead to judgment from a name alone and the politics that come from this vast network are wearying to outsiders. But everyone knows everyone and the connections across the continent are always put to good use.
- The future of your families should only grow more resplendent.
- Purple Castle faction:
- You will not live long in this world. None do. But you can see what those before you created if they lived right. Your people create the future. You craft buildings, songs, stories, and legends and, through those, live beyond your years. You have belongings with histories so rich that they tell a thousand stories. You write songs that will be sung by your descendants, just as you sing songs written by your ancestors.
- The future is already here and you are already the past.
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