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- #!/usr/local/bin/gst -q
- Integer extend [
- bitAppend: bool [
- ^(self bitShift: 1) bitOr: bool asCBooleanValue.
- ]
- ]
- Object subclass: Map [
- | tiles edges corners grid dim |
- Map class >> new [
- | bits val |
- Rev_map := Array new: 1023.
- (1 to: 1023) do: [ :i |
- bits := i.
- val := 0.
- 10 timesRepeat: [
- val := val bitAppend: ((bits bitAnd: 1) ~= 0).
- bits := bits bitShift: -1.
- ].
- Rev_map at: i put: val.
- ].
- ^(super new) init.
- ]
- init [
- tiles := LookupTable new.
- edges := LookupTable new.
- ^self
- ]
- Map class >> revEdge: edge [
- ^Rev_map at: edge
- ]
- addTile: tile [
- tiles at: (tile getId) put: tile.
- tile getEdges do: [ :edgeId |
- (edges at: edgeId ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new]) add: tile getId.
- ].
- ]
- getTile: tileId [ ^(tiles at: tileId) ]
- getDim [ ^dim ]
- isInternal: edge [
- ^((edges at: edge) size = 2)
- ]
- findCorners [
- ^corners := tiles select: [ :tile |
- ((tile getEdges select: [ :e | self isInternal: e ]) size = 4).
- ]
- ]
- solveMap [
- | corner corn_edges intern rots |
- dim := tiles size sqrt asInteger.
- grid := (1 to: dim) collect: [ :i | Array new: dim ].
- corner := corners anyOne.
- corn_edges := corner getEdges.
- intern := (1 to: 4) select: [ :i | self isInternal: (corn_edges at: i) ].
- rots := ((intern at: 2) = 4) ifTrue: [ ((intern at: 1) = 1) ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [0] ]
- ifFalse: [ intern at: 2 ].
- rots timesRepeat: [ corner rotTile ].
- (grid at: 1) at: 1 put: corner.
- (2 to: dim) do: [ :x |
- | prev edgeId tile |
- prev := (grid at: 1) at: (x - 1).
- edgeId := Map revEdge: (prev getEdges at: 4).
- tile := tiles at: ((edges at: edgeId) detect: [ :t | t ~= prev getId ]).
- tile translate: edgeId to: 2.
- (grid at: 1) at: x put: tile.
- ].
- (2 to: dim) do: [ :y |
- (1 to: dim) do: [ :x |
- | prev edgeId tile |
- prev := (grid at: y - 1) at: x.
- edgeId := Map revEdge: (prev getEdges at: 3).
- tile := tiles at: ((edges at: edgeId) detect: [ :t | t ~= prev getId ]).
- tile translate: edgeId to: 1.
- (grid at: y) at: x put: tile.
- ].
- ].
- ]
- stitch [
- | mosaic my line |
- mosaic := Array new: dim * 8.
- my := 1.
- (1 to: dim) do: [ :gy |
- (1 to: 8) do: [ :y |
- line := ''.
- (1 to: dim) do: [ :gx |
- line := (line, ((((grid at: gy) at: gx) getTile) at: y) asString).
- ].
- mosaic at: my put: line.
- my := my + 1.
- ]
- ].
- ^mosaic
- ]
- ]
- Object subclass: Tile [
- | id edges tile |
- Tile class >> withId: idNum tile: strArray [
- ^(super new) init: idNum tile: strArray.
- ]
- init: tileNum tile: tileStr [
- | top left bot right |
- id := tileNum.
- edges := Array new: 8.
- tile := Array new: 8.
- top := 0.
- left := 0.
- bot := 0.
- right := 0.
- (1 to: 10) do: [ :i |
- top := top bitAppend: (((tileStr at: 1) at: i) = $#).
- left := left bitAppend: (((tileStr at: 11 - i) at: 1) = $#).
- bot := bot bitAppend: (((tileStr at: 10) at: 11 - i) = $#).
- right := right bitAppend: (((tileStr at: i) at: 10) = $#).
- ].
- edges at: 1 put: top; at: 2 put: left; at: 3 put: bot; at: 4 put: right;
- at: 5 put: (Map revEdge: left);
- at: 6 put: (Map revEdge: top);
- at: 7 put: (Map revEdge: right);
- at: 8 put: (Map revEdge: bot).
- (2 to: 9) do: [ :i |
- tile at: (i - 1) put: ((tileStr at: i) readStream copyFrom: 1 to: 8).
- ].
- ^self
- ]
- getId [ ^id ]
- getEdges [ ^edges ]
- getTile [ ^tile ]
- flipTile [
- | flip f_edges |
- flip := (1 to: 8) collect: [ :i | Array new: 8 ].
- f_edges := Array new: 8.
- (1 to: 8) do: [ :y |
- (1 to: 8) do: [ :x |
- (flip at: y) at: x put: ((tile at: x) at: y).
- ]
- ].
- (1 to: 4) do: [ :i |
- f_edges at: i put: (edges at: (i + 4)).
- f_edges at: (i + 4) put: (edges at: i).
- ].
- tile := flip.
- edges := f_edges.
- ]
- rotTile [
- | rot r_edges |
- rot := (1 to: 8) collect: [ :i | Array new: 8 ].
- r_edges := Array new: 8.
- (1 to: 8) do: [ :y |
- (1 to: 8) do: [ :x |
- (rot at: y) at: x put: ((tile at: (9 - x)) at: y).
- ]
- ].
- (1 to: 3) do: [ :i |
- r_edges at: i put: (edges at: (i + 1)).
- r_edges at: (i + 5) put: (edges at: (i + 4)).
- ].
- r_edges at: 4 put: (edges at: 1).
- r_edges at: 5 put: (edges at: 8).
- tile := rot.
- edges := r_edges.
- ]
- translate: edgeId to: side [
- | idx |
- idx := (1 to: 8) detect: [ :i | (edges at: i) = edgeId ].
- (idx > 4) ifTrue: [ self flipTile. idx := idx - 4 ].
- ((idx - side) \\ 4) timesRepeat: [ self rotTile ].
- ]
- ]
- "
- | Mainline
- "
- map := Map new.
- inStream := stdin lines contents readStream.
- [ (line := inStream next) notNil ] whileTrue: [
- id := line substrings second asNumber. " read header "
- inTile := OrderedCollection new.
- 10 timesRepeat: [ inTile addLast: inStream next ]. " read tile "
- map addTile: (Tile withId: id tile: inTile).
- inStream next. " skip blank line "
- ].
- stdout nextPutAll: 'Part 1: ', (map findCorners inject: 1 into: [:a :b | a * b getId]) asString; nl.
- " Put the map together "
- map solveMap.
- " Get the mosaic in four orientations: as made, flipped diagonally, and lines reversed "
- mosaic := Array new: 4.
- mosaic at: 1 put: map stitch.
- dim := (map getDim * 8).
- " Flip diagonally "
- mosaic at: 2 put: ((1 to: dim) collect: [ :i | String new: dim ]).
- (1 to: dim) do: [ :y |
- (1 to: dim) do: [ :x |
- ((mosaic at: 2) at: y) at: x put: (((mosaic at: 1) at: x) at: y).
- ].
- ].
- " Reverse lines of the above two "
- (1 to: 2) do: [ :i |
- mosaic at: (i + 2) put: ((mosaic at: i) collect: [ :line | line reverse ]).
- ].
- "
- | The four remaining orientations are vertical flips of these four, so we can use
- | the middle line of the monster to judge which matches best.
- "
- mons_mid := '#....##....##....###' asRegex.
- best_map := nil.
- best_match := nil.
- (1 to: 4) do: [ :map |
- mat := (2 to: dim - 1) select: [:i | (((mosaic at: map) at: i) =~ mons_mid) matched].
- (mat size > best_match size) ifTrue: [
- best_match := mat.
- best_map := mosaic at: map.
- ].
- ].
- " Scan map for monsters both up-side-up and up-side-down "
- up_count := 0.
- down_count := 0.
- best_match do: [ :i |
- stream := (best_map at: i) readStream.
- pos := 0.
- [ (mat := (stream upToEnd =~ mons_mid)) matched ] whileTrue: [
- pos := pos + mat from.
- (((best_map at: i - 1) at: pos + 18) = $#) ifTrue: [
- below := (best_map at: i + 1) copyFrom: pos to: pos + 16.
- ((below =~ '^.#..#..#..#..#..#') matched) ifTrue: [
- up_count := up_count + 1.
- ].
- ].
- (((best_map at: i + 1) at: pos + 18) = $#) ifTrue: [
- above:= (best_map at: i - 1) copyFrom: pos to: pos + 16.
- ((above =~ '^.#..#..#..#..#..#') matched) ifTrue: [
- down_count := down_count + 1.
- ].
- ].
- stream position: pos.
- ].
- ].
- " Count waves in stitched image "
- waves := (best_map collect: [ :line | (line select: [ :c | c = $# ]) size ])
- inject: 0 into: [ :a :b | a + b ].
- stdout nextPutAll: 'Part 2: ', (waves - ((up_count max: down_count) * 15)) asString; nl.
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