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- class Lief:
- def __init__(self, e, is_end):
- self.e = e
- self.children = {}
- self.is_end = is_end
- def add_child(self, e, is_end):
- self.children[e] = Lief(e, is_end)
- def get_child(self, e):
- return self.children[e]
- def remove_child(self, e):
- del self.children[e]
- def is_child(self, e):
- return e in self.children
- def has_children(self):
- return len(self.children) > 0
- def children_count(self):
- return len(self.children)
- def add_word(self, word):
- if word[0] not in self.children:
- # if letter not in children, create new lief
- new_lief = Lief(word[0], False)
- if len(word) > 1:
- new_lief.add_word(word[1:])
- else:
- new_lief.is_end = True
- self.children[word[0]] = new_lief
- else:
- self.children[word[0]].add_word(word[1:])
- def search_word(self, word):
- if word[0] == self.e:
- # if word initial matches lief
- if len(word) == 1 and self.is_end:
- return True
- elif len(word) > 1 and word[1] in self.children:
- return self.children[word[1]].search_word(word[1:])
- else:
- return False
- else:
- return False
- def remove_word(self, word):
- if word[0] == self.e:
- if len(word) == 1 and self.is_end:
- self.is_end = False
- elif len(word) > 1 and word[1] in self.children:
- self.children[word[1]].remove_word(word[1:])
- class Trie:
- def __init__(self, wl=None):
- self.heads = {}
- if wl is not None:
- [self.add_word(word) for word in wl]
- def add_word(self, word):
- if not self.search_word(word):
- if word[0] not in self.heads:
- new_lief = Lief(word[0], False)
- if len(word) > 1:
- new_lief.add_word(word[1:])
- else:
- new_lief.is_end = True
- self.heads[word[0]] = new_lief
- else:
- self.heads[word[0]].add_word(word[1:])
- def search_word(self, word):
- if word[0] in self.heads:
- return self.heads[word[0]].search_word(word)
- else:
- return False
- def remove_word(self, word):
- if word[0] in self.heads:
- self.heads[word[0]].remove_word(word)
- def is_head(self, char):
- return char in self.heads
- def get_head(self, char):
- return self.heads[char]
- # 0: right, rotation cc
- direction = [
- (1, 0), # 0: right
- (1, 1), # 1: right down
- (0, 1), # 2: down
- (-1, 1), # 3: left down
- (-1, 0), # 4: left
- (-1, -1), # 5: left up
- (0, -1), # 6: up
- (1, -1) # 7: right up
- ]
- d_name = {
- 0: 'E',
- 1: 'SE',
- 2: 'S',
- 3: 'SW',
- 4: 'W',
- 5: 'NW',
- 6: 'N',
- 7: 'NE',
- }
- def search_grid(g, trie: Trie):
- word_coors = {}
- found_words = []
- for y in range(len(g)):
- for x in range(len(g[0])):
- curr_char = g[y][x]
- if trie.is_head(curr_char):
- found_words += search_cell(g, x, y, trie.get_head(g[y][x]))
- if len(found_words) > 0:
- for word in found_words:
- word_coors[word] = (y+1, x+1)
- dictionary.remove_word(word)
- found_words = []
- return word_coors
- def search_cell(g, x, y, node: Lief):
- found_words = []
- for d in range(len(direction)):
- found_words += search(g, x, y, d, node)
- return found_words
- def search(g, x, y, d, node: Lief, words_found=None, word_str=''):
- if words_found is None:
- words_found = []
- global direction
- if node.e == g[y][x]: # if current letter matches
- word_str += node.e
- if node.is_end:
- words_found.append(word_str)
- # increment step
- x += direction[d][0]
- y += direction[d][1]
- if 0 <= x < len(g[0]) and 0 <= y < len(g): # check if next step is still within bounds
- next_char = g[y][x]
- if node.is_child(next_char):
- next_node = node.get_child(next_char)
- return search(g, x, y, d, next_node, words_found, word_str)
- else:
- return words_found
- else:
- # if next step is out of bounds
- return words_found
- else:
- return words_found
- # [MAIN CODE]=======================================================================
- # Get grid and word list
- r, c = map(int, input().split())
- grid = [input() for _ in range(r)]
- word_count = int(input())
- word_list = [input() for _ in range(word_count)]
- # Cache words
- dictionary = Trie(word_list)
- # Search grid
- word_coors = search_grid(grid, dictionary)
- for word in word_list:
- print(*word_coors[word])
- # [TEST CODE]=======================================================================
- # grid = [
- # 'xatnysnprabvbas',
- # 'teehsdaerpslyug',
- # 'soqgknsscoklpsn',
- # 'ochmacaeceteeei',
- # 'fyasarnprrrhfak',
- # 'tjenngoascosprr',
- # 'wjnkiewtohulsco',
- # 'aexnteemsrowlhw',
- # 'rbefrnprfietset',
- # 'egiaeusecuritye',
- # 'shhetcwhisasahn',
- # 'ssrescriptwptku',
- # 'xcremmapsryaurq',
- # 'srevresavepmssq',
- # 'socialwuevsuybb'
- # ]
- #
- # word_list = ['bar', 'engine', 'key', 'networking', 'save', 'scan', 'scanner', 'screen', 'screenshot', 'script',
- # 'scroll', 'search', 'security', 'server', 'shareware', 'shell', 'shift', 'snapshot', 'social',
- # 'software', 'spam', 'spammer', 'spreadsheet', 'spyware', 'status', 'storage', 'supercomputer',
- # 'surf', 'syntax']
- # dictionary = Trie(word_list)
- # word_coors = search_grid(grid, dictionary)
- # for word in word_list:
- # print('{}: {}'.format(word, word_coors[word]))
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