
Cull Of Nature -- by Kirk Lawrence

Oct 12th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Cull Of Nature -- by Kirk Lawrence
  2. ++ An Ode To That Google Search
  3. .
  4. I come in peace, and yet, some come at me
  5. It's like comedy and from my own company?
  6. Think I'd jump any? Haha... come on, please
  7. No real harm... I'll live on... all in... harmony
  8. .
  9. Never will I beg... not even get on my knees
  10. Forget you nominees, I make problems cease
  11. Despite your height, I'd... still... calm the seas
  12. Get it... high tides? Rhymes like pharmacies
  13. .
  14. Forcing? Don't need to take those... seriously
  15. Yeah, I'm paranoid... a healthy fear of disease
  16. Guess chances are, they need to read it again
  17. From the top... as if I took a seat on their chin
  18. .
  19. Not really my fans if they don't... really think
  20. Won't let them drain me like... holes in a sink
  21. As souls... to the brink. My goals... too distinct
  22. Darwin Awards, as Nature chose... for extinct
  23. .
  24. Kudos, I already got the two doses of vaccine
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