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- //=============================================================================
- // Maliki's Attach Augments EX
- // Mal_AttachAugments_Ext.js
- // version 1.5b
- //=============================================================================
- /*:
- * @plugindesc Version 1.5b Allows you to preset Augments on items. Also allows for mandatory slot fills.
- * @author Maliki79
- * @help You need two steps to use this plugin:
- * 1: To set an item's pre-loaded Augments add this tag to the item's note
- * field: <preAugment: "item" number, etc, none>
- *
- * where "item" is the augment's type in the database(item, weapon, or armor)
- * and number is the item Id.
- * Augment slots left open must have "none" in that slot's place on the list.
- *
- * Example: <preAugment:item 1, armor 2, none, weapon 1>
- *
- * This will add item 1 to the item's first Augment slot, armor 2 to the second,
- * nothing to the third and weapon 1 to the forth.
- * Note that you can put ANY item in the slots, but bear YanFly's rules regarding
- * non-instance items in mind to prevent potential issues.
- *
- * Example 2: <preAugment:item 1 or item 2, armor 2, none or armor 4, weapon 1 or weapon 5 or weapon 5>
- *
- * This will add item 1 OR item 2 to the item's first Augment slot, armor 2 to
- * the second, nothing OR armor 4 to the third and weapon 1
- * OR weapon 5 to the forth with weapon 5 having an increased chance to be added.
- * (There is no limit to the number of augments in the augment pool.)
- *
- * 1a: You can also set up augment tags with percentages in the following format:
- * <preAugment: "item" number number%, etc>
- *
- * where "item" is the augment's type in the database, number is the item's
- * Id and number% is the percentage chance of it being added.
- * DO NOT use "none" with percentage tags and do not mix percentage with
- * non-percentage tags for the same slot. "None" must still be present in
- * slots with no augments.
- * Also, while you can technically set any percentages you like, any going
- * over 100% total chance will mess up the results.
- *
- * Example 3: <preAugment:item 1, armor 2, none, weapon 1 10%>
- * This will add item 1 to the item's first Augment slot, armor 2 to the second,
- * nothing to the third and a 10% chance to add weapon 1 to the forth.
- *
- * Example 4: <preAugment:item 1 or item 2, armor 2, armor 4 50%, weapon 1 25% or weapon 5 6% or weapon 5 60%>
- * This will add item 1 OR item 2 at 50% each to the item's first Augment slot,
- * armor 2 to the second, 50% chance of armor 4 to the third and weapon 1
- * or weapon 5 to the forth with weapon 1 having 25% success and weapon 5
- * with a combined chance of 66%.
- *
- * Any percentage chance slots that do not add up to 100% have a chance for
- * failure equal to leftover percentage.
- * So looking at example 4's final slot, the combined percentage is
- * 25 + 6 + 60 = 91%.
- * So in that slot, there will be a 9% chance of nothing being placed there.
- *
- * 2: Adding the tag <augreplaceonly> to items will make it so once an
- * augment slot on the tagged item is filled, the
- * augment(s) can only be replaced, not removed leaving the slot empty.
- *
- * 2a: You can also specify which slots on an item are affected by the tag
- * using <augreplaceonly: slotId, slotId, etc > (Note the space at the end)
- * with slotId being the slot Ids for any slots on the item.
- * (The slots are numbered in the order you place when tagging the item
- * with slot names in the database. The first slot is numbered 0.)
- * Note that you can start with an empty slot, but once filled will remain that way.
- *
- * With this add-on, Augments are represented properly in shops when buying.
- * With this comes the need to purchase weapons and armors one at a time during
- * the current Shop Scene. If you wish to have more than 1, simply add copies
- * of the weapon when calling the Shop.
- * This will affect ALL weapons and armor, regardless of whether they have
- * pre-loaded augments or not.
- */
- Window_AugmentItemList.prototype.makeItemList = function() {
- this._data = $gameParty.allItems().filter(function(item) {
- return this.includes(item);
- }, this);
- if (this._item.augmentSlotItems[this._slotId] !== 'none' && this.augreplaceonly(this._item, this._slotId)) {
- this._data.unshift(null);
- }
- };
- Window_AugmentItemList.prototype.augreplaceonly = function(item, slot){
- if (!item.meta.augreplaceonly) return true;
- if (item.meta.augreplaceonly == true) return false;
- var augs = item.meta.augreplaceonly.split(", ");
- if (augs.length == -1) return false;
- for (var i = 0; i < augs.length; i++) augs[i] = Number(augs[i]);
- for (var i = 0; i < augs.length; i++) {
- if (augs[i] == slot) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- var MalNewIndieItem = ItemManager.customizeNewIndependentItem
- ItemManager.customizeNewIndependentItem = function(baseItem, newItem) {
-, baseItem, newItem);
- this.PreloadAugment(newItem);
- };
- ItemManager.PreloadAugment = function(item) {
- if (!item.meta.preAugment) return;
- var augs = item.meta.preAugment.split(", ");
- item.augmentSlotItems = [];
- item.augmentSlotEnable = [];
- if (SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Shop) return;
- for (var i = 0; i < item.augmentSlots.length; i++) {
- var pick = augs[i].split(" or ");
- pick2 = [];
- var choice = 0;
- for (var k = 0; k < pick.length; k++) {
- var newpick = pick[k].split(" ");
- if(newpick[0] === "none") continue;
- if(newpick[2]) {
- newpick[2] = Number(newpick[2].replace('%',''));
- } else {
- newpick[2] = 100 / pick.length;
- }
- newpick[2] += choice;
- choice = newpick[2];
- pick2.push(newpick[0] + ' ' + newpick[1] + ' ' + newpick[2]);
- }
- var chance = Math.randomInt(100);
- if (choice > 100) chance = Math.randomInt(choice);
- var done = 0;
- for (var k = 0; k < pick2.length; k++) {
- if (done == 1) continue;
- var finalpick = pick2[k].split(" ");
- if (finalpick[2] > chance){
- done = 1;
- if (finalpick[0] == "item") this.installAugmentToSlot(item, $dataItems[Number(finalpick[1])], i);
- if (finalpick[0] == "weapon") this.installAugmentToSlot(item, $dataWeapons[Number(finalpick[1])], i);
- if (finalpick[0] == "armor") this.installAugmentToSlot(item, $dataArmors[Number(finalpick[1])], i);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- ItemManager.PreloadTemp = function(item, slot) {
- if (!slot) return;
- item.augmentSlotItems = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < item.augmentSlots.length; i++) {
- var newSlot = "none";
- if (slot[i]) newSlot = slot[i].split(" ");
- if (!newSlot[1]) this.installAugmentToSlot(item, null, i);
- if (newSlot[0] == "item") this.installAugmentToSlot(item, $dataItems[Number(newSlot[1])], i);
- if (newSlot[0] == "weapon") this.installAugmentToSlot(item, $dataWeapons[Number(newSlot[1])], i);
- if (newSlot[0] == "armor") this.installAugmentToSlot(item, $dataArmors[Number(newSlot[1])], i);
- }
- }
- Window_AugmentItemList.prototype.playOkSound = function() {
- //SoundManager.playEquip();
- };
- var MalonAugmentListOk = Scene_Item.prototype.onAugmentListOk
- Scene_Item.prototype.onAugmentListOk = function() {
- var effectItem = this._augmentListWindow.item();
- var slotId = this._itemActionWindow.currentExt();
- if (effectItem === undefined) {
- SoundManager.playBuzzer();
- } else {
- ItemManager.applyAugmentEffects(this.item(), effectItem, slotId, 1);
- SoundManager.playEquip();
- }
- this._augmentListWindow.refresh();
- this._augmentListWindow.activate();
- this._statusWindow.refresh();
- this._infoWindow.refresh();
- this._itemWindow.refresh();
- this._itemActionWindow.refresh();
- var index = this._augmentListWindow.index();
- this.onAugmentListCancel();
- };
- Game_Interpreter.prototype.command302 = function() {
- if (!$gameParty.inBattle()) {
- var goods = [this._params];
- while (this.nextEventCode() === 605) {
- this._index++;
- goods.push(this.currentCommand().parameters);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < goods.length; i++) {
- if (goods[i][0] == 1) goods[i].push(DataManager.registerTempItem($dataWeapons[goods[i][1]], 1, goods[i][1]));
- if (goods[i][0] == 2) goods[i].push(DataManager.registerTempItem($dataArmors[goods[i][1]], 2, goods[i][1]));
- }
- SceneManager.push(Scene_Shop);
- SceneManager.prepareNextScene(goods, this._params[4]);
- }
- return true;
- };
- DataManager.registerTempItem = function(item) {
- if (!this.isNewItemValid(item)) return item;
- var newItem = JsonEx.makeDeepCopy(item);
- ItemManager.PreloadAugment(newItem);
- return newItem;
- };
- Window_ShopBuy.prototype.makeItemList = function() {
- this._data = [];
- this._price = [];
- this._shopGoods.forEach(function(goods) {
- var item = null;
- switch (goods[0]) {
- case 0:
- item = $dataItems[goods[1]];
- break;
- case 1:
- item = $dataWeapons[goods[1]];
- break;
- case 2:
- item = $dataArmors[goods[1]];
- break;
- }
- if (goods[goods.length - 1].name && goods[0] > 0) {
- item = goods[goods.length - 1];
- = goods[1];
- }
- if (item) {
- this._data.push(item);
- this._price.push(goods[2] === 0 ? item.price : goods[3]);
- }
- }, this);
- };
- DataManager.isWeapon = function(item) {
- return item && ($dataWeapons.contains(item) || item.wtypeId);
- };
- DataManager.isArmor = function(item) {
- return item && ($dataArmors.contains(item) || item.atypeId);
- };
- Scene_Shop.prototype.doBuy = function(number) {
- ItemManager.shopFlag = true;
- $gameParty.loseGold(number * this.buyingPrice());
- if (this._item.itypeId) $gameParty.gainItem($dataItems[], number);
- if (this._item.wtypeId) {
- if (this._item.augmentSlotItems) var slots = this._item.augmentSlotItems;
- $gameParty.gainItem($dataWeapons[], number);
- var newItem = $gameParty.weapons()[$gameParty.weapons().length - 1];
- ItemManager.PreloadTemp(newItem, slots);
- }
- if (this._item.atypeId) {
- if (this._item.augmentSlotItems) var slots = this._item.augmentSlotItems;
- $gameParty.gainItem($dataArmors[], number);
- var newItem = $gameParty.armors()[$gameParty.armors().length - 1];
- ItemManager.PreloadTemp(newItem, slots);
- }
- };
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