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- --{program="tPlatform",version="1.10",date="2016-02-28"}
- ---------------------------------------
- -- tPlatform by Kaikaku
- -- 2016-02-28, v1.10 checks fuel
- -- 2015-03-28, v1.03 select slot 1
- -- 2015-03-21, v1.02 code tidied up
- -- 2013-11-09, v1.01 more compact
- -- 2013-11-02, v1.00 initial
- ---------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- -- Turtle movement:
- -- - building space must be empty
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- PARAMETERS -----------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local cSleepTime=10
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- VARIABLES ------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local userX=3 userY=1
- local blnAskForParameters=true
- local blnDirectionX=true
- local currentSlot=1
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- tArgs ----------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local tArgs = {...}
- if #tArgs == 2 then -- no error check
- blnAskForParameters=false
- userX=tonumber(tArgs[1])
- userY=tonumber(tArgs[2])
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- -- basic functions for turtle control -
- ---------------------------------------
- local function mats()
- if turtle.getItemCount(currentSlot)==0 then
- currentSlot=currentSlot+1
- if currentSlot>16 then
- currentSlot=1
- print("Out of materials, please restock!")
- print(" Sleeping for "..cSleepTime.." sec ...")
- os.sleep(cSleepTime)
- end
- mats()
- end
- end
- local function gf() while not turtle.forward() do end end
- local function gb() while not turtle.back() do end end
- local function gu() while not turtle.up() do end end
- local function gd() while not turtle.down() do end end
- local function gl() while not turtle.turnLeft() do end end
- local function gr() while not turtle.turnRight() do end end
- local function df() turtle.dig() end
- local function du() turtle.digUp() end
- local function dd() turtle.digDown() end
- local function pf() mats() while not do end end
- local function pu() mats() while not turtle.placeUp() do end end
- local function pd() mats() while not turtle.placeDown() do end end
- local function sf() turtle.suck() end
- local function su() turtle.suckUp() end
- local function sd() turtle.suckDown() end
- local function Df() turtle.drop() end
- local function Du() turtle.dropUp() end
- local function Dd() turtle.dropDown() end
- local function ss(s) end
- local function askForInputText(textt)
- local at=""
- -- check prompting texts
- if textt==nil then textt="Enter text:" end
- -- ask for input
- write(textt)
- at=read()
- return at
- end
- local function checkFuel()
- local tmp=turtle.getFuelLevel()
- return tmp
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- main ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- step 0 usage hints
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("+-------------------------------------+")
- print("| tPlatform v1.10, by Kaikaku |")
- print("+-------------------------------------+")
- print("| Put in building materials in any |")
- print("| slot(s) and press enter. |")
- print("| Platform size: Enter x and y to |")
- print("| determine size. Either when asked |")
- print("| by program or with function call, |")
- print("| e.g., tPlatform 5 10 |")
- print("| If turtle runs out of materials it |")
- print("| waits until resupplied. |")
- print("+-------------------------------------+")
- -- step 1 get input
- ss(1)
- if blnAskForParameters then
- askForInputText("Put in materials + press enter!")
- -- step 1.1 get x
- write("Enter depth x (default&min=3):")
- userX=read()
- if userX==nil or userX=="" then userX=3 end
- userX=tonumber(userX) -- no error check yet
- if userX<3 then userX=3 end
- -- step 1.2 get y
- write("Enter width y (default&min=1):")
- userY=read()
- if userY==nil or userY=="" then userY=3 end
- userY=tonumber(userY) -- no error check yet
- --if userY<2 then userY=2 end
- end
- userX=math.floor(userX)
- userY=math.floor(userY)
- -- check fuel level
- local cMinFuel=(userX)*(userY+1)+1
- turtleOk, turtleVal = pcall(checkFuel)
- if turtleVal<cMinFuel then
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("+-------------------------------------+")
- print("| tPlatform v1.10, by Kaikaku |")
- print("+-------------------------------------+")
- print("| Please refuel turtle, it needs a |")
- print("| minimum of about ",cMinFuel," fuel units.")
- print("| Tip: Put some fuel (e.g. coal) in |")
- print("| slot 1 and enter: refuel all. |")
- print("| This will consume all(!) fuel |")
- print("| items in the turtle's inventory|")
- print("+-------------------------------------+")
- return
- end
- -- step 2 loopy loops ;)
- print("Let's build something nice:")
- -- step 2.1 go to start position
- -- & if odd number go back
- if userY%2==1 then
- -- odd number of rows
- for i=1,userX,1 do gf() end
- blnDirectionX=false
- else
- -- even number of rows
- gf() gf() gl() gl()
- blnDirectionX=true
- end
- -- step 2.2 build it
- for iY=1,userY,1 do
- for iX=1,userX-1 do
- if iX==1 then
- if iY~=1 then
- if blnDirectionX then
- gl()
- else
- gr()
- end
- end
- gb() pf()
- elseif iX==userX-1 then
- if iY~=userY then
- if blnDirectionX then
- -- right turn
- gr()
- else
- -- left turn
- gl()
- end
- end
- gb() pf()
- else -- in between start and end
- gb() pf()
- end
- end
- blnDirectionX=not blnDirectionX
- end
- -- go back within 1st row
- gr()
- for i=1,userY-1,1 do gb() pf() end
- gl() gb() pf()
- print("Done. Looks nice to me ;)")
- os.sleep(0.4)
- print("***************************************")
- print("* Check out YouTube for more videos *")
- print("* and turtle programs by Kaikaku :) *")
- print("***************************************")
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