

Apr 22nd, 2016
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  1. -- lets go to my vip, hold on let me invite you.
  2. --I also have a vip its for friends i think o.O
  4. -- GravityCubed made by GravityLegendary, and SavageMunkey
  6. local Savage
  7. MainPlayer = Guest0P
  8. key = ';'
  9. CloneFolder ='Folder',script)
  10. Pointlight = 1 ;-- 1 = on 0 or any other number = off
  12. GravityCubed = [[
  14. .d8888b. d8b 888 .d8888b. 888 888
  15. d88P Y88b Y8P 888 d88P Y88b 888 888
  16. 888 888 888 888 888 888 888
  17. 888 888d888 8888b. 888 888 888 888888 888 888 888 888 888 88888b. .d88b. .d88888
  18. 888 88888 888P" "88b 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 "88b d8P Y8b d88" 888
  19. 888 888 888 .d888888 Y88 88P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 88888888 888 888
  20. Y88b d88P 888 888 888 Y8bd8P 888 Y88b. Y88b 888 Y88b d88P Y88b 888 888 d88P Y8b. Y88b 888
  21. "Y8888P88 888 "Y888888 Y88P 888 "Y888 "Y88888 "Y8888P" "Y88888 88888P" "Y8888 "Y88888
  22. 888
  23. Y8b d88P
  24. "Y88P"
  25. ]]
  28. Savage = {
  29. ['Ranked'] = {
  30. ['GravityPerfextion']={Rank=1,Description='Awesome Guy :D!',Color='Magenta'},
  31. [Guest0P]={Rank=1337,Description='Owner',Color='Cool yellow'},
  32. ['GuestsAreIntelligent']={Rank=-1,Description='Gravity',Color='Cool yellow'},
  33. ['nmoom1']={Rank=1337,Description='Rank = MEH FRIEND',Color='Cool yellow'},
  34. ['TheOfficalNoob4788']={Rank=1,Description='Administator',Color='Deep orange'},
  35. ['clv2'] = {Rank=1,Description='Friend',Color='Royal purple'};
  36. ['mamapeachprincess'] = {Rank=1,Description='Player',Color='Institutional white'};
  37. ['gavinsharp100'] = {Rank=1,Description='Friend',Color='Hot pink'};
  38. ['CHAOSxFIGHTER'] = {Rank=1,Description='Friend',Color='Teal'};
  39. ['Smiley43210'] = {Rank=1,Description='Friend',Color='Royal purple'};
  40. ['TheDeathOfGodsBane'] = {Rank=1,Description='Friend',Color='Royal purple'};
  43. };
  45. ['Id'] = '';--Optional, Only add if you want a Decal on all sides of the Cube
  46. ['TabletSize'] = 2,2,2;
  47. ['DecalTrans'] = .9;
  48. ['Tablets'] = {},
  49. ['Commands'] = {},
  50. ['Rotation'] = 0,
  51. ['RotationAddValue'] = 0.2,
  52. ['Bans'] = {
  53. {['Name'] = 'ItsAjm', ['Reason4Ban'] = "Fmer, Pri'er, Banned me, Abuser"};--Fmer
  54. {['Name'] = 'SASUKE94542', ['Reason4Ban'] = "Annoying, Kept shutting the server down with game.Players:ClearAllChildren()"};--Fmer
  55. {['Name'] = 'jonesj627', ['Reason4Ban'] = 'Abusing'};--Fmer
  56. {['Name'] = 'EinsteinK', ['Reason4Ban'] = 'Fmer'};--Fmer
  57. {['Name'] = 'FlamingIt', ['Reason4Ban'] = 'Fmer'};--Fmer
  58. {['Name'] = 'rllyuoknowus', ['Reason4Ban'] = 'Fmer'};--Fmer
  59. {['Name'] = 'robotmega', ['Reason4Ban'] = 'Fmer'};--Fmer
  60. {['Name'] = 'IoIerisROBLOX', ['Reason4Ban'] = 'Fmer, Banned me, Skid'};--Fmer
  61. {['Name'] = 'tyridge77', ['Reason4Ban'] = 'Private server'};--Fmer
  62. {['Name'] = 'thecoolmanb2321', ['Reason4Ban'] = 'Attempting to ban me, Fming'};
  63. {['Name'] = '1xBytex1',['Reason4Ban'] = 'Fmer, skid'};
  64. {['Name'] = 'x1op',['Reason4Ban'] = 'Fmer, skid, talked about my mom, kept killing me'};
  65. };
  66. ['Properties'] = {"AbsolutePosition","AbsoluteSize","AccountAge","AccountAgeReplicate",
  67. "Active","Adornee","AllowAmbientOcclusion","AllowTeamChangeOnTouch","AluminumQuality",
  68. "AlwaysOnTop","Ambient","AmbientReverb","Anchored","Angularvelocity","AnimationId",
  69. "Archivable","AreHingesDetected","AttachmentForward","AttachmentPoint","AttachmentPos",
  70. "AttachmentRight","AttachmentUp","AutoAssignable","AutoButtonColor","AutoColorCharacters",
  71. "AvailablePhysicalMemory","Axes","BackgroundColor","BackgroundColor3","BackgroundTransparency",
  72. "BackSurface","BaseTextureId","BaseUrl","Bevel","Roundness","BinType","BlastPressure","BlastRadius",
  73. "BodyColor","BodyPart","BorderColor","BorderColor3","BorderSizePixel","BottomSurface","BrickColor",
  74. "Brightness","Browsable","BubbleChat","BubbleChatLifetime","BubbleChatMaxBubbles",
  75. "Bulge","Button1DownConnectionCount","Button1UpConnectionCount","Button2DownConnectionCount",
  76. "Button2UpConnectionCount","C0","C1","CameraMode","CameraSubject","CameraType",
  77. "CanBeDropped","CanCollide","CartoonFactor","CastShadows","CelestialBodiesShown",
  78. "CFrame","Cframe","Character","CharacterAppearance","CharacterAutoLoads","ChatScrollLength",
  79. "ClassicChat","ClassName","ClearTextOnFocus","ClipsDescendants","CollisionSoundEnabled",
  80. "CollisionSoundVolume","Color","ColorShift_Top","ColorShift_Bottom","Bottom","Top","ConstrainedValue","Contro".."llingHumanoid",
  81. "ControlMode","ConversationDistance","CoordinateFrame","CorrodedMetalQuality","CPU",
  82. "CpuCount","CpuSpeed","CreatorId","CreatorType","CurrentAngle","CurrentCamera",
  83. "CycleOffset","D","DataCap","DataComplexity","DataComplexityLimit","DataCost",
  84. "DataReady","Deprecated","DeselectedConnectionCount","DesiredAngle","DiamondPlateQuality",
  85. "Disabled","DistanceFactor","DistributedGameTime","DopplerScale","Draggable","DraggingV1",
  86. "Duration","EditorFont","EditorFontSize","EditorTabWidth","ElapsedTime","Elasticity",
  87. "Enabled","ExplosionType","ExtentsOffset","F0","F1","F2","F3","Face","FaceId","Faces",
  88. "FieldOfView","Focus","FogColor","FogEnd","FogStart","Font","FontSize","Force","FormFactor",
  89. "Friction","From","FrontSurface","GearGenreSetting","Genre","GeographicLatitude","GfxCard", "GlobalShadows","Graphic",
  90. "GrassQuality","Grip","GripForward","GripPos","GripRight","GripUp","Guest","HeadsUpDisplay",
  91. "Health","Heat","Hit","Humanoid","IceQuality","Icon","IdleConnectionCount","Image",
  92. "InitialPrompt","InOut","InUse","IsPaused","IsPlaying","JobId","Jump","KeyDownConnectionCount",
  93. "KeyUpConnectionCount","LeftLeg","LeftRight","LeftSurface","LinkedSource","plr","Location",
  94. "Locked","LODX","LODY","Looped","Material","MaxActivationDistance","MaxCollisionSounds",
  95. "MaxExtents","MaxForce","MaxHealth","MaxItems","MaxPlayers","MaxSpeed","MaxThrust",
  96. "MaxTorque","MaxValue","MaxVelocity","MembershipType","MembershipTypeReplicate","MeshId",
  97. "MeshType","MinValue","Modal","MouseButton1ClickConnectionCount","MouseButton1DownConnectionCount",
  98. "MouseButton1UpConnectionCount","MouseButton2ClickConnectionCount","MouseButton2DownConnectionCount",
  99. "MouseButton2UpConnectionCount","MouseDelta","MouseDragConnectionCount","MouseEnterConnectionCount",
  100. "MouseHit","MouseLeaveConnectionCount","MouseLock","MouseMovedConnectionCount","MouseTarget",
  101. "MouseTargetFilter","MouseTargetSurface","MoveConnectionCount","MoveState","MultiLine","Name",
  102. "NameOcclusion","NetworkOw".."ner","Neutral","NumPlayers","Offset","Opacity","Origin","OsPlatform",
  103. "OsVer","OutdoorAmbient","OverlayTextureId","P","PantsTemplate","ParamA","ParamB","Parent","Part","Part0",
  104. "Part1","Pitch","PixelShaderModel","PlaceId","PlasticQuality","PlatformStand","PlayCount",
  105. "PlayerToHideFrom","PlayOnRemove","Point","Port","Position","Preliminary","PrimaryPart",
  106. "PrivateWorkingSetBytes","Purpose","RAM","Reflectance","ReplicatedSelectedConnectionCount",
  107. "ResizeableFaces","ResizeIncrement","Resolution","ResponseDialog","RightLeg","RightSurface","RiseVelocity",
  108. "RobloxLocked","RobloxVersion","RolloffScale","RotVelocity","Scale","Score","ScriptsDisabled",
  109. "SecondaryColor","Selected","ShadowColor","Shape","Shiny","ShirtTemplate","ShowDeprecatedObjects",
  110. "ShowDevelopmentGui","ShowPreliminaryObjects","Sides","Sit","Size","SizeConstraint",
  111. "SizeOffset","SkinColor","SkyboxBk","SkyboxDn","SkyboxFt","SkyboxLf","SkyboxRt","SkyboxUp",
  112. "SlateQuality","SoundId","Source","SparkleColor","Specular","StarCount",
  113. "Steer","StickyWheels","StudsBetweenTextures","StudsOffset","StudsPerTileU","StudsPerTileV",
  114. "Style","Summary","SuperSa".."feChatReplicate","Surface","Surface0",
  115. "Surface1","SurfaceInput","Target","TargetFilter","TargetOffset","TargetPoint",
  116. "TargetRadius","TargetSurface","TeamColor","Terrain","Text","TextBounds","TextColor","TextColor3",
  117. "TextFits","TextScaled","TextStrokeColor3","TextStrokeTransparency","TextTransparency","Texture",
  118. "TextureId","TextureSize","TextWrap","TextWrapped","TextXAlignment","TextYAlignment","Throttle",
  119. "ThrustD","ThrustP","Ticket","Time","TimeOfDay","To","Tone","ToolTip","TopBottom","TopSurface","Torque","Torso",
  120. "Transparency","TrussDetail","TurnD","TurnP","TurnSpeed","UnitRay","UserDialog","UserId","Value",
  121. "Version","VertexColor","VideoCaptureEnabled","VideoMemory","VideoQuality",
  122. "ViewSizeX","ViewSizeY","Visible","Volume","WalkDirection","WalkSpeed","WalkToPart","WalkToPoint",
  123. "WheelBackwardConnectionCount","WheelForwardConnectionCount","WindowSize","WireRadius","WoodQuality",
  124. "X","Y"};
  125. Functions = {};
  126. Cubez = {};
  127. Logs = {};
  128. DefaultKey = key;
  129. Keys = {
  130. ';'; -- ALREADY DID
  131. ':';
  132. '/';
  133. ',';
  134. '>';
  135. '~';
  136. '=';
  137. },
  138. Services = {
  139. 'Workspace';
  140. },
  141. Ranks = {
  142. -1,
  143. 0,
  144. 1,
  145. 2,
  146. 3,
  147. 4,
  148. 5,
  149. 6,
  150. 7;
  151. };
  152. }
  154. Output = function(Player,Text,Color,Function,Title)
  155. if Text==nil then Text='NIL' end;
  156. if Title==nil then Title = 'SAVAGE' end;
  157. Text='['..Title..']\n'..Text
  158. Cube ='Part',CloneFolder)
  159. Cube.Name = 'GravityCubed'
  160. Cube.Anchored = true
  161. Cube.FormFactor = 3
  162. Cube.Material = 'Neon'
  163. Cube.Size =['TabletSize'],Savage['TabletSize'],Savage['TabletSize'])
  164. Cube.BrickColor =
  165. Cube.Transparency = 0
  166. Cube.BackSurface="SmoothNoOutlines";
  167. Cube.BottomSurface="SmoothNoOutlines";
  168. Cube.FrontSurface="SmoothNoOutlines";
  169. Cube.LeftSurface="SmoothNoOutlines";
  170. Cube.RightSurface="SmoothNoOutlines";
  171. Cube.TopSurface="SmoothNoOutlines";
  172. local Decal1 ='Decal',Cube)
  173. Decal1.Texture = Savage.Id
  174. Decal1.Transparency = Savage.DecalTrans
  175. Decal1.Face = 'Top'
  176. local Decal2 ='Decal',Cube)
  177. Decal2.Texture = Savage.Id
  178. Decal2.Transparency = Savage.DecalTrans
  179. Decal2.Face = 'Bottom'
  180. local Decal3 ='Decal',Cube)
  181. Decal3.Transparency = Savage.DecalTrans
  182. Decal3.Texture = Savage.Id
  183. Decal3.Face = 'Front'
  184. local Decal4 ='Decal',Cube)
  185. Decal4.Transparency = Savage.DecalTrans
  186. Decal4.Texture = Savage.Id
  187. Decal4.Face = 'Left'
  188. local Decal5 ='Decal',Cube)
  189. Decal5 .Transparency = Savage.DecalTrans
  190. Decal5.Texture = Savage.Id
  191. Decal5.Face = 'Right'
  192. local Decal6 ='Decal',Cube)
  193. Decal6.Transparency = Savage.DecalTrans
  194. Decal6.Texture = Savage.Id
  195. Decal6.Face = 'Back'
  196. Cube.CanCollide = false
  197. local CubeSel ='SelectionBox',Cube)
  198. CubeSel.Adornee = Cube
  199. CubeSel.Transparency = .5
  200. pcall(function() Cube.CFrame = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame end)
  201. CubeSel.Color =
  202. if Pointlight == 1 then
  203. local CubePl ='PointLight',Cube)
  204. CubePl.Range = 20
  205. CubePl.Brightness =1--lel
  206. CubePl.Color = Cube.Color--]]
  207. end
  209. local CubeBg ='BillboardGui',Cube)
  210. CubeBg.Adornee = Cube
  211. CubeBg.Size =,0,.5,0)
  212. CubeBg.AlwaysOnTop = true
  213. CubeBg.StudsOffset =,5,0)
  214. local CubeTl ='TextLabel',CubeBg)
  215. CubeTl.Text = Text
  216. CubeTl.Size =,50,0,50)
  217. CubeTl.FontSize = 'Size18'
  218. CubeTl.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  219. CubeTl.Font = 'SourceSans'
  220. --CubeTl.TextScaled = true
  221. CubeTl.TextStrokeTransparency = 1
  222. CubeTl.TextColor3 = Cube.Color
  223. CubeTl.TextStrokeColor3 = Cube.Color
  224. local CubeClick ='ClickDetector',Cube)
  225. CubeClick.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
  226. CubeClick.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(Plr)
  227. if Plr.Name == Player.Name then
  228. --print'Mouse Entered'
  229. --wait()
  230. CubeSel.Color ='Institutional white')
  231. CubeSel.Transparency = 0;
  232. CubeTl.TextStrokeColor3 =,255,255)
  233. CubeTl.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  234. end--]]
  235. end)
  237. CubeClick.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(Plr)
  238. if Plr.Name == Player.Name then
  239. --print'Mouse Leaved'
  240. for i = 1,15 do
  241. CubeSel.Color =
  242. CubeSel.Transparency = .99;
  243. CubeTl.TextStrokeTransparency = 1
  244. CubeTl.TextStrokeColor3 = Cube.Color
  245. -- game["Run Service"].Heartbeat:wait()
  246. end
  247. end
  248. end)
  250. CubeClick.MouseClick:connect(function(plr)
  251. if plr.Name == Player.Name then
  252. Cube:Destroy()
  253. for i,v in pairs(Savage.Tablets) do
  254. if v.Name == Cube.Name then
  255. table.remove(Savage.Tablets, i)
  256. end
  257. end
  259. if Function ~= nil then
  260. local a,b=ypcall(function()
  261. Function()
  262. end) if not a then Output(Player,tostring(b),"Really red") end
  263. end
  264. end
  265. end)
  266. table.insert(Savage.Tablets,{Tab = Cube, Player = Player, Text = CubeTl, Box = CubeSel})
  267. end -- you can do the output.
  269. --[[Savage.Functions.Dismiss = function(Player)
  270. for _,v in next, Savage.Tablets do
  271. if v.Player == Player then
  272. coroutine.wrap(function()
  273. for i = 0,1,.1 do
  274. v.Tab.Size = v.Tab.Size -,i,.2)
  275. v.Tab.Transparency = i
  276. v.Box.Transparency = i
  277. v.Text.TextTransparency = i
  278. wait()
  279. end
  280. --wait()
  281. v.Tab:Destroy() -- Destroys tablet.
  282. end)()
  283. end
  284. end
  285. wait(1)
  286. end --]]
  288. Savage.Functions.Dismiss = function(Player)
  289. pcall(function()
  290. for _,v in next, Savage.Tablets do
  291. if v.Player == Player then
  292. local Thread=coroutine.create(function()
  293. repeat
  294. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  296. v.Tab.Transparency = v.Tab.Transparency + .03
  297. until v.Tab.Size.X<0.3 and v.Tab.Transparency >= 1;
  298. v.Tab:Destroy();
  299. end)
  300. coroutine.resume(Thread)----table.remove(Core.Players[Player.Name].Data.Tablets,i);
  301. end;
  302. end
  303. end)
  304. end
  306. Savage.Functions.SetRank = function(Speaker, Plr)
  307. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  308. Output(Speaker,-1,GetColor(Speaker),function()
  309. if Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name] == nil then
  310. table.insert(Savage['Ranked'],{[Plr.Name] = {Rank = -1, Description = 'Disabled Admin', Color = 'Really black'}})
  311. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank -1[Disabled]','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  312. Output(Plr,'You are now rank -1[Disabled]',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  313. else
  314. Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name].Rank = -1
  315. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank -1[Disabled]','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  316. Output(Plr,'You are now rank -1[Disabled]',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  317. end
  318. end,nil)
  319. Output(Speaker,1,GetColor(Speaker),function()
  320. if Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name] == nil then
  321. table.insert(Savage['Ranked'],{[Plr.Name] = {Rank = 1, Description = 'Temp Admin Rank 1', Color = 'Really black'}})
  322. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 1','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  323. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 1',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  324. else
  325. Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name].Rank = 1
  326. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 1','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  327. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 1',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  328. end
  329. end,nil)
  330. Output(Speaker,2,GetColor(Speaker),function()
  331. if Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name] == nil then
  332. table.insert(Savage['Ranked'],{[Plr.Name] = {Rank = 2, Description = 'Temp Admin Rank 2', Color = 'Black'}})
  333. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 2','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  334. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 2',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  335. else
  336. Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name].Rank = 2
  337. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 2','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  338. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 2',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  339. end
  340. end,nil)
  341. Output(Speaker,3,GetColor(Speaker),function()
  342. if Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name] == nil then
  343. table.insert(Savage['Ranked'],{[Plr.Name] = {Rank = 3, Description = 'Temp Admin Rank 3', Color = 'Dark stone grey'}})
  344. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 3','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  345. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 3',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  346. else
  347. Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name].Rank = 3
  348. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 3','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  349. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 3',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  350. end
  351. end,nil)
  352. Output(Speaker,4,GetColor(Speaker),function()
  353. if Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name] == nil then
  354. table.insert(Savage['Ranked'],{[Plr.Name] = {Rank = 4, Description = 'Temp Admin Rank 4', Color = 'Medium stone grey'}})
  356. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 4','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  357. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 4',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  358. else
  359. Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name].Rank = 4
  360. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 4','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  361. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 4',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  362. end
  363. end,nil)
  364. Output(Speaker,5,GetColor(Speaker),function()
  365. if Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name] == nil then
  366. table.insert(Savage['Ranked'],{[Plr.Name] = {Rank = 5, Description = 'Temp Admin Rank 5', Color = 'Mid gray'}})
  368. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 5','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  369. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 5',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  370. else
  371. Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name].Rank = 3
  372. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 5','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  373. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 5',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  374. end
  375. end,nil)
  376. Output(Speaker,6,GetColor(Speaker),function()
  377. if Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name] == nil then
  378. table.insert(Savage['Ranked'],{[Plr.Name] = {Rank = 6, Description = 'Temp Admin Rank 6', Color = 'Light stone grey'}})
  380. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 6','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  381. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 6',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  382. else
  383. Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name].Rank = 6
  384. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 6','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  385. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 6',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  386. end
  387. end,nil)
  388. Output(Speaker,7,GetColor(Speaker),function()
  389. if Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name] == nil then
  390. table.insert(Savage['Ranked'],{[Plr.Name] = {Rank = 7, Description = 'Temp Admin Rank 7', Color = 'White'}})
  392. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 7','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  393. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 7',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  394. else
  395. Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name].Rank = 7
  396. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 7','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  397. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 7',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  398. end
  399. end,nil)
  400. Output(Speaker,1337,GetColor(Speaker),function()
  401. if Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name] == nil then
  402. table.insert(Savage['Ranked'],{[Plr.Name] = {Rank = 1337, Description = 'Temp Admin Rank 1337[Developer Status]', Color = 'Institutional white'}})
  404. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 1337[Developer Status]','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  405. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 1337[Developer Status]',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  406. else
  407. Savage.Ranked[Plr.Name].Rank = 1337
  408. Output(Speaker, 'Is now rank 1337[Developer Status]','Lime green',nil,Plr.Name)
  409. Output(Plr,'You are now rank 1337[Developer Status]',GetColor(Plr),nil,Plr.Name)
  410. end
  411. end,nil)
  412. --[[if type(Plr) == "userdata" then
  413. Plr = Plr.Name
  414. elseif type(Plr) == "string" then
  415. Plr = Plr
  416. else
  417. Plr = tostring(Plr)
  418. end
  419. local rank = nil
  420. rank = 0
  421. for _,v in pairs(Savage['Ranked']) do
  422. if v['Name']:lower():sub(1,#Plr) == Plr:lower() then
  423. v.Rank = tonumber(rank)
  424. end
  425. end--]]
  426. end
  429. AddCmd = function(Name, Say, Rank, Description, Arguments, Function)
  430. table.insert(Savage.Commands,{Name = Name, Say = Say, Rank = Rank, Description = Description, Arguments = Arguments, Function = Function})
  431. end
  433. GetDesc = function(v)
  434. local Desc = 0
  435. if type(v) == 'userdata' then
  436. v = v.Name
  437. end
  438. if type(v) == 'string' then
  439. if Savage.Ranked[v] then
  440. Desc = Savage.Ranked[v].Description
  441. end
  442. end
  443. return Desc
  444. end
  445. GetRank = function(v)
  446. local Rank = 0
  447. local Desc = 0
  448. if type(v) == 'userdata' then
  449. v = v.Name
  450. end
  451. if type(v) == 'string' then
  452. if Savage.Ranked[v] then
  453. Rank = Savage.Ranked[v].Rank
  454. Desc = Savage.Ranked[v].Description
  455. end
  456. end
  457. return Rank
  458. end
  460. GetColor = function(v)
  461. local Color = 'White'
  462. if type(v) == 'userdata' then
  463. v = v.Name
  464. end
  465. if type(v) == 'string' then
  466. if Savage.Ranked[v] then
  467. Color = Savage.Ranked[v].Color
  468. end
  469. end
  470. return Color
  471. end
  473. Logs = {}
  476. Savage.Functions.Chatted=function(speaker, message)
  477. if message:sub(1, 2) == '/e' then
  478. if #message > 3 then
  479. message = message:sub(4)
  480. end
  481. elseif message:sub(1, 1) == '/' then
  482. if #message > 2 then
  483. message = message:sub(2)
  484. end
  485. end
  487. table.insert(Logs, {['Message'] = message, ['Name'] = speaker.Name})
  489. local command=message
  490. for _, CMDS in pairs(Savage.Commands) do
  491. if command:sub(1, #CMDS['Say']+#key) == CMDS['Say']..key then
  492. if GetRank(speaker) >= CMDS['Rank'] then
  493. local msg = command:sub(#CMDS["Say"]+#key+1)
  494. local a,b = ypcall(function()
  495. CMDS["Function"](speaker, msg)
  496. end)
  497. if not a then warn(b) end
  498. else
  499. Output(speaker, 'You need to be '..CMDS['Rank']..' to use that command!', 'Really red')
  500. end
  501. end
  502. end
  503. end
  504. rot = 0
  506. Savage.Functions.RotateTablets = function()
  507. --pcall(function()
  508. rot=rot+(0.1/100)
  509. for _,Player in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  510. local Counter = 0
  511. local PlayerTablets = {}
  512. for i,v in pairs(Savage.Tablets) do
  513. if v.Tab.Parent ~= nil and v.Player==Player then
  514. table.insert(PlayerTablets,v)
  515. end
  516. end
  519. local Start =,0,0)
  520. for I = 1, #PlayerTablets do
  521. local radius = (#PlayerTablets*1.5)+5
  522. local Pos = nil
  523. pcall(function() Pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame end)
  524. if Pos == nil then return end
  525. local Main = (I / #PlayerTablets - (.5 / #PlayerTablets) + rot/(#PlayerTablets/10)) * math.pi * 2
  526. local x=math.sin(time()/#PlayerTablets + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerTablets*I) * (#PlayerTablets+5)
  527. local y=math.sin(math.sin(tick()+360/#PlayerTablets),.1)
  528. local z=math.cos(time()/#PlayerTablets + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerTablets*I) * (#PlayerTablets+5)
  529. local aPos =, y, z) + Pos.p
  530. local bPos = PlayerTablets[I].Tab.CFrame.p
  531. local cPos = (aPos * .1 + bPos * .9)
  532. PlayerTablets[I].Tab.CFrame =, Pos.p)
  533. local d=math.rad((rot*400)*math.pi);
  534. PlayerTablets[I],Pos.p)*CFrame.Angles(d/2,d*4,d)
  535. * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,math.sin(time()/math.pi),0)
  536. end
  537. end
  538. --end)--]]
  540. end
  542. -- o k
  543. Savage.Functions.Hint = function(player, text)
  544. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  545. local m=player:WaitForChild('PlayerGui')
  546. for _,v in pairs(m:children()) do
  547. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,5) == 'lunar' then
  548. v:destroy()
  549. end
  550. end
  551. local g1 ="ScreenGui", m)
  552. g1.Name = "LUNAR_HINT"
  553. local o1 ="TextLabel", g1)
  554. o1.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)
  555. o1.BorderColor3 =,0, 1)
  556. o1.BorderSizePixel = 2
  557. o1.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  558. o1.Size =, 1380, 0, 50)
  559. o1.ClipsDescendants = true
  560. o1.Text = ''
  561. o1.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  562. o1.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0, 1)
  563. o1.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  564. o1.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold
  565. o1.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24
  566. local M=o1
  567. local Text=text
  568. for i = 1, string.len(Text) do
  569. M.Text = M.Text .. string.sub(Text, i, i)
  570. wait(math.random() * 0.1)
  571. end
  572. M.Text = M.Text .. ""
  573. for i = 1, math.random(2, 6) do
  574. M.Text = string.sub(M.Text, 1, string.len(Text)) .. "|"
  575. wait(0.4)
  576. M.Text = string.sub(M.Text, 1, string.len(Text)) .. ""
  577. wait(0.4)
  578. end
  579. M.Text = string.sub(M.Text, 1, string.len(Text))
  580. for i = 1, string.len(M.Text) do
  581. M.Text = string.sub(M.Text, 1, string.len(M.Text) - 1)
  582. wait()
  583. end
  584. g1:Destroy()
  585. end))
  586. end
  588. Savage.Functions.GuiNotify = function(plr,txt,time)
  589. --wait(time);
  590. coroutine.wrap(function()
  591. if time==nil then time=5 end
  592. local Notify ="ScreenGui", plr.PlayerGui);
  593. Notify.Name = "Savage's Notify";
  594. local TextLabel ="TextLabel", Notify);
  595. TextLabel.Size =,0,0,30);
  596. TextLabel.Position =,0,0,0);
  597. TextLabel.Text = txt;
  598. TextLabel.FontSize = 'Size24'
  599. TextLabel.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1);
  600. TextLabel.BackgroundTransparency = .42;
  601. TextLabel.Font = "Arial";
  602. TextLabel.TextColor3 =,0,0);
  603. TextLabel.TextScaled = false;
  604. TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = .4
  605. TextLabel.TextStrokeColor3 =,1,1)
  606. TextLabel.BorderSizePixel = 0;
  607. TextLabel:TweenPosition(,0,0,0),'Out','Quint',2,true);
  608. wait(time);
  609. TextLabel:TweenPosition(,0,0,0),'Out','Quint',2,true);
  610. wait(3)
  611. Notify:Destroy();
  612. end)();
  613. end
  615. --Insert here [Sound Search]
  617. Savage.Functions.Explore=function(p, part)
  619. end
  622. Savage.Functions.GetProperties = function(obj)
  623. assert(pcall(function() assert(game.IsA(obj,"Instance")) end),"Should be ROBLOX instance")
  624. local objProper = {}
  625. for i,v in pairs(Savage['Properties']) do
  626. if pcall(function() return obj[v] end) and (type(obj[v]) ~= "userdata" or not obj:FindFirstChild(v)) then
  627. objProper[v] = obj[v]
  628. end
  629. end
  630. return objProper
  631. end
  635. for _,Player in pairs(game:service("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  636. --Output(Player,"Made by GravityLegendary, and SavageMunkey",GetColor(Player));
  637. Output(Player,"You are Rank : " ..GetRank(Player),GetColor(Player));
  638. -- Output(Player,"Your Color is : " ..GetColor(Player),GetColor(Player));
  639. Output(Player,"Your Key is : " ..key,GetColor(Player));
  640. -- Output(Player,"Savage Tabs Gen 1 Connected","White");
  641. Player.Chatted:connect(function(Message)
  642. Savage.Functions.Chatted(Player, Message)
  643. end)
  644. end
  646. Savage.Functions.DismissAll = function(Player)
  647. for _,p in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  648. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(p)
  649. end
  650. end
  652. Savage.Functions.GetPlayers = function(plr, msg)
  653. local plrs = {}
  654. if msg == "me" then
  655. table.insert(plrs, plr)
  656. elseif msg == "all" then
  657. for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  658. if GetRank(v) <= GetRank(plr) then
  659. table.insert(plrs, v)
  660. end
  661. end
  662. elseif msg == "noobs" then
  663. for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  664. if v.AccountAge < 364 then
  665. table.insert(plrs, v)
  666. end
  667. end
  668. elseif msg == "others" then
  669. for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  670. if v ~= plr then
  671. if GetRank(v) <= GetRank(plr) then
  672. table.insert(plrs, v)
  673. end
  674. end
  675. end
  676. else
  677. for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  678. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#msg) == msg:lower() then
  679. if GetRank(v) <= GetRank(plr) then
  680. table.insert(plrs, v)
  681. end
  682. end
  683. end
  684. end
  685. return plrs
  686. end
  688. function PlaySound(name, id, pitch, loop)
  689. epicsound ="Sound")
  690. epicsound.Name = "Epicosound"
  691. epicsound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"
  692. epicsound.Volume = 1
  693. epicsound.Pitch = pitch
  694. epicsound.Name = name
  695. epicsound.Looped = true
  696. epicsound.Parent = script
  697. if epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://tt" then -- TELL ME, TELL ME, WHERE DA FREAKS AT!
  698. epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://181158033"
  699. elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://fabulous" then -- FA-FA-FABULOUS!
  700. epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://191819419"
  701. elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://ufdb" then -- ultimate final death battle(fairy tail XD)
  702. epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://153085393"
  703. elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://nnm" then
  704. epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://210189234"
  705. elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://tun" then -- tunak tunak tun
  706. epicsound.SoundId="rbxass/setid://162682002"
  707. elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://zelda" then
  708. epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://158215156"
  709. elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://cc" then
  710. epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://177080835"
  711. end
  712. epicsound:Play()
  713. end
  716. function StopMusic(parent)
  717. if parent==nil then parent=script end
  718. for _,v in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do
  719. if v:IsA("Sound") then
  720. v:stop()
  721. v.Volume = 0
  722. wait()
  723. v:Destroy()
  724. end
  725. end
  726. end
  728. Savage.Functions.Kick = function(Player)
  729. local Re ='RemoteEvent',workspace):FireClient(Player,{string.rep('Kicked',2e5+5)})
  730. delay(1,function()
  731. pcall(function() workspace.RemoteEvent:Destroy() end)
  732. end)
  733. end
  735. Savage.Functions.SoundSearch2 = function(Speaker, msg, Num, load)
  736. if load == true then
  737. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  738. Output(Speaker,'Searching...','Lime green',nil,'Searching')
  739. end
  740. http=game:GetService'HttpService'
  741. url=""..http:UrlEncode(msg).."&Category=9&ResultsPerPage="..Num
  742. local assets=http:JSONDecode(http:GetAsync(url))
  743. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  744. for i,v in pairs(assets) do
  745. Output(Speaker, v.Name, GetColor(Speaker), function()
  746. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  747. Id=assets[i].AssetId
  748. local Asset=game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(tonumber(v.AssetId))
  749. Output(Speaker, "AssetType: "..Asset['AssetTypeId'], GetColor(Speaker))
  750. Output(Speaker, "Name: "..Asset['Name'], GetColor(Speaker))
  751. Output(Speaker, "Sales: "..Asset['Sales'], GetColor(Speaker))
  752. Output(Speaker, 'Description: '..Asset['Description'],GetColor(Speaker))
  753. Output(Speaker, "Id: "..Asset['AssetId'], GetColor(Speaker))
  754. Output(Speaker, "Back",'Really red',function()Savage.Functions.SoundSearch2(Speaker, msg, Num, false)end,'Recent Page')
  755. Output(Speaker, "Play sound", 'Lime green', function()
  756. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  757. StopMusic(script)
  758. PlaySound(Asset['Name'],tonumber(v.AssetId), 1,false)
  759. end)
  760. Output(Speaker, "Nightcore It!", 'Lime green', function()
  761. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  762. StopMusic()
  763. PlaySound(Asset['Name'],tonumber(v.AssetId), 1.25,false)
  764. end)
  765. Output(Speaker, "Play sound custom pitch", 'Lime green', function()
  766. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  767. for i = .1, 2, .1 do
  768. Output(Speaker, i,GetColor(Speaker), function()
  769. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  770. StopMusic()
  771. PlaySound(Asset['Name'],tonumber(v.AssetId), i,false)
  772. end)
  773. end
  774. end)
  775. end)
  776. end
  777. end
  779. Savage.Functions.SoundSearch = function(Speaker, msg, Num)
  780. Num = 10
  781. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  782. Output(Speaker,'How many results?','Really red')
  783. Output(Speaker,'5','Lime green',function() Savage.Functions.SoundSearch2(Speaker,msg,5,true) end)
  784. Output(Speaker,'10','Lime green',function() Savage.Functions.SoundSearch2(Speaker,msg,10,true) end)
  785. Output(Speaker,'20','Lime green',function() Savage.Functions.SoundSearch2(Speaker,msg,20,true) end)
  786. Output(Speaker,'30','Lime green',function() Savage.Functions.SoundSearch2(Speaker,msg,30,true) end)
  787. Output(Speaker,'40','Lime green',function() Savage.Functions.SoundSearch2(Speaker,msg,40,true) end)
  788. Output(Speaker,'50','Lime green',function() Savage.Functions.SoundSearch2(Speaker,msg,50,true) end)
  789. --Output(Speaker,'60','Lime green',function() Savage.Functions.SoundSearch2(Speaker,msg,60,true) end)
  790. --Output(Speaker,'70','Lime green',function() Savage.Functions.SoundSearch2(Speaker,msg,70,true) end)
  791. --Output(Speaker,'80','Lime green',function() Savage.Functions.SoundSearch2(Speaker,msg,80,true) end)
  792. --Output(Speaker,'90','Lime green',function() Savage.Functions.SoundSearch2(Speaker,msg,90,true) end)
  793. --Output(Speaker,'100','Lime green',function() Savage.Functions.SoundSearch2(Speaker,msg,100,true) end)--]]
  794. end
  796. Savage.Functions.Execute = function(Plr, msg)
  797. local Res,Err=loadstring(msg)() --Res is here
  798. if Err then
  799. Output(Plr, Err, "Really red")
  800. elseif not Err then
  801. getfenv(Res).print=function(...)
  802. local D={...}
  803. for i,P in next,D do
  804. Output(Plr, tostring(P), "Really blue")
  805. end
  806. end
  807. end
  808. end
  810. function ShowSortedCommands(p)
  811. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(p)
  812. wait(0.5)
  813. Output(p,'Rank 0 commands',GetColor(p),function() ShowCommandsForRank(p,0) end)
  814. Output(p,'Rank 1 commands',GetColor(p),function() ShowCommandsForRank(p,1) end)
  815. Output(p,'Rank 2 commands',GetColor(p),function() ShowCommandsForRank(p,2) end)
  816. Output(p,'Rank 3 commands',GetColor(p),function() ShowCommandsForRank(p,3) end)
  817. Output(p,'Rank 4 commands',GetColor(p),function() ShowCommandsForRank(p,4) end)
  818. Output(p,'Rank 5 commands',GetColor(p),function() ShowCommandsForRank(p,5) end)
  819. Output(p,'Rank 6 commands',GetColor(p),function() ShowCommandsForRank(p,6) end)
  820. Output(p,'Rank 7 commands', GetColor(p), function() ShowCommandsForRank(p,7) end)
  821. Output(p,'All commands',GetColor(p),function() ShowCommandsForRank(p,5) end)
  822. Output(p,'Commands for your rank ('..GetRank(p)..')','Lime green',function() ShowCommandsForRank(p,GetRank(p)) end)
  823. Output(p,'Dismiss','Really red',function() Savage.Functions.Dismiss(p) end)
  824. end
  826. Savage.Functions.ShowMusic = function(Speaker)
  827. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  828. for _,a in pairs(script:GetChildren()) do
  829. if a:IsA('Sound') then
  830. Output(Speaker,a['Name'],GetColor(Speaker),function()
  831. Output(Speaker,'Destroy '..a['Name'],'Really red',function()
  832. for i = 1,20 do
  833. a.Volume = a.Volume - .05
  834. wait()
  835. end
  836. Savage.Functions.ShowMusic(Speaker)
  837. a:Destroy()
  838. end)
  839. if a.IsPlaying == false then
  840. Output(Speaker,'Play','Lime green',function()
  841. a:play()
  842. Savage.Functions.ShowMusic(Speaker)
  843. end)
  844. end
  845. if a.IsPlaying == true then
  846. Output(Speaker,'Pause','Really red',function()
  847. a:stop()
  848. Savage.Functions.ShowMusic(Speaker)
  849. end)
  850. end
  851. Output(Speaker, 'Restart','Really red',function()a:Play()end)
  853. Output(Speaker,a['SoundId'],GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Sound Id')
  854. --Output(Speaker,a.Parent,GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Parent')
  855. Output(Speaker,a['Volume'],GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Volume')
  856. Output(Speaker,a['Pitch'],GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Pitch')
  857. Output(Speaker,a['Name'],GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Name')
  858. Output(Speaker,'Change Pitch',GetColor(Speaker),function()
  859. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  860. for i = .1, 2, .1 do
  861. Output(Speaker, i,GetColor(Speaker), function()
  862. Savage.Functions.ShowMusic(Speaker)
  863. a.Pitch = i
  864. end)
  865. end
  867. end) Output(Speaker,'Change Volume',GetColor(Speaker),function()
  868. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  869. for i = .1, 2, .1 do
  870. Output(Speaker, i,GetColor(Speaker), function()
  871. Savage.Functions.ShowMusic(Speaker)
  872. a.Volume = i
  873. end)
  874. end
  876. end)
  877. end)
  878. end
  879. end
  880. end
  882. Savage.Functions.Bland = function(Speaker)
  883. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  884. for _,Player in pairs(Savage.Bans) do
  885. --pcall(function()
  886. Output(Speaker,Player['Name'],GetColor(Speaker),function()
  887. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  888. Output(Speaker,'Reason for ban: '..Player.Reason4Ban,GetColor(Speaker))
  889. Output(Speaker,'Back','Really red',function()Savage.Functions.Bland(Speaker)end)
  890. Output(Speaker,'Name: '..Player['Name'],GetColor(Speaker))
  891. Output(Speaker,'Unban','Lime green',function()
  892. Savage.Bans[Player['Name']] = nil
  893. Savage.Bans[Player['Reason4Ban']] = nil
  894. Savage.Functions.Bland(Speaker) end)
  895. end)
  896. --end)
  897. end
  898. end
  900. Savage.Functions.MakeLogs = function(Speaker)
  901. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  902. Output(Speaker,'Back','Really red',function()Savage.Functions.ShowLogs(Speaker)end)
  903. Output(Speaker,'Refresh','Lime green',function()
  904. --Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  905. Savage.Functions.MakeLogs(Speaker)
  906. end) -- fixed I think
  908. table.foreach(Logs,function(i,v)
  909. Output(Speaker, '['..v['Name'].. ']: ' ..v['Message'], GetColor(Speaker), function()end)
  910. -- fixed I think
  912. end)
  914. --Output(Speaker, v, GetColor(v), function() Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  915. end
  917. Savage.Functions.ShowLogs = function(Speaker)
  918. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  919. Output(Speaker,'View Logs','Lime green',function()Savage.Functions.MakeLogs(Speaker)end)
  920. Output(Speaker,'Clear logs','Really red',function()
  921. --Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  922. Output(Speaker,'Cleared Logs','Lime green',function()end)
  923. Logs = {}
  924. end)
  925. end
  926. function ShowCommandsForRank(p,rank)
  927. if rank==nil then rank=0 end
  928. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(p)
  929. wait(0.5)
  930. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  931. for _,cmd in next,Savage.Commands do
  932. if cmd.Rank<=rank then
  933. Output(p,cmd.Name..'['..cmd.Rank..']',GetColor(p),function()
  934. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(p)
  935. wait(0.5)
  936. Output(p,'Name : ' ..cmd.Name,GetColor(p))
  937. Output(p,'Description : ' ..cmd.Description,GetColor(p))
  938. Output(p,'Usage: '..cmd.Say..key, GetColor(p))
  939. Output(p,'Rank needed: '..cmd.Rank,GetColor(p))
  940. Output(p,'Back','Lime green',function() ShowCommandsForRank(p,rank) end)
  941. Output(p,'Dismiss','Really red',function() Savage.Functions.Dismiss(p) end)
  942. end)
  943. end
  944. end
  945. Output(p,'Back','Lime green',function()Savage.Functions.Dismiss(p) ShowSortedCommands(p) end)
  946. Output(p,'Dismiss','Really red',function() Savage.Functions.Dismiss(p) end)
  947. end))
  948. end
  950. Savage.Functions.Networkplrs = function(Speaker)
  951. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  952. for i,v in ipairs(game:FindService("NetworkServer"):GetChildren()) do
  953. local Players=v:GetPlayer();
  954. if(not Players.Parent) then
  955. Output(Speaker,Players.Name..' | Nil',GetColor(Speaker),function()
  956. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  957. if(not Players.Parent) then
  958. Output(Speaker,'Parent: Nil',GetColor(Speaker),function()end)
  959. elseif (Players.Parent) then
  960. Output(Speaker,'Parent: Players',GetColor(Speaker),function()end)
  961. end
  962. Output(Speaker,'Name: '..Players.Name,GetColor(Speaker),function()end)
  963. Output(Speaker,'Kick','Really red',function()
  964. Savage.Functions.Kick(Players)
  965. end)
  966. Output(Speaker,'Back','Lime green',function()
  967. Savage.Functions.Networkplrs(Speaker)
  968. end)
  969. end)
  970. elseif (Players.Parent) then
  971. Output(Speaker,Players.Name..' | Players',GetColor(Speaker),function()
  972. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  973. if(not Players.Parent) then
  974. Output(Speaker,'Parent: Nil',GetColor(Speaker),function()end)
  975. elseif (Players.Parent) then
  976. Output(Speaker,'Parent: Players',GetColor(Speaker),function()end)
  977. end
  978. Output(Speaker,'Name: '..Players.Name,GetColor(Speaker),function()end)
  979. Output(Speaker,'Kick','Really red',function()
  980. Savage.Functions.Kick(Players)
  981. end)
  982. Output(Speaker,'Back','Lime green',function()
  983. Savage.Functions.Networkplrs(Speaker)
  984. end)
  985. end)
  986. end
  987. end
  988. end
  990. function GetChildNum(of)
  991. local Object = #of:GetChildren()
  992. return Object
  993. end
  995. Savage.Functions.PenPistol = function(Plr)
  996. plr = Plr
  997. bp = plr.Backpack
  998. Rool ="Tool",bp)
  999. Rool.Name = 'Pen Pistol'
  1000. Rool.ToolTip = 'A Class - A PenPistol [SavageScripts]'
  1001. bulcount = 0
  1002. Part ="Part",bp['Pen Pistol'])
  1003. --mesh ='BlockMesh',Part)
  1004. --mesh.Offset =,2,-1)
  1005. Part.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  1006. Part.Position =,2,-2)
  1007. Part.Rotation =,0,90)
  1008. Part.Size =,.2,1)
  1009. Part.Name = "Handle"
  1010. local user = plr
  1011. TriggerDown = false
  1012. local tool = bp['Pen Pistol']
  1013. tool.Equipped:connect(function(mouse)
  1014. user = tool.Parent
  1015. mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  1016. local c ='Sound',Part)
  1017. c.Pitch = 2.3
  1018. c.Volume = 3
  1019. c.SoundId = ''
  1020. c:play()
  1021. local ray =, (mouse.Hit.p - tool.Handle.CFrame.p).unit*300)
  1023. local hit, position = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, user)
  1024. local distance = (position - tool.Handle.CFrame.p).magnitude
  1025. local rayPart ="Part", workspace)
  1026. rayPart.BottomSurface = 'Smooth'
  1027. rayPart.Size =, 0.2, distance)
  1028. rayPart.formFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  1029. rayPart.CFrame =, tool.Handle.CFrame.p) *, 0, -distance/2)
  1030. rayPart.Name = "raypart"
  1031. rayPart.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  1032. rayPart.BrickColor = BrickColor.Yellow()
  1033. rayPart.TopSurface = 'Smooth'
  1034. rayPart.Anchored = true
  1035. rayPart.CanCollide = false
  1036. local humanoid = hit
  1037. if humanoid then
  1038. if humanoid ~= rayPart then
  1039. if humanoid.Name ~= 'Base' then
  1040. humanoid.BrickColor = BrickColor.Red()
  1041. for i = 1,20 do
  1042. humanoid.Transparency = humanoid.Transparency + .05
  1043. wait()
  1044. end
  1045. humanoid:Destroy()
  1046. end
  1047. end
  1048. end
  1049. --[[local part'Part',user)
  1050. part.Anchored = true
  1051. part.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black()
  1052. part.CFrame =, tool.Handle.CFrame.p) *, 0, -distance/2)
  1053. part.Name = 'hitpart'
  1054. part.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  1055. part.CanCollide = false
  1056. part.Size =,.2,.2)
  1057. game.Debris:AddItem(part, 2)--]]
  1058. --[[local m ='Explosion',workspace)
  1059. m.BlastRadius = 1
  1060. m.Position = mouse.Hit.p--]]
  1061. rayPart.Anchored = true
  1062. bulcount = bulcount + 1
  1063. print(bulcount..' Bullets fired')
  1064. game.Debris:AddItem(rayPart, .1)
  1065. end)
  1066. end)
  1068. game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:connect(function()
  1069. if plr.Character.Humanoid.Health <= 1 then
  1070. --Rool:Destroy()
  1071. plr.Character.Humanoid:Destroy()
  1072. e ='Humanoid',plr.Character)
  1073. --plr:MakeJoints()
  1074. end
  1075. end)
  1076. user.ChildAdded:connect(function(p)
  1077. if p.Name == 'raypart' then
  1078. game.Debris:AddItem(p,4)
  1079. end
  1080. end)
  1081. end
  1083. --[[m ='Script',CloneFolder)
  1084. m.Name = 'Nothing to clone'
  1085. Savage.Functions.Expl = function(Speaker, item)
  1086. item = {}
  1087. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1088. Output(Speaker,'Dismiss','Really red',function()Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)end)
  1089. Output(Speaker,'ClassName: ',GetColor(Speaker),nil)
  1090. Output(Speaker,'Exploreable Children: '..GetChildNum(game),GetColor(Speaker),nil)
  1091. Output(Speaker,'Explore Game','Lime green',function()
  1092. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1093. Output(Speaker,'Getting Objects','Lime green',nil,'Searching...')
  1094. wait(math.random(GetChildNum(game)/10/math.random(1,3)))
  1095. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1096. for _,Item in pairs(game:GetChildren()) do
  1097. if Item:IsA('Instance') then end
  1098. if Item then
  1099. Output(Speaker,Item.Name,GetColor(Speaker),nil)
  1100. end
  1101. end
  1102. end)
  1103. end--]]
  1105. --[[Output = function(Player,Text,Color,Function,Title)
  1106. if Text==nil then Text='NIL' end;
  1107. if Title==nil then Title = 'SAVAGE' end;
  1108. Text='['..Title..']\n'..Text--]]
  1110. Savage.Functions.MakeBase = function()
  1112. local base ='Part',workspace)
  1113. base.CFrame =,-0.6,0)
  1114. base.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  1115. base.Name = 'Base'
  1116. base.BrickColor ='Bright green')
  1117. base.TopSurface = 'Smooth'
  1118. base.BottomSurface = 'Smooth'
  1119. base.Anchored = true
  1120. base.Material = 'Grass'
  1121. base.Size =,1.2,700)
  1122. base.Locked = true
  1124. end
  1126. Savage.Functions.Clean = function(Speaker)
  1127. Output(Speaker,'Are you sure, this wll also disable your script',GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Positive?')
  1128. Output(Speaker,'Yes','Lime green',function()
  1129. local e ='Message',workspace)
  1130. e.Text = 'Cleaning'
  1131. e.Name = 'Cleaning Message'
  1132. for _,item in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1133. if item then
  1134. if item.Name ~= 'Terrain' then
  1135. if item.Name ~= 'Base' then
  1136. if item.Name ~= 'Cleaning Message' then
  1137. item:Destroy()
  1138. end end
  1139. end end end
  1140. e.Text = 'Cleaned'
  1141. Savage.Functions.MakeBase()
  1142. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1143. if v:IsA('Player') then
  1144. v:LoadCharacter()
  1145. wait()
  1146. end
  1147. end
  1148. wait(1.5)
  1149. e:Destroy()--]]
  1150. end)
  1151. Output(Speaker,'No','Really red',function()
  1152. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1153. end)
  1154. end
  1156. Savage.Functions.IsInstance = function(Object)
  1157. if pcall(function() local test = Object.ClassName end) then
  1158. return true
  1159. end
  1160. return false
  1161. end
  1163. Savage.Functions.ExplInstance = function(Speaker, Object)
  1164. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1165. if not Savage.Functions.IsInstance(Object) then
  1166. Output(Speaker,'That object cannot be explored!','Really red',nil,"Explorer")
  1167. return
  1168. end
  1169. Output(Speaker,Object.Name,'Really red',function()Object:Destroy()end,'Destroy')
  1170. Output(Speaker,"Explore children",GetColor(Speaker),function()
  1171. Savage.Functions.ExplChildren(Speaker, Object)
  1172. end, "Explorer")
  1173. end
  1175. Savage.Functions.ExplChildren = function(Speaker, Object)
  1176. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1177. if not Savage.Functions.IsInstance(Object) then
  1178. Output(Speaker,'That object cannot be explored!','Really red',nil,"Explorer")
  1179. return
  1180. end
  1181. Output(Speaker,Object.Name,GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Currently Exploring')
  1182. for _,Item in ipairs(Object:GetChildren()) do
  1183. if Savage.Functions.IsInstance(Item) then
  1184. Output(Speaker,Item.Name,GetColor(Speaker),function()
  1185. Savage.Functions.ExplInstance(Speaker,Item)
  1186. end,"Explorer")
  1187. end
  1188. end
  1189. end
  1191. Savage.Functions.OxChat = function(Speaker, Plr)
  1192. Plr = Plr--//Ur name pls
  1193. --13 = Enter key
  1194. local Name
  1195. local SV
  1196. a ='ScreenGui',Plr.PlayerGui)
  1197. b ='TextBox',a)
  1198. b.Draggable = false
  1199. b.MultiLine = true
  1200. b.ClearTextOnFocus = true
  1201. b.Size =,300,0,140)
  1202. b.FontSize = 'Size18'
  1203. b.Font = 'Arial'
  1204. b.Position =,20,0,440)
  1205. b.Active = true
  1206. b.Text = 'Custom Text'
  1207. ba ='TextBox',a)
  1208. ba.Draggable = false
  1209. ba.MultiLine = true
  1210. ba.ClearTextOnFocus = true
  1211. ba.Size =,300,0,20)
  1212. ba.FontSize = 'Size18'
  1213. ba.Font = 'Arial'
  1214. ba.Position =,20,0,420)
  1215. ba.Active = true
  1216. ba.Text = 'Custom Name'
  1217. local bb ='TextButton',a)
  1218. bb.Draggable = false
  1219. bb.Size =,300,0,20)
  1220. bb.FontSize = 'Size18'
  1221. bb.Font = 'ArialBold'
  1222. bb.Position =,20,0,400)
  1223. bb.Active = true
  1224. bb.Text = 'Enter Text!'
  1225. for _,mk in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1226. local SV1 ='StringValue')
  1227. SV1.Parent = mk
  1228. SV1.Name = 'SB_Chat'
  1229. SV1.Value = "[Server]/"..Plr.Name.." has recieved an oxchat gui from "..Speaker.Name
  1230. game.Debris:AddItem(SV1, 2)
  1231. end
  1232. bb.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1233. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1234. SV ='StringValue')
  1235. SV.Parent = v
  1236. SV.Name = 'SB_Chat'
  1237. SV.Value = """/"..b.Text..""
  1238. game.Debris:AddItem(SV, .1)
  1239. end
  1240. end)
  1241. end
  1244. Savage.Functions.Expl = function(Speaker, item)
  1245. Savage.Functions.ExplChildren(Speaker, game)
  1246. end
  1248. Savage.Functions.PriBase = function()
  1249. local base ='Part',script)
  1250. base.CFrame =,7000,0)
  1251. base.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  1252. base.Name = 'Private Base'
  1253. base.BrickColor ='Bright green')
  1254. base.TopSurface = 'Smooth'
  1255. base.BottomSurface = 'Smooth'
  1256. base.Anchored = true
  1257. base.Material = 'Grass'
  1258. base.Size =,.2,2048)
  1259. base.Locked = true
  1260. end
  1262. Savage.Functions.TpBase = function(plr)
  1263. if script:FindFirstChild('Private Base') then
  1264. local PlayerTorso = plr.Character.Torso
  1265. PlayerTorso.Position = script['Private Base'].Position +,5,0)
  1266. end
  1267. end
  1269. Savage.Functions.TpHome = function(plr)
  1270. if workspace.Base then
  1271. local PlayerTorso = plr.Character.Torso
  1272. PlayerTorso.Position = workspace.Base.Position +,5,0)
  1273. end
  1274. end
  1276. AddCmd('Pri Base ','pb',2,'Make a private base.','No arguments',function(Speaker, msg)
  1277. Savage.Functions.PriBase()
  1278. Output(Speaker,'Created a base',GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Success!')
  1279. end)
  1281. AddCmd('Pri Base Teleport','tpb',2,'Teleport a player to you private base.',{'others'},function(Speaker, msg)
  1282. for _,Player in next,(Savage.Functions.GetPlayers(Speaker,msg)) do
  1283. if Player.Character.Torso then
  1284. Savage.Functions.TpBase(Player)
  1285. Output(Speaker,Player.Name..' Is now at your Private Base',GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Success!')
  1286. end
  1287. end
  1288. end)
  1290. --[[AddCmd('Pen Pistol','gun',3,'Give a player a custom made Pen Pistol.',{'others', 'all'},function(Speaker, msg)
  1291. for _,Player in next,(Savage.Functions.GetPlayers(Speaker,msg)) do
  1292. if Player.Backpack and Player.Character then
  1293. Savage.Functions.PenPistol(Player)
  1294. Output(Speaker,Player.Name..' Recieved a Pen Pistol',GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Success!')
  1295. end
  1296. end
  1297. end)--]]--Not working cuz its not a local script...
  1299. AddCmd('Base Teleport','tph',2,'Teleport a player to the main base.',{'others'},function(Speaker, msg)
  1300. for _,Player in next,(Savage.Functions.GetPlayers(Speaker,msg)) do
  1301. if Player.Character.Torso then
  1302. Savage.Functions.TpHome(Player)
  1303. Output(Speaker,Player.Name..' Is now at the home base',GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Success!')
  1304. end
  1305. end
  1306. end)
  1308. AddCmd('View Commands','cmds',0,'View all the commands','No arguments',function(plr, msg)
  1309. ShowSortedCommands(plr)
  1310. end)
  1312. AddCmd('Explore','explore',3,'Explore the game.','No arguments',function(plr, msg)
  1313. Savage.Functions.Expl(plr, msg)
  1314. end)
  1316. AddCmd('Workspace','workspace',3,'Explore the workspace.','No arguments',function(plr, msg)
  1317. Savage.Functions.ExplChildren(plr, workspace)
  1318. end)
  1321. AddCmd('Dismiss all','dta',5,'Dismiss everyones tablet.','No arguments',function(plr,msg)
  1322. Savage.Functions.DismissAll(plr)
  1323. end)
  1325. AddCmd('Playing music','mymusic',2,'Shows your music.','mym',function(plr,msg)
  1326. Savage.Functions.ShowMusic(plr)
  1327. end)
  1329. AddCmd('Kill','kill',2,'Kill a player.',{'others'},function(Speaker, msg)
  1330. for _,Player in next,(Savage.Functions.GetPlayers(Speaker,msg)) do
  1331. if Player then
  1332. Player.Character:BreakJoints() -- o shiz
  1333. Output(Speaker,'Killed '..Player.Name,GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Success!')
  1334. end
  1335. end
  1336. end)--foreach--lel
  1338. AddCmd('Kick','kick',3,'Kick a player.',{'others'},function(Speaker, msg)
  1339. for _,Player in next,(Savage.Functions.GetPlayers(Speaker,msg)) do
  1340. if Player then
  1341. Savage.Functions.Kick(Player)
  1342. Output(Speaker,'Kicked '..Player.Name,GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Success!')
  1343. end
  1344. end
  1345. end)
  1347. AddCmd('Ban','ban',5,'Ban a player.',{'others'},function(Speaker, msg)
  1349. for _,Player in next,(Savage.Functions.GetPlayers(Speaker,msg)) do
  1350. if Player then
  1351. Savage.Functions.Kick(Player)
  1352. Output(Speaker,'Would you like to set a reason for '..Player.Name..'\'s ban?',GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Set Reason4Ban?')
  1353. Output(Speaker,'No','Really red',function()
  1354. reason = 'Not specified'
  1355. table.insert(Savage.Bans, {['Name'] = Player.Name, ['Reason4Ban'] = reason})
  1356. Output(Speaker,'Banned '..Player.Name,GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Success!')
  1357. end,
  1358. 'Not Really')
  1359. Output(Speaker,'Yes','Lime green',function()
  1360. Output(Speaker,'Trash talking','Really red',function()
  1361. reason = 'Trash talking'
  1362. table.insert(Savage.Bans, {['Name'] = Player.Name, ['Reason4Ban'] = reason})
  1363. Output(Speaker,'Banned '..Player.Name,GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Success!')
  1364. end)
  1365. Output(Speaker,'Abusing','Really red',function()
  1366. reason = 'Abusing'
  1367. table.insert(Savage.Bans, {['Name'] = Player.Name, ['Reason4Ban'] = reason})
  1368. Output(Speaker,'Banned '..Player.Name,GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Success!')
  1369. end)
  1370. Output(Speaker,'Fming','Really red',function()
  1371. reason = 'Fming'
  1372. table.insert(Savage.Bans, {['Name'] = Player.Name, ['Reason4Ban'] = reason})
  1373. Output(Speaker,'Banned '..Player.Name,GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Success!')
  1374. end)
  1375. Output(Speaker,'Skid','Really red',function()
  1376. reason = 'Skid'
  1377. table.insert(Savage.Bans, {['Name'] = Player.Name, ['Reason4Ban'] = reason})
  1378. Output(Speaker,'Banned '..Player.Name,GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Success!')
  1379. end)
  1380. end,
  1381. 'Why not :3')
  1382. end
  1383. end
  1384. end)
  1386. AddCmd('Reset','reset',3,'Load a player.',{'others'},function(Speaker, msg)
  1387. for _,Player in next,(Savage.Functions.GetPlayers(Speaker, msg)) do
  1388. if Player then
  1389. Player:LoadCharacter();
  1390. Output(Speaker,'Reset '..Player.Name,GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Success!')
  1392. end
  1393. end
  1394. end)
  1396. AddCmd('Set Rank','srank',1337,'Set a players rank.','No Arguments',function(Speaker, msg)
  1397. for _,Player in next,(Savage.Functions.GetPlayers(Speaker, msg)) do
  1398. if Player then
  1399. Savage.Functions.SetRank(Speaker, Player)
  1401. end
  1402. end
  1403. end)
  1405. AddCmd('BSOD','bsod',6,'Bsod a player.','Not args',function(plr, msg)
  1406. for _,Plr in next,(Savage.Functions.GetPlayers(plr, msg)) do
  1407. if Plr then
  1408. for i = 0,28000 do
  1409."Message",Plr:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui')).Text='Your banned btw...'
  1410. end
  1411. end
  1412. Plr.CameraMode = 'LockFirstPerson'
  1413. end
  1414. end)
  1416. AddCmd('Dismiss','dt',-1,'Dismiss a tablet.','No arguments',function(plr, msg)
  1417. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(plr)
  1418. end)
  1420. AddCmd('Ping','ping',0,'Output a message.','No arguments',function(plr, msg)
  1421. Output(plr, msg,GetColor(plr),nil,'Ping!')
  1422. end)
  1424. AddCmd('Afk','afk',-1,'Away from keyboard.','No arguments',function(Speaker, msg)
  1425. local afktime = -1
  1426. local afk = true
  1427. Speaker.Chatted:connect(function()
  1428. afk = false
  1429. end)
  1430. posz = Speaker.Character.Torso.CFrame.Z
  1431. posx = Speaker.Character.Torso.CFrame.X
  1432. game["Run Service"].Heartbeat:connect(function()
  1434. if Speaker.Character.Torso.CFrame.Z ~= posz then
  1435. if Speaker.Character.Torso.CFrame.X ~= posx then
  1436. afk = false
  1437. end
  1438. end
  1439. end)
  1440. repeat afktime = afktime + 2
  1441. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1442. Output(Speaker,afktime..' Seconds',GetColor(plr),nil,'Afk for...')
  1443. wait(2)
  1444. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1445. until afk == false
  1446. afktime = -1
  1447. Output(Speaker,Speaker.Name,'Lime green',nil,'Welcome back!')
  1448. end)
  1450. AddCmd('Show banland','bland',2,'Shows a banlist of players','no args',function(Speaker, msg)
  1451. Savage.Functions.Bland(Speaker)
  1452. end)
  1454. AddCmd('Set Key','keyset',5,'Set the key to your liking','no args',function(Speaker, msg)
  1455. if #msg>5 then
  1456. Output(Speaker,'Key is too long! [5 Characters or less]','Really red',nil,'Notice!')
  1457. else
  1458. key = msg
  1459. wait()
  1460. Output(Speaker,'The main key has been set to '..key,'Lime green',nil,'Notice!')
  1461. end
  1462. end)
  1464. AddCmd('Clean','clean',3,'Clean the workspace.','no args',function(Speaker, msg)
  1465. Savage.Functions.Clean(Speaker)
  1466. end)
  1468. AddCmd('Base','base',2,'Make a base.','no args',function(Speaker, msg)
  1469. Savage.Functions.MakeBase()
  1470. end)
  1472. AddCmd('Get Rank','grank',2,'Show the rank of a player.','no args',function(Speaker, msg)
  1473. for _,Plr in next,(Savage.Functions.GetPlayers(Speaker, msg)) do
  1474. Output(Speaker,GetRank(Plr),GetColor(Plr),nil,'Rank')
  1475. Output(Speaker,GetDesc(Plr),GetColor(Plr),nil,'Description')
  1476. Output(Speaker,GetColor(Plr),GetColor(Plr),nil,'Color')
  1477. end
  1478. end)
  1480. AddCmd('Stop Music','nm',4,'Stop all music','No Arguments',function(Speaker, Msg)
  1481. StopMusic(workspace)
  1482. StopMusic(workspace.Base)
  1483. StopMusic(script)
  1484. for _,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1485. if v:IsA('Script') then
  1486. for _,b in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  1487. if b:IsA('Sound') then
  1488. b:Destroy()
  1489. end
  1490. end
  1491. end
  1492. end
  1493. end)
  1495. AddCmd('Color','colors',1,'Set your color','No arguments',function(plr, msg)
  1496. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(plr)
  1497. Output(plr,'Red','Really red',function()
  1498. for _,Plr in next,(Savage.Ranked) do
  1499. if Plr['Name'] == plr.Name then
  1500. Plr.Color = 'Really red'
  1501. end
  1502. end
  1503. end)
  1504. Output(plr,'Orange','Deep orange')
  1505. Output(plr,'Blue','Really blue')
  1506. Output(plr,'Lime Green','Lime green')
  1507. Output(plr,'Purple','Royal purple')
  1508. Output(plr,'Black','Black')
  1509. Output(plr,'White','White')
  1510. Output(plr,'Teal','Toothpaste')
  1511. Output(plr,'Pink','Hot pink')
  1512. Output(plr,'Your color \n'..GetColor(plr),GetColor(plr))
  1513. end)
  1515. AddCmd("Execute","exe",2,"Exectue a message","No arguments",function(Speaker, Msg)
  1516. Savage.Functions.Execute(Speaker, Msg) -- FIXED
  1517. end)
  1519. AddCmd('Sound search','sm',3,'Sound search music','No arguments',function(Speaker, Msg)
  1520. Savage.Functions.SoundSearch(Speaker, Msg)
  1521. end)
  1523. AddCmd('Logs','logs',4,'Show player chat logs.','No args',function(Speaker, Msg)
  1524. Savage.Functions.ShowLogs(Speaker)
  1525. end)
  1527. AddCmd('Network','net',2,'Show NetworkServer.','No args',function(Speaker, Msg)
  1528. Savage.Functions.Networkplrs(Speaker)
  1529. end)
  1531. AddCmd('Ask for a rank up','rankpls',0,'Ask '..MainPlayer.Name..' for a Rank up','No args',function(Speaker, Msg)
  1532. Output(MainPlayer,Speaker.Name..' Asks for a rank up',GetColor(MainPlayer))
  1533. print(Speaker.Name..' Asks for a rank up')
  1534. end)
  1536. AddCmd('New Server','newserver',6,'Create a new server','No args',function(Speaker, Msg)
  1537. Output(Speaker,'Creating a new server','Lime green',nil,'Please wait...')
  1538. local Result = game:GetService('HttpService'):GetAsync(''..tonumber(game.PlaceId),true)
  1539. repeat wait(.3)
  1540. until Result
  1541. Output(Speaker,'Server created', 'Lime green',nil,'Success!')
  1542. end)
  1544. AddCmd('Disable','disable',1337,'Disable the script','No args',function(Speaker, Msg)
  1545. Output(Speaker,'Are you sure you want to disable the script?',GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Positive?')
  1546. Output(Speaker,'Yes','Really red',function()
  1547. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1548. Output(Speaker,'Disabling script...','Really red',nil,'Please wait...')
  1549. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1550. if v:IsA('Player') then
  1551. --Savage.Functions.Kick(v)
  1552. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(v)
  1554. end
  1555. wait(2)
  1556. script.Disabled = true
  1557. end
  1558. end,'Go ahead, no ones stopping you.')
  1559. Output(Speaker,'No','Lime green',Savage.Functions.Dismiss(),'Suggested choice')
  1560. end)
  1562. AddCmd('Message','msg',1,'Sends a Message Like Gui to all players.',{'all','others','noobs'},function(Speaker,Msg)
  1563. for _,Player in pairs(game:service("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1564. Savage.Functions.GuiNotify(Player,"["..Speaker.Name.."]: "..Msg);
  1565. end--]]
  1566. end)
  1568. AddCmd('God','god',2,'Make a player practically invincible.',{'all','others','noobs'},function(Speaker,Msg)
  1569. for _,Player in pairs(game:service("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1570. Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = math.huge * math.pi
  1571. Output(Speaker,'Made '..Player.Name..' nearly invincible','Lime green',nil,'Success!')
  1573. end--]]
  1574. end)
  1576. AddCmd('FF','ff',1,'Give a player a forcefield.',{'all','others','noobs'},function(Speaker,Msg)
  1577. for _,Player in next,(Savage.Functions.GetPlayers(Speaker, Msg)) do
  1578. m ='ForceField',Player.Character)
  1579. Output(Speaker,'Gave '..Player.Name..' a ForceField','Lime green',nil,'Success!')
  1580. end--]]
  1581. end)
  1583. AddCmd('Ungod','nogod',1,'Make a player mortal once again.',{'all','others','noobs'},function(Speaker,Msg)
  1584. for _,Player in next,(Savage.Functions.GetPlayers(Speaker, Msg)) do
  1585. Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = 100
  1586. Output(Speaker,'Made '..Player.Name..' mortal once again.','Really red',nil,'Success!')
  1587. end--]]
  1588. end)
  1590. AddCmd('Unff','noff',1,'Remove a players forcefield.',{'all','others','noobs'},function(Speaker,Msg)
  1591. for _,Player in next,(Savage.Functions.GetPlayers(Speaker, Msg)) do
  1592. if Player.Character:FindFirstChild('ForceField') then
  1593. repeat
  1594. Player.Character:FindFirstChild('ForceField'):Destroy()
  1595. until not Player.Character:FindFirstChild('ForceField')
  1596. Output(Speaker,'Removed '..Player.Name..'\'s ForceField','Really red',nil,'Success!')
  1597. end
  1598. end--]]
  1599. end)
  1601. AddCmd('TabSize','newtabs',5,'Resize the admins cubes','No args',function(Speaker,Msg)
  1602. Savage.Functions.DismissAll()
  1603. for _,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1604. Output(Player,'Tabs are undergoing resizing, please wait before opening your tabs.','Really red',nil,'Notice!')
  1605. end
  1606. wait(math.random(2,5))
  1607. Savage.Functions.DismissAll()
  1608. wait(.1)
  1609. Savage['TabletSize'] = Msg
  1610. Output(Speaker,'New tab size - '..Savage['TabletSize'],'Lime green',nil,'Success!')
  1612. end)
  1614. AddCmd('DecalTrans','newdecalt',5,'Change the admins decal transparency','No args',function(Speaker,Msg)
  1615. Savage.Functions.DismissAll()
  1616. for _,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1617. Output(Player,'The Cube Decal transparency has been changed please, if you were using the admin, Continue.','Really red',nil,'Notice!')
  1618. end
  1619. wait(math.random(2,5))
  1620. Savage.Functions.DismissAll()
  1621. Savage['DecalTrans'] = Msg
  1623. end)
  1625. AddCmd('Ox Chat','goxchat',1337,'Give someone a gui to access oxchat','No args',function(Speaker, Msg)
  1626. for _,Player in next,(Savage.Functions.GetPlayers(Speaker, Msg)) do
  1627. Savage.Functions.OxChat(Speaker, Player)
  1628. Output(Speaker,'Gave an OxChat gui to '..Player.Name,'Lime green',nil,'Success!')
  1629. end
  1630. end)
  1632. AddCmd('Decal','newdecal',5,'Change the admins decal','No args',function(Speaker,Msg)
  1633. Savage.Functions.DismissAll()
  1634. for _,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1635. Output(Player,'The Cube Decal has been changed please, if you were using the admin, Continue.','Really red',nil,'Notice!')
  1636. end
  1637. wait(math.random(2,5))
  1638. Savage.Functions.DismissAll()
  1639. Savage['Id'] = Msg
  1641. end)
  1643. AddCmd('Default Decal','defdecal',5,'Change the admins decal to default','No args',function(Speaker,Msg)
  1644. Savage.Functions.DismissAll()
  1645. for _,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1646. Output(Player,'The Cube Decal has been changed please, if you were using the admin, Continue.','Really red',nil,'Notice!')
  1647. end
  1648. wait(math.random(2,5))
  1649. Savage.Functions.DismissAll()
  1650. Savage['Id'] = ''
  1652. end)
  1654. AddCmd('Ping To','pingt',2,'Ping a message to a player',{'all','others','noobs'},function(Speaker,Msg)
  1655. Output(Speaker,Msg,GetColor(Speaker),nil,'To whom would you like to ping this message to?')
  1656. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1657. Output(Speaker,v.Name,'Lime green',function()
  1658. Output(v,Msg,GetColor(Speaker),nil,'Message from: '..Speaker.Name)
  1659. end,'Pick me!')
  1660. end
  1661. end)
  1663. AddCmd('Shut down','sd',4,'Shut down the game via FireClient','No args',function(Speaker, Msg)
  1664. Output(Speaker,'Are you sure?',GetColor(Speaker))
  1665. Output(Speaker,'Yes','Really red',function()
  1666. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1667. for _,Plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1668. if Plr.Name ~= Speaker.Name then
  1669. Savage.Functions.Kick(Plr)
  1670. end
  1671. end
  1672. Output(Speaker,'Kicking yourself','Really red')
  1673. wait(1)
  1674. for _,Plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1675. Savage.Functions.Kick(Plr)
  1676. end
  1677. end)
  1678. Output(Speaker,'No','Lime green',function()
  1679. Savage.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1680. end)
  1681. end)
  1683. game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player)
  1684. Output(Player,"GravityCubed Made by GravityLegendary, and SavageMunkey",GetColor(Player),nil,'Welcome '..Player.Name..'!');
  1685. Output(Player,"You are Rank : " ..GetRank(Player),GetColor(Player),nil,'Welcome '..Player.Name..'!');
  1686. Output(Player,"Your Color is : " ..GetColor(Player),GetColor(Player),nil,'Welcome '..Player.Name..'!');
  1687. Output(Player,"GravityCloud Enabled:S","White");
  1688. Player.Chatted:connect(function(Message)
  1689. Savage.Functions.Chatted(Player, Message)
  1690. end)
  1691. Player.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  1692. table.insert(Logs, {['Name'] = Player.Name, ['Message'] = msg})
  1693. end)
  1694. end)
  1696. --[[game:GetService('Players').ChildAdded:connect(function(Plr)
  1697. for Plar,Rank in pairs(Savage.Ranked) do
  1698. Output(Player,Plr.Name..' Connected',GetColor(Player))
  1699. end
  1700. if GetRank(Plr) < 0 then
  1701. Savage.Functions.Kick(Plr)
  1702. end
  1703. end)
  1705. game:GetService('Players').ChildRemoved:connect(function(Plr)
  1706. for Plar,Rank in pairs(Savage.Ranked) do
  1707. Output(Player,Plr.Name..' Disconnected',GetColor(Player))
  1708. end
  1709. end)--]]
  1711. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(Savage.Functions.RotateTablets)
  1713. game["Run Service"].Heartbeat:connect(function()
  1714. for _,Playername in pairs(Savage.Bans) do
  1715. wait()
  1716. if game.Players:FindFirstChild(Playername['Name']) then
  1717. Savage.Functions.Kick(game.Players[Playername['Name']])
  1718. end
  1719. end
  1720. end)
  1722. --[[game['Run Service'].Stepped:connect(function()
  1723. pcall(function()
  1724. for _,v in next, Savage.Tablets do
  1725. local Thread=coroutine.create(function()
  1726. repeat
  1727. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  1729. until v.Tab.Size.Y < 1.7
  1730. wait(2)
  1731. repeat
  1732. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  1734. until v.Tab.Size.Y > Savage['TabletSize'];
  1735. end)
  1736. coroutine.resume(Thread)
  1737. end;
  1738. end)
  1739. end)--]]
  1741. for _,Player in pairs(game:service("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1742. Savage.Functions.GuiNotify(Player,"Welcome to GravityCubed: By, GravityLegendary, SavageMunkey. The Key is [ "..key.." ].");
  1743. end--]]
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