

Sep 26th, 2017
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  1. Rang 1: Offroader ( NEF 84-82-01 )
  2. Rang 2: Truck Boxer ( RTW 84-83-31 ), Sprinter ( RTW 84-83-32 ),M900 ( RTH Christoph Lagoon 1 )
  3. Rang 3: SUV ( ELW 17-11-10 )
  4. Rang 4: Tempest ( TLF 17-23-10 ), Strider GMG ( LF 17-43-10 )
  5. Rang 5: Orca ( RTH Christoph Lagoon 2 ), Limo ( KdoW 17-01-01 ), Strider ( LF 17-41-10 )
  6. Rang 6: Rettungsboot, neue Drohne
  7. Rang 7: Zamak Reparatur ( TLF 17-48-10 ), Hunter ( RW 17-54-10 )
  8. Rang 8: MotorBoot,
  9. Rang 9: Mohawk ( RTH Christoph Lagoon 3 )
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