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- --- AUKit: Audio decoding and processing framework for ComputerCraft
- --
- --
- -- AUKit is a framework designed to simplify the process of loading, modifying,
- -- and playing audio files in various formats. It includes support for loading
- -- audio from many sources, including PCM, DFPWM, and IMA ADPCM codecs, as well
- -- as WAV, AIFF, AU, and FLAC files. It can also generate audio on-the-fly as
- -- tones, noise, or silence.
- --
- -- AUKit uses a structure called Audio to store information about each audio
- -- chunk. An audio object holds the sample rate of the audio, as well as the
- -- data for each channel stored as floating-point numbers. Audio objects can
- -- hold any number of channels at any sample rate with any duration.
- --
- -- To obtain an audio object, you can use any of the main functions in the aukit
- -- module. These allow loading from various raw codecs or file formats, with
- -- data sources as strings, or tables if using a raw codec loader.
- --
- -- Once the audio is loaded, various basic operations are available. A subset of
- -- the string library is available to simplify operations on the audio, and a
- -- number of operators (+, *, .., #) are overridden as well. There's also built-
- -- in functions for resampling the audio, with nearest-neighbor, linear, and
- -- cubic interpolation available; as well as mixing channels (including down to
- -- mono) and combining/splitting channels. Finally, audio objects can be exported
- -- back to PCM, DFPWM, or WAV data, allowing changes to be easily stored on disk.
- -- The stream function also automatically chunks data for use with a speaker.
- -- All of these functions return a new audio object, leaving the original intact.
- --
- -- There are also a number of effects available for audio. These are contained
- -- in the aukit.effects table, and modify the audio passed to them (as well as
- -- returning the audio for streamlining). The effects are intended to speed up
- -- common operations on audio. More effects may be added in future versions.
- --
- -- Be aware that processing large amounts of audio (especially loading FLAC or
- -- resampling with higher quality) is *very* slow. It's recommended to use audio
- -- files with lower data size (8-bit mono PCM/WAV/AIFF is ideal), and potentially
- -- a lower sample rate, to reduce the load on the system - especially as all
- -- data gets converted to 8-bit DFPWM data on playback anyway. The code yields
- -- internally when things take a long time to avoid abort timeouts.
- --
- -- For an example of how to use AUKit, see the accompanying auplay.lua file.
- --
- -- @author JackMacWindows
- -- @license MIT
- --
- -- <style>#content {width: unset !important;}</style>
- --
- -- @module aukit
- -- @set project=AUKit
- -- MIT License
- --
- -- Copyright (c) 2021-2022 JackMacWindows
- --
- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- --
- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- -- copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- --
- local expect = require "cc.expect"
- local dfpwm = require ""
- local aukit = {}
- aukit.effects, = {}, {}
- --- @tfield "none"|"linear"|"cubic" defaultInterpolation Default interpolation mode for @{Audio:resample} and other functions that need to resample.
- aukit.defaultInterpolation = "linear"
- --- @type Audio
- local Audio = {}
- local Audio_mt
- local ima_index_table = {
- [0] = -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8,
- -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8
- }
- local ima_step_table = {
- [0] = 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17,
- 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 41, 45,
- 50, 55, 60, 66, 73, 80, 88, 97, 107, 118,
- 130, 143, 157, 173, 190, 209, 230, 253, 279, 307,
- 337, 371, 408, 449, 494, 544, 598, 658, 724, 796,
- 876, 963, 1060, 1166, 1282, 1411, 1552, 1707, 1878, 2066,
- 2272, 2499, 2749, 3024, 3327, 3660, 4026, 4428, 4871, 5358,
- 5894, 6484, 7132, 7845, 8630, 9493, 10442, 11487, 12635, 13899,
- 15289, 16818, 18500, 20350, 22385, 24623, 27086, 29794, 32767
- }
- local function clamp(n, min, max) return math.max(math.min(n, max), min) end
- local function expectAudio(n, var)
- if type(var) == "table" and getmetatable(var) == Audio_mt then return var end
- expect(n, var, "Audio") -- always fails
- end
- local function intunpack(str, pos, sz, signed, be)
- local n = 0
- if be then for i = 0, sz - 1 do n = n * 256 + str:byte(pos+i) end
- else for i = 0, sz - 1 do n = n + str:byte(pos+i) * 2^(8*i) end end
- if signed and n >= 2^(sz*8-1) then n = n - 2^(sz*8) end
- return n, pos + sz
- end
- local interpolate = {
- none = function(data, x)
- return data[math.floor(x)]
- end,
- linear = function(data, x)
- return data[math.floor(x)] + ((data[math.ceil(x)] or data[math.floor(x)]) - data[math.floor(x)]) * (x - math.floor(x))
- end,
- cubic = function(data, x)
- local p0, p1, p2, p3, fx = data[math.floor(x)-1], data[math.floor(x)], data[math.ceil(x)], data[math.ceil(x)+1], x - math.floor(x)
- p0, p2, p3 = p0 or p1, p2 or p1, p3 or p2 or p1
- return (-0.5*p0 + 1.5*p1 - 1.5*p2 + 0.5*p3)*fx^3 + (p0 - 2.5*p1 + 2*p2 - 0.5*p3)*fx^2 + (-0.5*p0 + 0.5*p2)*fx + p1
- end
- }
- local interpolation_start = {none = 1, linear = 1, cubic = 0}
- local interpolation_end = {none = 1, linear = 2, cubic = 3}
- local wavegen = {
- sine = function(x, freq, amplitude)
- return math.sin(2 * x * math.pi * freq) * amplitude
- end,
- triangle = function(x, freq, amplitude)
- return 2.0 * math.abs(amplitude * math.fmod(2.0 * x * freq + 1.5, 2.0) - amplitude) - amplitude
- end,
- square = function(x, freq, amplitude, duty)
- if (x * freq) % 1 >= duty then return -amplitude else return amplitude end
- end,
- sawtooth = function(x, freq, amplitude)
- return amplitude * math.fmod(2.0 * x * freq + 1.0, 2.0) - amplitude
- end
- }
- local decodeFLAC do
- -- Simple FLAC decoder (Java)
- --
- -- Copyright (c) 2017 Project Nayuki. (MIT License)
- --
- --
- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
- -- this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
- -- the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
- -- use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
- -- the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
- -- subject to the following conditions:
- -- - The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- -- - The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or
- -- implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability,
- -- fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the
- -- authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other
- -- liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from,
- -- out of or in connection with the Software or the use or other dealings in the
- -- Software.
- {},
- {1},
- {2, -1},
- {3, -3, 1},
- {4, -6, 4, -1},
- };
- local function BitInputStream(data, pos)
- local obj = {}
- local bitBuffer, bitBufferLen = 0, 0
- function obj.alignToByte()
- bitBufferLen = bitBufferLen - bitBufferLen % 8
- end
- function obj.readByte()
- return obj.readUint(8)
- end
- function obj.readUint(n)
- if n == 0 then return 0 end
- while bitBufferLen < n do
- local temp = data:byte(pos)
- pos = pos + 1
- if temp == nil then return nil end
- bitBuffer = (bitBuffer * 256 + temp) % 0x100000000000
- bitBufferLen = bitBufferLen + 8
- end
- bitBufferLen = bitBufferLen - n
- local result = math.floor(bitBuffer / 2^bitBufferLen)
- if n < 32 then result = result % 2^n end
- return result
- end
- function obj.readSignedInt(n)
- local v = obj.readUint(n)
- if v >= 2^(n-1) then v = v - 2^n end
- return v
- end
- function obj.readRiceSignedInt(param)
- local val = 0
- while (obj.readUint(1) == 0) do val = val + 1 end
- val = val * 2^param + obj.readUint(param)
- if bit32.btest(val, 1) then return -math.floor(val / 2) - 1
- else return math.floor(val / 2) end
- end
- return obj
- end
- local function decodeResiduals(inp, warmup, blockSize, result)
- local method = inp.readUint(2);
- if (method >= 2) then error("Reserved residual coding method " .. method) end
- local paramBits = method == 0 and 4 or 5;
- local escapeParam = method == 0 and 0xF or 0x1F;
- local partitionOrder = inp.readUint(4);
- local numPartitions = 2^partitionOrder;
- if (blockSize % numPartitions ~= 0) then
- error("Block size not divisible by number of Rice partitions")
- end
- local partitionSize = math.floor(blockSize / numPartitions);
- for i = 0, numPartitions-1 do
- local start = i * partitionSize + (i == 0 and warmup or 0);
- local endd = (i + 1) * partitionSize;
- local param = inp.readUint(paramBits);
- if (param < escapeParam) then
- for j = start, endd - 1 do
- result[j+1] = inp.readRiceSignedInt(param)
- end
- else
- local numBits = inp.readUint(5);
- for j = start, endd - 1 do
- result[j+1] = inp.readSignedInt(numBits)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function restoreLinearPrediction(result, coefs, shift, blockSize)
- for i = #coefs, blockSize - 1 do
- local sum = 0
- for j = 0, #coefs - 1 do
- sum = sum + result[i - j] * coefs[j + 1]
- end
- result[i + 1] = result[i + 1] + math.floor(sum / 2^shift)
- end
- end
- local function decodeFixedPredictionSubframe(inp, predOrder, sampleDepth, blockSize, result)
- for i = 1, predOrder do
- result[i] = inp.readSignedInt(sampleDepth);
- end
- decodeResiduals(inp, predOrder, blockSize, result);
- restoreLinearPrediction(result, FIXED_PREDICTION_COEFFICIENTS[predOrder+1], 0, blockSize);
- end
- local function decodeLinearPredictiveCodingSubframe(inp, lpcOrder, sampleDepth, blockSize, result)
- for i = 1, lpcOrder do
- result[i] = inp.readSignedInt(sampleDepth);
- end
- local precision = inp.readUint(4) + 1;
- local shift = inp.readSignedInt(5);
- local coefs = {};
- for i = 1, lpcOrder do
- coefs[i] = inp.readSignedInt(precision);
- end
- decodeResiduals(inp, lpcOrder, blockSize, result);
- restoreLinearPrediction(result, coefs, shift, blockSize);
- end
- local function decodeSubframe(inp, sampleDepth, blockSize, result)
- inp.readUint(1);
- local type = inp.readUint(6);
- local shift = inp.readUint(1);
- if (shift == 1) then
- while (inp.readUint(1) == 0) do shift = shift + 1 end
- end
- sampleDepth = sampleDepth - shift
- if (type == 0) then -- Constant coding
- local c = inp.readSignedInt(sampleDepth)
- for i = 1, blockSize do result[i] = c end
- elseif (type == 1) then -- Verbatim coding
- for i = 1, blockSize do
- result[i] = inp.readSignedInt(sampleDepth);
- end
- elseif (8 <= type and type <= 12) then
- decodeFixedPredictionSubframe(inp, type - 8, sampleDepth, blockSize, result)
- elseif (32 <= type and type <= 63) then
- decodeLinearPredictiveCodingSubframe(inp, type - 31, sampleDepth, blockSize, result)
- else
- error("Reserved subframe type")
- end
- for i = 1, blockSize do
- result[i] = result[i] * 2^shift
- end
- end
- local function decodeSubframes(inp, sampleDepth, chanAsgn, blockSize, result)
- local subframes = {}
- for i = 1, #result do subframes[i] = {} end
- if (0 <= chanAsgn and chanAsgn <= 7) then
- for ch = 1, #result do
- decodeSubframe(inp, sampleDepth, blockSize, subframes[ch])
- end
- elseif (8 <= chanAsgn and chanAsgn <= 10) then
- decodeSubframe(inp, sampleDepth + (chanAsgn == 9 and 1 or 0), blockSize, subframes[1])
- decodeSubframe(inp, sampleDepth + (chanAsgn == 9 and 0 or 1), blockSize, subframes[2])
- if (chanAsgn == 8) then
- for i = 1, blockSize do
- subframes[2][i] = subframes[1][i] - subframes[2][i]
- end
- elseif (chanAsgn == 9) then
- for i = 1, blockSize do
- subframes[1][i] = subframes[1][i] + subframes[2][i]
- end
- elseif (chanAsgn == 10) then
- for i = 1, blockSize do
- local side = subframes[2][i]
- local right = subframes[1][i] - math.floor(side / 2)
- subframes[2][i] = right
- subframes[1][i] = right + side
- end
- end
- else
- error("Reserved channel assignment");
- end
- for ch = 1, #result do
- for i = 1, blockSize do
- local s = subframes[ch][i]
- if s >= 2^(sampleDepth-1) then s = s - 2^sampleDepth end
- result[ch][i] = s / 2^sampleDepth
- end
- end
- end
- local function decodeFrame(inp, numChannels, sampleDepth, out2, callback)
- local out = {}
- for i = 1, numChannels do out[i] = {} end
- -- Read a ton of header fields, and ignore most of them
- local temp = inp.readByte()
- if temp == nil then
- return false
- end
- local sync = temp * 64 + inp.readUint(6);
- if sync ~= 0x3FFE then error("Sync code expected") end
- inp.readUint(1);
- inp.readUint(1);
- local blockSizeCode = inp.readUint(4);
- local sampleRateCode = inp.readUint(4);
- local chanAsgn = inp.readUint(4);
- inp.readUint(3);
- inp.readUint(1);
- temp = inp.readUint(8);
- local t2 = -1
- for i = 7, 0, -1 do if not bit32.btest(temp, 2^i) then break end t2 = t2 + 1 end
- for i = 1, t2 do inp.readUint(8) end
- local blockSize
- if (blockSizeCode == 1) then
- blockSize = 192
- elseif (2 <= blockSizeCode and blockSizeCode <= 5) then
- blockSize = 576 * 2^(blockSizeCode - 2)
- elseif (blockSizeCode == 6) then
- blockSize = inp.readUint(8) + 1
- elseif (blockSizeCode == 7) then
- blockSize = inp.readUint(16) + 1
- elseif (8 <= blockSizeCode and blockSizeCode <= 15) then
- blockSize = 256 * 2^(blockSizeCode - 8)
- else
- error("Reserved block size")
- end
- if (sampleRateCode == 12) then
- inp.readUint(8)
- elseif (sampleRateCode == 13 or sampleRateCode == 14) then
- inp.readUint(16)
- end
- inp.readUint(8)
- decodeSubframes(inp, sampleDepth, chanAsgn, blockSize, out)
- inp.alignToByte()
- inp.readUint(16)
- if callback then callback(out) else
- for c = 1, numChannels do
- local n = #out2[c]
- for i = 1, blockSize do out2[c][n+i] = out[c][i] end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function decodeFLAC(inp, callback)
- local out = {}
- local pos = 1
- -- Handle FLAC header and metadata blocks
- local temp temp, pos = intunpack(inp, pos, 4, false, true)
- if temp ~= 0x664C6143 then error("Invalid magic string") end
- local sampleRate, numChannels, sampleDepth, numSamples
- local last = false
- while not last do
- temp, pos = string.byte(inp, pos), pos + 1
- last = bit32.btest(temp, 0x80)
- local type =, 0x7F);
- local length length, pos = intunpack(inp, pos, 3, false, true)
- if type == 0 then -- Stream info block
- pos = pos + 10
- sampleRate, pos = intunpack(inp, pos, 2, false, true)
- sampleRate = sampleRate * 16 + bit32.rshift(inp:byte(pos), 4)
- numChannels =, 1), 7) + 1;
- sampleDepth =, 1) * 16 + bit32.rshift(inp:byte(pos+1), 4) + 1;
- numSamples, pos = intunpack(inp, pos + 2, 4, false, true)
- numSamples = numSamples +, 15) * 2^32
- pos = pos + 16
- else
- pos = pos + length
- end
- end
- if not sampleRate then error("Stream info metadata block absent") end
- if sampleDepth % 8 ~= 0 then error("Sample depth not supported") end
- for i = 1, numChannels do out[i] = {} end
- if callback then callback(sampleRate, numSamples) end
- -- Decode FLAC audio frames and write raw samples
- inp = BitInputStream(inp, pos)
- repeat until not decodeFrame(inp, numChannels, sampleDepth, out, callback)
- if not callback then return {sampleRate = sampleRate, data = out} end
- end
- end
- --- Returns the length of the audio object in seconds.
- -- @treturn number The audio length
- function Audio:len()
- return[1] / self.sampleRate
- end
- --- Creates a new audio object with the data resampled to a different sample rate.
- -- If the target rate is the same, the object is copied without modification.
- -- @tparam number sampleRate The new sample rate in Hertz
- -- @tparam[opt=aukit.defaultInterpolation] "none"|"linear"|"cubic" interpolation The interpolation mode to use
- -- @treturn Audio A new audio object with the resampled data
- function Audio:resample(sampleRate, interpolation)
- expect(1, sampleRate, "number")
- interpolation = expect(2, interpolation, "string", "nil") or aukit.defaultInterpolation
- if interpolation ~= "none" and interpolation ~= "linear" and interpolation ~= "cubic" then error("bad argument #2 (invalid interpolation type)", 2) end
- local new = setmetatable({sampleRate = sampleRate, data = {}}, Audio_mt)
- local ratio = sampleRate / self.sampleRate
- local newlen =[1] * ratio
- local interp = interpolate[interpolation]
- local start = os.epoch "utc"
- for y, c in ipairs( do
- local line = {}
- for i = 1, newlen do
- if os.epoch "utc" - start > 3000 then start = os.epoch "utc" sleep(0) end
- local x = (i - 1) / ratio + 1
- if x % 1 == 0 then line[i] = c[x]
- else line[i] = clamp(interp(c, x), -1, 1) end
- end
-[y] = line
- end
- return new
- end
- --- Mixes down all channels to a new mono-channel audio object.
- -- @treturn Audio A new audio object with the audio mixed to mono
- function Audio:mono()
- local new = setmetatable({sampleRate = self.sampleRate, data = {{}}}, Audio_mt)
- local cn =
- local start = os.epoch "utc"
- for i = 1,[1] do
- if os.epoch "utc" - start > 3000 then start = os.epoch "utc" sleep(0) end
- local s = 0
- for c = 1, cn do s = s +[c][i] end
-[1][i] = s / cn
- end
- return new
- end
- --- Concatenates this audio object with another, adding the contents of each
- -- new channel to the end of each old channel, resampling the new channels to match
- -- this one (if necessary), and inserting silence in any missing channels.
- -- @tparam Audio ... The audio objects to concatenate
- -- @treturn Audio The new concatenated audio object
- function Audio:concat(...)
- local audios = {self, ...}
- local l = {[1]}
- local cn =
- for i = 2, #audios do
- expectAudio(i-1, audios[i])
- if audios[i].sampleRate ~= self.sampleRate then audios[i] = audios[i]:resample(self.sampleRate) end
- l[i] = #audios[i].data[1]
- cn = math.max(cn, #audios[i].data)
- end
- local obj = setmetatable({sampleRate = self.sampleRate, data = {}}, Audio_mt)
- for c = 1, cn do
- local ch = {}
- local pos = 0
- for a = 1, #audios do
- local sch = audios[a].data[c]
- if sch then for i = 1, l[a] do ch[pos+i] = sch[i] end
- else for i = 1, l[a] do ch[pos+i] = 0 end end
- pos = pos + l[a]
- end
-[c] = ch
- end
- return obj
- end
- --- Takes a subregion of the audio and returns a new audio object with its contents.
- -- This takes the same arguments as @{string.sub}, but positions start at 0.
- -- @tparam[opt=1] number start The start position of the audio in seconds
- -- @tparam[opt=-1] number last The end position of the audio in seconds
- -- @treturn Audio The new split audio object
- function Audio:sub(start, last)
- start = math.floor(expect(1, start, "number", "nil") or 1)
- last = math.floor(expect(2, last, "number", "nil") or -1)
- local len =[1] / self.sampleRate
- if start < 0 then start = len + start end
- if last < 0 then last = len + last end
- expect.range(start, 1, len)
- expect.range(last, 1, len)
- start, last = start * self.sampleRate + 1, last * self.sampleRate + 1
- local obj = setmetatable({sampleRate = self.sampleRate, data = {}}, Audio_mt)
- for c = 1, do
- local ch = {}
- local sch =[c]
- for i = start, last do ch[i-start+1] = sch[i] end
-[c] = ch
- end
- return obj
- end
- --- Combines the channels of this audio object with another, adding the new
- -- channels on the end of the new object, resampling the new channels to match
- -- this one (if necessary), and extending any channels that are shorter than the
- -- longest channel with zeroes.
- -- @tparam Audio ... The audio objects to combine with
- -- @treturn Audio The new combined audio object
- function Audio:combine(...)
- local audios = {self, ...}
- local len =[1]
- for i = 2, #audios do
- expectAudio(i-1, audios[i])
- if audios[i].sampleRate ~= self.sampleRate then audios[i] = audios[i]:resample(self.sampleRate) end
- len = math.max(len, #audios[i].data[1])
- end
- local obj = setmetatable({sampleRate = self.sampleRate, data = {}}, Audio_mt)
- local pos = 0
- for a = 1, #audios do
- for c = 1, #audios[a].data do
- local sch, ch = audios[a].data[c], {}
- for i = 1, len do ch[i] = sch[i] or 0 end
-[pos+c] = ch
- end
- pos = pos + #audios[a].data
- end
- return obj
- end
- --- Splits this audio object into one or more objects with the specified channels.
- -- Passing a channel that doesn't exist will throw and error.
- -- @tparam {[number]...} ... The lists of channels in each new object
- -- @treturn Audio... The new audio objects created from the channels in each list
- -- @usage Split a stereo track into independent mono objects
- --
- -- local left, right = stereo:split({1}, {2})
- function Audio:split(...)
- local retval = {}
- for n, cl in ipairs{...} do
- expect(n, cl, "table")
- local obj = setmetatable({sampleRate = self.sampleRate, data = {}}, Audio_mt)
- for cd, cs in ipairs(cl) do
- local sch, ch =[expect(cd, cs, "number")], {}
- if not sch then error("channel " .. cs .. " (in argument " .. n .. ") out of range", 2) end
- for i = 1, #sch do ch[i] = sch[i] end
- obj[cd] = ch
- end
- retval[#retval+1] = obj
- end
- return table.unpack(retval)
- end
- --- Mixes two or more audio objects into a single object, amplifying each sample
- -- with a multiplier (before clipping) if desired, and clipping any values
- -- outside the audio range ([-1, 1]). Channels that are shorter are padded with
- -- zeroes at the end, and non-existent channels are replaced with all zeroes.
- -- Any audio objects with a different sample rate are resampled to match this one.
- -- @tparam number|Audio amplifier The multiplier to apply, or the first audio object
- -- @tparam[opt] Audio ... The objects to mix with this one
- -- @treturn Audio The new mixed audio object
- function Audio:mix(amplifier, ...)
- local audios = {self, ...}
- local len =[1]
- local cn =
- for i = 2, #audios do
- expectAudio(i, audios[i])
- if audios[i].sampleRate ~= self.sampleRate then audios[i] = audios[i]:resample(self.sampleRate) end
- len = math.max(len, #audios[i].data[1])
- cn = math.max(cn, #audios[i].data)
- end
- if type(amplifier) ~= "number" then
- expectAudio(1, amplifier)
- if amplifier.sampleRate ~= self.sampleRate then amplifier = amplifier:resample(self.sampleRate) end
- len = math.max(len,[1])
- cn = math.max(cn,
- table.insert(audios, 2, amplifier)
- amplifier = 1
- end
- local obj = setmetatable({sampleRate = self.sampleRate, data = {}}, Audio_mt)
- for c = 1, cn do
- local ch = {}
- local sch = {}
- for a = 1, #audios do sch[a] = audios[a].data[c] end
- for i = 1, len do
- local s = 0
- for a = 1, #audios do if sch[a] then s = s + (sch[a][i] or 0) end end
- ch[i] = clamp(s * amplifier, -1, 1)
- end
- obj[c] = ch
- end
- return obj
- end
- --- Returns a new audio object that repeats this audio a number of times.
- -- @tparam number count The number of times to play the audio
- -- @treturn Audio The repeated audio
- function Audio:rep(count)
- if type(self) ~= "table" and type(count) == "table" then self, count = count, self end
- expect(1, count, "number")
- local obj = setmetatable({sampleRate = self.sampleRate, data = {}}, Audio_mt)
- for c = 1, do
- local sch, ch =[c], {}
- for n = 0, count - 1 do
- local pos = n * #sch
- for i = 1, #sch do ch[pos+i] = sch[i] end
- end
-[c] = ch
- end
- return obj
- end
- --- Returns a reversed version of this audio.
- -- @treturn Audio The reversed audio
- function Audio:reverse()
- local obj = setmetatable({sampleRate = self.sampleRate, data = {}}, Audio_mt)
- for c = 1, do
- local sch, ch =[c], {}
- local len = #sch
- for i = 1, len do ch[len-i+1] = sch[i] end
-[c] = ch
- end
- return obj
- end
- local function encodePCM(info, pos)
- local maxValue = 2^(info.bitDepth-1)
- local add = info.dataType == "unsigned" and maxValue or 0
- local source =
- local function encode(d)
- if info.dataType == "float" then return d
- else return d * (d < 0 and maxValue or maxValue-1) + add end
- end
- local data = {}
- local nc = #source
- local len = #source[1]
- if pos > len then return nil end
- if info.interleaved then for n = pos, pos + info.len - 1 do for c = 1, nc do data[(n-1)*nc+c] = encode(source[c][n]) end end
- elseif info.multiple then
- for c = 1, nc do
- data[c] = {}
- for n = pos, pos + info.len - 1 do
- local s = source[c][n]
- if not s then break end
- data[c][n-pos+1] = encode(s)
- end
- end
- return pos + info.len, table.unpack(data)
- else for c = 1, nc do for n = pos, pos + info.len - 1 do data[(c-1)*len+n] = encode(source[c][n]) end end end
- return data
- end
- --- Converts the audio data to raw PCM samples.
- -- @tparam[opt=8] number bitDepth The bit depth of the audio (8, 16, 24, 32)
- -- @tparam[opt="signed"] "signed"|"unsigned"|"float" dataType The type of each sample
- -- @tparam[opt=true] boolean interleaved Whether to interleave each channel
- -- @treturn {[number]...} The resulting audio data
- function Audio:pcm(bitDepth, dataType, interleaved)
- bitDepth = expect(1, bitDepth, "number", "nil") or 8
- dataType = expect(2, dataType, "string", "nil") or "signed"
- expect(3, interleaved, "boolean", "nil")
- if interleaved == nil then interleaved = true end
- if bitDepth ~= 8 and bitDepth ~= 16 and bitDepth ~= 24 and bitDepth ~= 32 then error("bad argument #2 (invalid bit depth)", 2) end
- if dataType ~= "signed" and dataType ~= "unsigned" and dataType ~= "float" then error("bad argument #3 (invalid data type)", 2) end
- if dataType == "float" and bitDepth ~= 32 then error("bad argument #2 (float audio must have 32-bit depth)", 2) end
- return encodePCM({audio = self, bitDepth = bitDepth, dataType = dataType, interleaved = interleaved, len =[1]}, 1)
- end
- --- Returns a function that can be called to encode PCM samples in chunks.
- -- This is useful as a for iterator, and can be used with @{}.
- -- @tparam[opt=131072] number chunkSize The size of each chunk
- -- @tparam[opt=8] number bitDepth The bit depth of the audio (8, 16, 24, 32)
- -- @tparam[opt="signed"] "signed"|"unsigned"|"float" dataType The type of each sample
- -- @treturn function():{{[number]...}...},number An iterator function that returns
- -- chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as
- -- the current position of the audio in seconds
- -- @treturn number The total length of the audio in seconds
- function Audio:stream(chunkSize, bitDepth, dataType)
- chunkSize = expect(1, chunkSize, "number", "nil") or 131072
- bitDepth = expect(2, bitDepth, "number", "nil") or 8
- dataType = expect(3, dataType, "string", "nil") or "signed"
- if bitDepth ~= 8 and bitDepth ~= 16 and bitDepth ~= 24 and bitDepth ~= 32 then error("bad argument #2 (invalid bit depth)", 2) end
- if dataType ~= "signed" and dataType ~= "unsigned" and dataType ~= "float" then error("bad argument #3 (invalid data type)", 2) end
- if dataType == "float" and bitDepth ~= 32 then error("bad argument #2 (float audio must have 32-bit depth)", 2) end
- local info, pos = {audio = self, bitDepth = bitDepth, dataType = dataType, interleaved = false, multiple = true, len = chunkSize}, 1
- return function()
- if info == nil then return nil end
- local p = pos / self.sampleRate
- local v = {encodePCM(info, pos)}
- if v[1] == nil then info = nil return nil end
- pos = table.remove(v, 1)
- return v, p
- end,[1] / self.sampleRate
- end
- --- Coverts the audio data to a WAV file.
- -- @tparam[opt=16] number bitDepth The bit depth of the audio (8, 16, 24, 32)
- -- @treturn string The resulting WAV file data
- function Audio:wav(bitDepth)
- -- TODO: Support float data
- bitDepth = expect(1, bitDepth, "number", "nil") or 16
- if bitDepth ~= 8 and bitDepth ~= 16 and bitDepth ~= 24 and bitDepth ~= 32 then error("bad argument #2 (invalid bit depth)", 2) end
- local data = self:pcm(bitDepth, bitDepth == 8 and "unsigned" or "signed", true)
- local str = ""
- local csize = jit and 7680 or 32768
- local format = ((bitDepth == 8 and "I" or "i") .. (bitDepth / 8)):rep(csize)
- for i = 1, #data - csize, csize do str = str .. format:pack(table.unpack(data, i, i + csize - 1)) end
- str = str .. ((bitDepth == 8 and "I" or "i") .. (bitDepth / 8)):rep(#data % csize):pack(table.unpack(data, math.floor(#data / csize) * csize))
- return ("<c4Ic4c4IHHIIHHc4I"):pack("RIFF", #str + 36, "WAVE", "fmt ", 16, 1,, self.sampleRate, self.sampleRate *, * bitDepth / 8, bitDepth, "data", #str) .. str
- end
- --- Converts the audio data to DFPWM. All channels share the same encoder, and
- -- channels are stored sequentially uninterleaved.
- -- @treturn string... The resulting DFPWM data for each channel
- function Audio:dfpwm()
- local channels = {self:pcm(8, "signed", false)}
- local encode = dfpwm.make_encoder()
- for i = 1, #channels do channels[i] = encode(channels[i]) end
- return table.unpack(channels)
- end
- Audio_mt = {__index = Audio, __add = Audio.combine, __mul = Audio.rep, __concat = Audio.concat, __len = Audio.len, __name = "Audio"}
- function Audio_mt:__tostring()
- return "Audio: " .. self.sampleRate .. " Hz, " .. .. " channels, " .. ([1] / self.sampleRate) .. " seconds"
- end
- --- aukit
- -- @section aukit
- --- Creates a new audio object from the specified raw PCM data.
- -- @tparam string|table data The audio data, either as a raw string, or a table
- -- of values (in the format specified by `bitDepth` and `dataType`)
- -- @tparam[opt=8] number bitDepth The bit depth of the audio (8, 16, 24, 32); if `dataType` is "float" then this must be 32
- -- @tparam[opt="signed"] "signed"|"unsigned"|"float" dataType The type of each sample
- -- @tparam[opt=1] number channels The number of channels present in the audio
- -- @tparam[opt=48000] number sampleRate The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
- -- @tparam[opt=true] boolean interleaved Whether each channel is interleaved or separate
- -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean bigEndian Whether the audio is big-endian or little-endian; ignored if data is a table
- -- @treturn Audio A new audio object containing the specified data
- function aukit.pcm(data, bitDepth, dataType, channels, sampleRate, interleaved, bigEndian)
- expect(1, data, "string", "table")
- bitDepth = expect(2, bitDepth, "number", "nil") or 8
- dataType = expect(3, dataType, "string", "nil") or "signed"
- channels = expect(4, channels, "number", "nil") or 1
- sampleRate = expect(5, sampleRate, "number", "nil") or 48000
- expect(6, interleaved, "boolean", "nil")
- if interleaved == nil then interleaved = true end
- expect(7, bigEndian, "boolean", "nil")
- if bitDepth ~= 8 and bitDepth ~= 16 and bitDepth ~= 24 and bitDepth ~= 32 then error("bad argument #2 (invalid bit depth)", 2) end
- if dataType ~= "signed" and dataType ~= "unsigned" and dataType ~= "float" then error("bad argument #3 (invalid data type)", 2) end
- if dataType == "float" and bitDepth ~= 32 then error("bad argument #2 (float audio must have 32-bit depth)", 2) end
- expect.range(channels, 1)
- expect.range(sampleRate, 1)
- local byteDepth = bitDepth / 8
- if (#data / (type(data) == "table" and 1 or byteDepth)) % channels ~= 0 then error("bad argument #1 (uneven amount of data per channel)", 2) end
- local len = (#data / (type(data) == "table" and 1 or byteDepth)) / channels
- local csize = jit and 7680 or 32768
- local format = (bigEndian and ">" or "<") .. (dataType == "float" and "f" or ((dataType == "signed" and "i" or "I") .. byteDepth)):rep(csize)
- local maxValue = 2^(bitDepth-1)
- local obj = setmetatable({sampleRate = sampleRate, data = {}}, Audio_mt)
- for i = 1, channels do[i] = {} end
- local pos, spos = 1, 1
- local tmp = {}
- local read
- if type(data) == "table" then
- if dataType == "signed" then
- function read()
- local s = data[pos]
- pos = pos + 1
- return s / (s < 0 and maxValue or maxValue-1)
- end
- elseif dataType == "unsigned" then
- function read()
- local s = data[pos]
- pos = pos + 1
- return (s - 128) / (s < 128 and maxValue or maxValue-1)
- end
- else
- function read()
- local s = data[pos]
- pos = pos + 1
- return s
- end
- end
- elseif dataType == "float" then
- function read()
- if pos > #tmp then
- if spos + (csize * byteDepth) > #data then
- local f = (bigEndian and ">" or "<") .. ("f"):rep((#data - spos + 1) / byteDepth)
- tmp = {f:unpack(data, spos)}
- spos = tmp[#tmp]
- tmp[#tmp] = nil
- else
- tmp = {format:unpack(data, spos)}
- spos = tmp[#tmp]
- tmp[#tmp] = nil
- end
- pos = 1
- end
- local s = tmp[pos]
- pos = pos + 1
- return s
- end
- elseif dataType == "signed" then
- function read()
- if pos > #tmp then
- if spos + (csize * byteDepth) > #data then
- local f = (bigEndian and ">" or "<") .. ("i" .. byteDepth):rep((#data - spos + 1) / byteDepth)
- tmp = {f:unpack(data, spos)}
- spos = tmp[#tmp]
- tmp[#tmp] = nil
- else
- tmp = {format:unpack(data, spos)}
- spos = tmp[#tmp]
- tmp[#tmp] = nil
- end
- pos = 1
- end
- local s = tmp[pos]
- pos = pos + 1
- return s / (s < 0 and maxValue or maxValue-1)
- end
- else -- unsigned
- function read()
- if pos > #tmp then
- if spos + (csize * byteDepth) > #data then
- local f = (bigEndian and ">" or "<") .. ("I" .. byteDepth):rep((#data - spos + 1) / byteDepth)
- tmp = {f:unpack(data, spos)}
- spos = tmp[#tmp]
- tmp[#tmp] = nil
- else
- tmp = {format:unpack(data, spos)}
- spos = tmp[#tmp]
- tmp[#tmp] = nil
- end
- pos = 1
- end
- local s = tmp[pos]
- pos = pos + 1
- return (s - 128) / (s < 128 and maxValue or maxValue-1)
- end
- end
- local start = os.epoch "utc"
- if interleaved and channels > 1 then
- local d =
- for i = 1, len do
- if os.epoch "utc" - start > 3000 then start = os.epoch "utc" sleep(0) end
- for j = 1, channels do d[j][i] = read() end
- end
- else for j = 1, channels do
- local line = {}
-[j] = line
- for i = 1, len do
- if os.epoch "utc" - start > 3000 then start = os.epoch "utc" sleep(0) end
- line[i] = read()
- end
- end end
- return obj
- end
- --- Creates a new audio object from IMA ADPCM data.
- -- @tparam string|table data The audio data, either as a raw string, or a table of nibbles
- -- @tparam[opt=1] number channels The number of channels present in the audio
- -- @tparam[opt=48000] number sampleRate The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
- -- @tparam[opt=true] boolean topFirst Whether the top nibble is the first nibble
- -- (true) or last (false); ignored if `data` is a table
- -- @tparam[opt=true] boolean interleaved Whether each channel is interleaved or separate
- -- @tparam[opt=0] number|table predictor The initial predictor value(s)
- -- @tparam[opt=0] number|table step_index The initial step index(es)
- -- @treturn Audio A new audio object containing the decoded data
- function aukit.adpcm(data, channels, sampleRate, topFirst, interleaved, predictor, step_index)
- expect(1, data, "string", "table")
- channels = expect(2, channels, "number", "nil") or 1
- sampleRate = expect(3, sampleRate, "number", "nil") or 48000
- expect(4, topFirst, "boolean", "nil")
- if topFirst == nil then topFirst = true end
- expect(5, interleaved, "boolean", "nil")
- if interleaved == nil then interleaved = true end
- predictor = expect(6, predictor, "number", "table", "nil")
- step_index = expect(7, step_index, "number", "table", "nil")
- expect.range(channels, 1)
- expect.range(sampleRate, 1)
- if predictor == nil then
- predictor = {}
- for i = 1, channels do predictor[i] = 0 end
- elseif type(predictor) == "number" then
- if channels ~= 1 then error("bad argument #6 (table too short)", 2) end
- predictor = {expect.range(predictor, -32768, 32767)}
- else
- if channels > #predictor then error("bad argument #6 (table too short)", 2) end
- for i = 1, channels do expect.range(predictor[i], -32768, 32767) end
- end
- if step_index == nil then
- step_index = {}
- for i = 1, channels do step_index[i] = 0 end
- elseif type(step_index) == "number" then
- if channels ~= 1 then error("bad argument #7 (table too short)", 2) end
- step_index = {expect.range(step_index, 0, 15)}
- else
- if channels > #step_index then error("bad argument #7 (table too short)", 2) end
- for i = 1, channels do expect.range(step_index[i], 0, 15) end
- end
- local pos = 1
- local read, tmp, len
- if type(data) == "string" then
- function read()
- if tmp then
- local v = tmp
- tmp = nil
- return v
- else
- local b = data:byte(pos)
- pos = pos + 1
- if topFirst then tmp, b =, 0x0F), bit32.rshift(b, 4)
- else tmp, b = bit32.rshift(b, 4),, 0x0F) end
- return b
- end
- end
- len = math.floor(#data * 2 / channels)
- else
- function read()
- local v = data[pos]
- pos = pos + 1
- return v
- end
- len = #data / channels
- end
- local obj = setmetatable({sampleRate = sampleRate, data = {}}, Audio_mt)
- local step = {}
- local start = os.epoch "utc"
- if interleaved then
- local d =
- for i = 1, len do
- if os.epoch "utc" - start > 3000 then start = os.epoch "utc" sleep(0) end
- for j = 1, channels do
- local nibble = read()
- step_index[j] = clamp(step_index[j] + ima_index_table[nibble], 0, 88)
- local diff = ((nibble >= 8 and nibble - 16 or nibble) + 0.5) * step[j] / 4
- predictor[j] = clamp(predictor[j] + diff, -32768, 32767)
- step[j] = ima_step_table[step_index]
- d[j][i] = predictor[j] / (predictor[j] < 0 and 32768 or 32767)
- end
- end
- else for j = 1, channels do
- local line = {}
- local predictor, step_index, step = predictor[j], step_index[j], nil
- for i = 1, len do
- if os.epoch "utc" - start > 3000 then start = os.epoch "utc" sleep(0) end
- local nibble = read()
- step_index = clamp(step_index + ima_index_table[nibble], 0, 88)
- local diff = ((nibble >= 8 and nibble - 16 or nibble) + 0.5) * step / 4
- predictor = clamp(predictor + diff, -32768, 32767)
- step = ima_step_table[step_index]
- line[i] = predictor / (predictor < 0 and 32768 or 32767)
- end
-[j] = line
- end end
- return obj
- end
- --- Creates a new audio object from DFPWM1a data. All channels are expected to
- -- share the same decoder, and are stored uninterleaved sequentially.
- -- @tparam string data The audio data as a raw string
- -- @tparam[opt=1] number channels The number of channels present in the audio
- -- @tparam[opt=48000] number sampleRate The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
- -- @treturn Audio A new audio object containing the decoded data
- function aukit.dfpwm(data, channels, sampleRate)
- expect(1, data, "string")
- channels = expect(2, channels, "number", "nil") or 1
- sampleRate = expect(3, sampleRate, "number", "nil") or 48000
- expect.range(channels, 1)
- expect.range(sampleRate, 1)
- if #data % channels ~= 0 then error("bad argument #1 (uneven amount of data per channel)", 2) end
- local audio = {}
- local decoder = dfpwm.make_decoder()
- local pos = 1
- local last = 0
- local start = os.epoch "utc"
- while pos <= #data do
- if os.epoch "utc" - start > 3000 then start = os.epoch "utc" sleep(0) end
- local temp = decoder(data:sub(pos, pos + 6000))
- if temp == nil or #temp == 0 then break end
- for i=1,#temp do
- audio[last+i] = temp[i]
- end
- last = last + #temp
- pos = pos + 6000
- end
- return aukit.pcm(audio, 8, "signed", channels, sampleRate, false, false)
- end
- --- Creates a new audio object from a WAV file.
- -- @tparam string data The WAV data to load
- -- @treturn Audio A new audio object with the contents of the WAV file
- function aukit.wav(data)
- -- TODO: add float support
- expect(1, data, "string")
- local channels, sampleRate, bitDepth, length
- local temp, pos = ("c4"):unpack(data)
- if temp ~= "RIFF" then error("bad argument #1 (not a WAV file)", 2) end
- pos = pos + 4
- temp, pos = ("c4"):unpack(data, pos)
- if temp ~= "WAVE" then error("bad argument #1 (not a WAV file)", 2) end
- while pos <= #data do
- local size
- temp, pos = ("c4"):unpack(data, pos)
- size, pos = ("<I"):unpack(data, pos)
- if temp == "fmt " then
- if size ~= 16 then error("unsupported WAV file", 2) end
- temp, pos = ("<H"):unpack(data, pos)
- if temp ~= 1 then error("unsupported WAV file", 2) end
- channels, sampleRate, pos = ("<HI"):unpack(data, pos)
- pos = pos + 6
- bitDepth, pos = ("<H"):unpack(data, pos)
- elseif temp == "data" then
- local data = data:sub(pos, pos + size - 1)
- if #data < size then error("invalid WAV file", 2) end
- return aukit.pcm(data, bitDepth, bitDepth == 8 and "unsigned" or "signed", channels, sampleRate, true, false)
- elseif temp == "fact" then
- -- TODO
- pos = pos + size
- else pos = pos + size end
- end
- error("invalid WAV file", 2)
- end
- --- Creates a new audio object from an AIFF file.
- -- @tparam string data The AIFF data to load
- -- @treturn Audio A new audio object with the contents of the AIFF file
- function aukit.aiff(data)
- expect(1, data, "string")
- local channels, sampleRate, bitDepth, length, offset
- local temp, pos = ("c4"):unpack(data)
- if temp ~= "FORM" then error("bad argument #1 (not an AIFF file)", 2) end
- pos = pos + 4
- temp, pos = ("c4"):unpack(data, pos)
- if temp ~= "AIFF" then error("bad argument #1 (not an AIFF file)", 2) end
- while pos <= #data do
- local size
- temp, pos = ("c4"):unpack(data, pos)
- size, pos = (">I"):unpack(data, pos)
- if temp == "COMM" then
- local e, m
- channels, length, bitDepth, e, m, pos = (">hIhHI7x"):unpack(data, pos)
- length = length * channels * math.floor(bitDepth / 8)
- local s = bit32.btest(e, 0x8000)
- e = ((, 0x7FFF) - 0x3FFE) % 0x800)
- sampleRate = math.ldexp(m * (s and -1 or 1) / 0x100000000000000, e)
- elseif temp == "SSND" then
- offset, _, pos = (">II"):unpack(data, pos)
- local data = data:sub(pos + offset, pos + offset + length - 1)
- if #data < length then error("invalid AIFF file", 2) end
- return aukit.pcm(data, bitDepth, "signed", channels, sampleRate, true, true)
- else pos = pos + size end
- end
- error("invalid AIFF file", 2)
- end
- --- Creates a new audio object from an AU file.
- -- @tparam string data The AU data to load
- -- @treturn Audio A new audio object with the contents of the AU file
- function
- expect(1, data, "string")
- local magic, offset, size, encoding, sampleRate, channels = (">c4IIIII"):unpack(data)
- if magic ~= ".snd" then error("invalid AU file", 2) end
- if encoding == 2 then return aukit.pcm(data:sub(offset, size ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and offset + size - 1 or nil), 8, "signed", channels, sampleRate, true, true)
- elseif encoding == 3 then return aukit.pcm(data:sub(offset, size ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and offset + size - 1 or nil), 16, "signed", channels, sampleRate, true, true)
- elseif encoding == 4 then return aukit.pcm(data:sub(offset, size ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and offset + size - 1 or nil), 24, "signed", channels, sampleRate, true, true)
- elseif encoding == 5 then return aukit.pcm(data:sub(offset, size ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and offset + size - 1 or nil), 32, "signed", channels, sampleRate, true, true)
- elseif encoding == 6 then return aukit.pcm(data:sub(offset, size ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and offset + size - 1 or nil), 32, "float", channels, sampleRate, true, true)
- else error("unsupported encoding type " .. encoding, 2) end
- end
- --- Creates a new audio object from a FLAC file.
- -- @tparam string data The FLAC data to load
- -- @treturn Audio A new audio object with the contents of the FLAC file
- function aukit.flac(data)
- expect(1, data, "string")
- return setmetatable(decodeFLAC(data), Audio_mt)
- end
- --- Creates a new empty audio object with the specified duration.
- -- @tparam number duration The length of the audio in seconds
- -- @tparam[opt=1] number channels The number of channels present in the audio
- -- @tparam[opt=48000] number sampleRate The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
- -- @treturn Audio The new empty audio object
- function, channels, sampleRate)
- expect(1, duration, "number")
- channels = expect(2, channels, "number", "nil") or 1
- sampleRate = expect(3, sampleRate, "number", "nil") or 48000
- expect.range(channels, 1)
- expect.range(sampleRate, 1)
- local obj = setmetatable({sampleRate = sampleRate, data = {}}, Audio_mt)
- for c = 1, channels do
- local l = {}
- for i = 1, duration * sampleRate do l[i] = 0 end
-[c] = l
- end
- return obj
- end
- --- Creates a new audio object with a tone of the specified frequency and duration.
- -- @tparam number frequency The frequency of the tone in Hertz
- -- @tparam number duration The length of the audio in seconds
- -- @tparam[opt=1] number amplitude The amplitude of the audio from 0.0 to 1.0
- -- @tparam[opt="sine"] "sine"|"triangle"|"sawtooth"|"square" waveType The type of wave to generate
- -- @tparam[opt=0.5] number duty The duty cycle of the square wave if selected; ignored otherwise
- -- @tparam[opt=1] number channels The number of channels present in the audio
- -- @tparam[opt=48000] number sampleRate The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
- -- @treturn Audio A new audio object with the tone
- function aukit.tone(frequency, duration, amplitude, waveType, duty, channels, sampleRate)
- expect(1, frequency, "number")
- expect(2, duration, "number")
- amplitude = expect(3, amplitude, "number", "nil") or 1
- waveType = expect(4, waveType, "string", "nil") or "sine"
- duty = expect(5, duty, "number", "nil") or 0.5
- channels = expect(6, channels, "number", "nil") or 1
- sampleRate = expect(7, sampleRate, "number", "nil") or 48000
- expect.range(amplitude, 0, 1)
- local f = wavegen[waveType]
- if not f then error("bad argument #4 (invalid wave type)", 2) end
- expect.range(duty, 0, 1)
- expect.range(channels, 1)
- expect.range(sampleRate, 1)
- local obj = setmetatable({sampleRate = sampleRate, data = {}}, Audio_mt)
- for c = 1, channels do
- local l = {}
- for i = 1, duration * sampleRate do l[i] = f(i / sampleRate, frequency, amplitude, duty) end
-[c] = l
- end
- return obj
- end
- --- Creates a new audio object with white noise for the specified duration.
- -- @tparam number duration The length of the audio in seconds
- -- @tparam[opt=1] number amplitude The amplitude of the audio from 0.0 to 1.0
- -- @tparam[opt=1] number channels The number of channels present in the audio
- -- @tparam[opt=48000] number sampleRate The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
- -- @treturn Audio A new audio object with noise
- function aukit.noise(duration, amplitude, channels, sampleRate)
- expect(1, duration, "number")
- amplitude = expect(2, amplitude, "number", "nil") or 1
- channels = expect(3, channels, "number", "nil") or 1
- sampleRate = expect(4, sampleRate, "number", "nil") or 48000
- expect.range(amplitude, 0, 1)
- expect.range(channels, 1)
- expect.range(sampleRate, 1)
- local obj = setmetatable({sampleRate = sampleRate, data = {}}, Audio_mt)
- for c = 1, channels do
- local l = {}
- for i = 1, duration * sampleRate do l[i] = (math.random() * 2 - 1) * amplitude end
-[c] = l
- end
- return obj
- end
- --- Packs a table with PCM data into a string using the specified data type.
- -- @tparam {[number]...} data The PCM data to pack
- -- @tparam[opt=8] number bitDepth The bit depth of the audio (8, 16, 24, 32); if `dataType` is "float" then this must be 32
- -- @tparam[opt="signed"] "signed"|"unsigned"|"float" dataType The type of each sample
- -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean bigEndian Whether the data should be big-endian or little-endian
- -- @treturn string The packed PCM data
- function aukit.pack(data, bitDepth, dataType, bigEndian)
- expect(1, data, "string", "table")
- bitDepth = expect(2, bitDepth, "number", "nil") or 8
- dataType = expect(3, dataType, "string", "nil") or "signed"
- expect(4, bigEndian, "boolean", "nil")
- if bitDepth ~= 8 and bitDepth ~= 16 and bitDepth ~= 24 and bitDepth ~= 32 then error("bad argument #2 (invalid bit depth)", 2) end
- if dataType ~= "signed" and dataType ~= "unsigned" and dataType ~= "float" then error("bad argument #3 (invalid data type)", 2) end
- if dataType == "float" and bitDepth ~= 32 then error("bad argument #2 (float audio must have 32-bit depth)", 2) end
- local byteDepth = bitDepth / 8
- local format = (bigEndian and ">" or "<") .. (dataType == "float" and "f" or ((dataType == "signed" and "i" or "I") .. byteDepth))
- local formatChunk = format:sub(1, 1) .. format:sub(2):rep(512)
- local retval = ""
- for i = 1, #data, 512 do
- if #data < i + 512 then retval = retval .. format:rep(#data % 512):pack(table.unpack(data, i, #data))
- else retval = retval .. formatChunk:pack(table.unpack(data, i, i+511)) end
- end
- return retval
- end
- --- Plays back stream functions created by one of the @{} functions
- -- or @{Audio:stream}.
- -- @tparam function():{{[number]...}...} callback The iterator function that returns each chunk
- -- @tparam speaker ... The speakers to play on
- function, ...)
- expect(1, callback, "function")
- local speakers = {...}
- local chunks = {}
- local complete = false
- parallel.waitForAll(function()
- for chunk in callback do chunks[#chunks+1] = chunk sleep(0) end
- complete = true
- end, function()
- while not complete or #chunks > 0 do
- while not chunks[1] do sleep(0) end
- local chunk = table.remove(chunks, 1)
- local fn = {}
- for i, v in ipairs(speakers) do fn[i] = function()
- local name = peripheral.getName(v)
- if config and not config.get("standardsMode") then
- v.playAudio(chunk[i] or chunk[1], 3)
- repeat until select(2, os.pullEvent("speaker_audio_empty")) == name
- else while not v.playAudio(chunk[i] or chunk[1]) do
- repeat until select(2, os.pullEvent("speaker_audio_empty")) == name
- end end
- end end
- parallel.waitForAll(table.unpack(fn))
- end
- end)
- end
- ---
- -- @section
- --- Returns an iterator to stream raw PCM data in CC format. Audio will automatically
- -- be resampled to 48 kHz, and optionally mixed down to mono. Data *must* be
- -- interleaved - this will not work with planar audio.
- -- @tparam string|table data The audio data, either as a raw string, or a table
- -- of values (in the format specified by `bitDepth` and `dataType`)
- -- @tparam[opt=8] number bitDepth The bit depth of the audio (8, 16, 24, 32); if `dataType` is "float" then this must be 32
- -- @tparam[opt="signed"] "signed"|"unsigned"|"float" dataType The type of each sample
- -- @tparam[opt=1] number channels The number of channels present in the audio
- -- @tparam[opt=48000] number sampleRate The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
- -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean bigEndian Whether the audio is big-endian or little-endian; ignored if data is a table
- -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean mono Whether to mix the audio down to mono
- -- @treturn function():{{[number]...}...},number An iterator function that returns
- -- chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as
- -- the current position of the audio in seconds
- -- @treturn number The total length of the audio in seconds
- function, bitDepth, dataType, channels, sampleRate, bigEndian, mono)
- expect(1, data, "string", "table")
- bitDepth = expect(2, bitDepth, "number", "nil") or 8
- dataType = expect(3, dataType, "string", "nil") or "signed"
- channels = expect(4, channels, "number", "nil") or 1
- sampleRate = expect(5, sampleRate, "number", "nil") or 48000
- expect(6, bigEndian, "boolean", "nil")
- expect(7, mono, "boolean", "nil")
- if bitDepth ~= 8 and bitDepth ~= 16 and bitDepth ~= 24 and bitDepth ~= 32 then error("bad argument #2 (invalid bit depth)", 2) end
- if dataType ~= "signed" and dataType ~= "unsigned" and dataType ~= "float" then error("bad argument #3 (invalid data type)", 2) end
- if dataType == "float" and bitDepth ~= 32 then error("bad argument #2 (float audio must have 32-bit depth)", 2) end
- expect.range(channels, 1)
- expect.range(sampleRate, 1)
- local byteDepth = bitDepth / 8
- local len = (#data / (type(data) == "table" and 1 or byteDepth)) / channels
- local csize = jit and 7680 or 32768
- local format = (bigEndian and ">" or "<") .. (dataType == "float" and "f" or ((dataType == "signed" and "i" or "I") .. byteDepth)):rep(csize)
- local maxValue = 2^(bitDepth-1)
- local pos, spos = 1, 1
- local tmp = {}
- local read
- if type(data) == "table" then
- if dataType == "signed" then
- function read()
- local s = data[pos]
- pos = pos + 1
- return s / (s < 0 and maxValue or maxValue-1)
- end
- elseif dataType == "unsigned" then
- function read()
- local s = data[pos]
- pos = pos + 1
- return (s - 128) / (s < 128 and maxValue or maxValue-1)
- end
- else
- function read()
- local s = data[pos]
- pos = pos + 1
- return s
- end
- end
- elseif dataType == "float" then
- function read()
- if pos > #tmp then
- if spos + (csize * byteDepth) > #data then
- local f = (bigEndian and ">" or "<") .. ("f"):rep((#data - spos + 1) / byteDepth)
- tmp = {f:unpack(data, spos)}
- spos = tmp[#tmp]
- tmp[#tmp] = nil
- else
- tmp = {format:unpack(data, spos)}
- spos = tmp[#tmp]
- tmp[#tmp] = nil
- end
- pos = 1
- end
- local s = tmp[pos]
- pos = pos + 1
- return s
- end
- elseif dataType == "signed" then
- function read()
- if pos > #tmp then
- if spos + (csize * byteDepth) > #data then
- local f = (bigEndian and ">" or "<") .. ("i" .. byteDepth):rep((#data - spos + 1) / byteDepth)
- tmp = {f:unpack(data, spos)}
- spos = tmp[#tmp]
- tmp[#tmp] = nil
- else
- tmp = {format:unpack(data, spos)}
- spos = tmp[#tmp]
- tmp[#tmp] = nil
- end
- pos = 1
- end
- local s = tmp[pos]
- pos = pos + 1
- return s / (s < 0 and maxValue or maxValue-1)
- end
- else -- unsigned
- function read()
- if pos > #tmp then
- if spos + (csize * byteDepth) > #data then
- local f = (bigEndian and ">" or "<") .. ("I" .. byteDepth):rep((#data - spos + 1) / byteDepth)
- tmp = {f:unpack(data, spos)}
- spos = tmp[#tmp]
- tmp[#tmp] = nil
- else
- tmp = {format:unpack(data, spos)}
- spos = tmp[#tmp]
- tmp[#tmp] = nil
- end
- pos = 1
- end
- local s = tmp[pos]
- pos = pos + 1
- return (s - 128) / (s < 128 and maxValue or maxValue-1)
- end
- end
- local d = {}
- local ratio = 48000 / sampleRate
- local interp = interpolate[aukit.defaultInterpolation]
- for j = 1, (mono and 1 or channels) do d[j] = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(self, i)
- if mono then for _ = 1, channels do self[i] = (rawget(self, i) or 0) + read() end self[i] = self[i] / channels
- else self[i] = read() end
- return rawget(self, i)
- end}) end
- local n = 0
- local ok = true
- return function()
- if not ok then return nil end
- for i = (n == 0 and interpolation_start[aukit.defaultInterpolation] or 1), interpolation_end[aukit.defaultInterpolation] do
- if mono then
- local s = 0
- for j = 1, channels do
- local c = read()
- if not c then return nil end
- s = s + c
- end
- d[1][i] = s / channels
- else for j = 1, channels do d[j][i] = read() if not d[j][i] then return nil end end end
- end
- local chunk = {}
- for j = 1, #d do chunk[j] = {} end
- ok = pcall(function()
- for i = 1, 48000 do
- for y = 1, #d do
- local x = ((n * 48000 + i - 1) / ratio) + 1
- if x % 1 == 0 then chunk[y][i] = d[y][x]
- else chunk[y][i] = interp(d[y], x) end
- chunk[y][i] = clamp(chunk[y][i] * (chunk[y][i] < 0 and 128 or 127), -128, 127)
- end
- end
- end)
- if #chunk[1] == 0 then return nil end
- n = n + 1
- return chunk, n - 1
- end, len / sampleRate
- end
- --- Returns an iterator to stream data from DFPWM data. Audio will automatically
- -- be resampled to 48 kHz. This only supports mono audio.
- -- @tparam string data The DFPWM data to decode
- -- @tparam[opt=48000] number sampleRate The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
- -- @treturn function():{{[number]...}...},number An iterator function that
- -- returns chunks of the only channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM,
- -- as well as the current position of the audio in seconds
- -- @treturn number The total length of the audio in seconds
- function, sampleRate)
- expect(1, data, "string")
- sampleRate = expect(2, sampleRate, "number", "nil") or 48000
- expect.range(sampleRate, 1)
- local decoder = dfpwm.make_decoder()
- local pos = 1
- local last = 0
- return function()
- if pos > #data then return nil end
- local audio = decoder(data:sub(pos, pos + 6000))
- if audio == nil or #audio == 0 then return nil end
- audio[0], last = last, audio[#audio]
- sleep(0)
- local ratio = 48000 / sampleRate
- local newlen = #audio * ratio
- local interp = interpolate[aukit.defaultInterpolation]
- local line = {}
- for i = 1, newlen do
- local x = (i - 1) / ratio + 1
- if x % 1 == 0 then line[i] = audio[x]
- else line[i] = clamp(interp(audio, x), -128, 127) end
- end
- sleep(0)
- local p = pos
- pos = pos + 6000
- return {line}, p * 8 / sampleRate
- end, #data * 8 / sampleRate
- end
- --- Returns an iterator to stream data from a WAV file. Audio will automatically
- -- be resampled to 48 kHz, and optionally mixed down to mono.
- -- @tparam string data The WAV file to decode
- -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean mono Whether to mix the audio to mono
- -- @treturn function():{{[number]...}...},number An iterator function that returns
- -- chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as
- -- the current position of the audio in seconds
- -- @treturn number The total length of the audio in seconds
- function, mono)
- expect(1, data, "string")
- local channels, sampleRate, bitDepth, length
- local temp, pos = ("c4"):unpack(data)
- if temp ~= "RIFF" then error("bad argument #1 (not a WAV file)", 2) end
- pos = pos + 4
- temp, pos = ("c4"):unpack(data, pos)
- if temp ~= "WAVE" then error("bad argument #1 (not a WAV file)", 2) end
- while pos <= #data do
- local size
- temp, pos = ("c4"):unpack(data, pos)
- size, pos = ("<I"):unpack(data, pos)
- if temp == "fmt " then
- if size ~= 16 then error("unsupported WAV file", 2) end
- temp, pos = ("<H"):unpack(data, pos)
- if temp ~= 1 then error("unsupported WAV file", 2) end
- channels, sampleRate, pos = ("<HI"):unpack(data, pos)
- pos = pos + 6
- bitDepth, pos = ("<H"):unpack(data, pos)
- elseif temp == "data" then
- local data = data:sub(pos, pos + size - 1)
- if #data < size then error("invalid WAV file", 2) end
- return, bitDepth, bitDepth == 8 and "unsigned" or "signed", channels, sampleRate, false, mono)
- elseif temp == "fact" then
- -- TODO
- pos = pos + size
- else pos = pos + size end
- end
- error("invalid WAV file", 2)
- end
- --- Returns an iterator to stream data from an AIFF file. Audio will automatically
- -- be resampled to 48 kHz, and optionally mixed down to mono.
- -- @tparam string data The AIFF file to decode
- -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean mono Whether to mix the audio to mono
- -- @treturn function():{{[number]...}...},number An iterator function that returns
- -- chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as
- -- the current position of the audio in seconds
- -- @treturn number The total length of the audio in seconds
- function, mono)
- expect(1, data, "string")
- expect(2, mono, "boolean", "nil")
- local channels, sampleRate, bitDepth, length, offset
- local temp, pos = ("c4"):unpack(data)
- if temp ~= "FORM" then error("bad argument #1 (not an AIFF file)", 2) end
- pos = pos + 4
- temp, pos = ("c4"):unpack(data, pos)
- if temp ~= "AIFF" then error("bad argument #1 (not an AIFF file)", 2) end
- while pos <= #data do
- local size
- temp, pos = ("c4"):unpack(data, pos)
- size, pos = (">I"):unpack(data, pos)
- if temp == "COMM" then
- local e, m
- channels, length, bitDepth, e, m, pos = (">hIhHI7x"):unpack(data, pos)
- length = length * channels * math.floor(bitDepth / 8)
- local s = bit32.btest(e, 0x8000)
- e = ((, 0x7FFF) - 0x3FFE) % 0x800)
- sampleRate = math.ldexp(m * (s and -1 or 1) / 0x100000000000000, e)
- elseif temp == "SSND" then
- offset, _, pos = (">II"):unpack(data, pos)
- local data = data:sub(pos + offset, pos + offset + length - 1)
- if #data < length then error("invalid AIFF file", 2) end
- return, bitDepth, "signed", channels, sampleRate, true, mono)
- else pos = pos + size end
- end
- error("invalid AIFF file", 2)
- end
- --- Returns an iterator to stream data from an AU file. Audio will automatically
- -- be resampled to 48 kHz, and optionally mixed down to mono.
- -- @tparam string data The AU file to decode
- -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean mono Whether to mix the audio to mono
- -- @treturn function():{{[number]...}...},number An iterator function that returns
- -- chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as
- -- the current position of the audio in seconds
- -- @treturn number The total length of the audio in seconds
- function, mono)
- expect(1, data, "string")
- expect(2, mono, "boolean", "nil")
- local magic, offset, size, encoding, sampleRate, channels = (">c4IIIII"):unpack(data)
- if magic ~= ".snd" then error("invalid AU file", 2) end
- if encoding == 2 then return, size ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and offset + size - 1 or nil), 8, "signed", channels, sampleRate, true, mono)
- elseif encoding == 3 then return, size ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and offset + size - 1 or nil), 16, "signed", channels, sampleRate, true, mono)
- elseif encoding == 4 then return, size ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and offset + size - 1 or nil), 24, "signed", channels, sampleRate, true, mono)
- elseif encoding == 5 then return, size ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and offset + size - 1 or nil), 32, "signed", channels, sampleRate, true, mono)
- elseif encoding == 6 then return, size ~= 0xFFFFFFFF and offset + size - 1 or nil), 32, "float", channels, sampleRate, true, mono)
- else error("unsupported encoding type " .. encoding, 2) end
- end
- --- Returns an iterator to stream data from a FLAC file. Audio will automatically
- -- be resampled to 48 kHz, and optionally mixed down to mono.
- -- @tparam string data The FLAC file to decode
- -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean mono Whether to mix the audio to mono
- -- @treturn function():{{[number]...}...},number An iterator function that returns
- -- chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as
- -- the current position of the audio in seconds
- -- @treturn number The total length of the audio in seconds
- function, mono)
- expect(1, data, "string")
- expect(2, mono, "boolean", "nil")
- local coro = coroutine.create(decodeFLAC)
- local _, sampleRate, len = coroutine.resume(coro, data, coroutine.yield)
- local pos = 0
- return function()
- if coroutine.status(coro) == "dead" then return nil end
- local chunk = {{}}
- while #chunk[1] < sampleRate do
- local ok, res = coroutine.resume(coro)
- if not ok or res == nil or res.sampleRate then break end
- sleep(0)
- for c = 1, #res do
- chunk[c] = chunk[c] or {}
- local src, dest = res[c], chunk[c]
- local start = #dest
- for i = 1, #res[c] do dest[start+i] = src[i] end
- end
- sleep(0)
- end
- local audio = setmetatable({sampleRate = sampleRate, data = chunk}, Audio_mt)
- if mono and #chunk > 1 then audio = audio:mono() end
- sleep(0)
- audio = audio:resample(48000)
- sleep(0)
- chunk = {}
- for c = 1, do
- local src, dest =[c], {}
- for i = 1, #src do dest[i] = src[i] * (src[i] < 0 and 128 or 127) end
- chunk[c] = dest
- end
- local p = pos
- pos = pos +[1] / 48000
- return chunk, p
- end, len / sampleRate
- end
- --- aukit.effects
- -- @section aukit.effects
- --- Amplifies the audio by the multiplier specified.
- -- @tparam Audio audio The audio to modify
- -- @tparam number multiplier The multiplier to apply
- -- @treturn Audio The audio modified
- function aukit.effects.amplify(audio, multiplier)
- expectAudio(1, audio)
- expect(2, multiplier, "number")
- if multiplier == 1 then return audio end
- local start = os.epoch "utc"
- for c = 1, do
- local ch =[c]
- for i = 1, #ch do
- if os.epoch "utc" - start > 3000 then start = os.epoch "utc" sleep(0) end
- ch[i] = clamp(ch[i] * multiplier, -1, 1)
- end
- end
- return audio
- end
- --- Changes the speed and pitch of audio by a multiplier, resampling to keep the
- -- same sample rate.
- -- @tparam Audio audio The audio to modify
- -- @tparam number multiplier The multiplier to apply
- -- @treturn Audio The audio modified
- function aukit.effects.speed(audio, multiplier)
- expectAudio(1, audio)
- expect(2, multiplier, "number")
- if multiplier == 1 then return audio end
- local rate = audio.sampleRate
- audio.sampleRate = audio.sampleRate * multiplier
- local new = audio:resample(rate)
- audio.sampleRate, = rate,
- return audio
- end
- --- Fades a period of music from one amplitude to another.
- -- @tparam Audio audio The audio to modify
- -- @tparam number startTime The start time of the fade, in seconds
- -- @tparam number startAmplitude The amplitude of the beginning of the fade
- -- @tparam number endTime The end time of the fade, in seconds
- -- @tparam number endAmplitude The amplitude of the end of the fade
- -- @treturn Audio The audio modified
- function aukit.effects.fade(audio, startTime, startAmplitude, endTime, endAmplitude)
- expectAudio(1, audio)
- expect(2, startTime, "number")
- expect(3, startAmplitude, "number")
- expect(4, endTime, "number")
- expect(5, endAmplitude, "number")
- if startAmplitude == 1 and endAmplitude == 1 then return audio end
- local startt = os.epoch "utc"
- for c = 1, do
- local ch =[c]
- local start = startTime * audio.sampleRate
- local m = (endAmplitude - startAmplitude) / ((endTime - startTime) * audio.sampleRate)
- for i = start, endTime * audio.sampleRate do
- if os.epoch "utc" - startt > 5000 then startt = os.epoch "utc" sleep(0) end
- ch[i] = clamp(ch[i] * (m * (i - start) + startAmplitude), -1, 1)
- end
- end
- return audio
- end
- --- Inverts all channels in the specified audio.
- -- @tparam Audio audio The audio to modify
- -- @treturn Audio The audio modified
- function aukit.effects.invert(audio)
- expectAudio(1, audio)
- for c = 1, do
- local ch =[c]
- for i = 1, #ch do ch[i] = -ch[i] end
- end
- return audio
- end
- --- Normalizes audio to the specified peak amplitude.
- -- @tparam Audio audio The audio to modify
- -- @tparam[opt=1] number peakAmplitude The maximum amplitude
- -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean independent Whether to normalize each channel independently
- -- @treturn Audio The audio modified
- function aukit.effects.normalize(audio, peakAmplitude, independent)
- expectAudio(1, audio)
- peakAmplitude = expect(2, peakAmplitude, "number", "nil") or 1
- expect(3, independent, "boolean", "nil")
- local mult
- local start, sampleRate = os.epoch "utc", audio.sampleRate
- if not independent then
- local max = 0
- for c = 1, do
- local ch =[c]
- if os.epoch "utc" - start > 3000 then start = os.epoch "utc" sleep(0) end
- for i = 1, #ch do max = math.max(max, math.abs(ch[i])) end
- end
- mult = peakAmplitude / max
- end
- for c = 1, do
- local ch =[c]
- if independent then
- local max = 0
- for i = 1, #ch do max = math.max(max, math.abs(ch[i])) end
- mult = peakAmplitude / max
- end
- if os.epoch "utc" - start > 3000 then start = os.epoch "utc" sleep(0) end
- for i = 1, #ch do
- ch[i] = clamp(ch[i] * mult, -1, 1)
- end
- end
- return audio
- end
- --- Centers the DC offset of each channel.
- -- @tparam Audio audio The audio to modify
- -- @treturn Audio The audio modified
- function
- expectAudio(1, audio)
- for c = 1, do
- local ch =[c]
- for i = 0, #ch - 1, audio.sampleRate do
- local avg = 0
- local l = math.min(#ch - i, audio.sampleRate)
- for j = 1, l do avg = avg + ch[i+j] end
- avg = avg / l
- for j = 1, l do ch[i+j] = clamp(ch[i+j] - avg, -1, 1) end
- end
- end
- return audio
- end
- --- Trims any extra silence on either end of the specified audio.
- -- @tparam Audio audio The audio to modify
- -- @tparam[opt=1/65536] number threshold The maximum value to register as silence
- -- @treturn Audio The audio modified
- function aukit.effects.trim(audio, threshold)
- expectAudio(1, audio)
- threshold = expect(2, threshold, "number", "nil") or (1/65536)
- local s, e
- for i = 1,[1] do
- for c = 1, do if math.abs([c][i]) > threshold then s = i break end end
- if s then break end
- end
- for i =[1], 1, -1 do
- for c = 1, do if math.abs([c][i]) > threshold then e = i break end end
- if e then break end
- end
- local new = audio:sub(s / audio.sampleRate, e / audio.sampleRate)
- =
- return audio
- end
- return aukit
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