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- MODIFIED=20110813
- Filename1=NajeebDosConsole_20110813
- ;-- works tested XP ---------
- ;-- use DropDownList & Enter
- #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
- SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
- SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
- #SingleInstance, off
- AutoTrim, on
- transform,u ,chr,129 ;ue
- transform,u2,chr,154 ;Ue
- transform,a ,chr,132 ;ae
- transform,a2,chr,142 ;Ae
- transform,o ,chr,148 ;oe
- transform,o2,chr,153 ;Oe
- transform,s ,chr,225 ;ss
- transform,sp,chr,32 ;space
- F11=test55.txt
- ifexist,%f11%
- filedelete,%f11%
- gosub,e4xx
- gui,3: +resize
- Gui,3:Font,,FixedSys
- ;Gui,3:Add,Text,cgreen x10 y10 h20 w105 ,DOS-Command
- cmd1=ver
- Gui,3:Add,Edit,cRed x10 y5 h20 w450 vCommandline ,%cmd1%
- Gui,3:Add,Edit,cRed x465 y5 h20 w400 vSelectedPath ,
- Gui,3:Add,DropDownList,x470 y30 h600 w250 vInput gRefresh +Choose1 , %e4x%
- Gui,3:Add,Edit,cBlack x10 y70 -wrap readonly vEditcontrol1 multi ,
- Gui,3:add,button, x350 y30 h20 w100 gSave1 vSave2, Save-Text
- Gui,3:add,button, x12 y30 h20 w100 gTest11 , Run Test
- Gui,3:add,button, x760 y30 h20 w100 gFileselect1 ,FileSelect
- Gui,3:add,button, hidden default gRunDos,ok
- Gui,3:Show, x50 y2 h700 w900 ,%filename1%
- ;GuiControl,3:,Commandline,date /t
- Guicontrol,3:focus,Commandline
- GuiControl,3: Disable,Save2
- return
- 3Guiclose:
- 3GuiEscape:
- exitapp
- test11:
- FileDelete, tmpbatch.cmd
- FileAppend,
- (
- ver
- dir
- date /t
- time /t
- ), tmpbatch.cmd
- ;RunWait %comspec% /k tmpbatch.cmd
- ;FileDelete, tmpbatch.cmd
- RunWait, %comspec% /c tmpbatch.cmd %selectedpath% >%f11%,,UseErrorLevel Hide
- aa=
- FileRead,aa, %f11%
- if aa=
- aa=Wrong DOS-Command or [No text found]
- ;-- replace german Umlaut -----
- stringreplace,aa,aa,%o% ,oe,all
- stringreplace,aa,aa,%o2%,Oe,all
- stringreplace,aa,aa,%a% ,ae,all
- stringreplace,aa,aa,%a2%,Ae,all
- stringreplace,aa,aa,%u% ,ue,all
- ;stringreplace,aa,aa,%,Ue,all
- stringreplace,aa,aa,%s% ,ss,all
- GuiControl,3:,Editcontrol1,%aa%`r`n
- ;GuiControl,3:,Commandline,%x2%
- Guicontrol,3:focus,Commandline
- GuiControl,3: Enable,Save2
- return
- refresh:
- gui,3:submit,nohide
- GuiControl,3:,Selectedpath,
- x1=
- x2=
- x3=
- stringsplit,x,input,%sp%
- commandline=%x2%%sp%%x3%
- GuiControl,3:,Commandline,%commandline%
- gosub,rundos
- return
- Fileselect1:
- FileSelectFile,File,,::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d},, (*.txt)
- if file=
- return
- GuiControl,3:,Selectedpath,"%file%"
- return
- RunDos:
- gui,3:submit,nohide
- Rundos1:
- GuiControl,3: Disable,Save2
- ifexist,%f11%
- filedelete,%f11%
- ;msgbox,%commandline%
- ;return
- RunWait, %comspec% /c %CommandLine% %selectedpath% >%f11%,,UseErrorLevel Hide
- aa=
- FileRead,aa, %f11%
- if aa=
- aa=Wrong DOS-Command or [No text found]
- ;-- replace german Umlaut -----
- stringreplace,aa,aa,%o% ,oe,all
- stringreplace,aa,aa,%o2%,Oe,all
- stringreplace,aa,aa,%a% ,ae,all
- stringreplace,aa,aa,%a2%,Ae,all
- stringreplace,aa,aa,%u% ,ue,all
- ;stringreplace,aa,aa,%,Ue,all
- stringreplace,aa,aa,%s% ,ss,all
- GuiControl,3:,Editcontrol1,%aa%`r`n
- ;GuiControl,3:,Commandline,%x2%
- Guicontrol,3:focus,Commandline
- GuiControl,3: Enable,Save2
- return
- Save1:
- FileSelectFile, FileName,S 16,%a_Desktop%, Select location to Save - Saves as xy.txt , *.txt
- if errorlevel
- return
- FileAppend, %aa%, %FileName%.txt
- return
- 3GuiSize:
- guicontrol,3: move, Editcontrol1, % "w" A_GUIWidth-20 "h" A_GUIHeight-30
- return
- ;-- ctrl+alt+d = DOSCOMMANDHERE: ---------------
- ^!d::
- ID := WinExist("A")
- WinGetClass, Class, ahk_id %ID%
- ControlGetText,ePath, Edit1, ahk_id %ID%
- if epath=
- epath=%A_desktop%
- ;msgbox,%epath%
- Run, %comspec%, %epath%
- return
- e4xx:
- e4x=
- (Ltrim join|
- DOSHelp= help
- version= ver
- date= date /t
- time= time /t
- Volume= vol
- ModeStatus= mode
- Assoc= assoc /?
- AtTimeCommands= at /?
- Append= append /?
- Attrib= attrib /?
- Break= break /?
- Cacls= cacls /?
- Call= call /?
- ChangeDir= cd /?
- CodePage= chcp /?
- CheckDisk= chkdsk /?
- CheckNTFS= chkntfs /?
- ClearScreen= cls /?
- CMD= cmd /?
- CommandCom= command /?
- Color= color /?
- Compare= comp /?
- Compact= compact /?
- Convert= convert /?
- Copy= copy /?
- Debug= debug /?
- Defrag= defrag /?
- Delete= del /?
- Directory= dir /?
- Diskcompare= diskcomp /?
- Diskcopy= diskcopy /?
- Diskpart= diskpart /?
- Doskey= doskey /?
- Echo= echo /?
- Editor= edit /?
- Endlocal= endlocal /?
- Erase= erase /?
- Exit= exit /?
- Expand= expand /?
- FileCompare= fc /?
- Find= find /?
- FindSTR= findstr /?
- For= for /?
- FormatDisk= format /?
- Ftype= ftype /?
- Goto= goto /?
- Graphics= graphics /?
- Graftabl= graftabl /?
- If= if /?
- Label= label /?
- LoadfixStartOldie= loadfix /?
- MakeDirectory= md /?
- Memory= mem /?
- Mode= mode /?
- ModeStatus= mode
- More= more /?
- Move= move /?
- Path= path /?
- Pause= pause /?
- Popd= popd /?
- Print= print /?
- Prompt= prompt /?
- Pushd= pushd /?
- RemoveDirEmpty= rd /?
- Recover= recover /?
- Remark= rem /?
- Rename= ren /?
- Replace= replace /?
- Set= set /?
- Setlocal= setlocal /?
- Setver= setver /?
- Shift= shift /?
- Sort= sort /?
- Start= start /?
- Subst= subst /?
- Title= title /?
- Tree= tree /?
- Type= type /?
- VerifyCopy= verify
- Volume= vol
- xcopy= xcopy /?
- )
- return
- ;===================== END script =====================================
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