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- wait(1)
- local repo = ''
- local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'Library.lua'))()
- local ThemeManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'addons/ThemeManager.lua'))()
- local SaveManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'addons/SaveManager.lua'))()
- local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local humrp = char.HumanoidRootPart
- if game.GameId == 3057370181 then
- local Window = Library:CreateWindow({
- Title = "Script Owner:xBumke | RB World 4", Center = true, AutoShow = true
- })
- local Tabs = {Main = Window:AddTab("Main"), ['Badge Grind'] = Window:AddTab('Badge Grind'), Misc = Window:AddTab("Misc"), ['UI Settings'] = Window:AddTab('UI Settings')}
- local OptionsBox = Tabs['UI Settings']:AddLeftGroupbox("Options")
- local BadgeBox = Tabs['Badge Grind']:AddLeftGroupbox("Badges")
- local FPSBox = Tabs.Misc:AddLeftGroupbox("FPS")
- local TeleportBox = Tabs.Misc:AddLeftGroupbox("Teleports")
- local OtherBadgeBox = Tabs['Badge Grind']:AddLeftGroupbox("Other")
- local CourtsBox = Tabs['Badge Grind']:AddLeftGroupbox("Courts")
- local AimbotBox = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox("Aimbot")
- local Blocking = Tabs.Main:AddRightGroupbox("Auto-Blocking")
- local Other = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox("Other")
- -- Badge Grind
- BadgeBox:AddToggle("Deep",{Text = "Deep Shooter",Default = false, Tooltip = "Grinds Deep Shooter"})
- Toggles.Deep:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Deep.Value
- if bool then
- local left2s = game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court.6"].Court
- local right2s = game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court.7"].Court
- getgenv().autoDeep = true
- spawn(function()
- while autoDeep == true and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("ball.weld") do
- if getgenv().autoDeep == false then
- return
- end
- if workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == left2s then
- wait()
- wait()
- local teleport_table = {
- location1 =, 8.45813274383545, 215.50180053710938)
- }
- local tween_s = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function bypass_teleport(v)
- if lp.Character and
- lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local cf =
- local a = tween_s:Create(lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart,tweeninfo,{CFrame=cf})
- a:Play()
- a.Completed:Wait()
- end
- end
- bypass_teleport(teleport_table.location1)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(0.9)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(1)
- end
- if workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == right2s then
- wait()
- wait()
- local teleport_table = {
- location1 =, 9, -44)
- }
- local tween_s = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function bypass_teleport(v)
- if lp.Character and
- lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local cf =
- local a = tween_s:Create(lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart,tweeninfo,{CFrame=cf})
- a:Play()
- a.Completed:Wait()
- end
- end
- bypass_teleport(teleport_table.location1)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(0.9)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(1)
- end
- end
- end)
- else
- getgenv().autoDeep = false
- end
- end)
- BadgeBox:AddToggle("Inside",{Text = "Inside Specialist",Default = false, Tooltip = "Grinds Inside Specialist"})
- Toggles.Inside:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Inside.Value
- if bool then
- local left2s = game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court.6"].Court
- local right2s = game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court.7"].Court
- getgenv().autoInside = true
- spawn(function()
- while autoInside == true and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("ball.weld") do
- if getgenv().autoInside == false then
- return
- end
- if workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == left2s then
- wait()
- wait()
- local teleport_table = {
- location1 =, 9, 214)
- }
- local tween_s = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function bypass_teleport(v)
- if lp.Character and
- lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local cf =
- local a = tween_s:Create(lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart,tweeninfo,{CFrame=cf})
- a:Play()
- a.Completed:Wait()
- end
- end
- bypass_teleport(teleport_table.location1)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(0.9)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(1)
- end
- if workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == right2s then
- wait()
- wait()
- local teleport_table = {
- location1 =, 9, -43)
- }
- local tween_s = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function bypass_teleport(v)
- if lp.Character and
- lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local cf =
- local a = tween_s:Create(lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart,tweeninfo,{CFrame=cf})
- a:Play()
- a.Completed:Wait()
- end
- end
- bypass_teleport(teleport_table.location1)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(0.9)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(1)
- end
- end
- end)
- else
- getgenv().autoInside = false
- end
- end)
- BadgeBox:AddToggle("Acro",{Text = "Acrobat",Default = false, Tooltip = "Grinds Acrobat"})
- Toggles.Acro:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Acro.Value
- if bool then
- local left2s = game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court.6"].Court
- local right2s = game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court.7"].Court
- getgenv().autoAcro = true
- spawn(function()
- while autoAcro == true and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("ball.weld") do
- if getgenv().autoAcro == false then
- return
- end
- if workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == left2s then
- wait()
- wait()
- local teleport_table = {
- location1 =, 8.45813274383545, 215.00030517578125)
- }
- local tween_s = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function bypass_teleport(v)
- if lp.Character and
- lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local cf =
- local a = tween_s:Create(lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart,tweeninfo,{CFrame=cf})
- a:Play()
- a.Completed:Wait()
- end
- end
- bypass_teleport(teleport_table.location1)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Sprint",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(true,'S',false,bozo)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(0.95)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(false,'S',false,bozo)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Sprint",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(1)
- end
- if workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == right2s then
- wait()
- wait()
- local teleport_table = {
- location1 =, 9, -32)
- }
- local tween_s = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function bypass_teleport(v)
- if lp.Character and
- lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local cf =
- local a = tween_s:Create(lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart,tweeninfo,{CFrame=cf})
- a:Play()
- a.Completed:Wait()
- end
- end
- bypass_teleport(teleport_table.location1)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Sprint",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(true,'S',false,bozo)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(0.95)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(false,'S',false,bozo)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Sprint",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(1)
- end
- end
- end)
- else
- getgenv().autoAcro = false
- end
- end)
- BadgeBox:AddToggle("Fade",{Text = "Fade Maestro",Default = false, Tooltip = "Grinds Fade Maestro"})
- Toggles.Fade:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Fade.Value
- if bool then
- local left2s = game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court.6"].Court
- local right2s = game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court.7"].Court
- getgenv().autoFade = true
- spawn(function()
- while autoFade == true and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("ball.weld") do
- if getgenv().autoFade == false then
- return
- end
- if workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == left2s then
- wait()
- wait()
- local teleport_table = {
- location1 =, 8.45813274383545, 215.00030517578125)
- }
- local tween_s = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function bypass_teleport(v)
- if lp.Character and
- lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local cf =
- local a = tween_s:Create(lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart,tweeninfo,{CFrame=cf})
- a:Play()
- a.Completed:Wait()
- end
- end
- bypass_teleport(teleport_table.location1)
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(true,'G',false,bozo)
- wait(1.5)
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(true,'S',false,bozo)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(0.95)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(false,'G',false,bozo)
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(false,'S',false,bozo)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(1)
- end
- if workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == right2s then
- wait()
- wait()
- local teleport_table = {
- location1 =, 9, -32)
- }
- local tween_s = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function bypass_teleport(v)
- if lp.Character and
- lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local cf =
- local a = tween_s:Create(lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart,tweeninfo,{CFrame=cf})
- a:Play()
- a.Completed:Wait()
- end
- end
- bypass_teleport(teleport_table.location1)
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(true,'G',false,bozo)
- wait(1.5)
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(true,'S',false,bozo)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(0.95)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(false,'G',false,bozo)
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(false,'S',false,bozo)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(1)
- end
- end
- end)
- else
- getgenv().autoFade = false
- end
- end)
- BadgeBox:AddToggle("Consistent",{Text = "Consistent Finisher",Default = false, Tooltip = "Grinds Consistent Finisher"})
- Toggles.Consistent:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Consistent.Value
- if bool then
- local left2s = game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court.6"].Court
- local right2s = game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court.7"].Court
- getgenv().autoConsistent = true
- spawn(function()
- while autoConsistent == true and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("ball.weld") do
- if getgenv().autoConsistent == false then
- return
- end
- if workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == left2s then
- wait()
- wait()
- local teleport_table = {
- location1 =, 9, 214)
- }
- local tween_s = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function bypass_teleport(v)
- if lp.Character and
- lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local cf =
- local a = tween_s:Create(lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart,tweeninfo,{CFrame=cf})
- a:Play()
- a.Completed:Wait()
- end
- end
- bypass_teleport(teleport_table.location1)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Sprint",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(true,'W',false,bozo)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(0.9)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(false,'W',false,bozo)
- wait(0.25)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Sprint",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(1)
- end
- if workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == right2s then
- wait()
- wait()
- local teleport_table = {
- location1 =, 9, -43)
- }
- local tween_s = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function bypass_teleport(v)
- if lp.Character and
- lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local cf =
- local a = tween_s:Create(lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart,tweeninfo,{CFrame=cf})
- a:Play()
- a.Completed:Wait()
- end
- end
- bypass_teleport(teleport_table.location1)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Sprint",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(true,'W',false,bozo)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(0.9)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(false,'W',false,bozo)
- wait(0.25)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Sprint",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(1)
- end
- end
- end)
- else
- getgenv().autoConsistent = false
- end
- end)
- BadgeBox:AddToggle("Off",{Text = "Off Dribble",Default = false, Tooltip = "Grinds Off Dribble"})
- Toggles.Off:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Off.Value
- if bool then
- local left2s = game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court.6"].Court
- local right2s = game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court.7"].Court
- getgenv().autoOffDribble = true
- spawn(function()
- while autoOffDribble == true and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("ball.weld") do
- if getgenv().autoOffDribble == false then
- return
- end
- if workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == left2s then
- wait()
- wait()
- local teleport_table = {
- location1 =, 9, 213)
- }
- local tween_s = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function bypass_teleport(v)
- if lp.Character and
- lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local cf =
- local a = tween_s:Create(lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart,tweeninfo,{CFrame=cf})
- a:Play()
- a.Completed:Wait()
- end
- end
- bypass_teleport(teleport_table.location1)
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(true,'W',false,bozo)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(0.95)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(false,'W',false,bozo)
- wait(1)
- end
- if workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == right2s then
- wait()
- wait()
- local teleport_table = {
- location1 =, 9, -43)
- }
- local tween_s = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function bypass_teleport(v)
- if lp.Character and
- lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local cf =
- local a = tween_s:Create(lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart,tweeninfo,{CFrame=cf})
- a:Play()
- a.Completed:Wait()
- end
- end
- bypass_teleport(teleport_table.location1)
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(true,'W',false,bozo)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(0.95)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(false,'W',false,bozo)
- wait(1)
- end
- end
- end)
- else
- getgenv().autoOffDribble = false
- end
- end)
- BadgeBox:AddToggle("Focus",{Text = "Focus Shot",Default = false, Tooltip = "Grinds Focus Shot"})
- Toggles.Focus:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Focus.Value
- if bool then
- local left2s = game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court.6"].Court
- local right2s = game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court.7"].Court
- getgenv().autoFocus = true
- spawn(function()
- while autoFocus == true and workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == left2s or workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == right2s do
- if getgenv().autoFocus == false then
- return
- end
- if workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == left2s then
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(true,'G',false,bozo)
- wait()
- wait()
- local teleport_table = {
- location1 =, 9, 214)
- }
- local tween_s = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function bypass_teleport(v)
- if lp.Character and
- lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local cf =
- local a = tween_s:Create(lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart,tweeninfo,{CFrame=cf})
- a:Play()
- a.Completed:Wait()
- end
- end
- bypass_teleport(teleport_table.location1)
- end
- if workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].MyCourt.Value == right2s then
- game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(true,'G',false,bozo)
- wait()
- wait()
- local teleport_table = {
- location1 =, 9, -43)
- }
- local tween_s = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function bypass_teleport(v)
- if lp.Character and
- lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
- local cf =
- local a = tween_s:Create(lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart,tweeninfo,{CFrame=cf})
- a:Play()
- a.Completed:Wait()
- end
- end
- bypass_teleport(teleport_table.location1)
- end
- end
- end)
- else
- getgenv().autoFocus = false
- end
- end)
- OtherBadgeBox:AddToggle("Shoot",{Text = "Auto Shoot",Default = false, Tooltip = "Auto shoots"})
- Toggles.Shoot:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Shoot.Value
- if bool then
- getgenv().autoShoot = true
- spawn(function()
- while autoShoot == true and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("ball.weld") do
- if getgenv().autoShoot == false then
- return
- end
- wait()
- wait()
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(0.9)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(1)
- end
- end)
- else
- getgenv().autoShoot = false
- end
- end)
- OtherBadgeBox:AddToggle("Frozen",{Text = "Freeze",Default = false, Tooltip = "Freezes your character"})
- Toggles.Frozen:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Frozen.Value
- if bool then
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
- else
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
- end
- end)
- OtherBadgeBox:AddToggle("Pass",{Text = "Auto Pass",Default = false, Tooltip = "Auto passes"})
- Toggles.Pass:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Pass.Value
- if bool then
- getgenv().autoPass = true
- spawn(function()
- while autoPass == true and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("ball.weld") do
- if getgenv().autoPass == false then
- return
- end
- wait()
- wait()
- game:GetService('VirtualInputManager'):SendKeyEvent(true,'R',false,uwu)
- wait()
- end
- end)
- else
- getgenv().autoPass = false
- end
- end)
- OtherBadgeBox:AddToggle("Tricky",{Text = "Auto Tricky Pass",Default = false, Tooltip = "Auto tricky passes"})
- Toggles.Tricky:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Tricky.Value
- if bool then
- getgenv().autoTrickyPass = true
- spawn(function()
- while autoTrickyPass == true and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("ball.weld") do
- if getgenv().autoTrickyPass == false then
- return
- end
- wait()
- wait()
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = true
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(0.8)
- game:GetService('VirtualInputManager'):SendKeyEvent(true,'R',false,uwu)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Shoot",
- [2] = false
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction:FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait()
- end
- end)
- else
- getgenv().autoTrickyPass = false
- end
- end)
- OtherBadgeBox:AddToggle("Lob",{Text = "Auto Lob Pass",Default = false, Tooltip = "Auto lob passes"})
- Toggles.Lob:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Lob.Value
- if bool then
- getgenv().autoLobPass = true
- spawn(function()
- while autoLobPass == true and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("ball.weld") do
- if getgenv().autoLobPass == false then
- return
- end
- wait()
- wait()
- game:GetService('VirtualInputManager'):SendKeyEvent(true,'T',false,uwu)
- wait(0.25)
- game:GetService('VirtualInputManager'):SendKeyEvent(true,'R',false,uwu)
- wait(0.5)
- game:GetService('VirtualInputManager'):SendKeyEvent(false,'T',false,uwu)
- end
- end)
- else
- getgenv().autoLobPass = false
- end
- end)
- CourtsBox:AddToggle("Right",{Text = "Auto Hop on Right 2s",Default = false, Tooltip = "Auto hops on right 2s court"})
- Toggles.Right:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Right.Value
- if bool then
- getgenv().rightCourt = true
- spawn(function()
- while rightCourt == true do
- if getgenv().rightCourt == false then
- return
- end
- wait()
- wait()
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 8.44813060760498, -38.84272003173828)
- wait(1)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Join",
- [2] = "7"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Courts:InvokeServer(unpack(args))
- wait(8)
- end
- end)
- else
- getgenv().rightCourt = false
- end
- end)
- CourtsBox:AddToggle("Left",{Text = "Auto Hop on Left 2s",Default = false, Tooltip = "Auto hops on left 2s court"})
- Toggles.Left:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Left.Value
- if bool then
- getgenv().leftCourt = true
- spawn(function()
- while leftCourt == true do
- if getgenv().leftCourt == false then
- return
- end
- wait()
- wait()
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 8.448129653930664, 176.92613220214844)
- wait(1)
- local args = {
- [1] = "Join",
- [2] = "6"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Courts:InvokeServer(unpack(args))
- wait(8)
- end
- end)
- else
- getgenv().leftCourt = false
- end
- end)
- ------
- -- UI Settings
- OptionsBox:AddToggle("Save",{Text = "Auto Save",Default = false, Tooltip = "Auto save your data"})
- OptionsBox:AddToggle("Load",{Text = "Auto Load",Default = false, Tooltip = "Auto load your data"})
- OptionsBox:AddButton("Unload Script",function()
- Library:Unload()
- end)
- ----
- --Misc
- FPSBox:AddToggle("FPS",{Text = "FPS Boost",Default = false, Tooltip = "Boost FPS"})
- Toggles.FPS:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.FPS.Value
- if bool then
- if game.PlaceId == 10107441386 then
- local All_Name = {"Part", "MeshPart", "UnionOperation", "WedgePart"}
- for key, value in pairs(workspace.Park.Ground:GetDescendants()) do
- for i,v in pairs(All_Name) do
- if v == value.ClassName then
- value.Transparency = 1
- end
- end
- end
- for key, value in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
- if value.Name == "Net" then
- value:Destroy()
- end
- end
- game:GetService("Workspace").Park["Path Walls"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Park.Benches:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Park["Trash Cans"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Park.Fences:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace")["Fake Plaza"]:Destroy()
- end
- if game.PlaceId == 10240522770 then
- local All_Name = {"Part", "MeshPart", "UnionOperation", "WedgePart"}
- for key, value in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
- if value.Name == "Net" then
- value:Destroy()
- end
- end
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gym.Building.Pads:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gym.Building["Trash Cans"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gym.Building.Truss:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gym.Building["Walls/Roof"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gym.Building.Ground:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gym.Building["Fire Alarms"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gym.Building["Exit Signs"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gym.Building.Doors:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gym.Building.Outlets:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gym.Building.Switches:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gym.Building.Bleachers:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gym.Building["Officials Table"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gym.Building["Ball Racks"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gym.Building["Out Lights"]:Destroy()
- end
- if game.PlaceId == 8657449735 then
- local All_Name = {"Part", "MeshPart", "UnionOperation", "WedgePart"}
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building.Baseplate.Transparency = 1
- for key, value in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
- if value.Name == "Net" then
- value:Destroy()
- end
- end
- game:GetService("Workspace")["Fake Plaza"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building.Window:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building.Truss:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building.Pads:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building["Exit Signs"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building["Short Poles"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building.Roof:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building["Exit Doors"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building.Outlets:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building.Switches:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building["Fire Alarms"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building.Vents:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building["Vending Machines"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building["Electric Box"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building.Walls:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building["Trash Bin"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building.Lounge:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building["Badge Shelf"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building.Screen:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building.Carpet:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building.FloorSeparate:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building.Mat:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Building["Trash Can"]:Destroy()
- end
- if game.PlaceId == 11708690650 then
- local All_Name = {"Part", "MeshPart", "UnionOperation", "WedgePart"}
- for key, value in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
- if value.Name == "Net" then
- value:Destroy()
- end
- end
- game:GetService("Workspace").Arena.Stands:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Arena.Speakers:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Arena.Roof:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Arena.Jumbotron:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Arena["Prop Lights"]:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Arena.Flashes:Destroy()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Arena["Gate Shadows"]:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end)
- TeleportBox:AddButton("Teleport to Menu",function()
- game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Teleport:InvokeServer("Menu")
- end)
- TeleportBox:AddButton("Teleport to Plaza",function()
- game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Teleport:InvokeServer("Plaza")
- end)
- TeleportBox:AddButton("Teleport to Park",function()
- game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Teleport:InvokeServer("Park")
- end)
- TeleportBox:AddButton("Teleport to Rec",function()
- game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Teleport:InvokeServer("Rec")
- end)
- TeleportBox:AddButton("Teleport to Personal Gym",function()
- game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Teleport:InvokeServer("Personal Gym")
- end)
- ----------
- local AimbotSettings = {toggled,meter,AimbotLoop}
- local BlockSettings = {db,BlockLoop}
- local MagLoop
- local RS = game.RunService
- local Remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameEvents.ClientAction or nil
- -----------------
- -- functions
- local function block(bool)
- local plrs = game.Players
- if not BlockSettings.BlockLoop and not bool then return end
- BlockSettings.BlockLoop = RS.Stepped:Connect(function()
- char:SetAttribute("CanPickUp",true)
- for i,v in pairs(plrs:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Player") then
- local vchar = v.Character
- if not BlockSettings.db and (v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position-humrp.Position).Magnitude <= 9 and vchar:GetAttribute("Shooting") or (v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position-humrp.Position).Magnitude <= 3 and vchar:GetAttribute("Passing") then
- BlockSettings.db = true
- Remote:FireServer("Jump")
- task.wait(3)
- BlockSettings.db = false
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- local function shoot(bool)
- if not AimbotSettings.AimbotLoop and not bool then return end
- if not bool then AimbotSettings.AimbotLoop:Disconnect() return end
- AimbotSettings.AimbotLoop = RS.Stepped:Connect(function()
- if char:GetAttribute("ShotMeter") >= AimbotSettings.meter and char:GetAttribute("ShotMeter") ~= 2 then
- Remote:FireServer("Shoot",false)
- end
- end)
- end
- local function ballmag(bool)
- if not MagLOOP and not bool then return end
- if not bool then MagLOOP:Disconnect() return end
- local hb = char.HitBox
- MagLOOP = RS.Stepped:Connect(function()
- char:SetAttribute("TouchDebounce",true)
- for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name == "Basketball" and v:IsA("Part") then
- firetouchinterest(humrp,v,0)
- firetouchinterest(humrp,v,1)
- firetouchinterest(hb,v,0)
- firetouchinterest(hb,v,1)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- ---------------
- -- AimbotBox
- AimbotBox:AddToggle("Aimbot",{
- Text = "Auto-Aim", Default = false, Tooltip = "Stop Meter at..(change based on ping)"
- })
- Toggles.Aimbot:OnChanged(function()
- shoot(Toggles.Aimbot.Value)
- end)
- AimbotBox:AddSlider("AimbotMeter",{
- Text = "Shot Meter %",
- Default = 95,
- Min = 0,
- Max = 200,
- Rounding = 1,
- Compact = true
- })
- Options.AimbotMeter:OnChanged(function()
- AimbotSettings.meter = Options.AimbotMeter.Value*.01
- end)
- ------
- Other:AddToggle("Hitbox",{Text = "Show Hitbox",Default = false, Tooltip = "Shows your bump hitbox"})
- Toggles.Hitbox:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Hitbox.Value
- if bool then
- char:WaitForChild("HitBox",10).Color = Color3.fromRGB(116, 134, 157)
- char:WaitForChild("HitBox",10).Material = "ForceField"
- char:WaitForChild("HitBox",10).Transparency = 0
- else
- char:WaitForChild("HitBox",10).Transparency = 1
- end
- end)
- Other:AddToggle("Contest",{Text = "Show Contested",Default = false, Tooltip = "Shows your Contested Range"})
- Toggles.Contest:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.Contest.Value
- if bool then
- char:WaitForChild("Pad",10).Color = Color3.fromRGB(116, 134, 157)
- char:WaitForChild("Pad",10).Transparency = 0
- else
- char:WaitForChild("Pad",10).Transparency = 1
- end
- end)
- Other:AddToggle("BallMag",{Text = "Ball Mag",Default = false, Tooltip = "Small Ball Mag for rebounding"})
- Toggles.BallMag:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.BallMag.Value
- ballmag(bool)
- end)
- -----
- Blocking:AddToggle("AutoBlock",{Text = "Auto-Block",Default = false,Tooltip = "Auto Block and the meter level to jump at"})
- Toggles.AutoBlock:OnChanged(function()
- local bool = Toggles.AutoBlock.Value
- block(bool)
- end)
- Blocking:AddSlider("BlockMeter",{Text = "Block Meter",Default = 95, Min =0,Max = 200, Rounding = 0, Compact = true})
- Options.BlockMeter:OnChanged(function()
- BlockSettings.BlockMeter = Options.BlockMeter.Value
- end)
- else
- end
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