
Life Span Motor Development 6th Edition With Web Study Guide

Aug 7th, 2014
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  6. Life Span Motor Development 6th Edition With Web Study Guide by Kathleen Haywood [PDF/ePUB]
  8. Publisher: Human Kinetics; 6 edition (July 16, 2014)
  10. Life Span Motor Development, Sixth Edition With Web Study Guide, uses the model of constraints in discussing reasons for changes in movement throughout the life span, Focusing on assessment more heavily than previous editions, this updated edition encourages students to examine how the interactions of the individual, environment, and task bring about changes in a person’s movements. The principles of motor development are presented in an accessible manner so that even readers with minimal movement science background will comprehend the material.
  12. A key component of the sixth edition is an improved web study guide featuring revised lab activities and better functionality. New to this edition, lab activity record sheets and questions are available as fillable documents so that students can complete and submit them electronically, resulting in increased efficiency and reduced paperwork for instructors. In several labs, guided assessments teach students to observe video and categorize movements accurately. These assessments cue students to look at particular parts of the movement and guide students through questions, answers, and feedback. Then students are provided opportunities for unguided assessments via video clips or live observation, putting into practice what they have learned in the guided assessments. There are also over 100 new video clips in the web study guide, including a comprehensive video diary of the motor development milestones in the first nine months of a baby’s life.
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