
Quackity 3/16/2021 lore stream summary

Mar 18th, 2021
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  1. This was written at first by someone else but I edited it since they missed some details :))
  2. So he had this really cool intro that was very cinematic, then it cut to him and Bad on top of the tower. Quackity asked why he wanted him there, and Bad started talking about how keeps on getting in the way. They talk for a bit then Quackity says that he has something very powerful to show bad. We get a scene of their characters walking to the prison and looking at each other in front of it, then it cuts to Quackity finding a message from Schlatt that tells him to go to some coordinates. Q goes and finds Schlatt in an underground gym that is apparently the afterlife? Schlatt mentions Wilbur, Tommy, and Mexican Dream visiting and seems to know that they're all- including him- dead. They banter for a while, then he says that wants to be revived so he can leave the limbo gym, and Quackity suggests a gamble. If Schlatt wins, Quackity will get the book and revive him. If Q wins, then Schlatt doesn't get revived ever and has to work under Q for no wage. Then it cuts again to Quackity going to Sam to ask him to visit Dream. Before he goes in, Sam tries to say no and that it's too dangerous after what happened to Tommy, but Quackity convinces him to let him visit and have some weapons. Then Q goes and sees Dream, asks about the revival book, and Dream says it's not a physical book, it's just knowledge in his head now because apparently he burned it after reviving Tommy. Q demands Dream tells him how, taking out his weapons and threatening to torture him every day until he does. Then it cuts yet again and there's a cinematic scene of Q destroying El Rapids, breaking the pyramid, breaking out everyone's faces from the poster, while audio flashbacks play in the bg. After he finishes this it suddenly turns to irl, the screen being crumbled and thrown away like a paper while we see a white wall with a calender saying "visit dream" on every day. Someone behind the camera, presumably Quackity, crosses off the first day, then the lore part of the stream ends and he talks to chat for a little until Karl's Jackbox stream starts.
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