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- type: horizontal-stack
- cards:
- - type: custom:flex-table-card
- title: Today
- entities:
- include:
- - sensor.nordpool_ranked_prices
- columns:
- - name: ""
- data: raw_today
- modify: x.hour
- icon: mdi:clock
- - name: ""
- data: raw_today
- icon: mdi:currency-eur
- align: center
- modify: >-
- if ( parseFloat(x.value) >= 8.0) '<div style="background-color:#cc0000;">' + x.value + ' snt</div>';
- else if (x.value >= 5.0) '<div style="background-color:#e67300;">' + x.value + ' snt</div>';
- else if ( x.value <5.0) '<div style="background-color:#3CB371;">' + x.value +' snt</div>';
- - name: ""
- data: raw_today
- modify: x.rank
- icon: mdi:chart-areaspline
- align: right
- - type: custom:flex-table-card
- title: Tomorrow
- entities:
- include:
- - sensor.nordpool_ranked_prices
- columns:
- - name: ""
- data: raw_tomorrow
- modify: if ( x.value == undefined ) ""; else x.hour;
- icon: mdi:clock
- - name: ""
- data: raw_tomorrow
- icon: mdi:currency-eur
- align: center
- modify: >-
- if ( parseFloat(x.value) >= 8.0) '<div style="background-color:#cc0000;">' + x.value + ' snt</div>';
- else if (x.value >= 5.0) '<div style="background-color:#e67300;">' + x.value + ' snt</div>';
- else if ( x.value <5.0) '<div style="background-color:#3CB371;">' + x.value +' snt</div>';
- else "";
- - name: ""
- data: raw_tomorrow
- modify: if ( x.value == undefined ) ""; else x.rank;
- icon: mdi:chart-areaspline
- align: right
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